#if !defined(_FUSION_INC_FUSIONHASH_H_INCLUDED_) #define _FUSION_INC_FUSIONHASH_H_INCLUDED_ #pragma once #include "fusionheap.h" #include "fusionbuffer.h" #include "fusionchartraits.h" #include "fusiondeque.h" #define T2P(x, y) < x , y > #pragma warning(disable:4327) // indirection alignment of LHS (16) is greater than RHS (8) #pragma warning(disable:4328) // indirection alignment of formal parameter 2 (16) is greater than the actual argument alignment (8) enum InsertOrUpdateIfDisposition { eUpdateValue, eLeaveValueAlone, }; template inline BOOL HashTableCompareKey(TPassed tpassed, const TStored &rtstored, bool &rfMatch) { return rtstored.Compare(tpassed, rfMatch); } template<> inline BOOL HashTableCompareKey(REFGUID rguid, const GUID &rguidstored, bool &rfMatch) { rfMatch = ((rguid == rguidstored) != 0); return TRUE; } template inline BOOL HashTableHashKey(TPassed tpassed, ULONG &rulPseudoKey); // common override for GUID-indexed tables template<> inline BOOL HashTableHashKey(REFGUID rguid, ULONG &rulPseudoKey) { const ULONG *p = (const ULONG *) &rguid; rulPseudoKey = p[0] + p[1] + p[2] + p[3]; return TRUE; } template inline BOOL HashTableInitializeKey(TPassed tpassed, TStored &rtstored) { return rtstored.Initialize(tpassed); } // common override for GUID-indexed tables template<> inline BOOL HashTableInitializeKey(REFGUID rguidIn, GUID &rguidOut) { rguidOut = rguidIn; return TRUE; } template inline BOOL HashTableInitializeValue(TPassed tpassed, TStored &rtstored) { return rtstored.Initialize(tpassed); } template inline BOOL HashTableUpdateValue(TPassed tpassed, TStored &rtstored) { return rtstored.Assign(tpassed); } template inline VOID HashTablePreInitializeKey(TStored &rtstored) { } template inline VOID HashTablePreInitializeValue(TStored &rtstored) { } template inline VOID HashTableFinalizeKey(TStored &rtstored) { } template inline VOID HashTableFinalizeValue(TStored &rtstored) { } template class CCountedStringHolder { public: CCountedStringHolder() : m_psz(NULL), m_cch(0) { } CCountedStringHolder(typename TCharTraits::TConstantString sz) : m_psz(sz), m_cch(TCharTraits::Cch(sz)) { } CCountedStringHolder(const CGenericBaseStringBuffer &rBuffer) : m_psz(rBuffer), m_cch(TCharTraits::Cch(rBuffer)) { } ~CCountedStringHolder() { } typename TCharTraits::TConstantString m_psz; SIZE_T m_cch; }; // // You want to create a class derived from CHashTableHelper, and // use it as THashHelper for CHashTable. // template class CHashTableHelper { public: static BOOL HashKey(TKPassed keyin, ULONG &rulPseudoKey) { return ::HashTableHashKey(keyin, rulPseudoKey); } static BOOL CompareKey(TKPassed keyin, const TKStored &rtkeystored, bool &rfMatch) { return ::HashTableCompareKey(keyin, rtkeystored, rfMatch); } static VOID PreInitializeKey(TKStored &rtkeystored) { return ::HashTablePreInitializeKey(rtkeystored); } static VOID PreInitializeValue(TVStored &rtvaluestored) { return ::HashTablePreInitializeValue(rtvaluestored); } static BOOL InitializeKey(TKPassed keyin, TKStored &rtkeystored) { return ::HashTableInitializeKey(keyin, rtkeystored); } static BOOL InitializeValue(TVPassed vin, TVStored &rvstored) { return ::HashTableInitializeValue(vin, rvstored); } static BOOL UpdateValue(TVPassed vin, TVStored &rvstored) { return ::HashTableUpdateValue(vin, rvstored); } static VOID FinalizeKey(TKStored &rtkeystored) { return ::HashTableFinalizeKey(rtkeystored); } static VOID FinalizeValue(TVStored &rtvstored) { return ::HashTableFinalizeValue(rtvstored); } }; template , ULONG nInlineBucketChains = 7, bool fAllowDups = false> class CHashTableIter; template , ULONG nInlineBucketChains = 7, bool fAllowDups = false> class CHashTable { friend CHashTableIter; typedef CHashTable TThisHashTable; public: CHashTable() : m_cBucketChains(nInlineBucketChains), m_prgBucketChains(m_rgInlineBucketChains), m_ulLockCount(0), m_cEntries(0) { } ~CHashTable() { // This denotes a programming error. ASSERT_NTC(m_ulLockCount == 0); ULONG i; SIZE_T cFound = 0; for (i=0; i nInlineBucketChains) { IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains = FUSION_NEW_ARRAY(CBucketChain, cBucketChains)); m_cBucketChains = cBucketChains; } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } void Lock(bool fAllowInsertions) { FN_TRACE(); if (m_ulLockCount++ == 0) { m_fInsertionsPermitted = fAllowInsertions; m_fRemovalsPermitted = false; } } void Unlock() { FN_TRACE(); m_ulLockCount--; } BOOL