/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 Module Name: mq.cxx Abstract: This is the code that actually makes Falcon API calls. It is used by the Falcon/RPC transport (mqtrans.cxx) Author: Edward Reus (edwardr) 05-Jul-1997 Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mqtrans.hxx" static HINSTANCE g_hMqRt = 0; FALCON_API *g_pMqApi = 0; static CQueueMap *g_pQueueMap = 0; char placeHolder[sizeof(MUTEX)]; // provide placeholder for the mutex MUTEX *gp_csContext = (MUTEX *)placeHolder; // the mutex itself #ifdef UNICODE #define ptszVal pwszVal #define VT_LPTSTR VT_LPWSTR #else #define ptszVal pszVal #define VT_LPTSTR VT_LPSTR #endif static PCONTEXT_HANDLE g_pContext = 0; // WARNING: the size and ordering of g_arszMqApis is dependent // on the definition of the FALCON_API structure in mqtrans.hxx // WARNING: When you are freeing Falcon allocated strings, do // *not* use MQFreeMemory. Use MQFreeStringFromProperty. Otherwise // you will break Win98 code. const static char *g_arszMqApis[] = { "MQLocateBegin", "MQLocateNext", "MQLocateEnd", "MQInstanceToFormatName", "MQOpenQueue", "MQFreeMemory", "MQSendMessage", "MQReceiveMessage", "MQCloseQueue", "MQDeleteQueue", "MQPathNameToFormatName", "MQCreateQueue", "MQGetMachineProperties", "MQGetQueueProperties", "MQSetQueueProperties", NULL }; // Error mappings for MQ_MapStatusCode(): typedef struct _STATUS_MAPPING { HRESULT hr; RPC_STATUS status; } STATUS_MAPPING; const static STATUS_MAPPING g_StatusMap[] = { { MQ_OK, RPC_S_OK }, { MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT, RPC_P_TIMEOUT }, { MQ_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY }, { MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND, RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE }, { MQ_ERROR, RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_BAD_DST_Q, RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_PURGED, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_REACH_QUEUE_TIMEOUT, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_Q_EXCEED_QUOTA, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_ACCESS_DENIED, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_HOP_COUNT_EXCEEDED, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_BAD_SIGNATURE, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_BAD_ENCRYPTION, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_COULD_NOT_ENCRYPT, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_NOT_TRANSACTIONAL_Q, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_NOT_TRANSACTIONAL_MSG,RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_Q_DELETED, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_Q_PURGED, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE }, { MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_QUEUE_PATHNAME, RPC_S_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMAT} }; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_Initialize() // // Called by DG_TransportLoad() to initialize the ncadg_mq // transport. This function does a dynamic load of the Falcon // runtime DLL (MQRT.DLL) and creates a call table to access // the Falcon API. If successful, return TRUE, else return // FALSE. //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL MQ_Initialize() { BOOL fStatus = TRUE; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus = RPC_S_OK; // Make sure the function count is correct... ASSERT( sizeof(g_arszMqApis)-sizeof(PVOID) == sizeof(FALCON_API) ); // gp_csContext = new (gp_csContext) MUTEX(&RpcStatus); if (RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { return FALSE; } // Get the MSMQ runtime library: g_hMqRt = LoadLibrary(TEXT("mqrt.dll")); if (!g_hMqRt) { fStatus = FALSE; } // Build up the MSMQ call table that we will use to access // the MSMQ C API: if (fStatus) { g_pMqApi = (FALCON_API*)I_RpcAllocate(sizeof(FALCON_API)); if (!g_pMqApi) { fStatus = FALSE; } } if (fStatus) { FARPROC *ppFn = (FARPROC*)g_pMqApi; int i = 0; while (g_arszMqApis[i]) { *ppFn = GetProcAddress(g_hMqRt,g_arszMqApis[i++]); if (!*ppFn) { fStatus = FALSE; break; } ppFn++; } } if (fStatus) { g_pQueueMap = new CQueueMap; if (!g_pQueueMap) { fStatus = FALSE; } else { fStatus = g_pQueueMap->Initialize(); } } if (!fStatus) { gp_csContext->Free(); if (g_hMqRt) { FreeLibrary(g_hMqRt); g_hMqRt = 0; } if (g_pQueueMap) { delete g_pQueueMap; g_pQueueMap = 0; } if (g_pMqApi) { I_RpcFree(g_pMqApi); g_pMqApi = 0; } } return fStatus; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_MapStatusCode() // // Convert a MQ HRESULT status to a RPC_STATUS code. //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS MQ_MapStatusCode( HRESULT hr, RPC_STATUS defaultStatus ) { int iSize = sizeof(g_StatusMap)/sizeof(STATUS_MAPPING); RPC_STATUS status = defaultStatus; for (int i=0; iulPriority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; pOpts->ulTimeToReachQueue = INFINITE; pOpts->ulTimeToReceive = INFINITE; } else { status = RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_SetOption() // // Set transport specific binding handle options. //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY MQ_SetOption( IN void PAPI *pvTransportOptions, IN unsigned long option, IN ULONG_PTR optionValue ) { RPC_STATUS status = RPC_S_OK; MQ_OPTIONS *pOpts = (MQ_OPTIONS*)pvTransportOptions; switch (option) { case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_DELIVERY: if ( (optionValue == RPC_C_MQ_EXPRESS) || (optionValue == RPC_C_MQ_RECOVERABLE) ) pOpts->ulDelivery = (unsigned long) optionValue; else status = RPC_S_INVALID_ARG; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_PRIORITY: if (optionValue <= MQ_MAX_PRIORITY) pOpts->ulPriority = (unsigned long) optionValue; else pOpts->ulPriority = MQ_MAX_PRIORITY; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_JOURNAL: if ( (optionValue == RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_NONE) || (optionValue == RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_ALWAYS) || (optionValue == RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_DEADLETTER) ) pOpts->ulJournaling = (unsigned long) optionValue; else status = RPC_S_INVALID_ARG; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE: pOpts->ulTimeToReachQueue = (unsigned long) optionValue; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED: pOpts->ulTimeToReceive = (unsigned long) optionValue; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_ACKNOWLEDGE: pOpts->fAck = (optionValue != FALSE); break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_AUTHN_SERVICE: if (optionValue == RPC_C_AUTHN_MQ) { status = RPC_S_OK; } else if (optionValue == RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE) { pOpts->fAuthenticate = FALSE; pOpts->fEncrypt = FALSE; status = RPC_S_OK; } else { status = RPC_S_UNKNOWN_AUTHN_SERVICE; } break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_AUTHN_LEVEL: if (optionValue > RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE) { pOpts->fAuthenticate = TRUE; pOpts->fEncrypt = (optionValue == RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY)? TRUE : FALSE; } else { pOpts->fAuthenticate = FALSE; pOpts->fEncrypt = FALSE; } break; default: status = RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT; break; } // The following is some code to make sure the RPC_C_xxx // constants always have the correct values: #if ( (RPC_C_MQ_EXPRESS != MQMSG_DELIVERY_EXPRESS) \ || (RPC_C_MQ_RECOVERABLE != MQMSG_DELIVERY_RECOVERABLE) ) #error "RPC constants wrong" #endif #if ( (RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_NONE != MQMSG_JOURNAL_NONE) \ || (RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_ALWAYS != MQMSG_JOURNAL) \ || (RPC_C_MQ_JOURNAL_DEADLETTER != MQMSG_DEADLETTER) ) #error "RPC constants wrong" #endif return status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_InqOption() // // Get transport specific binding handle options. //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY MQ_InqOption( IN void PAPI *pvTransportOptions, IN unsigned long option, OUT ULONG_PTR *pOptionValue ) { RPC_STATUS status = RPC_S_OK; MQ_OPTIONS *pOpts = (MQ_OPTIONS*)pvTransportOptions; switch (option) { case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_DELIVERY: *pOptionValue = pOpts->ulDelivery; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_PRIORITY: *pOptionValue = pOpts->ulPriority; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_JOURNAL: *pOptionValue = pOpts->ulJournaling; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE: *pOptionValue = pOpts->ulTimeToReachQueue; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED: *pOptionValue = pOpts->ulTimeToReceive; break; case RPC_C_OPT_MQ_ACKNOWLEDGE: *pOptionValue = pOpts->fAck; break; default: status = RPC_S_INVALID_ARG; *pOptionValue = 0; break; } return status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_ImplementOptions() // // Apply transport specific binding handle options to the // specified server. //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY MQ_ImplementOptions( IN DG_TRANSPORT_ENDPOINT pvTransEndpoint, IN void *pvTransportOptions ) { RPC_STATUS Status = RPC_S_OK; HRESULT hr; MQ_OPTIONS *pOpts = (MQ_OPTIONS*)pvTransportOptions; MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint = (MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT*)pvTransEndpoint; pEndpoint->fAck = pOpts->fAck; pEndpoint->ulDelivery = pOpts->ulDelivery; pEndpoint->ulPriority = pOpts->ulPriority; pEndpoint->ulJournaling = pOpts->ulJournaling; pEndpoint->ulTimeToReachQueue = pOpts->ulTimeToReachQueue; pEndpoint->ulTimeToReceive = pOpts->ulTimeToReceive; pEndpoint->fAuthenticate = pOpts->fAuthenticate; pEndpoint->fEncrypt = pOpts->fEncrypt; // // If the fAck flag is set, then we want to get an acknowledgement // for each call (message) as it gets to the destination (server) // queue. So, setup an admin queue to receive Falcon ACK messages. // if ( (pEndpoint->fAck) && (pEndpoint->hAdminQueue == 0) ) { hr = SetupAdminQueue(pEndpoint); Status = MQ_MapStatusCode(hr,RPC_S_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (Status == RPC_S_OK) { MQ_RegisterQueueToDelete(pEndpoint->wsAdminQFormat,pEndpoint->wsMachine); } } return Status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_BuildAddressVector() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS MQ_BuildAddressVector( OUT NETWORK_ADDRESS_VECTOR **ppVector ) { DWORD dwSize; RPC_CHAR wsMachine[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LEN]; NETWORK_ADDRESS_VECTOR *pVector; dwSize = sizeof(wsMachine)/sizeof(RPC_CHAR); GetComputerName((RPC_SCHAR *)wsMachine,&dwSize); *ppVector = 0; pVector = new( sizeof(RPC_CHAR*) + sizeof(RPC_CHAR)*(1+RpcpStringLength(wsMachine)) ) NETWORK_ADDRESS_VECTOR; if (!pVector) { return RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } pVector->Count = 1; pVector->NetworkAddresses[0] = (RPC_CHAR*)(&pVector->NetworkAddresses[1]); RpcpStringCopy(pVector->NetworkAddresses[0],wsMachine); *ppVector = pVector; return RPC_S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_FillInAddress() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS MQ_FillInAddress( MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress, MQPROPVARIANT *pMsgProps ) { pAddress->fAuthenticated = pMsgProps[I_AUTHENTICATED].bVal; pAddress->ulPrivacyLevel = pMsgProps[I_PRIVACY_LEVEL].ulVal; ParseQueuePathName( (RPC_CHAR *)pMsgProps[I_MESSAGE_LABEL].ptszVal, pAddress->wsMachine, pAddress->wsQName ); return RPC_S_OK; } #ifdef TRANSPORT_DLL //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MIDL_user_allocate() // // Used by Mq_RegisterQueueToDelete(). //---------------------------------------------------------------- void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate( size_t len ) { return (I_RpcAllocate(len)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MIDL_user_free() // // Used by Mq_RegisterQueueToDelete(). //---------------------------------------------------------------- void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR *ptr ) { I_RpcFree(ptr); } #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_RegisterQueueToDelete() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS MQ_RegisterQueueToDelete( RPC_CHAR *pwsQFormat, RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine ) { RPC_STATUS Status; RPC_CHAR *pwsStringBinding; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding = 0; ASSERT(pwsQFormat); gp_csContext->Request(); // This is a long critical section... but only for the first call. if (!g_pContext) { Status = RpcStringBindingCompose( NULL, Q_SVC_PROTSEQ, pwsMachine, Q_SVC_ENDPOINT, NULL, &pwsStringBinding ); if (RPC_S_OK == Status) { Status = RpcBindingFromStringBinding( pwsStringBinding, &hBinding ); if (RPC_S_OK != Status) { gp_csContext->Clear(); return Status; } RpcStringFree(&pwsStringBinding); RpcTryExcept { Status = MqGetContext(hBinding,&g_pContext); Status = RpcBindingFree(&hBinding); } RpcExcept(I_RpcExceptionFilter(RpcExceptionCode())) { Status = RpcExceptionCode(); } RpcEndExcept } } gp_csContext->Clear(); if (g_pContext) { Status = MqRegisterQueue(g_pContext,pwsQFormat); } return Status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructQueuePathName() // // Return Value: TRUE on success. // FALSE on fail (Path Name buffer too small). //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ConstructQueuePathName( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQName, OUT RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, IN OUT DWORD *pdwSize ) { BOOL status = TRUE; DWORD len = sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (1 + RpcpStringLength(pwsMachine) + RpcpStringLength(WS_SEPARATOR) + RpcpStringLength(pwsQName) ); if (*pdwSize < len) { status = FALSE; } else { RpcpStringCopy(pwsPathName,pwsMachine); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,WS_SEPARATOR); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsQName); } *pdwSize = len; return status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructPrivateQueuePathName() // // Return Value: TRUE on success. // FALSE on fail (Path Name buffer too