# # The following lines allow the tree to be relocated. To use this, put # private.mk in the root of the project (nt\admin as of this writing). If # nt\admin\private.mk does not exist, then the official build location will # be used. # WIN95UPG_ROOT=$(PROJECT_ROOT)\ntsetup\win95upg MIGSHARED_ROOT=$(PROJECT_ROOT)\ntsetup\migshared !IF EXIST($(PROJECT_ROOT)\private.mk) !include $(PROJECT_ROOT)\private.mk !ENDIF !include $(MIGSHARED_ROOT)\migshared.mk # # Now we have WIN95UPG_ROOT. On with the normal script. # WIN95UPG_OBJ=$(WIN95UPG_ROOT)\lib\$(_OBJ_DIR) WIN95UPG_BIN=$(WIN95UPG_ROOT)\lib\$(O) MAJORCOMP=setup TARGETPATH=$(WIN95UPG_OBJ) # # The PRERELEASE option # !include $(PROJECT_ROOT)\ntsetup\sources.inc !IFNDEF NO_MSG_INC INCLUDES=$(WIN95UPG_ROOT)\msg\$(O);$(INCLUDES) !ENDIF INCLUDES=$(INCLUDES);\ $(WIN95UPG_ROOT)\inc; \ # empty sources so nothing gets compiled on non-x86 SOURCES=