#include "compch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #undef GetObjectContext DWORD __stdcall ComSvcsExceptionFilter( IN EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExcepPtrs, IN const wchar_t* wszMethodName, IN const wchar_t* objectName ) { return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } STDAPI ComSvcsLogError( IN HRESULT hrError, IN int iErrorMessageCode, IN LPWSTR wszInfo, IN BOOL fFailFast ) { return FAILED (hrError) ? hrError : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); } typedef struct{ DWORD dwMTAThreadPoolMaxSize; DWORD dwMTAThreadPoolThrottle; } MTA_METRICS; BOOL __stdcall GetMTAThreadPoolMetrics( MTA_METRICS *pMM ) { if (pMM) ZeroMemory (pMM, sizeof (MTA_METRICS)); return FALSE; } HRESULT __cdecl GetObjectContext( OUT IObjectContext** ppInstanceContext ) { if (ppInstanceContext) *ppInstanceContext = NULL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); } STDAPI GetTrkSvrObject( IN REFIID riid, OUT void** ppv ) { if (ppv) *ppv = NULL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); } // // !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order, and are CASE SENSITIVE (eg lower case comes last!) // DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(comsvcs) { DLPENTRY(ComSvcsExceptionFilter) DLPENTRY(ComSvcsLogError) DLPENTRY(GetMTAThreadPoolMetrics) DLPENTRY(GetObjectContext) DLPENTRY(GetTrkSvrObject) }; DEFINE_PROCNAME_MAP(comsvcs)