/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: bootsect.c Abstract: This module implements access to the boot sector. Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 21-Oct-1998 Revision History: --*/ #include "cmdcons.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma hdrstop extern unsigned ConsoleX; WCHAR TemporaryBuffer[16384]; WCHAR DriveLetterSpecified; BOOLEAN DidIt; NTSTATUS pSpBootCodeIoC( IN PWSTR FilePath, IN PWSTR AdditionalFilePath, OPTIONAL IN ULONG BytesToRead, IN PUCHAR *Buffer, IN ULONG OpenDisposition, IN BOOLEAN Write, IN ULONGLONG Offset, IN ULONG BytesPerSector ); VOID SpDetermineOsTypeFromBootSectorC( IN PWSTR CColonPath, IN PUCHAR BootSector, OUT PUCHAR *OsDescription, OUT PBOOLEAN IsNtBootcode, OUT PBOOLEAN IsOtherOsInstalled, IN WCHAR DriveLetter ); // prototypes ULONG RcStampBootSectorOntoDisk( VOID ); BOOL RcEnumDiskRegionsCallback( IN PPARTITIONED_DISK Disk, IN PDISK_REGION Region, IN ULONG_PTR Ignore ); VOID RcLayBootCode( IN OUT PDISK_REGION CColonRegion ); ULONG RcCmdFixBootSect( IN PTOKENIZED_LINE TokenizedLine ) /*++ Routine Description: Top-level routine supporting the FIXBOOT command in the setup diagnostic command interpreter. FIXBOOT writes a new bootsector onto the system partition. Arguments: TokenizedLine - supplies structure built by the line parser describing each string on the line as typed by the user. Return Value: TRUE. --*/ { /* WCHAR szText[2]; PWSTR szYesNo = NULL; BOOLEAN bConfirmed = FALSE; WCHAR szMsg[512] = {0}; PWSTR szDriveSpecified = 0; PWSTR szConfirmMsg = 0; */ if (RcCmdParseHelp(TokenizedLine, MSG_FIXBOOT_HELP)) { return 1; } if (TokenizedLine->TokenCount == 2) { // // a drive letter is specified // DriveLetterSpecified = TokenizedLine->Tokens->Next->String[0]; // szDriveSpecified = TokenizedLine->Tokens->Next->String; } else { DriveLetterSpecified = 0; } /* if (!InBatchMode) { szYesNo = SpRetreiveMessageText(ImageBase, MSG_YESNO, NULL, 0); szConfirmMsg = SpRetreiveMessageText(ImageBase, MSG_FIXBOOT_ARE_YOU_SURE, NULL, 0); if(!szYesNo || !szConfirmMsg) { bConfirmed = TRUE; } while (!bConfirmed) { swprintf(szMsg, szConfirmMsg, szDriveSpecified); RcTextOut(szMsg); if(RcLineIn(szText,2)) { if((szText[0] == szYesNo[0]) || (szText[0] == szYesNo[1])) { // // Wants to do it. // bConfirmed = TRUE; } else { if((szText[0] == szYesNo[2]) || (szText[0] == szYesNo[3])) { // // Doesn't want to do it. // break; } } } } } if (bConfirmed) */ RcStampBootSectorOntoDisk(); return TRUE; } ULONG RcStampBootSectorOntoDisk( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Setup the enumerate disk regions call, so we can do the boot sector. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE. --*/ { // enumerate the partitions DidIt = FALSE; SpEnumerateDiskRegions( (PSPENUMERATEDISKREGIONS)RcEnumDiskRegionsCallback, 1 ); if (!DidIt) { RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_INVALID ); } return TRUE; } BOOL RcEnumDiskRegionsCallback( IN PPARTITIONED_DISK Disk, IN PDISK_REGION Region, IN ULONG_PTR Ignore ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback routine passed to SpEnumDiskRegions. Arguments: Region - a pointer to a disk region returned by SpEnumDiskRegions Ignore - ignored parameter Return Value: TRUE - to continue enumeration FALSE - to end enumeration --*/ { if (Region->PartitionedSpace) { if (DriveLetterSpecified) { if( RcToUpper(DriveLetterSpecified) == RcToUpper(Region->DriveLetter) ) { RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_INFO1, Region->DriveLetter ); RcLayBootCode( Region ); DidIt = TRUE; return FALSE; } } else if (Region->IsSystemPartition) { DEBUG_PRINTF(( "system