small). //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ConstructPrivateQueuePathName( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQName, OUT RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, IN OUT DWORD *pdwSize ) { BOOL status = TRUE; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (1 + RpcpStringLength(pwsMachine) + RpcpStringLength(WS_PRIVATE_DOLLAR) + RpcpStringLength(pwsQName) ); if (*pdwSize < dwSize) { status = FALSE; } else { RpcpStringCopy(pwsPathName,pwsMachine); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,WS_PRIVATE_DOLLAR); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsQName); } *pdwSize = dwSize; return status; } #ifdef USE_PRIVATE_QUEUES //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructPrivateDirectFormat() // // Return Value: TRUE on success. // FALSE on fail (Path Name buffer too small). //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ConstructPrivateDirectFormat( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQName, OUT RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, IN OUT DWORD *pdwSize ) { BOOL status = TRUE; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (1 + RpcpStringLength(WS_DIRECT), + RpcpStringLength(pwsMachine) + RpcpStringLength(WS_PRIVATE_DOLLAR) + RpcpStringLength(pwsQName) ); if (*pdwSize < dwSize) { status = FALSE; } else { RpcpStringCopy(pwsPathName,WS_DIRECT); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsMachine); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,WS_PRIVATE_DOLLAR); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsQName); } *pdwSize = dwSize; return status; } #endif #if FALSE //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ConstructDirectFormat() // // Return Value: TRUE on success. // FALSE on fail (Path Name buffer too small). //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ConstructDirectFormat( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQName, OUT RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, IN OUT DWORD *pdwSize ) { BOOL status = TRUE; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(RPC_CHAR) * (1 + RpcpStringLength(WS_DIRECT) + RpcpStringLength(pwsMachine) + RpcpStringLength(WS_SEPARATOR) + RpcpStringLength(pwsQName) ); if (*pdwSize < dwSize) { status = FALSE; } else { RpcpStringCopy(pwsPathName,WS_DIRECT); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsMachine); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,WS_SEPARATOR); RpcpStringCat(pwsPathName,pwsQName); } *pdwSize = dwSize; return status; } #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ParseQueuePathName() // // For RPC's use of MQ, a queue path name is of the form: // "machine_name\queue_name" or "machine\PRIVATE$\queue_name". // This routine extracts the machine name and queue name from // a given queue path name. // // Return Value: TRUE on success. // FALSE on fail (Can't find the "\" separator). //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL ParseQueuePathName( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, OUT RPC_CHAR wsMachineName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LEN], OUT RPC_CHAR wsQueueName[MQ_MAX_Q_NAME_LEN] ) { BOOL status = TRUE; RPC_CHAR *pSlash; pSlash = (RPC_CHAR *)RpcpCharacter(pwsPathName,*(WS_SEPARATOR)); if (pSlash) { *pSlash = (RPC_CHAR)0; RpcpStringCopy(wsMachineName,pwsPathName); *pSlash = *(WS_SEPARATOR); } else status = FALSE; if (status) { pSlash = (RPC_CHAR *)RpcpCharacter(pwsPathName,*(WS_SEPARATOR)); if (pSlash) { RpcpStringCopy(wsQueueName,++pSlash); } else status = FALSE; } return status; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // LocateQueueViaQName() // // Try to find a MQ queue of type specified by the Queue UUID (the // queue type) with the specified queue name. The first one that is // found (if any) is returned. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT LocateQueueViaQName( IN OUT MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress ) { HRESULT hr = MQ_OK; HANDLE hEnum; int iSize; DWORD dwSize; DWORD cProps; DWORD cQueue; UUID QUuid; QUEUEPROPID aqPropId[MAX_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aPropVar[MAX_VAR]; MQPROPERTYRESTRICTION aPropRestrict[MAX_VAR]; MQRESTRICTION restrict; MQCOLUMNSET column; RPC_CHAR wsMachine[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LEN]; RPC_CHAR wsQName[MQ_MAX_Q_NAME_LEN]; if (RPC_S_OK != UuidFromString(SVR_QTYPE_UUID_STR,&QUuid)) { return MQ_ERROR; } // Set up the restriction properties such that we will // only find our queue (of type pQUuid): cProps = 0; aPropRestrict[cProps].rel = PREQ; aPropRestrict[cProps].prop = PROPID_Q_TYPE; aPropRestrict[cProps].prval.vt = VT_CLSID; aPropRestrict[cProps].prval.puuid = &QUuid; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps < MAX_VAR); restrict.cRes = cProps; restrict.paPropRes = aPropRestrict; cProps = 0; aqPropId[cProps++] = PROPID_Q_INSTANCE; aqPropId[cProps++] = PROPID_Q_PATHNAME; ASSERT(cProps < MAX_VAR); column.cCol = cProps; column.aCol = aqPropId; // Ok, do a locate enumeration: hr = MQLocateBegin(NULL,&restrict,&column,NULL,&hEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } cQueue = cProps; while (cQueue > 0) { hr = MQLocateNext( hEnum, &cQueue, aPropVar ); if (FAILED(hr)) { MQLocateEnd(hEnum); return hr; } if (cQueue > 0) { // Now extract the queue name from the path name: if (ParseQueuePathName((RPC_CHAR *)(aPropVar[1].ptszVal),wsMachine,wsQName)) { if (!RpcpStringCompare(pAddress->wsQName,wsQName)) { // We have a match! Ok, get the format name, // cleanup then return... // Transform the queue instance UUID into a // format name: dwSize = sizeof(pAddress->wsQFormat); hr = MQInstanceToFormatName( aPropVar[0].puuid, pAddress->wsQFormat, &dwSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } // Free memory allocated by MQLocateNext(): MQFreeMemory(aPropVar[0].puuid); // From: PROPID_Q_INSTANCE MQFreeStringFromProperty(&aPropVar[1]); // From: PROPID_Q_PATHNAME // Machine name: RpcpStringCopy(pAddress->wsMachine,wsMachine); break; } } // Free memory allocated by MQLocateNext(): MQFreeMemory(aPropVar[0].puuid); // From: PROPID_Q_INSTANCE MQFreeStringFromProperty(&aPropVar[1]); // From: PROPID_Q_PATHNAME } } MQLocateEnd(hEnum); if (cQueue == 0) { return MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND; } return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // CreateQueue() // // Create a MQ queue of the specified path name. // // Return Value: MQ HRESULT value. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CreateQueue( IN SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *pSecurityDescriptor, IN UUID *pQueueUuid, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsPathName, IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQueueLabel, IN ULONG ulQueueFlags, OUT RPC_CHAR *pwsFormat, IN OUT DWORD *pdwFormatSize ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cProps; DWORD dwSize; MQQUEUEPROPS qProps; MQPROPVARIANT aPropVar[MAX_VAR]; QUEUEPROPID aqPropId[MAX_VAR]; // // Setup properties to create a queue on this machine: // cProps = 0; // Set the PathName: aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_PATHNAME; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pwsPathName; cProps++; // Set the type of the queue (this is a UUID). // This can be used to locate RPC specific queues. if (pQueueUuid) { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_TYPE; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_CLSID; aPropVar[cProps].puuid = pQueueUuid; cProps++; } // Do we want to force authentication of messages // on the queue? if (ulQueueFlags & RPC_C_MQ_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY) { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aPropVar[cProps].bVal = TRUE; cProps++; } // Do we want to force encrypted messages? if (ulQueueFlags & RPC_C_MQ_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY) { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_PRIV_LEVEL; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aPropVar[cProps].ulVal = MQ_PRIV_LEVEL_BODY; cProps++; } // Put a description to the queue. // Useful for administration purposes (through the MSMQ admin tools). aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_LABEL; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pwsQueueLabel; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps < MAX_VAR); // Assemble the QUEUEPROPS structure: qProps.cProp = cProps; qProps.aPropID = aqPropId; qProps.aPropVar = aPropVar; qProps.aStatus = 0; //------------------------------------------------------- // Create the queue hr = MQCreateQueue( pSecurityDescriptor,// Queue permissions. &qProps, // Queue properties. pwsFormat, // Format Name [out]. pdwFormatSize ); // Size of Format Name [in,out]. return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ConnectToServerQueue() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS ConnectToServerQueue( MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress, RPC_CHAR *pNetworkAddress, RPC_CHAR *pEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSize; RPC_CHAR wsQPathName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; // // First, check the end point: // if ( (pEndpoint == NULL) || (*pEndpoint == '\0') || (RpcpStringLength(pEndpoint) >= MQ_MAX_Q_NAME_LEN) ) { return RPC_S_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMAT; } memset(pAddress,0,sizeof(MQ_ADDRESS)); RpcpStringCopy(pAddress->wsQName,pEndpoint); // // Now, if the server was specified, then use it as is, // otherwise use the local machine name: // if ( (pNetworkAddress == NULL) || (*pNetworkAddress == '\0') ) { dwSize = sizeof(pAddress->wsMachine); GetComputerName((RPC_SCHAR *)pAddress->wsMachine,&dwSize); } else if (RpcpStringLength(pNetworkAddress) >= MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LEN) { return RPC_S_INVALID_ENDPOINT_FORMAT; } else { RpcpStringCopy(pAddress->wsMachine,pNetworkAddress); } // // If the server name is a "*", then locate a server (andy) that // has the specified queue name: // if (!RpcpStringCompare(pAddress->wsMachine,WS_ASTRISK)) { hr = LocateQueueViaQName(pAddress); if (FAILED(hr)) { return RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; } } #if FALSE // // Try to use a direct format to get to the server queue: // dwSize = sizeof(pAddress->wsQFormat); if (!ConstructDirectFormat( pAddress->wsMachine, pAddress->wsQName, pAddress->wsQFormat, &dwSize)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ConnectToServerQueue(): ConstructDirectFormat() failed.\n")); return RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; } hr = MQOpenQueue( pAddress->wsQFormat, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, 0, &(pAddress->hQueue) ); if (!FAILED(hr)) { return RPC_S_OK; } #endif // // If we get here, then the direct format failed, so try using // a lookup (MQPathNameToFormatName()): // dwSize = sizeof(wsQPathName); if (!ConstructQueuePathName( pAddress->wsMachine, pAddress->wsQName, wsQPathName, &dwSize )) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ConnectToServerQueue(): ConstructQueuePathName() failed.\n")); return RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; } dwSize = sizeof(pAddress->wsQFormat); hr = MQPathNameToFormatName( wsQPathName, pAddress->wsQFormat, &dwSize ); if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ConnectToServerQueue(): MQPathNameToFormatName() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); return RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; } hr = MQOpenQueue( pAddress->wsQFormat, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, 0, &(pAddress->hQueue) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ConnectToServerQueue(): MQOpenQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); return RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE; } return RPC_S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // DisconnectFromServer() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- RPC_STATUS DisconnectFromServer( IN OUT MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress ) { DWORD Status = NO_ERROR; if ((pAddress) && (pAddress->hQueue)) { MQCloseQueue(pAddress->hQueue); pAddress->hQueue = 0; } return Status; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // SetQueueProperties() // // Set the properties for an already existing queue. Currently // the only two Falcon queue properties that need to be set are // for forcing message authentication and encryption. // // Return Value: MQ HRESULT value. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT SetQueueProperties( IN RPC_CHAR *pwsQFormat, IN ULONG ulQueueFlags ) { HRESULT hr = MQ_OK; DWORD cProps = 0; DWORD dwSize; MQQUEUEPROPS qProps; MQPROPVARIANT aPropVar[MAX_VAR]; QUEUEPROPID aqPropId[MAX_VAR]; HRESULT aStatus[MAX_VAR]; // Do we want to force authentication of messages // on the queue? if (ulQueueFlags & RPC_C_MQ_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY) { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aPropVar[cProps].bVal = TRUE; cProps++; } else { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_AUTHENTICATE; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aPropVar[cProps].bVal = FALSE; cProps++; } // Do we want to force encrypted messages? if (ulQueueFlags & RPC_C_MQ_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY) { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_PRIV_LEVEL; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aPropVar[cProps].ulVal = MQ_PRIV_LEVEL_BODY; cProps++; } else { aqPropId[cProps] = PROPID_Q_PRIV_LEVEL; aPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aPropVar[cProps].ulVal = MQ_PRIV_LEVEL_OPTIONAL; cProps++; } // Assemble the QUEUEPROPS structure: qProps.cProp = cProps; qProps.aPropID = aqPropId; qProps.aPropVar = aPropVar; qProps.aStatus = 0; // Set the new queue properties: hr = MQSetQueueProperties(pwsQFormat,&qProps); return hr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // ClearQueue() // // Clear out all waiting messages from the specified queue (if // any). // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ClearQueue( QUEUEHANDLE hQueue ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cProps = 0; MQMSGPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_RECV_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_RECV_VAR]; RPC_CHAR wsMsgLabel[MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN]; // // MQ doesn't seem to let me clear out the queue (by reading // messages) unless we have at least one queue property. // aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)wsMsgLabel; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = sizeof(wsMsgLabel); cProps++; msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = 0; // // pull up all pending MQ messages. // while (TRUE) { hr = MQReceiveMessage(hQueue,0,MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &msgProps,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) break; } // // A timeout means the queue is empty: // if (hr == MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT) hr = MQ_OK; return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ClientSetupQueue() // // Called by MQ_CreateEndpoint() to create and initialize the // client's message queue (to read server responses). // // pEP -- The structure that will hold information about // the queue being created and setup. // // pwsMachine -- The machine to create the queue on. // // pwsEndpoint -- RPC_CHAR string name of the endpoint. This will // be used as the queue name. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ClientSetupQueue( MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, RPC_CHAR *pwsEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSize; // The computer name for the server process: if (pEndpoint->wsMachine != pwsMachine) { RpcpStringCopy(pEndpoint->wsMachine,pwsMachine); } // The endpoint string (RPC_CHAR) is used as the queue name: RpcpStringCopy(pEndpoint->wsQName,pwsEndpoint); // Build the path name for the server queue: dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQPathName); ConstructQueuePathName( pEndpoint->wsMachine, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQName, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQPathName, // [out] &dwSize ); // [in,out] // Try to create the client process's receive queue (for // responses back from the RPC server): UuidFromString( CLNT_QTYPE_UUID_STR, &(pEndpoint->uuidQType) ); dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); hr = CreateQueue( NULL, // [in] No security descriptor. &(pEndpoint->uuidQType), // [in] pEndpoint->wsQPathName, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQName, // [in] Use QName as the QLabel. 0x00000000, // [in] Flags pEndpoint->wsQFormat, // [out] &dwSize ); // [in,out] if ( (FAILED(hr)) && (hr != MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) ) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ClientSetupQueue(): CreateQueue(): 0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; } // // If the queue already exists, then locate it. // // NOTE: Currently client queues are temporary, but if cases // are added in the future where client queues can be // presistent, then this code will be needed. // if (hr == MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) { dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); hr = MQPathNameToFormatName( pEndpoint->wsQPathName, pEndpoint->wsQFormat, &dwSize ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } // // Ok, open the receive queue: // hr = MQOpenQueue( pEndpoint->wsQFormat, MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, 0, &(pEndpoint->hQueue)); #if FALSE if (!FAILED(hr)) { pEndpoint->fInitialized = TRUE; } #endif #ifdef DBG if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ClientSetupQueue(): MQOpenQueueFailed(): 0x%x\n", hr)); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ClientCloseQueue() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ClientCloseQueue( MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint ) { ASSERT(pEndpoint); if (pEndpoint->hQueue) { MQCloseQueue(pEndpoint->hQueue); pEndpoint->hQueue = 0; } g_pQueueMap->Remove(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); MQDeleteQueue(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); return MQ_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // QueryQM() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT QueryQM( RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, DWORD *pdwSize ) { DWORD cProps = 0; HRESULT hr; MQQMPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_RECV_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_RECV_VAR]; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_QM_PATHNAME; // 0 aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_NULL; cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = 0; // The following receive should always fail, we're just calling // it to get the size of the message body: hr = MQGetMachineProperties( NULL, NULL, &msgProps ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } RpcpStringCopy(pwsMachine,aMsgPropVar[0].pwszVal); MQFreeStringFromProperty(&aMsgPropVar[0]); #ifdef MAJOR_DBG TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "QueryQM(): wsMachine: %S\n", pwsMachine)); #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ServerSetupQueue() // // Called by MQ_CreateEndpoint() to create and initialize the // server process's message queue (endpoint). // // pEP -- The struct to hold information about the queue // that is being set up. // // pwsMachine -- The machine to create the queue on. For RPC this // is always the machine that the server process is // running on. // // pwsEndpoint - The name of the endpoint. This will be used as // the queue name. // // pSecurityDescriptor -- User may specify a security descriptor // to apply to this queue (may be NULL). // // dwEndpointFlags -- Flags to control queue properties. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ServerSetupQueue( MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, RPC_CHAR *pwsMachine, RPC_CHAR *pwsEndpoint, void *pSecurityDescriptor, DWORD dwEndpointFlags ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSize; // The computer name for the server process: if (pEndpoint->wsMachine != pwsMachine) { RpcpStringCopy(pEndpoint->wsMachine,pwsMachine); } // The endpoint string (RPC_CHAR) is used as the queue name: if (pEndpoint->wsQName != pwsEndpoint) { RpcpStringCopy(pEndpoint->wsQName,pwsEndpoint); } // Build the path name for the server queue: dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQPathName); if (!ConstructQueuePathName( pEndpoint->wsMachine, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQName, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQPathName, // [out] &dwSize )) // [in,out] { return MQ_ERROR_ILLEGAL_QUEUE_PATHNAME; } // Try to create the server process receive queue; UuidFromString( SVR_QTYPE_UUID_STR, &(pEndpoint->uuidQType) ); dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); hr = CreateQueue( (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR*)pSecurityDescriptor, &(pEndpoint->uuidQType), // [in] pEndpoint->wsQPathName, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQName, // [in] Use QName as the QLabel. dwEndpointFlags, // [in] pEndpoint->wsQFormat, // [out] &dwSize ); // [in,out] // If the queue already exists, then locate it: if (hr == MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) { dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); hr = MQPathNameToFormatName( pEndpoint->wsQPathName, pEndpoint->wsQFormat, &dwSize ); if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ServerSetupQueue(): MQPathNameToFormatName() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; } if ( !