/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: error.c Abstract: Error handle module for the INSTALER program Author: Steve Wood (stevewo) 09-Aug-1994 Revision History: --*/ #include "instaler.h" VOID TraceDisplay( const char *FormatString, ... ) { va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, FormatString ); vprintf( FormatString, arglist ); if (InstalerLogFile) { vfprintf( InstalerLogFile, FormatString, arglist ); } va_end( arglist ); fflush( stdout ); return; } VOID CDECL DeclareError( UINT ErrorCode, UINT SupplementalErrorCode, ... ) { va_list arglist; HMODULE ModuleHandle; DWORD Flags, Size; WCHAR MessageBuffer[ 512 ]; va_start( arglist, SupplementalErrorCode ); if ((ErrorCode & 0x0FFF0000) >> 16 == FACILITY_APPLICATION) { ModuleHandle = InstalerModuleHandle; Flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; } else if ((ErrorCode & 0x0FFF0000) == FACILITY_NT) { ErrorCode ^= FACILITY_NT; ModuleHandle = ModuleInfo[ NTDLL_MODULE_INDEX ].ModuleHandle; Flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; } else { ModuleHandle = NULL; Flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; } Size = FormatMessage( Flags, (LPCVOID)ModuleHandle, ErrorCode, 0, MessageBuffer, sizeof( MessageBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), &arglist ); va_end( arglist ); if (Size != 0) { printf( "INSTALER: %ws", MessageBuffer ); } else { printf( "INSTALER: Unable to get message text for %08x\n", ErrorCode ); } if (ModuleHandle == InstalerModuleHandle && SupplementalErrorCode != 0 && SupplementalErrorCode != ERROR_GEN_FAILURE && SupplementalErrorCode != STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ) { if ((SupplementalErrorCode & 0x0FFF0000) == FACILITY_NT) { SupplementalErrorCode ^= FACILITY_NT; ModuleHandle = ModuleInfo[ NTDLL_MODULE_INDEX ].ModuleHandle; Flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; } else { ModuleHandle = NULL; Flags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; } Size = FormatMessage( Flags, (LPCVOID)ModuleHandle, SupplementalErrorCode, 0, MessageBuffer, sizeof( MessageBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), NULL ); if (Size != 0) { while (Size != 0 && MessageBuffer[ Size ] <= L' ') { MessageBuffer[ Size ] = UNICODE_NULL; Size -= 1; } printf( " '%ws'\n", MessageBuffer ); } else { printf( "INSTALER: Unable to get message text for %08x\n", SupplementalErrorCode ); } } return; } WCHAR MessageBoxTitle[ MAX_PATH ]; UINT CDECL AskUser( UINT MessageBoxFlags, UINT MessageId, UINT NumberOfArguments, ... ) { va_list arglist; HMODULE ModuleHandle; DWORD Flags, Size; WCHAR MessageBuffer[ 512 ]; PWSTR s; ULONG Args[ 24 ]; PULONG p; if (MessageBoxTitle[ 0 ] == UNICODE_NULL) { Args[ 0 ] = (ULONG)InstallationName; Args[ 1 ] = 0; Size = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, (LPCVOID)InstalerModuleHandle, INSTALER_ASKUSER_TITLE, 0, MessageBoxTitle, sizeof( MessageBoxTitle ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), (va_list *)Args ); if (Size == 0) { _snwprintf( MessageBoxTitle, sizeof( MessageBoxTitle ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), L"Application Installation Monitor Program - %ws", InstallationName ); // // Terminate the buffer // MessageBoxTitle[sizeof(MessageBoxTitle)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] = 0; } else { if ((s = wcschr( MessageBoxTitle, L'\r' )) || (s = wcschr( MessageBoxTitle, L'\n' )) ) { *s = UNICODE_NULL; } } } va_start( arglist, NumberOfArguments ); p = Args; while (NumberOfArguments--) { *p++ = va_arg( arglist, ULONG ); } *p++ = 0; va_end( arglist ); Size = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, (LPCVOID)InstalerModuleHandle, MessageId, 0, MessageBuffer, sizeof( MessageBuffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ), (va_list *)Args ); if (Size != 0) { return MessageBox( NULL, MessageBuffer, MessageBoxTitle, MB_SETFOREGROUND | MessageBoxFlags ); } else { return IDOK; } }