/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: clddc2b.c Abstract: This module checks for a DDC monitor, and returns the established Timings value from the EDID if found. Environment: Kernel mode only Notes: Revision History: * plc3 10-23-95 VESA DDC2B support. * * sge01 09-25-96 Non DDC Moniotr table support * * sge02 10-14-96 Detailed timing calculation in EDID * * sge03 12-05-96 Only check active pixel clock in detailed timing. * --*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include "cirrus.h" #define ERROR 0 #define OFF 0 #define ON 1 #define SDA_BIT 2 #define SCL_BIT 1 #define SCL_BIT_ON 1 #define SCL_BIT_OFF 0 #define DELAY_COUNT 255 UCHAR Err ; VOID ReadVESATiming( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID EnableDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN IsDDC2( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID DisableDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID StartDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID StopDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID ProcessDDC2( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN ReadSDA( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN ReadSCL( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN ReadBit( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN ReadByte( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID SetSCL( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR status ); VOID SetData( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN SetClock( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID WaitVerticalRetrace( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR count ); VOID WaitDelay( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VOID ClearData( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN SendByte( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR data ); BOOLEAN SendDDCCommand( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); BOOLEAN CheckDDC2BMonitor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, ULONG i ); ULONG CalculateMaxinumTiming( ); VOID ProcessNonDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ); VP_STATUS CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback( PVOID HwDeviceExtension, PVOID Context, PWSTR ValueName, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength ); #if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ReadVESATiming) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,EnableDDC) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,IsDDC2) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,DisableDDC) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,StartDDC) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,StopDDC) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ProcessDDC2) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ReadSDA) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ReadSCL) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ReadBit) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ReadByte) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,SetSCL) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,SetData) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,SetClock) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,WaitVerticalRetrace) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,WaitDelay) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ClearData) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,SendByte) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,SendDDCCommand) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,CheckDDC2BMonitor) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,CalculateMaxinumTiming) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,ProcessNonDDC) #pragma alloc_text (PAGE,CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback) #endif UCHAR EDIDBuffer[128] ; UCHAR EDIDTiming_I ; UCHAR EDIDTiming_II ; UCHAR EDIDTiming_III ; UCHAR DDC2BFlag ; UCHAR NonDDCTable ; ULONG ulEDIDMaxTiming ; UCHAR SDAValue ; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID EnableDDC ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSR08 ; UCHAR WaitCount = 2 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B!EnableDDC\n")); VideoPortWritePortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_ADDRESS_PORT, 0x08) ; ReadSR08 = VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT) ; // Enable DDC2B Configuration ReadSR08 |= 0x43 ; VideoPortWritePortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT, ReadSR08) ; WaitVerticalRetrace (HwDeviceExtension, WaitCount) ; } /*----- EnableDDC -----*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID DisableDDC ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSEQADDR, ReadSEQDATA ; UCHAR DDCStatus ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B!DisableDDC\n")); if ((DDCStatus = SendDDCCommand ( HwDeviceExtension )) == 1) goto DDC_ERROR ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar ( HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT ) ; // Disable DDC2B Configuration ReadSEQDATA &= 0xBC ; // o 3c5 ReadSEQDATA VideoPortWritePortUchar ( HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT, ReadSEQDATA ) ; DDC_ERROR: return ; } /*------- DisableDDC -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID ProcessDDC2 ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR DDCStatus, i ; UCHAR checksum, header ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B!ProcessDDC2\n")); DDC2BFlag = 0 ; if ((DDCStatus = SendDDCCommand ( HwDeviceExtension )) == 1) { VideoDebugPrint((0, "CLDDC2B!ProcessDDC2: Infinite wait state ...\n")); goto PROCESSDDC_EXIT ; } for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { EDIDBuffer[i] = ReadByte (HwDeviceExtension) ; if (Err) { VideoDebugPrint((0, "CLDDC2B!ProcessDDC2: Infinite wait state ...