/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 Module Name: sbp2.h Abstract: Definitions for SBP2 protocol Author: georgioc 22-Jan-97 Environment: Kernel mode only Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _SBP2_ #define _SBP2_ #ifndef SBP2KDX #include "wdm.h" #endif #include "1394.h" #include "rbc.h" #include "scsi.h" #include "ntddstor.h" typedef union _QUADLET { ULONG QuadPart; struct { USHORT LowPart; USHORT HighPart; } u; } QUADLET, *PQUADLET; typedef struct _B1394_ADDRESS { USHORT Off_High; // little endian ordering within an octlet NODE_ADDRESS NodeId; ULONG Off_Low; } B1394_ADDRESS, *PB1394_ADDRESS; typedef union _OCTLET { LONGLONG OctletPart; B1394_ADDRESS BusAddress; struct { QUADLET HighQuad; QUADLET LowQuad; } u; struct { UCHAR Byte0; UCHAR Byte1; UCHAR Byte2; UCHAR Byte3; UCHAR Byte4; UCHAR Byte5; UCHAR Byte6; UCHAR Byte7; } ByteArray; } OCTLET, *POCTLET; // // Various ORB and block definitions // typedef struct _ORB_NORMAL_CMD { OCTLET NextOrbAddress; OCTLET DataDescriptor; QUADLET OrbInfo; UCHAR Cdb[12]; } ORB_NORMAL_CMD, *PORB_NORMAL_CMD; #define CMD_ORB_HEADER_SIZE 0x14 typedef struct _ORB_LOGIN { OCTLET Password; OCTLET LoginResponseAddress; QUADLET OrbInfo; QUADLET LengthInfo; OCTLET StatusBlockAddress; } ORB_LOGIN, *PORB_LOGIN; typedef struct _ORB_QUERY_LOGIN { OCTLET Reserved; OCTLET QueryResponseAddress; QUADLET OrbInfo; QUADLET LengthInfo; OCTLET StatusBlockAddress; } ORB_QUERY_LOGIN, *PORB_QUERY_LOGIN; typedef struct _ORB_SET_PASSWORD { OCTLET Password; OCTLET Reserved; QUADLET OrbInfo; QUADLET LengthInfo; OCTLET StatusBlockAddress; } ORB_SET_PASSWORD, *PORB_SET_PASSWORD; typedef struct _ORB_MNG { OCTLET Reserved[2]; QUADLET OrbInfo; QUADLET Reserved1; OCTLET StatusBlockAddress; } ORB_MNG, *PORB_MNG; typedef struct _ORB_TASK_MNG { OCTLET OrbAddress; OCTLET Reserved; QUADLET OrbInfo; QUADLET Reserved1; OCTLET StatusBlockAddress; } ORB_TASK_MNG, *PORB_TASK_MNG; typedef struct _ORB_DUMMY { OCTLET NextOrbAddress; OCTLET NotUsed; QUADLET OrbInfo; OCTLET Unused[3]; } ORB_DUMMY, *PORB_DUMMY; typedef struct _LOGIN_RESPONSE { QUADLET LengthAndLoginId; QUADLET Csr_Off_High; QUADLET Csr_Off_Low; QUADLET Reserved; } LOGIN_RESPONSE, *PLOGIN_RESPONSE; typedef struct _QUERY_RESPONSE_ELEMENT { QUADLET NodeAndLoginId; OCTLET EUI64; } QUERY_RESPONSE_ELEMENT, *PQUERY_RESPONSE_ELEMENT; typedef struct _QUERY_LOGIN_RESPONSE { QUADLET LengthAndNumLogins; QUERY_RESPONSE_ELEMENT Elements[4]; } QUERY_LOGIN_RESPONSE, *PQUERY_LOGIN_RESPONSE; typedef struct _STATUS_FIFO_BLOCK { OCTLET AddressAndStatus; OCTLET Contents[3]; } STATUS_FIFO_BLOCK, *PSTATUS_FIFO_BLOCK; #define SBP2_MIN_ORB_SIZE 32 #define SBP2_ORB_CDB_SIZE 12 #define SBP2_MAX_DIRECT_BUFFER_SIZE (ULONG) (65536) // (64K - 1) max size for direct addressing buffer #define SBP2_MAX_PAGE_SIZE SBP2_MAX_DIRECT_BUFFER_SIZE // // MANAGEMENT Transactions // #define TRANSACTION_LOGIN 0x00 #define TRANSACTION_QUERY_LOGINS 0x01 #define TRANSACTION_ISOCHRONOUS_LOGIN 0x02 #define TRANSACTION_RECONNECT 0x03 #define TRANSACTION_SET_PASSWORD 0x04 #define TRANSACTION_LOGOUT 0x07 #define TRANSACTION_TERMINATE_TASK 0x0b #define TRANSACTION_ABORT_TASK 0x0b #define TRANSACTION_ABORT_TASK_SET 0x0c #define TRANSACTION_CLEAR_TASK_SET 0x0D #define TRANSACTION_LOGICAL_UNIT_RESET 0x0E #define TRANSACTION_TARGET_RESET 0x0F #define MANAGEMENT_AGENT_REG_ADDRESS_LOW 0xF0010000 #define CSR_REG_ADDRESS_LOW 0xF0010000 // // Register Names // #define MANAGEMENT_AGENT_REG 0x0000 #define AGENT_STATE_REG 0x0001 #define AGENT_RESET_REG 0x0002 #define ORB_POINTER_REG 0x0004 #define DOORBELL_REG 0x0008 #define UNSOLICITED_STATUS_REG 0x0010 #define CORE_RESET_REG 0x0020 #define CORE_BUSY_TIMEOUT_REG 0x0040 #define TEST_REG 0x0080 // // register access type // #define REG_WRITE_SYNC 0x0100 #define REG_READ_SYNC 0x0200 #define REG_WRITE_ASYNC 0x0400 #define REG_TYPE_MASK 0x00FF // // Relative offsets from base of Target's CSR // #define AGENT_STATE_REG_OFFSET 0x00 #define AGENT_RESET_REG_OFFSET 0x04 #define ORB_POINTER_REG_OFFSET 0x08 #define DOORBELL_REG_OFFSET 0x10 #define UNSOLICITED_STATUS_REG_OFFSET 0x14 #define TEST_REG_OFFSET 0x10020 // // config rom stuff // #define CR_BASE_ADDRESS_LOW 0xF0000400 #define CR_MODULE_ID_OFFSET (0x06 * sizeof(QUADLET)) #define CSR_OFFSET_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x54 #define LUN_CHARACTERISTICS_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x3A #define FIRMWARE_REVISION_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x3C #define LUN_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x14 #define LU_DIRECTORY_KEY_SIGNATURE 0xD4 #define SW_VERSION_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x13 #define CMD_SET_ID_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x39 #define CMD_SET_SPEC_ID_KEY_SIGNATURE 0x38 #define SBP2_LUN_DEVICE_TYPE_MASK 0x00FF0000 #define SBP2_PHY_RESET_SETTLING_TIME (-10000000 * 1) // 1 sec in units of 100 nsecs #define SCSI_COMMAND_SET_ID 0x0104D8 // // vendor hacks // #define LSI_VENDOR_ID 0x0000A0B8 #endif