/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell Some general issues in this file: We should stop using slists. Shouldn't wfp/sfc work even under stress? Should we preallocate memory during boot? */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "util.h" #include "xmlparser.hxx" #include "fusioneventlog.h" #include "hashfile.h" #include "recover.h" #include "filestream.h" #include "cassemblyrecoveryinfo.h" #include "sxsprotect.h" #include "strongname.h" #include "sxsexceptionhandling.h" #include "sxssfcscan.h" #define MANIFEST_FILE_EXTENSION (L".manifest") #define FILE_ELEMENT_NAME (L"file") #define HASH_ATTRIB_NAME (L"hash") #define FILE_ATTRIB_NAME (L"name") #define HASHALG_ATTRIB_NAME (L"hashalg") class CProtectionRequestList; CProtectionRequestList* g_ProtectionRequestList; HANDLE g_hSxsLoginEvent; BOOL s_fIsSfcAcceptingNotifications = TRUE; BOOL CRecoveryJobTableEntry::Initialize() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 // // Creates an event that other callers should wait on - manual reset, not // currently signalled. // m_Subscriber = 0; m_fSuccessValue = FALSE; IFW32NULL_EXIT(m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete = ::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)); FN_EPILOG } BOOL CRecoveryJobTableEntry::StartInstallation() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 // // Clear the event (if it wasn't already cleared. // IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::ResetEvent(m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete)); FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspEnsureCatalogStillPresentForManifest( IN const CBaseStringBuffer& buffManifestPath, OUT BOOL &rfStillPresent ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 rfStillPresent = FALSE; CStringBuffer buffCatalogPath; bool fExist = false; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffCatalogPath.Win32Assign(buffManifestPath)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( buffCatalogPath.Win32ChangePathExtension( FILE_EXTENSION_CATALOG, FILE_EXTENSION_CATALOG_CCH, eAddIfNoExtension)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDoesFileExist(SXSP_DOES_FILE_EXIST_FLAG_CHECK_FILE_ONLY | SXSP_DOES_FILE_EXIST_FLAG_INCLUDE_NETWORK_ERRORS, buffCatalogPath, fExist)); if (fExist) { rfStillPresent = TRUE; } FN_EPILOG } BOOL CRecoveryJobTableEntry::InstallationComplete( BOOL bDoneOk, SxsRecoveryResult Result, DWORD dwRecoveryLastError ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 m_Result = Result; m_fSuccessValue = bDoneOk; m_dwLastError = dwRecoveryLastError; // // This will tell all the people waiting that we're done and that they // should capture the exit code and exit out. // IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::SetEvent(m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete)); // // We wait for all our subscribers to go away (ie: for them to capture an // install code and success value.) // while (m_Subscriber) { Sleep(50); } FN_EPILOG } BOOL CRecoveryJobTableEntry::WaitUntilCompleted( SxsRecoveryResult &rResult, BOOL &rfSucceededValue, DWORD &rdwErrorResult ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 DWORD WaitResult = 0; rfSucceededValue = FALSE; // // Here we join up to the existing installation routine. We up the number // of people waiting before entering the wait. I wish there was a better // way of doing this, something like a built-in kernel object that we can // raise a count on (like a semaphore), and have another thread lower a // count on, and someone can wait on the internal count being zero. Yes, // I could implement this by hand using something with another event or // two, but that's not the point. // ::SxspInterlockedIncrement(&m_Subscriber); // // Hang about forever until another thread is done installing // IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT((WaitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete, INFINITE)) != WAIT_FAILED); // // Capture values once the installation is done, return them to the caller. // rResult = m_Result; rdwErrorResult = m_dwLastError; rfSucceededValue = m_fSuccessValue; // // And indicate that we're complete. // ::SxspInterlockedDecrement(&m_Subscriber); FN_EPILOG } CRecoveryJobTableEntry::~CRecoveryJobTableEntry() { // // We're done with the event, so close it (release refcount, we don't want lots of these // just sitting around.) // if ((m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete != NULL) && (m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { ::CloseHandle(m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete); m_EventInstallingAssemblyComplete = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } // // This is our holy grail of sxs protection lists. Don't fidget with // this listing. Note that we've also got only one. This is because // right now, there's only one entry to be had (a), and (b) because we // will fill in the sxs directory on the fly at runtime. // SXS_PROTECT_DIRECTORY s_SxsProtectionList[] = { { {0}, 0, SXS_PROTECT_RECURSIVE, SXS_PROTECT_FILTER_DEFAULT } }; const SIZE_T s_SxsProtectionListCount = NUMBER_OF(s_SxsProtectionList); BOOL SxspConstructProtectionList(); BOOL WINAPI SxsProtectionGatherEntriesW( PCSXS_PROTECT_DIRECTORY *prgpProtectListing, SIZE_T *pcProtectEntries ) /*++ This is called by Sfc to gather the entries that we want them to watch. At the moment, it's a 'proprietary' listing of all the directories and flags we want them to set on their call to the directory-change watcher. Mayhaps we should work with them to find out exactly what they want us to pass (probably the name plus a PVOID, which is fine) and then go from there. --*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CStringBuffer sbTemp; if (prgpProtectListing) *prgpProtectListing = NULL; if (pcProtectEntries) *pcProtectEntries = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(prgpProtectListing); PARAMETER_CHECK(pcProtectEntries); // // This is try/caught because we don't want something here to // cause WinLogon to bugcheck the system when it AV's. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspConstructProtectionList()); // // We really have only one entry, so let's go and edit the first entry to // be the main sxs store directory. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory(sbTemp)); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell truncating string copy, need growing buffer */ wcsncpy( s_SxsProtectionList[0].pwszDirectory, sbTemp, NUMBER_OF(s_SxsProtectionList[0].pwszDirectory)); // // Zero out the last character, just in case wcsncpy didn't do it for us // s_SxsProtectionList[0].pwszDirectory[NUMBER_OF(s_SxsProtectionList[0].pwszDirectory) - 1] = L'\0'; // // Shh, don't tell anyone, but the cookie is actually this structure! // for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < s_SxsProtectionListCount; dw++) { s_SxsProtectionList[dw].pvCookie = &(s_SxsProtectionList[dw]); } *prgpProtectListing = s_SxsProtectionList; *pcProtectEntries = s_SxsProtectionListCount; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxspExpandLongPath( IN OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffPathToLong ) /*++ Takes in a short path (c:\foo\bar\bloben~1.zot) and sends back out the full path (c:\foo\bar\blobenheisen.zotamax) if possible. Returns FALSE if the path could not be expanded (most likely because the path on-disk is no longer available.) --*/ { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CStringBuffer buffPathName; CStringBufferAccessor buffAccess; SIZE_T cchNeededChars = 0; IFW32ZERO_EXIT( cchNeededChars = ::GetLongPathNameW( static_cast(rbuffPathToLong), NULL, 0)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffPathName.Win32ResizeBuffer(cchNeededChars, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); buffAccess.Attach(&buffPathName); IFW32ZERO_EXIT( cchNeededChars = ::GetLongPathNameW( rbuffPathToLong, buffAccess, static_cast(buffAccess.GetBufferCch()))); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell this can fail in reality; it is not an internal error; this is because the general try, grow buffer, try again, contains a race condition, the second try will not necessarily work */ INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(cchNeededChars <= buffAccess.GetBufferCch()); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffPathToLong.Win32Assign(buffPathName)); FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspResolveAssemblyManifestPath( const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName, CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffManifestPath ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CStringBuffer buffAssemblyRootDir; BOOL fLooksLikeAssemblyName = FALSE; rbuffManifestPath.Clear(); // // If the string doesn't look like an assembly name, then it's an // invalid parameter. This is somewhat heavy-handed, as the caller(s) // to this function will be entirely hosed if they haven't checked to // see if the string is really an assembly name. Make sure that all // clients of this, // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspLooksLikeAssemblyDirectoryName(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName, fLooksLikeAssemblyName)); PARAMETER_CHECK(fLooksLikeAssemblyName); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory(buffAssemblyRootDir)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffManifestPath.Win32Format( L"%ls\\Manifests\\%ls.%ls", static_cast(buffAssemblyRootDir), static_cast(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName), FILE_EXTENSION_MANIFEST)); FN_EPILOG } CProtectionRequestRecord::CProtectionRequestRecord() : m_dwAction(0), m_pvProtection(NULL), m_ulInRecoveryMode(0), m_pParent(NULL), m_bIsManPathResolved(FALSE), m_bInitialized(FALSE) { } BOOL CProtectionRequestRecord::GetManifestPath( CBaseStringBuffer &rsbManPath ) { BOOL bOk = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(bOk); rsbManPath.Clear(); if (!m_bIsManPathResolved) { m_bIsManPathResolved = ::SxspResolveAssemblyManifestPath( m_sbAssemblyDirectoryName, m_sbManifestPath); } if (m_bIsManPathResolved) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rsbManPath.Win32Assign(m_sbManifestPath)); } else { goto Exit; } bOk = TRUE; Exit: return bOk; } // // Close down this request record. // CProtectionRequestRecord::~CProtectionRequestRecord() { if (m_bInitialized) { ClearList(); m_bInitialized = FALSE; } } VOID CProtectionRequestRecord::ClearList() /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell stop using slists */ { CStringListEntry *pTop; while (pTop = (CStringListEntry*)::SxspInterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_ListHeader)) { FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pTop); } } BOOL CProtectionRequestRecord::AddSubFile( const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffRelChange ) { CStringListEntry *pairing = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); if (!::SxspInterlockedCompareExchange(&m_ulInRecoveryMode, 0, 0)) { IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(pairing = new CStringListEntry); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pairing->m_sbText.Win32Assign(rbuffRelChange)); // // Add it to the list (atomically, to boot!) // ::SxspInterlockedPushEntrySList(&m_ListHeader, pairing); pairing = NULL; } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: if (pairing) { // // The setup or something like that failed - release it here. // FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pairing); } return fSuccess; } BOOL CProtectionRequestRecord::Initialize( const CBaseStringBuffer &rsbAssemblyDirectoryName, const CBaseStringBuffer &rsbKeyString, CProtectionRequestList* ParentList, PVOID pvRequestRecord, DWORD dwAction ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); m_sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Clear(); m_sbKeyValue.Clear(); m_sbManifestPath.Clear(); ::SxspInitializeSListHead(&m_ListHeader); PARAMETER_CHECK(ParentList != