/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sphelp.c Abstract: Routines for displaying on-line help during text setup. Author: Ted Miller (tedm) 2-Aug-1993 Revision History: --*/ #include "spprecmp.h" #pragma hdrstop #define MAX_HELP_SCREENS 100 PWSTR HelpScreen[MAX_HELP_SCREENS+1]; VOID SpHelp( IN ULONG MessageId, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR FileText, OPTIONAL IN ULONG Flags ) { UCHAR StatusAttribute, BackgroundAttribute, HeaderAttribute, ClientAttribute, ClientIntenseAttribute; PWSTR HelpText,p,q; ULONG ScreenCount; ULONG ValidKeys[8]; ULONG CurrentScreen; ULONG y; BOOLEAN Intense; BOOLEAN Done; unsigned kc; // // Pick the video attributes we want // if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { StatusAttribute = DEFAULT_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE; BackgroundAttribute = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND; HeaderAttribute = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE; ClientAttribute = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE; ClientIntenseAttribute = (ATT_FG_INTENSE | ATT_BG_INTENSE); } else { StatusAttribute = (ATT_FG_WHITE | ATT_BG_BLUE); BackgroundAttribute = ATT_WHITE; HeaderAttribute = (ATT_FG_BLUE | ATT_BG_WHITE); ClientAttribute = (ATT_FG_BLACK | ATT_BG_WHITE); ClientIntenseAttribute = (ATT_FG_BLUE | ATT_BG_WHITE); } // // Retreive the help text. // if (FileText) { HelpText = (PWSTR)FileText; } else { HelpText = SpRetreiveMessageText(NULL,MessageId,NULL,0); if (!HelpText) { // no way to return an error code, so fail quietly goto s0; } } // // Shop off extra blank lines in the text. // p = HelpText + wcslen(HelpText); while((p > HelpText) && SpIsSpace(*(p-1))) { p--; } if(q = wcschr(p,L'\n')) { *(++q) = 0; } // // Break up the help text into screens. // The maximum length of a help screen will be the client screen size // minus two lines for spacing. A %P alone at the beginning of a line // forces a page break. // for(p=HelpText,ScreenCount=0; (p && *p); ) { // // Mark the start of a new screen. // HelpScreen[ScreenCount++] = p; // // Count lines in the help text. // for(y=0; (p && *p); ) { // // Determine whether this line is really a hard page break // or if we have exhausted the number of lines allowed on a screen. // if(((p[0] == L'%') && (p[1] == 'P')) || (++y == CLIENT_HEIGHT-2)) { break; } // // Find next line start. // if(q = wcschr(p,L'\r')) { p = q + 2; } else { p = wcschr(p,0); } } // // Find the end of the line that broke us out of the loop // and then the start of the next line (if any). // if(q = wcschr(p,L'\r')) { p = q + 2; } else { p = wcschr(p,0); } if(ScreenCount == MAX_HELP_SCREENS) { break; } } // // Sentinal value: point to the terminating nul byte. // HelpScreen[ScreenCount] = p; // // Display header text in blue on white. // SpvidClearScreenRegion(0,0,VideoVars.ScreenWidth,HEADER_HEIGHT,BackgroundAttribute); if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDisplayHeaderText(SP_HEAD_LICENSE,HeaderAttribute); } else { SpDisplayHeaderText(SP_HEAD_HELP,HeaderAttribute); } // // The first screen to display is screen 0. // CurrentScreen = 0; Done = FALSE; do { SpvidClearScreenRegion( 0, HEADER_HEIGHT, VideoVars.ScreenWidth, VideoVars.ScreenHeight-(HEADER_HEIGHT+STATUS_HEIGHT), BackgroundAttribute ); // // Display the current screen. // for(y=HEADER_HEIGHT+1, p=HelpScreen[CurrentScreen]; *p && (p < HelpScreen[CurrentScreen+1]); y++) { Intense = FALSE; if(p[0] == L'%') { if(p[1] == L'I') { Intense = TRUE; p += 2; } else { if(p[1] == L'P') { p += 2; // don't display %P } } } q = wcschr(p,L'\r'); if(q) { *q = 0; } SpvidDisplayString( p, (UCHAR)(Intense ? ClientIntenseAttribute : ClientAttribute), 3, y ); if(q) { *q = '\r'; p = q + 2; } else { p = wcschr(p,0); } } // // Construct a list of valid keypresses from the user, depending // on whether this is the first, last, etc. screen. // // If there are previous screens, BACKSPACE=Read Last Help is an option. // If there are additional screens, ENTER=Continue Reading Help is an option. // ESC=Cancel Help is always an option for help text. // // For licensing text, we allow pageup/pagedown when appropriate, // and on the last page we allow accept/reject. // kc = 0; if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { ValidKeys[kc++] = KEY_F8; ValidKeys[kc++] = ASCI_ESC; if(CurrentScreen) { ValidKeys[kc++] = KEY_PAGEUP; } if(CurrentScreen < ScreenCount-1) { ValidKeys[kc++] = KEY_PAGEDOWN; } } else { ValidKeys[kc++] = ASCI_ESC; if(CurrentScreen) { ValidKeys[kc++] = ASCI_BS; ValidKeys[kc++] = KEY_PAGEUP; } if(CurrentScreen < ScreenCount-1) { ValidKeys[kc++] = ASCI_CR; ValidKeys[kc++] = KEY_PAGEDOWN; } } ValidKeys[kc] = 0; if(CurrentScreen && (CurrentScreen < ScreenCount-1)) { // // There are screens before and after this one. // if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_ACCEPT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_REJECT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_PAGEDOWN_EQUALS_NEXT_LIC, SP_STAT_PAGEUP_EQUALS_PREV_LIC, 0 ); } else { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_ENTER_EQUALS_CONTINUE_HELP, SP_STAT_BACKSP_EQUALS_PREV_HELP, SP_STAT_ESC_EQUALS_CANCEL_HELP, 0 ); } } else { if(CurrentScreen) { // // This is the last page but not the only page. // if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_ACCEPT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_REJECT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_PAGEUP_EQUALS_PREV_LIC, 0 ); } else { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_BACKSP_EQUALS_PREV_HELP, SP_STAT_ESC_EQUALS_CANCEL_HELP, 0 ); } } else { if(CurrentScreen < ScreenCount-1) { // // This is the first page but additional pages exist. // if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_ACCEPT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_REJECT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_PAGEDOWN_EQUALS_NEXT_LIC, 0 ); } else { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_ENTER_EQUALS_CONTINUE_HELP, SP_STAT_ESC_EQUALS_CANCEL_HELP, 0 ); } } else { // // This is the only page. // if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_ACCEPT_LICENSE, SP_STAT_X_EQUALS_REJECT_LICENSE, 0 ); } else { SpDisplayStatusOptions( StatusAttribute, SP_STAT_ESC_EQUALS_CANCEL_HELP, 0 ); } } } } switch(SpWaitValidKey(ValidKeys,NULL,NULL)) { case ASCI_ESC: if(Flags & SPHELP_LICENSETEXT) { SpDone(0,FALSE,TRUE); } // ELSE FALL THROUGH case KEY_F8: Done = TRUE; break; case KEY_PAGEUP: case ASCI_BS: ASSERT(CurrentScreen); CurrentScreen--; break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: case ASCI_CR: ASSERT(CurrentScreen < ScreenCount-1); CurrentScreen++; break; } } while(!Done); // // Clean up. // if(!FileText) { SpMemFree(HelpText); } s0: CLEAR_ENTIRE_SCREEN(); SpDisplayHeaderText( SpGetHeaderTextId(), DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE ); }