(dwEndpointFlags & RPC_C_MQ_USE_EXISTING_SECURITY) ) { hr = SetQueueProperties(pEndpoint->wsQFormat,dwEndpointFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } } else if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ServerSetupQueue(): CreateQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; } // // Ok, open the receive queue: // hr = MQOpenQueue( pEndpoint->wsQFormat, MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, 0, &(pEndpoint->hQueue)); // // Does the user want to make sure the queue is empty (in case it // was a perminent queue): // if ( (hr == MQ_OK) && (dwEndpointFlags & RPC_C_MQ_CLEAR_ON_OPEN) ) { hr = ClearQueue(pEndpoint->hQueue); } #ifdef DBG if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "ServerSetupQueue(): MQOpenQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ServerCloseQueue() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ServerCloseQueue( MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint ) { ASSERT(pEndpoint); if (pEndpoint->hQueue) { MQCloseQueue(pEndpoint->hQueue); pEndpoint->hQueue = 0; } // MQDeleteQueue(pEndpoint->wsQFormat); return MQ_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // AsyncPeekQueue() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT AsyncPeekQueue( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, IN MQ_OVERLAPPED *pOl ) { DWORD cProps = 0; HRESULT hr; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = 0; cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); pOl->msgProps.cProp = cProps; pOl->msgProps.aPropID = pOl->aMsgPropID; pOl->msgProps.aPropVar = pOl->aMsgPropVar; pOl->msgProps.aStatus = pOl->aStatus; hr = MQReceiveMessage( pEndpoint->hQueue, INFINITE, MQ_ACTION_PEEK_CURRENT, &pOl->msgProps, &pOl->ol, // Asynchronous. NULL, // No callback. NULL, // Message filter. NULL ); // Transaction object. if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "AsyncPeekQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); } return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // AsyncReadQueue() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT AsyncReadQueue( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, IN MQ_OVERLAPPED *pOl, OUT MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress, OUT UCHAR *pBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) { DWORD cProps = 0; HRESULT hr; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY; // [0] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = dwBufferSize; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = pBuffer; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_MESSAGE_SIZE); pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; // [1] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_MESSAGE_LABEL); pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL; // [2] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPWSTR; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].pwszVal = (WCHAR *)pAddress->wsMsgLabel; cProps++; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN; // [3] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = sizeof(pAddress->wsMsgLabel); cProps++; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE; // [4] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPWSTR; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].pwszVal = (WCHAR *)pAddress->wsQFormat; cProps++; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE_LEN; // [5] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = sizeof(pAddress->wsQFormat); cProps++; // // These message properties are for authentication and privacy: // ASSERT(cProps == I_AUTHENTICATED); pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_AUTHENTICATED; // [6] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = 0; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_PRIVACY_LEVEL); pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_PRIV_LEVEL; // [7] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = 0; cProps++; // // WARNING: these always need to be the last two properties // in the arrays (see the while loop below): // pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_SENDERID_TYPE; // [8] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = 0; cProps++; pOl->aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_SENDERID; // [9] pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = sizeof(pAddress->aSidBuffer); pOl->aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = pAddress->aSidBuffer; cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); pOl->msgProps.cProp = cProps; pOl->msgProps.aPropID = pOl->aMsgPropID; pOl->msgProps.aPropVar = pOl->aMsgPropVar; pOl->msgProps.aStatus = pOl->aStatus; hr = MQReceiveMessage( pEndpoint->hQueue, INFINITE, MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &pOl->msgProps, &pOl->ol, // Asynchronous. NULL, // No callback. NULL, // Message filter. NULL ); // Transaction object. #ifdef DBG if ( (hr != MQ_OK) && (hr != MQ_INFORMATION_OPERATION_PENDING) && (hr != MQ_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) ) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "AsyncReadQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // MQ_SendToQueue() // // Send a PDU to somebody (specified by pAddress). // // pEndpoint -- My (endpoint) for responses. // // pAddress -- The destination queue. // // pBuffer -- The data PDU to send. // // dwBufferSize The size of the PDU (bytes). // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT MQ_SendToQueue( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, IN MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress, IN UCHAR *pBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cProps = 0; MQMSGPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_SEND_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_SEND_VAR]; HRESULT aStatus[MAX_SEND_VAR]; // NOTE: If you add MQ properties to be sent, make sure that // MAX_SEND_VAR is large enough... // Message body contains the packet being sent: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = dwBufferSize; aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = pBuffer; cProps++; // The size of the packet: #if FALSE aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = dwBufferSize; cProps++; #endif // Pass the sender (me) as the queue label. The queue label // holds the my Queue Path Name: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pEndpoint->wsQPathName; cProps++; // Delivery (express or recoverable): aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_DELIVERY; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = (unsigned char)(pEndpoint->ulDelivery); cProps++; // Priority (MQ_MIN_PRIORITY