partition is %wc\n", Region->DriveLetter )); RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_INFO1, Region->DriveLetter ); RcLayBootCode( Region ); DidIt = TRUE; return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } VOID RcLayBootCode( IN OUT PDISK_REGION CColonRegion ) /*++ Routine Description: RcLayBootCode contains the code that replaces the boot sector on the targetted disk region. Arguments: CColonRegion - the startup partition for the system. Return Value: None. --*/ { PUCHAR NewBootCode; ULONG BootCodeSize; PUCHAR ExistingBootCode = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; NTSTATUS rc; PUCHAR ExistingBootCodeOs = NULL; PWSTR CColonPath; HANDLE PartitionHandle; //PWSTR BootsectDosName = L"\\bootsect.dos"; //PWSTR OldBootsectDosName = L"\\bootsect.bak"; //PWSTR BootSectDosFullName, OldBootSectDosFullName, p; BOOLEAN IsNtBootcode,OtherOsInstalled, FileExist; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; BOOLEAN BootSectorCorrupt = FALSE; ULONG MirrorSector; ULONG BytesPerSector; ULONG SectorsPerTrack; ULONG TracksPerCylinder; ULONGLONG ActualSectorCount, hidden_sectors, super_area_size; UCHAR SysId; ULONGLONG HiddenSectorCount,VolumeSectorCount; //NEC98 PUCHAR DiskArraySectorData,TmpBuffer; //NEC98 IO_STATUS_BLOCK StatusBlock; UCHAR InfoBuffer[2048]; WCHAR szText[2]; PWSTR szYesNo = NULL; BOOLEAN bConfirmed = FALSE; //WCHAR szMsg[512] = {0}; WCHAR szDriveSpecified[8] = {0}; if (!InBatchMode) { // // get confirmation from user before proceeding // szYesNo = SpRetreiveMessageText(ImageBase, MSG_YESNO, NULL, 0); szDriveSpecified[0] = CColonRegion->DriveLetter; szDriveSpecified[1] = L':'; szDriveSpecified[2] = 0; if(!szYesNo || !szDriveSpecified[0]) { bConfirmed = TRUE; } while (!bConfirmed) { RcMessageOut(MSG_FIXBOOT_ARE_YOU_SURE, szDriveSpecified); if(RcLineIn(szText,2)) { if((szText[0] == szYesNo[0]) || (szText[0] == szYesNo[1])) { // // Wants to do it. // bConfirmed = TRUE; } else { if((szText[0] == szYesNo[2]) || (szText[0] == szYesNo[3])) { // // Doesn't want to do it. // break; } } } } } if (!bConfirmed) return; // user did not want to proceed switch( CColonRegion->Filesystem ) { case FilesystemNewlyCreated: // // If the filesystem is newly-created, then there is // nothing to do, because there can be no previous // operating system. // return; case FilesystemNtfs: NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? NtfsBootCode : PC98NtfsBootCode; //NEC98 BootCodeSize = (!IsNEC_98) ? sizeof(NtfsBootCode) : sizeof(PC98NtfsBootCode); //NEC98 ASSERT(BootCodeSize == 8192); RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FS, L"NTFS" ); break; case FilesystemFat: NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? FatBootCode : PC98FatBootCode; //NEC98 BootCodeSize = (!IsNEC_98) ? sizeof(FatBootCode) : sizeof(PC98FatBootCode); //NEC98 ASSERT(BootCodeSize == 512); RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FS, L"FAT" ); break; case FilesystemFat32: // // Special hackage required for Fat32 because its NT boot code // is discontiguous. // ASSERT(sizeof(Fat32BootCode) == 1536); NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? Fat32BootCode : PC98Fat32BootCode; //NEC98 BootCodeSize = 512; RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FS, L"FAT32" ); break; default: // we assume that the boot sector is corrupt if it is // not a FAT or NTFS boot partition. BootSectorCorrupt = TRUE; DEBUG_PRINTF(("CMDCONS: bogus filesystem %u for C:!