Insert(TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, DWORD DuplicateKeyErrorCode) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(DuplicateKeyErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK((m_ulLockCount == 0) || (m_fInsertionsPermitted)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].Insert(this, keyin, valuein, ulPseudoKey, DuplicateKeyErrorCode)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL Insert(TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein) { return this->Insert(keyin, valuein, ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); } BOOL FindOrInsertIfNotPresent(TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, TVStored **ppvaluestored = NULL, BOOL *pfFound = NULL) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; if (ppvaluestored != NULL) *ppvaluestored = NULL; if (pfFound != NULL) *pfFound = FALSE; INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK((m_ulLockCount == 0) || (m_fInsertionsPermitted)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].FindOrInsertIfNotPresent(this, keyin, valuein, ulPseudoKey, ppvaluestored, pfFound)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } // U is always as indicated, but the compiler would rather // deduce that seperately than deduce types dependent on each other template BOOL InsertOrUpdateIf( TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, T *pt, BOOL (T::*pmfn)( TVPassed, const TVStored &, InsertOrUpdateIfDisposition &) ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK((m_ulLockCount == 0) || (m_fInsertionsPermitted)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].InsertOrUpdateIf T2P(TThisHashTable, T)(this, keyin, valuein, ulPseudoKey, pt, pmfn)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } inline VOID ClearNoCallback() { FN_TRACE(); ULONG i; SIZE_T cFound = 0; for (i=0; i inline VOID Clear(T *pt = NULL, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TKStored &, TVStored &) = NULL) { FN_TRACE(); ULONG i; // Either both have to be NULL or neither. ASSERT((pt == NULL) == (pmfn == NULL)); if ((pt != NULL) && (pmfn != NULL)) { for (i=0; i VOID Clear(TThisHashTable const * pTable, T *pt, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TKStored &keystored, TVStored &rvaluestored)) { FN_TRACE(); (pt->*pmfn)(m_tkey, m_tvalue); } template VOID Clear(TThisHashTable const * pTable, T *pt, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TKStored &keystored, TVStored &rvaluestored) const) { FN_TRACE(); (pt->*pmfn)(m_tkey, m_tvalue); } VOID Remove() { FN_TRACE(); m_Linkage.Remove(); } BOOL Update(TVPassed valuein) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::UpdateValue(m_tvalue, valuein)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } TKStored m_tkey; TVStored m_tvalue; ULONG m_ulPseudoKey; CDequeLinkage m_Linkage; private: CBucket(const CBucket &); void operator =(const CBucket &); }; typedef CDequeIterator CBucketIterator; typedef CConstDequeIterator CConstBucketIterator; class CBucketChain { public: CBucketChain() { } ~CBucketChain() { } inline void DeallocateBuckets(CHashTable const *pTable, SIZE_T &rcFound) { rcFound = m_Buckets.GetEntryCount(); m_Buckets.Clear(pTable, &CHashTable::DeallocateBucket); } BOOL Insert( CHashTable *pTable, TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, ULONG ulPseudoKey, DWORD DuplicateKeyErrorCode) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fMatches = false; CBucket *pCBucket = NULL; if (!fAllowDups) { CBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); for (Iter.Reset(); Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(DuplicateKey, DuplicateKeyErrorCode); } } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pTable->AllocateAndInitializeBucket(ulPseudoKey, keyin, valuein, pCBucket)); m_Buckets.AddToTail(pCBucket); pTable->m_cEntries++; FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Incremented hash table %p entries to %Id\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pTable, pTable->m_cEntries); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL FindOrInsertIfNotPresent( CHashTable *pTable, TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, ULONG ulPseudoKey, TVStored **ppvaluestored, BOOL *pfFound ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fMatches = false; CBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); for (Iter.Reset(); Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) { *ppvaluestored = &Iter->m_tvalue; break; } } if (!fMatches) { CBucket *pCBucket = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pTable->AllocateAndInitializeBucket(ulPseudoKey, keyin, valuein, pCBucket)); m_Buckets.AddToTail(pCBucket); pTable->m_cEntries++; FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Incremented hash table %p entries to %Id\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pTable, pTable->m_cEntries); if (ppvaluestored != NULL) *ppvaluestored = &pCBucket->m_tvalue; } if (pfFound != NULL) *pfFound = fMatches; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } template BOOL InsertOrUpdateIf( THashTable *pTable, TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, ULONG ulPseudoKey, T *pt, BOOL (T::*pmfn)( TVPassed, const TVStored &, InsertOrUpdateIfDisposition &) ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fMatches = false; CBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); for (Iter.Reset(); Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) { InsertOrUpdateIfDisposition Disposition; IFW32FALSE_EXIT((pt->*pmfn)(valuein, Iter->m_tvalue, Disposition)); if (Disposition == eUpdateValue) { FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Updating value in hash table %p\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pTable); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::UpdateValue(valuein, Iter->m_tvalue)); } break; } } // If we didn't find one, we want to insert. if (!fMatches) { CBucket *pCBucket = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pTable->AllocateAndInitializeBucket(ulPseudoKey, keyin, valuein, pCBucket)); m_Buckets.AddToTail(pCBucket); pTable->m_cEntries++; FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Incremented hash table %p entries to %Id\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pTable, pTable->m_cEntries); } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } inline VOID ClearNoCallback(TThisHashTable const *pTable, SIZE_T &rcFound) { FN_TRACE(); this->DeallocateBuckets(pTable, rcFound); } template class CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK { public: VOID DoClear(CBucket *pCBucket) { pCBucket->Clear(pTable, pt, pmfn); pTable->DeallocateBucket(pCBucket); } TThisHashTable const *pTable; T *pt; VOID (T::*pmfn)(TKStored &, TVStored &); }; template VOID Clear(TThisHashTable const *pTable, T *pt, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TKStored &keystored, TVStored &valuestored)) { FN_TRACE(); SIZE_T cFound = 0; ASSERT((pt != NULL) && (pmfn != NULL)); CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK CallbackBlock; CallbackBlock.pTable = pTable; CallbackBlock.pt = pt; CallbackBlock.pmfn = pmfn; m_Buckets.Clear >(&CallbackBlock, &CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK::DoClear); this->DeallocateBuckets(pTable, cFound); } // BOOL Remove(CHashTable const *pTable, TKPassed keyin, ULONG ulPseudoKey, bool fFirstOnly = false) BOOL Remove(CHashTable *pTable, TKPassed keyin, ULONG ulPseudoKey, bool fFirstOnly = false) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fFoundOne = false; bool fMatches = false; CBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); Iter.Reset(); while (Iter.More()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) { CBucket *pCBucket = Iter.RemoveCurrent(eDequeIteratorMoveForward); pTable->DeallocateBucket(pCBucket); fFoundOne = true; pTable->m_cEntries--; FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Decremented hash table %p entries to %Id\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, pTable, pTable->m_cEntries); // If we don't allow duplicates, our job is done and there's no point // in searching the remainder of the list. Also, if we're only interested // in removing the first match we find (and not necessarily all of them), // then also bail out. if ((!fAllowDups) || (fFirstOnly)) break; } else Iter.Next(); } // If we didn't at least find one, then tell the caller. if (!fFoundOne) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(HashTableEntryNotFound, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL Find(TKPassed keyin, ULONG ulPseudoKey, TVStored const *&rpvaluestored) const { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fMatches = false; CConstBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); rpvaluestored = NULL; for (Iter.Reset(); Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) { rpvaluestored = &Iter->m_tvalue; break; } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL Find(TKPassed keyin, ULONG ulPseudoKey, TVStored *&rpvaluestored) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bool fMatches = false; CBucketIterator Iter(&m_Buckets); rpvaluestored = NULL; for (Iter.Reset(); Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Iter->Matches(keyin, ulPseudoKey, fMatches)); if (fMatches) { rpvaluestored = &Iter->m_tvalue; break; } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } VOID TakeValue(CHashTable *pTable, CBucketChain &That) { SIZE_T cFound = 0; this->DeallocateBuckets(pTable, cFound); m_Buckets.TakeValue(That.m_Buckets); } CDeque m_Buckets; private: CBucketChain(const CBucketChain &); void operator =(const CBucketChain &); }; inline BOOL AllocateAndInitializeBucket( ULONG ulPseudoKey, TKPassed keyin, TVPassed valuein, CBucket *&rpBucket ) const { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); rpBucket = NULL; CBucket *pBucket = NULL; IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(pBucket = new CBucket(ulPseudoKey)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pBucket->Initialize(this, keyin, valuein)); rpBucket = pBucket; pBucket = NULL; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: if (pBucket != NULL) this->DeallocateBucket(pBucket); return fSuccess; } inline void DeallocateBucket(CBucket *pCBucket) const { FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pCBucket); } friend CBucket; friend CBucketChain; ULONG m_cBucketChains; CBucketChain *m_prgBucketChains; CBucketChain m_rgInlineBucketChains[nInlineBucketChains]; SIZE_T m_ulLockCount; SIZE_T m_cEntries; bool m_fInsertionsPermitted; bool m_fRemovalsPermitted; private: CHashTable(const CHashTable &r); // intentionally not implmented void operator =(const CHashTable &r); // intentionally not implemented }; template */, ULONG nInlineBucketChains /*= 7 */, bool fAllowDups /*= false */> class CHashTableIter { typedef CHashTable THashTable; public: inline CHashTableIter(CHashTable &r) : m_rTable(r), m_iBucketChain(0), m_fAlreadyAdvanced(false) { } inline ~CHashTableIter() { } inline void Reset() { FN_TRACE(); m_iBucketChain = 0; m_fAlreadyAdvanced = false; // Move the bucket iterator across the bucket chains looking for one with some // buckets for (m_iBucketChain = 0; m_iBucketChain < m_rTable.m_cBucketChains; m_iBucketChain++) { m_Iter.Rebind(&m_rTable.m_prgBucketChains[m_iBucketChain].m_Buckets); m_Iter.Reset(); if (m_Iter.More()) break; } if (m_iBucketChain == m_rTable.m_cBucketChains) { // There wasn't anything. Unbind the iterator to signal that we're // totally done. m_Iter.Unbind(); } } inline void Delete() { FN_TRACE(); CSxsPreserveLastError ple; ASSERT(m_Iter.IsBound()); if (m_Iter.IsBound()) { THashTable::CBucket *pCBucket = m_Iter.RemoveCurrent(eDequeIteratorMoveForward); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pCBucket); m_fAlreadyAdvanced = true; m_rTable.m_cEntries--; ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_HASHTABLE, "%s(%d): Decremented hash table %p entries to %Id\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, &m_rTable, m_rTable.m_cEntries); } ple.Restore(); } inline BOOL Update(TVPassed valuein) const { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(m_Iter.IsBound()); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(!m_fAlreadyAdvanced); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_Iter->Update(valuein)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } inline bool More() const { return m_Iter.IsBound(); } inline void Next() { FN_TRACE(); if (m_Iter.IsBound()) { // If someone deleted the current element, the iterator has already been // advanced. Otherwise, move on. if (!m_fAlreadyAdvanced) m_Iter.Next(); // We've taken it into account, now forget about it. m_fAlreadyAdvanced = false; // If there aren't any more elements in this deque, try the next bucket chain if (!m_Iter.More()) { m_iBucketChain++; while (m_iBucketChain < m_rTable.m_cBucketChains) { m_Iter.Rebind(&m_rTable.m_prgBucketChains[m_iBucketChain].m_Buckets); m_Iter.Reset(); if (m_Iter.More()) break; m_iBucketChain++; } if (m_iBucketChain == m_rTable.m_cBucketChains) m_Iter.Unbind(); } } } inline const TKStored &GetKey() const { FN_TRACE(); // Should not call this if More() returns false ASSERT(m_Iter.IsBound()); if (m_Iter.IsBound() && m_Iter.More()) { return m_Iter->m_tkey; } return *((TKStored *) NULL); } inline