\n")); goto PROCESSDDC_EXIT ; } } // // Check EDID table 8-byte header // The correct first 8 bytes of EDID table is 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 // if ((EDIDBuffer[0] != 0) || (EDIDBuffer[7] != 0)) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: Invalid EDID header table\n")); StopDDC (HwDeviceExtension) ; return ; } for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { if (EDIDBuffer[i] != 0xFF) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: Invalid EDID header table\n")); StopDDC (HwDeviceExtension) ; return ; } } // // Calculate checksum of 128-byte EDID table. // checksum = 0x00 ; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { checksum += EDIDBuffer[i] ; } VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: EDID Table check sum = %d\n", checksum)); // // EDID table checksum must be zero. // if (checksum) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: Invalid checksum of EDID table\n")); } else { // // Set DDC2B Flag and find timing values. // DDC2BFlag = 1 ; EDIDTiming_I = EDIDBuffer[35] ; EDIDTiming_II = EDIDBuffer[36] ; EDIDTiming_III = EDIDBuffer[37] ; ulEDIDMaxTiming= CalculateMaxinumTiming(); VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: DDC2B is supported\n")); } PROCESSDDC_EXIT: StopDDC (HwDeviceExtension) ; return ; } /*------- ProcessDDC2 -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID StartDDC ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "DDC2B!StartDDC\n")); SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, ON) ; ClearData (HwDeviceExtension) ; SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, OFF) ; } /*------- StartDDC -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID StopDDC ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "DDC2B!StopDDC\n")); SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, ON) ; SetData (HwDeviceExtension) ; } /*------- StopDDC -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN ReadSCL ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSEQDATA, status ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar ( HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT ) ; // Read SR08.B2 ReadSEQDATA = ( (ReadSEQDATA) & 0x04 ) >> 2 ; return (ReadSEQDATA) ; } /*------- ReadSCL -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID SetSCL( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR status ) { UCHAR ReadSEQADDR, ReadSEQDATA ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT) ; ReadSEQDATA = ( ( ReadSEQDATA & 0xFE ) | status ) ; // o 3c5 ReadSEQDATA VideoPortWritePortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT, ReadSEQDATA) ; WaitDelay (HwDeviceExtension) ; } /*------- SetSCL -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN ReadSDA ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSEQADDR, ReadSEQDATA ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT) ; ReadSEQDATA = ( ReadSEQDATA & 0x80 ) >> 7 ; return ( ReadSEQDATA ) ; } /*------- ReadSDA -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID ClearData /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSEQADDR, ReadSEQDATA ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT) ; ReadSEQDATA &= 0xFD ; // o 3c5 ReadSEQDATA VideoPortWritePortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT, ReadSEQDATA) ; WaitDelay (HwDeviceExtension) ; } /*------- ClearData -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID SetData /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadSEQADDR, ReadSEQDATA ; // i 3c5 ReadSEQDATA ReadSEQDATA = VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT) ; ReadSEQDATA |= 0x02 ; // o 3c5 ReadSEQDATA VideoPortWritePortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + SEQ_DATA_PORT, ReadSEQDATA) ; WaitDelay (HwDeviceExtension) ; } /*------- SetData -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN SetClock /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { ULONG i ; UCHAR status ; SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, ON) ; for (i = 0; i < DELAY_COUNT; i++) status = ReadSCL (HwDeviceExtension) ; SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, OFF) ; if (!status) VideoDebugPrint((0, "DDC2B!SetClock: Infinite wait state ...\n")); if (status == 1) return ( FALSE ) ; // retuern 0 -> OK else return ( TRUE ) ; // retuern 1 -> Infinite wait state } /*------- SetClock -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN ReadBit /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { USHORT i ; UCHAR bit ; SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, ON) ; for (i = 0; i < DELAY_COUNT; i++) ReadSCL (HwDeviceExtension) ; bit = ReadSDA (HwDeviceExtension) ; SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, OFF) ; return ( bit ) ; } /*------- ReadBit -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN ReadByte /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ReadByteValue, bit, i ; SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; ReadByteValue = 0 ; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ReadByteValue <<= 1 ; bit = ReadBit ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; ReadByteValue |= bit ; } if ((bit & 0x02) != 0) { SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; } else { ClearData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; } SetClock ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; return (ReadByteValue) ; } /*----- ReadByte -----*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN SendByte ( /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR data ) { UCHAR i ; UCHAR Mask[8] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 } ; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (data & Mask[i]) { SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; } else { ClearData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; } Err = SetClock ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; } if (Err) { SetSCL ( HwDeviceExtension, OFF ) ; ClearData (HwDeviceExtension) ; } else { SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; SetSCL ( HwDeviceExtension, ON ) ; ReadBit ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; // Discard acknowledge bit } return (Err) ; } /*------- SendByte -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN IsDDC2 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR DDCStatus, SCLStatus ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "DDC2B!IsDDC2\n")); SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, OFF) ; SCLStatus = ReadSCL(HwDeviceExtension) ; if (SCLStatus != 0) { return ( FALSE ) ; } SetSCL (HwDeviceExtension, ON) ; SCLStatus = ReadSCL (HwDeviceExtension) ; if (SCLStatus != 1) { return ( FALSE ) ; } return ( TRUE ) ; } /*------- IsDDC2 -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOLEAN SendDDCCommand /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR ClockStatus ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "DDC2B!SendDDCCommand\n")); StartDDC ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; ClockStatus = SendByte ( HwDeviceExtension, 0xA0 ) ; if (ClockStatus) VideoDebugPrint((0, "DDC2B!SendDDCCommand: Infinite wait state ...