to MQ_MAX_PRIORITY): aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_PRIORITY; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = (unsigned char)(pEndpoint->ulPriority); cProps++; // Journaling (none, deadletter or journal): aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_JOURNAL; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = (unsigned char)(pEndpoint->ulJournaling); cProps++; // Time limit to reach destination queue (seconds): aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = pEndpoint->ulTimeToReachQueue; cProps++; // Time limit for call to be received (seconds): aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = pEndpoint->ulTimeToReceive; cProps++; // Response Queue: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pEndpoint->wsQFormat; cProps++; // Authentication: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_AUTH_LEVEL; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = (pEndpoint->fAuthenticate)? MQMSG_AUTH_LEVEL_ALWAYS : MQMSG_AUTH_LEVEL_NONE; cProps++; // Encryption: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_PRIV_LEVEL; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = (pEndpoint->fEncrypt)? MQMSG_PRIV_LEVEL_BODY_BASE : MQMSG_PRIV_LEVEL_NONE; cProps++; // Call (message) acknowledgment: if (pEndpoint->fAck) { aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_ACKNOWLEDGE; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = MQMSG_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_FULL_REACH_QUEUE; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_ADMIN_QUEUE; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pEndpoint->wsAdminQFormat; cProps++; } ASSERT( cProps < MAX_SEND_VAR ); msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = aStatus; if ( (!pAddress->hQueue) && !(pAddress->hQueue = g_pQueueMap->Lookup(pAddress->wsQFormat)) ) { hr = MQOpenQueue( pAddress->wsQFormat, MQ_SEND_ACCESS, 0, &(pAddress->hQueue) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "MQ_SendToQueue(): MQOpenQueue() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); return hr; } if (!g_pQueueMap->Add(pAddress->wsQFormat, pAddress->hQueue)) { return MQ_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } hr = MQSendMessage( pAddress->hQueue, &msgProps, NULL ); if ( (!FAILED(hr)) && (pEndpoint->fAck) ) { hr = WaitForAck(pEndpoint); if (hr == MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND) { MQCloseQueue(pEndpoint->hQueue); pEndpoint->hQueue = 0; } } #ifdef DBG if (hr != MQ_OK) { TransDbgPrint((DPFLTR_RPCPROXY_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, RPCTRANS "MQ_SendToQueue(): MQSendMessage() failed: 0x%x\n", hr)); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ReadQueue() // // Blocking read of the next message from the queue in pEndpoint. // If there is no pending message on the queue, wait around for // timeoutMsec. // // pInfo -- Holds information about the queue that we are // doing a read on. // // timeoutMsec -- How long to wait around if there are no messages // pending. // // pAddress -- Where to replace information about the queue to // respond queue (who sent the message). // // pBuffer -- The MQ message body is returned in the memory // pointed to by pBuffer. This is the RPC packet. // // pdwBufferSize On entry it is passed in as the total size of // pBuffer, and it is returned with the actual // number of bytes in the message. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ReadQueue( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, IN DWORD timeoutMsec, OUT MQ_ADDRESS *pAddress, OUT UCHAR *pBuffer, IN OUT DWORD *pdwBufferSize ) { DWORD cProps = 0; HRESULT hr; MQMSGPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_RECV_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_RECV_VAR]; HRESULT aStatus[MAX_RECV_VAR]; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY; // [0] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = *pdwBufferSize; aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = pBuffer; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_MESSAGE_SIZE); aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; // [1] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_MESSAGE_LABEL); aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL; // [2] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pAddress->wsMsgLabel; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN; // [3] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = sizeof(pAddress->wsMsgLabel); cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE; // [4] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)pAddress->wsQFormat; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_RESP_QUEUE_LEN; // [5] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = MAX_FORMAT_LEN; cProps++; // // These message properties are for authentication and privacy: // ASSERT(cProps == I_AUTHENTICATED); aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_AUTHENTICATED; // [6] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI1; aMsgPropVar[cProps].bVal = 0; cProps++; ASSERT(cProps == I_PRIVACY_LEVEL); aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_PRIV_LEVEL; // [7] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = 0; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_SENDERID_TYPE; // [8] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = 0; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_SENDERID; // [9] aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = sizeof(pAddress->aSidBuffer); aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = pAddress->aSidBuffer; cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = aStatus; hr = MQReceiveMessage( pEndpoint->hQueue, timeoutMsec, MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &msgProps, NULL, // No overlap (synchronous). NULL, // No callback. NULL, // Message filter. NULL ); // Transaction object. #ifdef DBG if ( (hr != MQ_OK) && (hr != MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT) ) { DbgPrint("ReadQueue(): ERROR: hr: 0x%x\n",hr); } #endif if (!FAILED(hr)) { pAddress->hQueue = 0; *pdwBufferSize = msgProps.aPropVar[I_MESSAGE_SIZE].ulVal; } return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // PeekQueue() // // Do a peek on the queue for the specified endpoint in order to // find out how big the next message is. If there are no messages // in the queue, wait around for dwTimeoutMsec. Return the size // of the message in *pdwSize. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT PeekQueue( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint, IN DWORD dwTimeoutMsec, OUT DWORD *pdwSize ) { DWORD cProps = 0; BOOL bSuccess; HRESULT hr; MQMSGPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_RECV_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_RECV_VAR]; RPC_CHAR wsMsgLabel[MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN]; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY; // 0 aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = (VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR); aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.cElems = 0; aMsgPropVar[cProps].caub.pElems = NULL; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_BODY_SIZE; // 1 aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL; // 2 aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_LPTSTR; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ptszVal = (RPC_SCHAR *)wsMsgLabel; cProps++; aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_LABEL_LEN; // 3 aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI4; aMsgPropVar[cProps].ulVal = sizeof(wsMsgLabel); cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = 0; // The following receive should always fail, we're just calling // it to get the size of the message body: hr = MQReceiveMessage( pEndpoint->hQueue, dwTimeoutMsec, MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &msgProps, NULL, // No overlap (synchronous). NULL, // No callback. NULL, // Message filter. NULL ); // Transaction object. if (hr == MQ_ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { *pdwSize = aMsgPropVar[1].ulVal; hr = MQ_OK; } else *pdwSize = 0; #ifdef DBG if ( (hr != MQ_OK) && (hr != MQ_ERROR_IO_TIMEOUT) ) { DbgPrint("ClntPeekQueue(): ERROR: hr: 0x%x (%d)\n",hr,hr); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // EvaluateAckMessage() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT EvaluateAckMessage( IN USHORT msgClass ) { HRESULT hr = msgClass; switch (msgClass) { case MQMSG_CLASS_ACK_REACH_QUEUE: case MQMSG_CLASS_ACK_RECEIVE: hr = MQ_OK; break; case MQMSG_CLASS_NACK_BAD_DST_Q: hr = MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND; break; // All other cases are handled in MQ_MapStatusCode()... } return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // ClntWaitForAck() // // Used by the client side to wait for a MQ acknowledgement when // ClntSendToQueue() sends a call. An ACK is sent when the call // message reaches the destination (server) queue. // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WaitForAck( IN MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD cProps = 0; UCHAR msgClass; MQMSGPROPS msgProps; MSGPROPID aMsgPropID[MAX_RECV_VAR]; MQPROPVARIANT aMsgPropVar[MAX_RECV_VAR]; HRESULT aMsgHr[MAX_RECV_VAR]; RPC_CHAR wsMsgLabel[MQ_MAX_MSG_LABEL_LEN]; // The message class will tell us the message acknowledgement: aMsgPropID[cProps] = PROPID_M_CLASS; aMsgPropVar[cProps].vt = VT_UI2; aMsgPropVar[cProps].uiVal = 0; aMsgHr[cProps] = MQ_OK; cProps++; ASSERT( cProps < MAX_RECV_VAR ); msgProps.cProp = cProps; msgProps.aPropID = aMsgPropID; msgProps.aPropVar = aMsgPropVar; msgProps.aStatus = aMsgHr; hr = MQReceiveMessage( pEndpoint->hAdminQueue, INFINITE, MQ_ACTION_RECEIVE, &msgProps, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if (!FAILED(hr)) { hr = EvaluateAckMessage( aMsgPropVar[0].uiVal ); } # ifdef DBG else { DbgPrint("WaitForAck(): FAILED: hr: 0x%x aMsgHr[0]: 0x%x\n", hr, aMsgHr[0] ); } # endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // SetupAdminQueue() // // //---------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT SetupAdminQueue( MQ_DATAGRAM_ENDPOINT *pEndpoint ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwSize; UUID uuidQType; RPC_CHAR wsQName[MQ_MAX_Q_NAME_LEN]; RPC_CHAR wsQPathName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; RpcpStringCopy(wsQName,TEXT("Admin")); RpcpStringCat(wsQName,pEndpoint->wsQName); // Build the path name for the admin queue (NOTE: that this // is a private queue): dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQPathName); ConstructPrivateQueuePathName( pEndpoint->wsMachine, // [in] wsQName, // [in] wsQPathName, // [out] &dwSize ); // [in,out] // Try to create the server process receive queue; UuidFromString( CLNT_ADMIN_QTYPE_UUID_STR, &uuidQType ); dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsAdminQFormat); hr = CreateQueue( NULL, // [in] No security descriptor. &uuidQType, // [in] wsQPathName, // [in] wsQName, // [in] Use QName as the QLabel. 0x00000000, // [in] Flags pEndpoint->wsAdminQFormat, // [out] &dwSize ); // [in,out] if ( (FAILED(hr)) && (hr != MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) ) { #ifdef DBG DbgPrint("SetupAdminQueue(): %S FAILED: 0x%x (%d)\n", wsQPathName, hr, hr ); #endif return hr; } // // If the queue already exists, then locate it. // if (hr == MQ_ERROR_QUEUE_EXISTS) { dwSize = sizeof(pEndpoint->wsQPathName); hr = MQPathNameToFormatName( pEndpoint->wsQPathName, pEndpoint->wsQFormat, &dwSize ); if (FAILED(hr)) { #ifdef DBG DbgPrint("SetupAdminQueue(): %S FAILED: 0x%x (%d)\n", wsQPathName, hr, hr ); #endif return hr; } } // // Ok, open the admin queue for receive: // hr = MQOpenQueue( pEndpoint->wsAdminQFormat, MQ_RECEIVE_ACCESS, 0, &(pEndpoint->hAdminQueue)); #ifdef DBG if (FAILED(hr)) { DbgPrint("SetupAdminQueue(): %S FAILED: 0x%x (%d)\n", wsQPathName, hr, hr ); } #endif return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug test code -- DG_DbgPrintPacket(). //---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef MAJOR_DBG const static char *packetTypeStrs[] = { "REQUEST", "PING ", "RESP ", "FAULT ", "WORKING", "NOCALL ", "REJECT ", "ACK ", "QUIT ", "FACK ", "QUACK ", "Unknown", }; const static char asciiByteChars[] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f' }; #define HIGH_NIBBLE(uc) ((uc) >> 4) #define LOW_NIBBLE(uc) ((uc) & 0x0f) //---------------------------------------------------------------- // DbgPacketType() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- static char *DbgPacketType( unsigned char *pPacket ) { if ( (pPacket[1] >= 0) && (pPacket[1] < 11) ) return packetTypeStrs[pPacket[1]]; else return packetTypeStrs[11]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // DbgUuidToStr() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- static char *DbgUuidToStr( unsigned char *pUuidArg, char *pszUuid ) { int i = 0; int j; GUID uuid; unsigned char *pUuid; // Work with local copy of the UUID: pUuid = (unsigned char*)&uuid; CopyMemory(pUuid,pUuidArg,sizeof(GUID)); // Assume this is intel and byte-swap it... uuid.Data1 = RpcpByteSwapLong(uuid.Data1); uuid.Data2 = RpcpByteSwapShort(uuid.Data2); uuid.Data3 = RpcpByteSwapShort(uuid.Data3); for (j=0; j<16; j++) { pszUuid[i++] = asciiByteChars[HIGH_NIBBLE(pUuid[j])]; pszUuid[i++] = asciiByteChars[LOW_NIBBLE(pUuid[j])]; if ( (j==3)||(j==5)||(j==7)||(j==9) ) pszUuid[i++] = '-'; } pszUuid[i] = '\0'; return pszUuid; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // DbgPrintPacket() // //---------------------------------------------------------------- void DG_DbgPrintPacket( unsigned char *pPacket ) { char szIf[50]; char szAct[50]; ULONG ulSequenceNumber; if (pPacket) { ulSequenceNumber = *((unsigned long*)(&(pPacket[56]))); ulSequenceNumber = RpcpByteSwapLong(ulSequenceNumber); DbgPrint(" Type: %s:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x\n Intferface: %s\n Activity : %s\n SequenceNumber: %d\n", DbgPacketType(pPacket), pPacket[0], pPacket[1], pPacket[2], pPacket[3], DbgUuidToStr(&(pPacket[24]),szIf), DbgUuidToStr(&(pPacket[40]),szAct), ulSequenceNumber ); } else { DbgPrint(" NULL Packet.\n" ); } } #endif