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(pvRequestRecord != NULL); m_pParent = ParentList; m_dwAction = dwAction; m_pvProtection = (PSXS_PROTECT_DIRECTORY)pvRequestRecord; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_sbAssemblyStore.Win32Assign(m_pvProtection->pwszDirectory, (m_pvProtection->pwszDirectory != NULL) ? ::wcslen(m_pvProtection->pwszDirectory) : 0)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32Assign(rsbAssemblyDirectoryName)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_sbKeyValue.Win32Assign(rsbKeyString)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } // // Bad form: This returns a BOOL to indicate whether or not this class // was able to pop something off the list. It's no good to ask "is the // list empty," since that's not provided with this list class. // BOOL CProtectionRequestRecord::PopNextFileChange(CBaseStringBuffer &Dest) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; Dest.Clear(); CStringListEntry *pPairing = reinterpret_cast(::SxspInterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_ListHeader)); if (pPairing != NULL) { // // NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell // missing error check // Dest.Win32Assign(pPairing->m_sbText); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pPairing); fFound = TRUE; } return fFound; } // NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell // "If a thread dies in winlogon, and no kernel debugger is attached, does it // bugcheck the system?" - From 'The Zen of Dodgy Code' // DWORD CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionNormalThreadProc(PVOID pvParam) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CProtectionRequestRecord *pRequestRecord = NULL; CProtectionRequestList *pThis = NULL; pRequestRecord = static_cast(pvParam); if (pRequestRecord) { pThis = pRequestRecord->GetParent(); } if (pThis) { fSuccess = pThis->ProtectionNormalThreadProcWrapped(pRequestRecord); } return static_cast(fSuccess); } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::Initialize() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ASSERT(m_pInternalList == NULL); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::FusionpInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_cSection, INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION_AND_SPIN_COUNT_ALLOCATE_NOW)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::FusionpInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&m_cInstallerCriticalSection, INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION_AND_SPIN_COUNT_ALLOCATE_NOW)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspAtExit(this)); IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(m_pInternalList = new COurInternalTable); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_pInternalList->Initialize()); IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(m_pInstallsTable = new CInstallsInProgressTable); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_pInstallsTable->Initialize()); // // Manifest protection stuff // ::SxspInitializeSListHead(&m_ManifestEditList); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell This should be IF32NULL_EXIT(::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)); */ m_hManifestEditHappened = ::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_hManifestEditHappened == NULL) { TRACE_WIN32_FAILURE_ORIGINATION(CreateEventW); goto Exit; } ASSERT(m_pInternalList != NULL); ASSERT(m_pInstallsTable != NULL); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } CProtectionRequestList::CProtectionRequestList() : m_pInternalList(NULL), m_pInstallsTable(NULL), m_hManifestEditHappened(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_ulIsAThreadServicingManifests(0) { } CProtectionRequestList::~CProtectionRequestList() { ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cSection); ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cInstallerCriticalSection); COurInternalTable *pTempListing = m_pInternalList; CInstallsInProgressTable *pInstalls = m_pInstallsTable; m_pInternalList = NULL; m_pInternalList = NULL; if (pTempListing != NULL) { pTempListing->Clear(this, &CProtectionRequestList::ClearProtectionItems); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pTempListing); } if (pInstalls != NULL) { pInstalls->ClearNoCallback(); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pInstalls); } } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::IsSfcIgnoredStoreSubdir(PCWSTR wsz) { FN_TRACE(); ASSERT(m_arrIgnorableSubdirs); for (SIZE_T i = 0; i < m_cIgnorableSubdirs; i++) { if (::FusionpEqualStringsI(m_arrIgnorableSubdirs[i], wsz)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::AttemptRemoveItem(CProtectionRequestRecord *AttemptRemoval) { // // This quickly indicates that the progress is complete and just returns to // the caller. // const CBaseStringBuffer &sbKey = AttemptRemoval->GetChangeBasePath(); BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; CSxsLockCriticalSection lock(m_cSection); FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); PARAMETER_CHECK(AttemptRemoval != NULL); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(lock.Lock()); // // This item is no longer in service. Please check the item and // try your call again. The nice thing is that Remove on CStringPtrTable // knows to delete the value lickety-split before returning. This isn't // such a bad thing, but it's ... different. // m_pInternalList->Remove(sbKey, NULL); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::AddRequest( PSXS_PROTECT_DIRECTORY pProtect, PCWSTR pcwszDirName, SIZE_T cchName, DWORD dwAction ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; bool fIsManifestEdit = false; BOOL fIsIgnorable = FALSE; BOOL fNewAddition = FALSE; CSmallStringBuffer sbTemp; CSmallStringBuffer sbAssemblyDirectoryName; CSmallStringBuffer sbRequestText; CSmallStringBuffer buffManifestsDirectoryName; CSmallStringBuffer buffManifestsShortDirectoryName; CProtectionRequestRecord *pRecord = NULL; CProtectionRequestRecord *ppFoundInTable = NULL; CSxsLockCriticalSection lock(m_cSection); FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); // // The key here is the first characters (up to the first slash) in the // notification name. If there's no slash in the notification name, then // we can ignore this change request, since nothing important happened. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbTemp.Win32Assign(pProtect->pwszDirectory, (pProtect->pwszDirectory != NULL) ? ::wcslen(pProtect->pwszDirectory) : 0)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbRequestText.Win32Assign(pcwszDirName, cchName)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbRequestText.Win32GetFirstPathElement(sbAssemblyDirectoryName)); fIsIgnorable = IsSfcIgnoredStoreSubdir(sbAssemblyDirectoryName); fIsManifestEdit = !::FusionpStrCmpI(sbAssemblyDirectoryName, MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME); if (!fIsManifestEdit) { DWORD dwTemp = 0; CStringBufferAccessor acc; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory(buffManifestsDirectoryName)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffManifestsDirectoryName.Win32AppendPathElement(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME, NUMBER_OF(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME) - 1)); acc.Attach(&buffManifestsShortDirectoryName); IFW32ZERO_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(dwTemp = ::GetShortPathNameW(buffManifestsDirectoryName, acc.GetBufferPtr(), acc.GetBufferCchAsDWORD())); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell possibility of infinite loop; "only try twice". */ while (dwTemp >= acc.GetBufferCchAsDWORD()) { acc.Detach(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffManifestsShortDirectoryName.Win32ResizeBuffer(dwTemp, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); acc.Attach(&buffManifestsShortDirectoryName); IFW32ZERO_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(dwTemp = ::GetShortPathNameW(buffManifestsDirectoryName, acc.GetBufferPtr(), acc.GetBufferCchAsDWORD())); } acc.Detach(); // Ok all that work and now we finally have the manifests directory name as a short string. Let's abuse buffManifestsShortDirectoryName // to just hold the short name of the manifests directory. IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffManifestsShortDirectoryName.Win32GetLastPathElement(buffManifestsDirectoryName)); if (::FusionpCompareStrings( buffManifestsDirectoryName, sbAssemblyDirectoryName, true) == 0) { // Convert the directory name to its proper long form IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32Assign(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME, NUMBER_OF(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME) - 1)); fIsManifestEdit = true; } } if ((fIsIgnorable) && (!fIsManifestEdit)) { #if DBG // // We get a lot of these. // if (::FusionpStrCmpI(sbAssemblyDirectoryName, L"InstallTemp") != 0) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - %ls is ignorable (%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(sbAssemblyDirectoryName), fIsIgnorable ); } #endif fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; } // // The "key" value here is the full path to the assembly that we're protecting. // This is what we'll store in the table. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbTemp.Win32AppendPathElement(sbAssemblyDirectoryName)); if (fIsManifestEdit) { CStringListEntry *pEntry = NULL; ULONG ulWasSomeoneServicing = 0; // // Create a new manifest edit slot, add it to the list of items that are being // serviced. // IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(pEntry = new CStringListEntry); if (!pEntry->m_sbText.Win32Assign(sbRequestText)) { TRACE_WIN32_FAILURE(m_sbText.Win32Assign); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pEntry); pEntry = NULL; goto Exit; } ::SxspInterlockedPushEntrySList(&m_ManifestEditList, pEntry); pEntry = NULL; // // Tell anyone that's listening that we have a new manifest edit here // SetEvent(m_hManifestEditHappened); // // See if someone is servicing the queue at the moment // ulWasSomeoneServicing = ::SxspInterlockedCompareExchange(&m_ulIsAThreadServicingManifests, 1, 0); if (!ulWasSomeoneServicing) { // Missing error checking! QueueUserWorkItem(ProtectionManifestThreadProc, (PVOID)this, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT); } fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; } // // At this point, we need to see if the chunk that we identified is currently // in the list of things to be validated. If not, it gets added and a thread // is spun off to work on it. Otherwise, an entry may already exist in a // thread that's being serviced, and so it needs to be deleted. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(lock.Lock()); m_pInternalList->Find(sbTemp, ppFoundInTable); if (!ppFoundInTable) { IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(pRecord = new CProtectionRequestRecord); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - Creating protection record for %ls:\n" "\tKey = %ls\n" "\tManifest? = %d\n" "\tProtectionRecord = %p\n" "\tAction = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(sbAssemblyDirectoryName), static_cast(sbTemp), fIsManifestEdit, pProtect, dwAction); #endif IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pRecord->Initialize( sbAssemblyDirectoryName, sbTemp, this, pProtect, dwAction)); // // Add this first request to be serviced, then spin a thread to start it. // m_pInternalList->Insert(sbTemp, pRecord); fNewAddition = TRUE; // // A little bookkeeping ... so we don't accidentally use it later. // ppFoundInTable = pRecord; pRecord = NULL; } // // If we actually got something into the table... // if (ppFoundInTable) { ppFoundInTable->AddSubFile(sbRequestText); // // If this is a new thing in the table (ie: we inserted it ourselves) // then we should go and spin up a thread for it. // if (fNewAddition) { /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell We should check for an error from QueueUserWorkItem, like out of memory. */ QueueUserWorkItem(ProtectionNormalThreadProc, (PVOID)ppFoundInTable, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT); } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: DWORD dwLastError = ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(); if (pRecord) { // // If this is still set, something bad happened in the process of trying to // create/find this object. Delete it here. // FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pRecord); pRecord = NULL; } ::FusionpSetLastWin32Error(dwLastError); return fSuccess; } static BYTE p_bProtectionListBuffer[ sizeof(CProtectionRequestList) * 2 ]; PCWSTR CProtectionRequestList::m_arrIgnorableSubdirs[] = { ASSEMBLY_INSTALL_TEMP_DIR_NAME, POLICY_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME, REGISTRY_BACKUP_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME }; SIZE_T CProtectionRequestList::m_cIgnorableSubdirs = NUMBER_OF(CProtectionRequestList::m_arrIgnorableSubdirs); BOOL SxspIsSfcIgnoredStoreSubdir(PCWSTR pwsz) { return CProtectionRequestList::IsSfcIgnoredStoreSubdir(pwsz); } BOOL SxspConstructProtectionList() { CProtectionRequestList *pTemp = NULL; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); // // This only gets called once, if they know what's good for them. // ASSERT(!g_ProtectionRequestList); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell The comments here are bogus. Placement new actually cannot fail due to out of memory, only the constructor throwing an exception. */ // // Construct - this should never fail, but if it does, there's trouble. // pTemp = new (&p_bProtectionListBuffer) CProtectionRequestList; if (pTemp == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS: %s() - Failed placement new of CProtectionRequestList????\n", __FUNCTION__); ::FusionpSetLastWin32Error(FUSION_WIN32_ALLOCFAILED_ERROR); TRACE_WIN32_FAILURE_ORIGINATION(new(CProtectionRequestList)); goto Exit; } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pTemp->Initialize()); g_ProtectionRequestList = pTemp; pTemp = NULL; // // Create our logon event. // IFW32NULL_EXIT(g_hSxsLoginEvent = ::CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: if (pTemp) { // // If this is still set, then something failed somewhere in the construction // code for the protection system. We don't want to delete it, per-se, but // we need to just null out everything. // g_ProtectionRequestList = NULL; pTemp = NULL; g_hSxsLoginEvent = NULL; } return fSuccess; } BOOL WINAPI SxsProtectionNotifyW( PVOID pvCookie, PCWSTR wsChangeText, SIZE_T cchChangeText, DWORD dwChangeAction ) { #if YOU_ARE_HAVING_ANY_WIERDNESS_WITH_SFC_AND_SXS return TRUE; #else BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; if (::FusionpDbgWouldPrintAtFilterLevel(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_FILECHANGENOT)) { const USHORT Length = (cchChangeText > UNICODE_STRING_MAX_CHARS) ? UNICODE_STRING_MAX_BYTES : ((USHORT) (cchChangeText * sizeof(WCHAR))); const UNICODE_STRING u = { Length, Length, const_cast(wsChangeText) }; ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_FILECHANGENOT, "[%lx.%lx: %wZ] SXS FCN (cookie, action, text): %p, %lu, \"%wZ\"\n", HandleToULong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess), HandleToULong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), &NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessParameters->ImagePathName, pvCookie, dwChangeAction, &u); } // // If we're not accepting notifications, then quit out immediately. // if (!s_fIsSfcAcceptingNotifications) { fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; } // // Having done this in the wrong order is also a Bad Bad Thing // ASSERT2_NTC(g_ProtectionRequestList != NULL, "SXS.DLL: Protection - Check order of operations, g_ProtectionRequestList is invalid!!\n"); fSuccess = g_ProtectionRequestList->AddRequest( (PSXS_PROTECT_DIRECTORY)pvCookie, wsChangeText, cchChangeText, dwChangeAction); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; #endif } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionManifestThreadProcNoSEH(LPVOID pvParam) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CProtectionRequestList *pThis = NULL; PARAMETER_CHECK(pvParam != NULL); pThis = reinterpret_cast(pvParam); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pThis->ProtectionManifestThreadProcWrapped()); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } DWORD CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionManifestThreadProc(LPVOID pvParam) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; fSuccess = ProtectionManifestThreadProcNoSEH(pvParam); return static_cast(fSuccess); } class CProtectionManifestSingleManifestWorkerLocals { public: CProtectionManifestSingleManifestWorkerLocals() { } ~CProtectionManifestSingleManifestWorkerLocals() { } CStringBuffer sbAssemblyDirectoryName; CStringBuffer sbManifestPath; CAssemblyRecoveryInfo RecoverInfo; }; BOOL CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionManifestSingleManifestWorker( const CStringListEntry *pEntry ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); SxsRecoveryResult RecoverResult = Recover_Unknown; HashValidateResult HashValidResult = HashValidate_OtherProblems; BOOL fCatalogPresent = FALSE; bool fNoAssembly = false; CSmartPtr Locals; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Locals.Win32Allocate(__FILE__, __LINE__)); CStringBuffer &sbAssemblyDirectoryName = Locals->sbAssemblyDirectoryName; CStringBuffer &sbManifestPath = Locals->sbManifestPath; CAssemblyRecoveryInfo &RecoverInfo = Locals->RecoverInfo; PARAMETER_CHECK(pEntry); // // Calculate the name of the assembly based on the middling part of // the string // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32Assign(pEntry->m_sbText)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32RemoveFirstPathElement()); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32ClearPathExtension()); if (sbAssemblyDirectoryName.Cch() == 0) FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); ::Sleep(5000); // wait 5 seconds for the offender to probably let go of their handle on the file // // Try mashing this into an assembly name/recovery info // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(RecoverInfo.AssociateWithAssembly(sbAssemblyDirectoryName, fNoAssembly)); // If we couldn't figure out what this was for, we have to ignore it. if (fNoAssembly) { #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - File \"%ls\" in the manifest directory modified, but could not be mapped to an assembly. IGNORING.\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(pEntry->m_sbText)); #endif FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); } // // Now that we have the recovery info.. // if (!RecoverInfo.GetHasCatalog()) { #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - Assembly %ls was in the registry, but without a catalog so we aren't protecting it\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(sbAssemblyDirectoryName)); #endif FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); } // // Resolve the manifest path, then validate // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspResolveAssemblyManifestPath(sbAssemblyDirectoryName, sbManifestPath)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspVerifyFileHash( SVFH_RETRY_LOGIC_SIMPLE, sbManifestPath, RecoverInfo.GetSecurityInformation().GetManifestHash(), CALG_SHA1, HashValidResult)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspEnsureCatalogStillPresentForManifest(sbManifestPath, fCatalogPresent)); // // Reinstall needed? // if ((HashValidResult != HashValidate_Matches) || !fCatalogPresent) IFW32FALSE_EXIT(this->PerformRecoveryOfAssembly(RecoverInfo, RecoverResult)); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionManifestThreadProcWrapped() { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bFoundItemsThisTimeAround; CStringListEntry *pNextItem = NULL; DWORD dwWaitResult = 0; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); bFoundItemsThisTimeAround = FALSE; do { // // Yes, mother, we hear you. // ::ResetEvent(m_hManifestEditHappened); // // Pull the next thing off the list and service it. // while (pNextItem = (CStringListEntry*)::SxspInterlockedPopEntrySList(&m_ManifestEditList)) { bFoundItemsThisTimeAround = TRUE; if (!this->ProtectionManifestSingleManifestWorker(pNextItem)) ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Processing work item %p failed\n", __FUNCTION__, pNextItem); FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pNextItem); } // // Loaf about for a bit and see if anyone else has stuff for us to do // dwWaitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hManifestEditHappened, 3000); if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { ::SxspInterlockedExchange(&m_ulIsAThreadServicingManifests, 0); break; } else if (dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { continue; } else { TRACE_WIN32_FAILURE_ORIGINATION(WaitForSingleObject); goto Exit; } } while (true); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } class CProtectionRequestListProtectionNormalThreadProcWrappedLocals { public: CProtectionRequestListProtectionNormalThreadProcWrappedLocals() { } ~CProtectionRequestListProtectionNormalThreadProcWrappedLocals() { } CSmallStringBuffer buffFullPathOfChange; CSmallStringBuffer buffAssemblyStore; CSmallStringBuffer buffAssemblyRelativeChange; CStringBuffer rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName; }; BOOL CProtectionRequestList::ProtectionNormalThreadProcWrapped( CProtectionRequestRecord *pRequestRecord ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CProtectionRequestRecord &rRequest = *pRequestRecord; CProtectionRequestList *pRequestList = rRequest.GetParent(); BOOL fNeedsReinstall = FALSE; BOOL fAssemblyNotFound = FALSE; DWORD dwAsmPathAttribs = 0; SxsRecoveryResult RecoverResult = Recover_Unknown; bool fNoAssembly = false; bool fExist = false; // // The request's key value contains the full path of the assembly that // is being modified, in theory. So, we can just use it locally. // const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffAssemblyPath = rRequest.GetChangeBasePath(); CAssemblyRecoveryInfo &rRecoveryInfo = rRequest.GetRecoveryInfo(); CSecurityMetaData &rSecurityMetaData = rRecoveryInfo.GetSecurityInformation(); CSmartPtr Locals; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Locals.Win32Allocate(__FILE__, __LINE__)); CSmallStringBuffer &buffFullPathOfChange = Locals->buffFullPathOfChange; CSmallStringBuffer &buffAssemblyStore = Locals->buffAssemblyStore; CSmallStringBuffer &buffAssemblyRelativeChange = Locals->buffAssemblyRelativeChange; CStringBuffer &rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName = Locals->rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName; ::Sleep(5000); // wait 5 seconds for the offender to let go of the file handle // // this name could be changes because the assemblyName in the request could be a short name, // in this case, we need reset the AssemblyName in rRequest // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32Assign(rRequest.GetAssemblyDirectoryName())); // // This value should not change at all during this function. Save it here. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rRequest.GetAssemblyStore(buffAssemblyStore)); // // The big question of the day - find out the recovery information for this // assembly. See if there was a catalog at installation time (a) or find out // whether or not there is a catalog for it right now. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rRecoveryInfo.AssociateWithAssembly(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName, fNoAssembly)); // If we couldn't figure out what assembly this was for, we ignore it. if (fNoAssembly) FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); // // if rbuffAssemblyName is different from the assemblyname from rRequest, // it must be a short name, we must reset the AssemblyName in rRequest // StringComparisonResult scr = eEquals; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName.Win32Compare(rRequest.GetAssemblyDirectoryName(), rRequest.GetAssemblyDirectoryName().Cch(), scr, NORM_IGNORECASE)); if (scr != eEquals) IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rRequest.SetAssemblyDirectoryName(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName)); if (rRecoveryInfo.GetInfoPrepared() == FALSE) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RecoveryInfoCouldNotBePrepared, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); if (!rRecoveryInfo.GetHasCatalog()) { #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP | FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_INFO, "SXS.DLL: %s - Assembly %ls not registered with catalog, WFP ignoring it.\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(rbuffAssemblyDirectoryName)); #endif fSuccess = TRUE; goto Exit; } // // See if it still exists... // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDoesFileExist(SXSP_DOES_FILE_EXIST_FLAG_CHECK_DIRECTORY_ONLY, rbuffAssemblyPath, fExist)); if (!fExist) // the directory does not exist { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: WFP reinstalling assembly because GetFileAttributesW(\"%ls\") failed with win32 error %ld\n", static_cast(rbuffAssemblyPath), ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); fNeedsReinstall = TRUE; goto DoReinstall; } #if 0 // "if 0" is added by xiaoyuw-2002.05.01, // the reason is that if the file is not a directory, we still need do reinstall, instead of SUCCESSFUL_EXIT // // // Otherwise, is it maybe not a directory for one reason or another? // else if (!(dwAsmPathAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL:%s - %ws isn't a directory, we should attempt to remove it?\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(rbuffAssemblyPath)); #endif FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); } #endif // // Find out whether or not the file is still OK by checking against the manifest // { HashValidateResult HashValid = HashValidate_OtherProblems; CStringBuffer buffManifestFullPath; BOOL fPresent = FALSE; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory( buffFullPathOfChange ) ); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspCreateManifestFileNameFromTextualString( 0, SXSP_GENERATE_SXS_PATH_PATHTYPE_MANIFEST, buffFullPathOfChange, rSecurityMetaData.GetTextualIdentity(), buffManifestFullPath) ); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL:%s - Checking to see if manifest %ls is OK\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffManifestFullPath)); #endif IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspVerifyFileHash( SVFH_RETRY_LOGIC_SIMPLE, buffManifestFullPath, rSecurityMetaData.GetManifestHash(), CALG_SHA1, HashValid)); #if DBG FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL:%s - Manifest %ls checks %ls\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffManifestFullPath), SxspHashValidateResultToString(HashValid) ); #endif if ( HashValid != HashValidate_Matches ) { fNeedsReinstall = TRUE; goto DoReinstall; } // // Let's just ensure the catalog is there - it's not necessary anymore // for the protection pass, but it should be there if someone wants to // repackage the assembly for distribution. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspEnsureCatalogStillPresentForManifest(buffManifestFullPath, fPresent)); if ( !fPresent ) { fNeedsReinstall = TRUE; goto DoReinstall; } } // // Now we can loop through the items in our list of things to be evaluated and // see if any of them are bad (or missing, or whatever.) // // Start out by touching the thing that indicates the last time we spun through // here and looked at the file list. // while (!fNeedsReinstall) { const CMetaDataFileElement* pFileDataElement = NULL; HashValidateResult Valid = HashValidate_OtherProblems; BOOL fFileNotFound; if (!rRequest.PopNextFileChange(buffAssemblyRelativeChange)) { break; } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffAssemblyRelativeChange.Win32RemoveFirstPathElement()); // // The change here is really to the top level directory - don't // bother doing anything in this case. Maybe we should catch // this beforehand so we don't do the work of parsing? // if (buffAssemblyRelativeChange.Cch() == 0) { continue; } // // Acquire the security data // IFW32FALSE_EXIT( rSecurityMetaData.GetFileMetaData( buffAssemblyRelativeChange, pFileDataElement ) ); // // There wasn't any data for this file? Means we don't know about the file, so we // probably should do /something/ about it. For now, however, with the agreeance of // the backup team, we let sleeping