@echo off if NOT DEFINED SdxRoot ( echo You must set %%SDXROOT%% to the full path of your enlistment root, ie D:\NT goto :EOF ) if NOT DEFINED RazzleToolPath ( echo You must run this script from a RAZZLE window goto :EOF ) echo on setlocal pushd %SdxRoot% nmake -f makefil0 set_buildnum nmake -f makefil0 set_builddate call revert_public @echo on call sdx sync @echo on rd /s /q %_NTPOSTBLD% cd %SdxRoot%\published\sdk\lib build -cZ cd %SdxRoot%\MergedComponents\SetupInfs build -cZ cd %SdxRoot%\com\netfx build -cZ cd %SdxRoot% perl tools\timebuild.pl -RESUME call revert_public popd endlocal