\n",CColonRegion->Filesystem)); RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_NO_VALID_FS ); } // // Form the device path to C: and open the partition. // SpNtNameFromRegion( CColonRegion, TemporaryBuffer, sizeof(TemporaryBuffer), PartitionOrdinalCurrent ); CColonPath = SpDupStringW( TemporaryBuffer ); INIT_OBJA(&Obja,&UnicodeString,CColonPath); Status = ZwCreateFile( &PartitionHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, &Obja, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DEBUG_PRINTF(("CMDCONS: unable to open the partition for C:!\n")); RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FAILED1 ); return; } // // get disk geometry // rc = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( PartitionHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &StatusBlock, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, InfoBuffer, sizeof( InfoBuffer ) ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( rc )) { RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_READ_ERROR ); } else { // // retrieve the sector size and other info // BytesPerSector = ((DISK_GEOMETRY*)InfoBuffer)->BytesPerSector; TracksPerCylinder = ((DISK_GEOMETRY*)InfoBuffer)->TracksPerCylinder; SectorsPerTrack = ((DISK_GEOMETRY*)InfoBuffer)->SectorsPerTrack; } // // Enable extended DASD I/O so we can read the last sector on the // disk. // rc = ZwFsControlFile( PartitionHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &StatusBlock, FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(rc) ); // // Allocate a buffer and read in the boot sector(s) currently on the disk. // if (BootSectorCorrupt) { // // The partition is UNKNOWN or cannot be determined by the system. // // // We can't determine the file system type from the boot sector, so // we assume it's NTFS if we find a mirror sector, and FAT otherwise. // RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_DETERMINE ); DEBUG_PRINTF(( "BootSectorCorrupt TRUE\n" )); // // First, attempt to find an NTFS mirror boot sector. // MirrorSector = NtfsMirrorBootSector (PartitionHandle, BytesPerSector, &ExistingBootCode); if (MirrorSector) { // // It's NTFS - use the mirror boot sector to recover the drive. // RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FOUND_NTFS ); NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? NtfsBootCode : PC98NtfsBootCode; //NEC98 BootCodeSize = (!IsNEC_98) ? sizeof(NtfsBootCode) : sizeof(PC98NtfsBootCode); //NEC98 ASSERT(BootCodeSize == 8192); CColonRegion->Filesystem = FilesystemNtfs; IsNtBootcode = TRUE; } else { // // It's FAT - create a new boot sector since there's no mirror. // RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FOUND_FAT ); NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? FatBootCode : PC98FatBootCode; //NEC98 BootCodeSize = (!IsNEC_98) ? sizeof(FatBootCode) : sizeof(PC98FatBootCode); //NEC98 ASSERT(BootCodeSize == 512); CColonRegion->Filesystem = FilesystemFat; IsNtBootcode = FALSE; SpPtGetSectorLayoutInformation( CColonRegion, &hidden_sectors, &ActualSectorCount ); // // No alignment requirement here // ExistingBootCode = SpMemAlloc(BytesPerSector); // // This will actually fail with STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL // but it will fill in the bpb info, which is what we want. // FmtFillFormatBuffer ( ActualSectorCount, BytesPerSector, SectorsPerTrack, TracksPerCylinder, hidden_sectors, ExistingBootCode, BytesPerSector, &super_area_size, NULL, 0, &SysId ); } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if( CColonRegion->Filesystem == FilesystemNtfs ) { // // The partition is NTFS. // // // We use the mirror sector to repair a NTFS file system // if we can find one. // MirrorSector = NtfsMirrorBootSector( PartitionHandle, BytesPerSector, &ExistingBootCode ); if( !MirrorSector ) { // // Just use existing NTFS boot code. // Status = pSpBootCodeIoC( CColonPath, NULL, BootCodeSize, &ExistingBootCode, FILE_OPEN, FALSE, 0, BytesPerSector ); } } else { // // The partition is FAT. // // // Just use existing boot code since // there is no mirror sector on FAT. // Status = pSpBootCodeIoC( CColonPath, NULL, BootCodeSize, &ExistingBootCode, FILE_OPEN, FALSE, 0, BytesPerSector ); } if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // // Determine the type of operating system the existing boot sector(s) are for // and whether that os is actually installed. Note that we don't need to call // this for NTFS. // // RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_CHECKING_OS ); if( BootSectorCorrupt ) { // // If the boot sector is corrupt, we don't assume // another OS was installed. // OtherOsInstalled = FALSE; ExistingBootCodeOs = NULL; } else if( CColonRegion->Filesystem != FilesystemNtfs ) { // If the file system is FAT, DOS could have been installed // previously. SpDetermineOsTypeFromBootSectorC( CColonPath, ExistingBootCode, &ExistingBootCodeOs, &IsNtBootcode, &OtherOsInstalled, CColonRegion->DriveLetter ); } else { // // Otherwise, it's NTFS, and another OS type // couldn't have been installed. // IsNtBootcode = TRUE; OtherOsInstalled = FALSE; ExistingBootCodeOs = NULL; } if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { // // Transfer the bpb from the existing boot sector into the boot code buffer // and make sure the physical drive field is set to hard disk (0x80). // // The first three bytes of the NT boot code are going to be something like // EB 3C 90, which is intel jump instruction to an offset in the boot sector, // past the BPB, to continue execution. We want to preserve everything in the // current boot sector up to the start of that code. Instead of hard coding // a value, we'll use the offset of the jump instruction to determine how many // bytes must be preserved. // RtlMoveMemory(NewBootCode+3,ExistingBootCode+3,NewBootCode[1]-1); if( CColonRegion->Filesystem != FilesystemFat32 ) { // // On fat32 this overwrites the BigNumFatSecs field, // a very bad thing to do indeed! // NewBootCode[36] = 0x80; } // // get Hidden sector informatin. // if( IsNEC_98 ) { //NEC98 SpPtGetSectorLayoutInformation( CColonRegion, &HiddenSectorCount, &VolumeSectorCount // not used ); } //NEC98 // // Write out boot code buffer, which now contains the valid bpb, // to the boot sector(s). // RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_WRITING ); Status = pSpBootCodeIoC( CColonPath, NULL, BootCodeSize, &NewBootCode, FILE_OPEN, TRUE, 0, BytesPerSector ); // // Special case for Fat32, which has a second sector of boot code // at sector 12, discontiguous from the code on sector 0. // if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (CColonRegion->Filesystem == FilesystemFat32) ) { NewBootCode = (!IsNEC_98) ? Fat32BootCode + 1024 : PC98Fat32BootCode + 1024; //NEC98 Status = pSpBootCodeIoC( CColonPath, NULL, BootCodeSize, &NewBootCode, FILE_OPEN, TRUE, 12*512, BytesPerSector ); } // // Update the mirror boot sector. // if( (CColonRegion->Filesystem == FilesystemNtfs) && MirrorSector ) { WriteNtfsBootSector(PartitionHandle,BytesPerSector,NewBootCode,MirrorSector); } } if( ExistingBootCodeOs ) { SpMemFree(ExistingBootCodeOs); } } if( ExistingBootCode ) { SpMemFree(ExistingBootCode); } SpMemFree(CColonPath); ZwClose (PartitionHandle); // // Handle the error case. // if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_FIX_ERROR ); } else { RcMessageOut( MSG_FIXBOOT_DONE ); } }