files lie. if ( pFileDataElement == NULL ) { // // because short-filename is not stored in registry, so for a filename, which might be long-pathname // or a short pathname, if we try out all entries in the Registry and still can not find it, // we assume it is a short filename. In this case, we would verify the assembly, if it is not intact, // do reinstall for the assembly.... // DWORD dwResult = 0; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspValidateEntireAssembly( SXS_VALIDATE_ASM_FLAG_CHECK_EVERYTHING, rRecoveryInfo, dwResult)); fNeedsReinstall = ( dwResult != SXS_VALIDATE_ASM_FLAG_VALID_PERFECT ); goto DoReinstall; } // // And build the full path of the change via: // // sbAssemblyPath + \ + buffAssemblyRelativeChange // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffFullPathOfChange.Win32Assign(rbuffAssemblyPath)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffFullPathOfChange.Win32AppendPathElement(buffAssemblyRelativeChange)); // // We really should check the return value here, but the // function is smart enough to set Valid to something useful // before returning. A failure here should NOT be an IFW32FALSE_EXIT // call, mostly because we don't want to stop protecting this // assembly just because it failed with a FILE_NOT_FOUND or other // such. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS(::SxspValidateAllFileHashes( *pFileDataElement, buffFullPathOfChange, Valid ), FILE_OR_PATH_NOT_FOUND(::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()), fFileNotFound ); if ( ( Valid != HashValidate_Matches ) || fFileNotFound ) { fNeedsReinstall = TRUE; goto DoReinstall; } } /* while */ DoReinstall: // // If somewhere along the line we were supposed to reinstall, then we // do so. // if (fNeedsReinstall) { // // We have to indicate that all changes from point A to point B need // to be ignored. // rRequest.MarkInRecoveryMode(TRUE); PerformRecoveryOfAssembly(rRecoveryInfo, RecoverResult); rRequest.ClearList(); rRequest.MarkInRecoveryMode(FALSE); /* NTRAID#NTBUG9-591177-2002/03/31-JayKrell see following comment */ // // HACKHACK jonwis 1/20/2001 - Stop failing assertions because lasterror // is set wrong by one of the above. // ::FusionpSetLastWin32Error(0); } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: const DWORD dwLastErrorSaved = ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(); // // We are done - this always succeeds. The explanation is hairy. // if (pRequestList->AttemptRemoveItem(&rRequest)) { ::FusionpSetLastWin32Error(dwLastErrorSaved); } else { if (!fSuccess) { // This seems bad that we're losing the original failure; let's at least spew it. ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s() losing original win32 error code of %d; replaced with %d from CProtectionRequestList::AttemptRemoveItem() call.\n", __FUNCTION__, dwLastErrorSaved, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); } fSuccess = FALSE; } return fSuccess; } BOOL WINAPI SxsProtectionUserLogonEvent() { return SetEvent(g_hSxsLoginEvent); } BOOL WINAPI SxsProtectionUserLogoffEvent() { return ResetEvent(g_hSxsLoginEvent); } BOOL CProtectionRequestList::PerformRecoveryOfAssembly( const CAssemblyRecoveryInfo &RecoverInfo, SxsRecoveryResult &ResultOut ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 BOOL fFound = FALSE; CRecoveryJobTableEntry *pNewEntry, **pExistingEntry; DWORD dwRecoveryLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; CSxsLockCriticalSection lock(m_cInstallerCriticalSection); IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(pNewEntry = new CRecoveryJobTableEntry); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pNewEntry->Initialize()); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(lock.Lock()); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( m_pInstallsTable->FindOrInsertIfNotPresent( RecoverInfo.GetAssemblyDirectoryName(), pNewEntry, &pExistingEntry, &fFound)); lock.Unlock(); // // Great, it was either inserted or it was already there - if not already there, // then we'll take care if it. // if (!fFound) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pNewEntry->StartInstallation()); // // Perform the recovery. // fSuccess = ::SxspRecoverAssembly(RecoverInfo, ResultOut); if (!fSuccess) dwRecoveryLastError = ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s() - RecoverAssembly returned Result = %ls, fSuccess = %s, LastError = 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ::SxspRecoveryResultToString(ResultOut), fSuccess ? "true" : "false", dwRecoveryLastError); #endif // // Tell this entry that it's all done. This releases the other people // that were waiting on the event to get done as well. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pNewEntry->InstallationComplete(fSuccess, ResultOut, dwRecoveryLastError)); // // And now delete the item from the list. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(lock.Lock()); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_pInstallsTable->Remove(RecoverInfo.GetAssemblyDirectoryName())); lock.Unlock(); } else { DWORD dwLastError; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; IFW32FALSE_EXIT((*pExistingEntry)->WaitUntilCompleted(ResultOut, fSuccess, dwLastError)); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx(FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s() - WaitUntilCompleted returned Result = %ls, fInstalledOk = %s, LastError = 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ::SxspRecoveryResultToString(ResultOut), fSuccess ? "true" : "false", dwLastError); #endif dwRecoveryLastError = dwLastError; } if (dwRecoveryLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(RecoveryFailed, dwRecoveryLastError); FN_EPILOG } VOID WINAPI SxsProtectionEnableProcessing(BOOL fActivityEnabled) { s_fIsSfcAcceptingNotifications = fActivityEnabled; }