TVStored &GetValue() const { FN_TRACE(); // Should not call this function if More() returns false ASSERT(m_Iter.IsBound()); return m_Iter->m_tvalue; } inline TVStored &operator ->() const { FN_TRACE(); // Should not call this function if More() returns false ASSERT(m_Iter.IsBound()); return m_Iter->m_tvalue; } protected: THashTable &m_rTable; typename THashTable::CBucketIterator m_Iter; ULONG m_iBucketChain; bool m_fAlreadyAdvanced; private: CHashTableIter(const CHashTableIter &); void operator =(const CHashTableIter &); }; // // Helper class for hash tables of filenames: // template class CFusionFilenameHashTableHelper : public CHashTableHelper { public: inline static BOOL HashKey(LPCWSTR sz, ULONG &rulPseudoKey) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPK = 0; LPCWSTR pszTemp; WCHAR wch; if (sz != NULL) { SIZE_T cch = ::wcslen(sz); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::FusionpHashUnicodeString(sz, cch, &ulPK, true)); } rulPseudoKey = ulPK; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } static BOOL CompareKey(LPCWSTR szKey, CUnicodeBaseStringBuffer *pbuff, bool &rfMatch) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); int iResult; rfMatch = false; PARAMETER_CHECK(pbuff != NULL); iResult = ::FusionpCompareStrings( szKey, (szKey == NULL) ? 0 : ::wcslen(szKey), static_cast(*pbuff), pbuff->Cch(), true); rfMatch = (iResult == 2); // In SDK DOCS, 2 == CSTR_EQUAL; there is no constant defined. -mgrier 12/6/1999 fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } }; // // CSimpleKeyedTable // // A simplification of the CHashTable class template which assumes that // keys are passed as const references. // template class CSimpleKeyedTable : public CHashTable { public: CSimpleKeyedTable() : CHashTable() { } }; template class CSimpleKeyedTableIter : public CHashTableIter { typedef CHashTableIter Base; public: CSimpleKeyedTableIter(CSimpleKeyedTable &Table) : Base(Table) { } }; template class CPtrTableHelper : public CHashTableHelper { typedef TValue *TValuePtr; public: static VOID PreInitializeValue(TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = NULL; } static BOOL InitializeValue(const TValuePtr &vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static BOOL UpdateValue(const TValuePtr &vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static VOID FinalizeValue(TValuePtr &rvstored) { if (rvstored != NULL) { FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(rvstored); rvstored = NULL; } } }; template > class CPtrTable : public CHashTable { public: CPtrTable() : CHashTable() { } BOOL Find(TKPassed keyin, TValue *&rpvaluestored) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; TValue **ppValue = NULL; rpvaluestored = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].Find(keyin, ulPseudoKey, ppValue)); if (ppValue != NULL) rpvaluestored = *ppValue; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } private: CPtrTable(const CPtrTable &); void operator =(const CPtrTable &); }; template > class CPtrTableIter : public CHashTableIter { public: CPtrTableIter(CPtrTable &Table) : CHashTableIter(Table) { } private: CPtrTableIter(const CPtrTableIter &); void operator =(const CPtrTableIter &); }; template class CSimplePtrTableHelper : public CPtrTableHelper { public: }; // // CSimplePtrTable // // A simplification of CHashTable class template which assumes // that keys are passed as const references and values are pointers. // // Note that the table does NOT own allocating or deallocating the storage // to which the pointers refer. If the table is destroyed, the // storage is not released. // template > class CSimplePtrTable : public CSimpleKeyedTable { public: CSimplePtrTable() : CSimpleKeyedTable(hHeap) { } BOOL Find(const TKey &keyin, TValue *&rpvaluestored) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; TValue **ppValue = NULL; rpvaluestored = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].Find(keyin, ulPseudoKey, ppValue)); if (ppValue != NULL) rpvaluestored = *ppValue; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } private: CSimplePtrTable(const CSimplePtrTable &); void operator =(const CSimplePtrTable &); }; template > class CSimplePtrTableIter : public CSimpleKeyedTableIter { typedef CSimpleKeyedTableIter Base; public: CSimplePtrTableIter(CSimplePtrTable &Table) : Base(Table) { } private: CSimplePtrTableIter(const CSimplePtrTableIter &); void operator =(const