/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dynupdt.c Abstract: Dynamic Update support for text setup. Portions moved from i386\win31upg.c Author: Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) 20-Aug-2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "spprecmp.h" #pragma hdrstop // // Macros // #define MAX_SECTION_NAME_LENGTH 14 #define UPDATES_SECTION_NAME L"updates" #define UNIPROC_SECTION_NAME L"uniproc" // // Globals // HANDLE g_UpdatesCabHandle = NULL; PVOID g_UpdatesSifHandle = NULL; HANDLE g_UniprocCabHandle = NULL; PVOID g_UniprocSifHandle = NULL; WCHAR SpExtractDriveLetter( IN PWSTR PathComponent ); BOOLEAN SpInitAlternateSource ( VOID ) { PWSTR p; PWSTR path; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG ErrorLine; WCHAR updatesCab[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR updatesSif[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR updatesSifSection[MAX_SECTION_NAME_LENGTH]; WCHAR uniprocCab[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR uniprocSif[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR uniprocSifSection[MAX_SECTION_NAME_LENGTH]; BOOLEAN bUniprocCab = FALSE; BOOLEAN b = FALSE; // // look if section [SetupParams] has an UpdatedSources key // p = SpGetSectionKeyIndex (WinntSifHandle, SIF_SETUPPARAMS, SIF_UPDATEDSOURCES, 0); if (!p) { return FALSE; } path = SpNtPathFromDosPath (p); if (!path) { goto exit; } b = SUCCEEDED (StringCchCopyW (updatesCab, ELEMENT_COUNT(updatesCab), path)); SpMemFree (path); if (!b) { goto exit; } b = FALSE; // // this always works because the 2 buffers have identical sizes // ASSERT (ELEMENT_COUNT(updatesSif) >= ELEMENT_COUNT(updatesCab)); wcscpy (updatesSif, updatesCab); p = wcsrchr (updatesSif, L'.'); if (!p) { p = wcsrchr (updatesSif, 0); } if (FAILED (StringCchCopyW (p, updatesSif + ELEMENT_COUNT(updatesSif) - p, L".sif"))) { goto exit; } // // load the sif // Status = SpLoadSetupTextFile ( updatesSif, NULL, // No image already in memory 0, // Image size is empty &g_UpdatesSifHandle, &ErrorLine, FALSE, FALSE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpInitAlternateSource: Unable to read %ws. ErrorLine = %ld, Status = %lx \n", updatesSif, ErrorLine, Status )); goto exit; } ASSERT (ELEMENT_COUNT(updatesSifSection) >= ELEMENT_COUNT(UPDATES_SECTION_NAME)); wcscpy (updatesSifSection, UPDATES_SECTION_NAME); if (!SpSearchTextFileSection (g_UpdatesSifHandle, updatesSifSection) || SpCountLinesInSection (g_UpdatesSifHandle, updatesSifSection) == 0) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpInitAlternateSource: Section [%ws] not found or empty in %ws.\n", updatesSifSection, updatesSif )); goto exit; } p = SpGetSectionKeyIndex (WinntSifHandle, SIF_SETUPPARAMS, SIF_UPDATEDSOURCES, 1); if (p && *p) { path = SpNtPathFromDosPath (p); if (!path) { goto exit; } b = SUCCEEDED (StringCchCopyW (uniprocCab, ELEMENT_COUNT(uniprocCab), path)); SpMemFree (path); if (!b) { goto exit; } b = FALSE; ASSERT (ELEMENT_COUNT(uniprocSif) >= ELEMENT_COUNT(uniprocCab)); wcscpy (uniprocSif, uniprocCab); p = wcsrchr (uniprocSif, L'.'); if (!p) { p = wcsstr (uniprocSif, 0); } if (FAILED (StringCchCopyW (p, uniprocSif + ELEMENT_COUNT(uniprocSif) - p, L".sif"))) { goto exit; } // // load the sif // Status = SpLoadSetupTextFile ( uniprocSif, NULL, // No image already in memory 0, // Image size is empty &g_UniprocSifHandle, &ErrorLine, FALSE, FALSE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpInitAlternateSource: Unable to read %ws. ErrorLine = %ld, Status = %lx \n", uniprocSif, ErrorLine, Status )); goto exit; } ASSERT (ELEMENT_COUNT(uniprocSifSection) >= ELEMENT_COUNT(UNIPROC_SECTION_NAME)); wcscpy (uniprocSifSection, UNIPROC_SECTION_NAME); if (!SpSearchTextFileSection (g_UniprocSifHandle, uniprocSifSection) || SpCountLinesInSection (g_UniprocSifHandle, uniprocSifSection) == 0) { KdPrintEx(( DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpInitAlternateSource: Section [%ws] not found or empty in %ws.\n", uniprocSifSection, uniprocSif )); goto exit; } bUniprocCab = TRUE; } KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "SETUP: SpInitAlternateSource: Using alternate sources: %ws\n", updatesCab)); b = SpInitializeUpdatesCab ( updatesCab, updatesSifSection, bUniprocCab ? uniprocCab : NULL, bUniprocCab ? uniprocSifSection : NULL ); exit: if (!b) { SpUninitAlternateSource (); } return b; } VOID SpUninitAlternateSource ( VOID ) { if (g_UpdatesSifHandle) { SpFreeTextFile (g_UpdatesSifHandle); g_UpdatesSifHandle = NULL; } if (g_UniprocSifHandle) { SpFreeTextFile (g_UniprocSifHandle); g_UniprocSifHandle = NULL; } } BOOLEAN SpInitializeUpdatesCab ( IN PWSTR UpdatesCab, IN PWSTR UpdatesSifSection, IN PWSTR UniprocCab, IN PWSTR UniprocSifSection ) { PWSTR CabFileSection; NTSTATUS Status; PWSTR DriverCabName, DriverCabPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Obja; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; CABDATA *MyCabData, *MyList = NULL; DWORD i; BOOLEAN b = TRUE; INIT_OBJA (&Obja, &UnicodeString, UpdatesCab); Status = ZwCreateFile (&g_UpdatesCabHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ, &Obja, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_OPEN, 0, NULL, 0 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: Unable to open cab file %ws. Status = %lx \n", UpdatesCab, Status)); return FALSE; } // // create the list entry // MyCabData = SpMemAlloc (sizeof(CABDATA)); MyCabData->CabName = SpDupStringW (UpdatesCab); MyCabData->CabHandle = g_UpdatesCabHandle; MyCabData->CabSectionName = SpDupStringW (UpdatesSifSection); MyCabData->CabInfHandle = g_UpdatesSifHandle; MyCabData->Next = MyList; MyList = MyCabData; if (UniprocCab) { INIT_OBJA (&Obja, &UnicodeString, UniprocCab); Status = ZwCreateFile (&g_UniprocCabHandle, FILE_GENERIC_READ, &Obja, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_OPEN, 0, NULL, 0 ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_SETUP_ID, DPFLTR_ERROR_LEVEL, "SETUP: Unable to open cab file %ws. Status = %lx \n", UniprocCab, Status)); b = FALSE; goto exit; } // // create the list entry // MyCabData = SpMemAlloc (sizeof(CABDATA)); MyCabData->CabName = SpDupStringW (UniprocCab); MyCabData->CabHandle = g_UniprocCabHandle; MyCabData->CabSectionName = SpDupStringW (UniprocSifSection); MyCabData->CabInfHandle = g_UniprocSifHandle; MyCabData->Next = MyList; MyList = MyCabData; } exit: if (b) { // // insert it at the beginning // while (MyList && MyList->Next) { MyList = MyList->Next; } if (MyList) { MyList->Next = CabData; CabData = MyList; } } else { // // destroy MyList // while (MyList) { MyCabData = MyList->Next; MyList = MyCabData; SpMemFree (MyCabData->CabName); SpMemFree (MyCabData->CabSectionName); SpMemFree (MyCabData); } } return b; } PWSTR SpNtPathFromDosPath ( IN PWSTR DosPath ) { PDISK_REGION region; WCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; WCHAR dir[_MAX_DIR]; WCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME]; WCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT]; PWSTR p; if (!DosPath) { return NULL; } region = SpPathComponentToRegion (DosPath); if (!region) { return NULL; } if (DosPath[2] != L'\\') { return NULL; } SpNtNameFromRegion (region, TemporaryBuffer, ELEMENT_COUNT(TemporaryBuffer), PartitionOrdinalCurrent); if (FAILED (StringCchCatW (TemporaryBuffer, ELEMENT_COUNT(TemporaryBuffer), DosPath + 2))) { return NULL; } return SpDupStringW (TemporaryBuffer); } PDISK_REGION SpPathComponentToRegion( IN PWSTR PathComponent ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine attempts to locate a region descriptor for a given DOS path component. If the DOS path component does not start with x:, then this fails. Arguments: PathComponent - supplies a component from the DOS search path, for which a region esacriptor is desired. Return Value: Pointer to disk region; NULL if none found with drive letter that starts the dos component. --*/ { WCHAR c; ULONG disk; PDISK_REGION region; c = SpExtractDriveLetter(PathComponent); if(!c) { return(NULL); } for(disk=0; diskNext) { if(region->DriveLetter == c) { ASSERT(region->PartitionedSpace); return(region); } } // // Do not see extended partition on PC98. // for(region=PartitionedDisks[disk].ExtendedDiskRegions; region; region=region->Next) { if(region->DriveLetter == c) { ASSERT(region->PartitionedSpace); return(region); } } } return(NULL); } WCHAR SpExtractDriveLetter( IN PWSTR PathComponent ) { WCHAR c; if((wcslen(PathComponent) >= 2) && (PathComponent[1] == L':')) { c = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(PathComponent[0]); if((c >= L'A') && (c <= L'Z')) { return(c); } } return(0); } PWSTR SpGetDynamicUpdateBootDriverPath( IN PWSTR NtBootPath, IN PWSTR NtBootDir, IN PVOID InfHandle ) /*++ Routine Description: Gets the dynamic update boot driver directory's root path. Arguments: NtBootPath - Boot path in NT namespace NtBootDir - Boot directory under boot path (like $WIN_NT$.~BT) InfHandle - Winnt.sif handle Return Value: Returns the dynamic update boot driver root path if successful otherwise returns NULL --*/ { PWSTR DriverDir = NULL; if (NtBootPath && NtBootDir && InfHandle) { PWSTR Present = SpGetSectionKeyIndex(InfHandle, WINNT_SETUPPARAMS_W, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTBOOTDRIVERPRESENT_W, 0); PWSTR Dir = SpGetSectionKeyIndex(InfHandle, WINNT_SETUPPARAMS_W, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTBOOTDRIVERROOT_W, 0); if (Dir && Present && !_wcsicmp(Present, L"yes")) { WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(Buffer, NtBootPath); SpConcatenatePaths(Buffer, NtBootDir); // // NOTE : Currently ignore boot driver root path // // SpConcatenatePaths(Buffer, Dir); DriverDir = SpDupStringW(Buffer); } } return DriverDir; }