/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ocm.c Abstract: OC Manager implementation for intergratation with NT base setup Author: Ted Miller (tedm) 20 May 1997 Revision History: --*/ #include "setupp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #include // Returns TRUE if ASR is enabled. Otherwise, FALSE is returned. BOOL AsrIsEnabled(VOID); VOID OcFillInSetupDataW( OUT PSETUP_DATAW SetupData ); VOID OcFillInSetupDataA( OUT PSETUP_DATAA SetupData ); VOID OcSetReboot( VOID ); INT OcLogError( IN OcErrorLevel Level, IN LPCWSTR FormatString, ... ); OCM_CLIENT_CALLBACKS OcManagerImplementationCallbackRoutines = { OcFillInSetupDataA, OcLogError, OcSetReboot, OcFillInSetupDataW, ShowHideWizardPage, Billboard_Progress_Callback, Billboard_Set_Progress_Text, pSetupDebugPrint }; PVOID FireUpOcManager( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize OC Manager, generating an OC Manager context. The master oc inf is assumed to be %windir%\system32\SYSOC.INF. Arguments: None. Return Value: OC Manager context handle. --*/ { PWSTR MasterOcInf; WCHAR SystemDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DirSave[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ShowErr; PVOID OcManagerContext; // // save the current directory // if(!GetCurrentDirectory(ARRAYSIZE(DirSave), DirSave)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } // // get the system directory // if(!GetSystemDirectory(SystemDir, ARRAYSIZE(SystemDir))){ MYASSERT(FALSE); return NULL; } // // set the current dir to the master oc inf path // so that OcInitialize can find the component DLLs // SetCurrentDirectory( SystemDir ); // // create a valid path to the master oc inf // if( !MiniSetup ) { if (!AsrIsEnabled()) { MasterOcInf = L"SYSOC.INF"; } else { MasterOcInf = L"ASROC.INF"; } } else { MasterOcInf = L"MINIOC.INF"; } // // initialize the oc manager // BEGIN_SECTION(L"Initializing the OC manager"); OcManagerContext = OcInitialize( &OcManagerImplementationCallbackRoutines, MasterOcInf, OCINIT_FORCENEWINF, &ShowErr, NULL ); END_SECTION(L"Initializing the OC manager"); // // restore the current directory // SetCurrentDirectory( DirSave ); // // return the oc manager handle // return OcManagerContext; } VOID KillOcManager( PVOID OcManagerContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Terminate OC Manager Arguments: OC Manager context handle. Return Value: none --*/ { MYASSERT(OcManagerContext); if (OcManagerContext) OcTerminate(&OcManagerContext); } VOID OcFillInSetupDataW( OUT PSETUP_DATAW SetupData ) /*++ Routine Description: "Glue" routine called by the OC Manager to request that the implementation fill in setup data to be passed to OC Manager component DLLs that expect Unicode data. Arguments: SetupData - recieves setup data expected by OC components. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // It's not possible to be any more specific than this because // the mode page hasn't been shown yet. // SetupData->SetupMode = SETUPMODE_UNKNOWN; SetupData->ProductType = ProductType; lstrcpy(SetupData->SourcePath,SourcePath); SetupData->OperationFlags = 0; if(Win31Upgrade) { SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_WIN31UPGRADE; } if(Win95Upgrade) { SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_WIN95UPGRADE; } if(Upgrade) { SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_NTUPGRADE; } if(UnattendMode > UAM_PROVIDEDEFAULT) { SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_BATCH; lstrcpy(SetupData->UnattendFile,AnswerFile); } // // Which files are available? // #if defined(_AMD64_) SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_X86_FILES_AVAIL | SETUPOP_AMD64_FILES_AVAIL; #elif defined(_X86_) SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_X86_FILES_AVAIL; #elif defined(_IA64_) SetupData->OperationFlags |= SETUPOP_X86_FILES_AVAIL | SETUPOP_IA64_FILES_AVAIL; #else #pragma message( "*** Warning! No architecture defined!") #endif } VOID OcFillInSetupDataA( OUT PSETUP_DATAA SetupData ) /*++ Routine Description: "Glue" routine called by the OC Manager to request that the implementation fill in setup data to be passed to OC Manager component DLLs that expect ANSI data. Arguments: SetupData - recieves setup data expected by OC components. Return Value: None. --*/ { SETUP_DATAW setupdata; OcFillInSetupDataW(&setupdata); SetupData->SetupMode = setupdata.SetupMode; SetupData->ProductType = setupdata.ProductType; SetupData->OperationFlags = setupdata.OperationFlags; if(!WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, setupdata.SourcePath, -1, SetupData->SourcePath, sizeof(SetupData->SourcePath), NULL, NULL )){ MYASSERT(FALSE); } if(!WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, setupdata.UnattendFile, -1, SetupData->UnattendFile, sizeof(SetupData->UnattendFile), NULL, NULL )){ MYASSERT(FALSE); } } VOID OcSetReboot( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: "Glue" routine called by the OC Manager when a reboot is deemed necessary by an OC Manager component. For this integrated version of OC Manager, this does nothing; the system is rebooted at the end of text mode. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { return; } INT OcLogError( IN OcErrorLevel Level, IN LPCWSTR FormatString, ... ) { TCHAR str[4096]; va_list arglist; UINT Icon; UINT lev; va_start(arglist,FormatString); _vsntprintf(str, ARRAYSIZE(str), FormatString, arglist); // null terminate string. str[ARRAYSIZE(str) - 1] = '\0'; va_end(arglist); if (Level & OcErrLevWarning) lev = LogSevWarning; else if (Level & OcErrLevError) lev = LogSevError; else if (Level & OcErrLevFatal) lev = LogSevError; else lev = LogSevInformation; #if DBG if (lev != LogSevInformation) { SetupDebugPrint(str); } #endif SetuplogError(lev, str, 0, NULL, NULL); return NO_ERROR; } HWND ShowHideWizardPage( IN BOOL bShow ) { HWND hwnd = GetBBhwnd(); if (hwnd) { SendMessage(WizardHandle, WMX_BBTEXT, (WPARAM)!bShow, 0); } // If we show the wizard again, return the wizard hwnd if (bShow) { // Should hide the progress bar, the wizard page is showing. BB_ShowProgressGaugeWnd(SW_HIDE); hwnd = WizardHandle; } return hwnd; } LRESULT Billboard_Progress_Callback( IN UINT Msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lResult; if ((Msg == PBM_SETRANGE) || (Msg == PBM_SETRANGE32)) { // Also enable the progress bar // Note: No hiding of the progress this way. BB_ShowProgressGaugeWnd(SW_SHOW); lResult = ProgressGaugeMsgWrapper(Msg, wParam, lParam); } else { lResult = ProgressGaugeMsgWrapper(Msg, wParam, lParam); } return lResult; } VOID Billboard_Set_Progress_Text(LPCTSTR Text) { BB_SetProgressText(Text); }