CSimplePtrTableIter &); }; template class CGuidTableHelper : public CHashTableHelper { typedef CHashTableHelper Base; public: static BOOL InitializeKey(REFGUID keyin, GUID &rtkeystored) { rtkeystored = keyin; return TRUE; } }; template > class CGuidTable : public CHashTable { public: CGuidTable() : CHashTable() { } private: CGuidTable(const CGuidTable &); void operator =(const CGuidTable &); }; template > class CGuidTableIter : public CHashTableIter { typedef CHashTableIter Base; public: CGuidTableIter(CGuidTable &Table) : Base(Table) { } private: CGuidTableIter(const CGuidTableIter &); void operator =(const CGuidTableIter &); }; template class CGuidPtrTableHelper : public CHashTableHelper { public: static BOOL InitializeKey(REFGUID keyin, GUID &rtkeystored) { rtkeystored = keyin; return TRUE; } static BOOL InitializeValue(TValue *vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static BOOL UpdateValue(TValue *vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } }; template > class CGuidPtrTable : public CGuidTable { public: CGuidPtrTable() : CGuidTable() { } BOOL Find(REFGUID rGuid, TValue *&rptvalue) { TValue **pptvalue = NULL; BOOL f = __super::Find(rGuid, pptvalue); if (f && (pptvalue != NULL)) rptvalue = *pptvalue; return f; } // BOOL Find(REFGUID rGuid, TValue *const &rptvalue) const { return __super::Find(rGuid, &rptvalue); } private: CGuidPtrTable(const CGuidPtrTable &); void operator =(const CGuidPtrTable &); }; template > class CGuidPtrTableIter : public CGuidTableIter { typedef CGuidTableIter Base; public: CGuidPtrTableIter(CGuidPtrTable &Table) : Base(Table) { } private: CGuidPtrTableIter(const CGuidPtrTableIter &); void operator =(const CGuidPtrTableIter &); }; template class CStringTableHelper : public CHashTableHelper &, CStringBuffer, TVPassed, TVStored> { public: typedef CCountedStringHolder TCountedStringHolder; static BOOL HashKey(const TCountedStringHolder &keyin, ULONG &rulPseudoKey) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(TCharTraits::Win32HashString(keyin.m_psz, keyin.m_cch, rulPseudoKey, fCaseInsensitive)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } static BOOL InitializeKey(const TCountedStringHolder &keyin, CBaseStringBuffer &rtkeystored) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtkeystored.Win32Assign(keyin.m_psz, keyin.m_cch)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } static BOOL CompareKey(const TCountedStringHolder &keyin, const CBaseStringBuffer &rtkeystored, bool &rfMatch) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rtkeystored.Win32Equals(keyin.m_psz, keyin.m_cch, rfMatch, fCaseInsensitive)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } }; class STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK_BASE { public: virtual VOID DoClear(PVOID) = 0; }; template > class CStringTable : public CHashTable &, CStringBuffer, TVPassed, TVStored, THashHelper> { typedef CHashTable &, CStringBuffer, TVPassed, TVStored, THashHelper> Base; public: typedef CCountedStringHolder TCountedStringHolder; protected: VOID ClearCallbackWrapper(CStringBuffer &key, TVStored &valuestored) { FN_TRACE(); key.Clear(); m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock->DoClear(valuestored); } STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK_BASE *m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock; template class STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK : public STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK_BASE { public: T *pt; VOID (T::*pmfn)(TVStored &valuestored); VOID DoClear(PVOID pv) { TVStored *pvstored = (TVStored *) pv; (pt->*pmfn)(*pvstored); } }; // Introduce name that derived classes will not override to work around compiler bugs inline VOID ClearStringTable(STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK_BASE *pCallbackBlock) { FN_TRACE(); ASSERT(m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock == NULL); m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock = pCallbackBlock; ULONG i; for (i=0; i(this, this, &CStringTable::ClearCallbackWrapper); this->ClearNoCallback(); m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock = NULL; } public: typedef CCountedStringHolder TCountedStringHolder; CStringTable() : CHashTable(), m_pActiveClearCallbackBlock(NULL) { } template inline VOID Clear(T *pt, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TVStored &valuestored)) { FN_TRACE(); STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK CallbackBlock; CallbackBlock.pt = pt; CallbackBlock.pmfn = pmfn; this->ClearStringTable(&CallbackBlock); } private: CStringTable(const CStringTable &); void operator =(const CStringTable &); }; template > class CStringTableIter : public CHashTableIter &, CStringBuffer, TVPassed, TVStored, THashHelper> { public: typedef CCountedStringHolder TCountedStringHolder; protected: typedef CHashTableIter Base; public: CStringTableIter(CStringTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } inline typename TCharTraits::TConstantString GetKey() const { FN_TRACE(); // Should not call this if More() returns false ASSERT(m_Iter != NULL); // // m_ulLockCount doesn't exist. I'm wondering if perhaps this entire function // could be axed in favor of using the default one, which does something // very similar. (jonwis 8/24/00) // // ASSERT(m_ulLockCount != 0); if (m_Iter != NULL) return m_Iter->m_tkey; return NULL; } private: CStringTableIter(const CStringTableIter &); void operator =(const CStringTableIter &); }; template class CStringPtrTableHelper : public CStringTableHelper { public: static VOID PreInitializeValue(TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = NULL; } static BOOL InitializeValue(TValue *vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static BOOL UpdateValue(TValue *vin, TValue *&rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static VOID FinalizeValue(TValue *&rvstored) { if (rvstored != NULL) { FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(rvstored); rvstored = NULL; } } }; template > class CStringPtrTable : public CStringTable { typedef CStringTable Base; protected: template class STRING_PTR_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK : public STRING_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK_BASE { public: T *pt; VOID (T::*pmfn)(TValue *pvaluestored); VOID DoClear(PVOID pv) { /* TValue **ppvstored = (TValue **) pv; */ (pt->*pmfn)((TValue *) pv); } }; public: CStringPtrTable() : CStringTable() { } template VOID Clear(T *pt, VOID (T::*pmfn)(TValue *valuestored)) { FN_TRACE(); STRING_PTR_TABLE_CLEAR_CALLBACK_BLOCK CallbackBlock; CallbackBlock.pt = pt; CallbackBlock.pmfn = pmfn; this->ClearStringTable(&CallbackBlock); } BOOL Find(const TCountedStringHolder &keyin, TValue const *&rpvaluestored) const { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; rpvaluestored = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].Find(keyin, ulPseudoKey, rpvaluestored)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL Find(const TCountedStringHolder &keyin, TValue *&rpvaluestored) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG ulPseudoKey = 0; ULONG iBucket = 0; TValue **ppvaluestored = NULL; rpvaluestored = NULL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(THashHelper::HashKey(keyin, ulPseudoKey)); iBucket = ulPseudoKey % m_cBucketChains; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_prgBucketChains[iBucket].Find(keyin, ulPseudoKey, ppvaluestored)); if (ppvaluestored != NULL) rpvaluestored = *ppvaluestored; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } private: CStringPtrTable(const CStringPtrTable &); void operator =(const CStringPtrTable &); }; template > class CStringPtrTableIter : public CStringTableIter { typedef CStringTableIter Base; public: CStringPtrTableIter(CStringPtrTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } operator TValue *() const { return this->GetValue(); } TValue *operator ->() const { return this->GetValue(); } private: CStringPtrTableIter(const CStringPtrTableIter &); void operator =(const CStringPtrTableIter &); }; template class CSimpleStringTableHelper : public CStringTableHelper { public: static BOOL InitializeValue(const TValue &vin, TValue &rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } static BOOL UpdateValue(const TValue &vin, TValue &rvstored) { rvstored = vin; return TRUE; } }; template > class CSimpleStringTable : public CStringTable { public: CSimpleStringTable() : CStringTable() { } private: CSimpleStringTable(const CSimpleStringTable &); void operator =(const CSimpleStringTable &); }; template > class CSimpleStringTableIter : public CStringTableIter { typedef CStringTableIter Base; public: CSimpleStringTableIter(CSimpleStringTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } private: CSimpleStringTableIter(const CSimpleStringTableIter &); void operator =(const CSimpleStringTableIter &); }; // CSimpleUnicodeStringTable et al: template class CSimpleUnicodeStringTableHelper : public CSimpleStringTableHelper { }; template > class CSimpleUnicodeStringTable : public CSimpleStringTable { typedef CSimpleStringTable Base; public: CSimpleUnicodeStringTable() : Base() { } private: CSimpleUnicodeStringTable(const CSimpleUnicodeStringTable &); void operator =(const CSimpleUnicodeStringTable &); }; template > class CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter : public CSimpleStringTableIter { typedef CSimpleStringTableIter Base; typedef CSimpleUnicodeStringTable TTable; public: CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter(TTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } private: CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter(const CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter &); void operator =(const CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter &); }; // CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTable et al: template class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTableHelper : public CSimpleStringTableHelper { }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTable : public CSimpleStringTable { typedef CSimpleStringTable Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTable() : Base() { } }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTableIter : public CSimpleStringTableIter { typedef CSimpleStringTableIter Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTableIter(CCaseInsensitiveSimpleStringTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } }; // CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable et al: template class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableHelper : public CSimpleUnicodeStringTableHelper { }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable : public CSimpleUnicodeStringTable { typedef CSimpleUnicodeStringTable Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable() : Base() { } private: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable(const CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable &); void operator =(const CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable &); }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter : public CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter { typedef CSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter(CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } private: CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter(const CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter &); void operator =(const CCaseInsensitiveSimpleUnicodeStringTableIter &); }; // CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTable et al: template class CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTableHelper : public CStringPtrTableHelper { }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTable : public CStringPtrTable { typedef CStringPtrTable Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTable() : Base() { } }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTableIter : public CStringPtrTableIter { typedef CStringPtrTableIter Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTableIter(CCaseInsensitiveStringPtrTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } }; // CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable et al: template class CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableHelper : public CStringPtrTableHelper { }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable : public CStringPtrTable { typedef CStringPtrTable Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable() { } private: CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable(const CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable &r); void operator =(const CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable &r); }; template > class CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableIter : public CStringPtrTableIter { typedef CStringPtrTableIter Base; public: CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableIter(CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTable &rTable) : Base(rTable) { } private: CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableIter(const CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableIter &); void operator =(const CCaseInsensitiveUnicodeStringPtrTableIter &); }; #endif