\n")); ClockStatus = SendByte ( HwDeviceExtension, 0x00 ) ; if (ClockStatus) VideoDebugPrint((0, "DDC2B!SendDDCCommand: Infinite wait state ...\n")); StopDDC ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; StartDDC ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; ClockStatus = SendByte ( HwDeviceExtension, 0xA1 ) ; if (ClockStatus) VideoDebugPrint((0, "DDC2B!SendDDCCommand: Infinite wait state ...\n")); SetData ( HwDeviceExtension ) ; return (ClockStatus) ; } /*------- SendDDCCommand -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WaitDelay /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { PUCHAR InStatPort ; // // Set up port addresses for color/mono // if (VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + MISC_OUTPUT_REG_READ_PORT) & 0x01) { InStatPort = HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + INPUT_STATUS_1_COLOR ; } else { InStatPort = HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + INPUT_STATUS_1_MONO ; } while ((VideoPortReadPortUchar (InStatPort) & 0x01) != 0) ; while ((VideoPortReadPortUchar (InStatPort) & 0x01) == 0) ; while ((VideoPortReadPortUchar (InStatPort) & 0x01) != 0) ; } /*------- wait_delay -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID WaitVerticalRetrace /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, UCHAR waitcount ) { PUCHAR InStatPort ; ULONG i ; // // Set up port addresses for color/mono // if (VideoPortReadPortUchar (HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress + MISC_OUTPUT_REG_READ_PORT) & 0x01) { InStatPort = INPUT_STATUS_1_COLOR + HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress; } else { InStatPort = INPUT_STATUS_1_MONO + HwDeviceExtension->IOAddress; } for (i = 0; i < waitcount; i++) { while ((VideoPortReadPortUchar (InStatPort) & 0x08) != 0) ; while ((VideoPortReadPortUchar (InStatPort) & 0x08) == 0) ; } } /*------- WaitVerticalRetrace -------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID ReadVESATiming /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { UCHAR status ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "DDC2B!ReadVESATiming\n")); #if 1 // NonDDC #sge // // clear flag. // NonDDCTable = 0; DDC2BFlag = 0; #endif EnableDDC (HwDeviceExtension) ; if ((status = IsDDC2 (HwDeviceExtension)) != 0x00) { ProcessDDC2 (HwDeviceExtension) ; } #if 1 // NonDDC #sge if(!DDC2BFlag) ProcessNonDDC(HwDeviceExtension); #endif DisableDDC (HwDeviceExtension) ; return ; } /*----- ReadVESATiming -----*/ BOOLEAN CheckDDC2BMonitor( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension, ULONG i ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines if refresh rate support according to DDC2B standard. Arguments: HwDeviceExtension - Pointer to the miniport driver's device extension. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG ulCurrTiming ; #if 1 // NonDDC #sge if (!DDC2BFlag && !NonDDCTable) return TRUE ; #else if (!DDC2BFlag) return TRUE ; #endif VideoDebugPrint((4, "CheckDDC2B\n")); VideoDebugPrint((4, "refresh rate = %ld\n", ModesVGA[i].Frequency)); VideoDebugPrint((4, "hres = %d\n", ModesVGA[i].hres)); VideoDebugPrint((4, "vres = %d\n", ModesVGA[i].vres)); ulCurrTiming = ModesVGA[i].Frequency * ModesVGA[i].hres * ModesVGA[i].vres ; VideoDebugPrint((4, "ulCurrTiming = %d\n", ulCurrTiming)) ; VideoDebugPrint((4, "ulEDIDMaxTiming = %d\n", ulEDIDMaxTiming)) ; if ( ulCurrTiming > ulEDIDMaxTiming ) return FALSE ; else return TRUE ; } // end of CheckDDC2bMonitor ULONG CalculateMaxinumTiming( ) /*++ Routine Description: Determines maximum allowablt VESA timing value. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { ULONG current_timing_value ; ULONG freq ; SHORT i ; USHORT usHzActive, usHzBlanking, usVtActive, usVtBlanking; ULONG maximum_allowable_timing_value = ulEDIDMaxTiming; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: CalculateMaxinumTiming\n")) ; // // Calculate established timing values // /* 720 * 400 * 70 = 20160000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x80 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 720 * 400 * 70\n")) ; if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 20160000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 20160000) ; } } /* 720 * 400 * 88 = 25344000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x40 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 720 * 400 * 88\n")) ; if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 25344000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 25344000) ; } } /* 640 * 480 * 60 = 18432000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x20 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * 60\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 18432000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 18432000) ; } } /* 640 * 480 * 67 = 20582400 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x10 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * 67\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 20582400)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 20582400) ; } } /* 640 * 480 * 72 = 22118400 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x08 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * 72\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 22118400)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 22118400) ; } } /* 640 * 480 * 75 = 23040000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x04 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 23040000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 23040000) ; } } /* 800 * 600 * 56 = 26880000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x02 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 800 * 600 * 56\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 26880000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 26880000) ; } } /* 800 * 600 * 60 = 28800000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_I & 0x01 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 800 * 600 * 60\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 28800000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 28800000) ; } } /* 800 * 600 * 72 = 34560000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x80 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 800 * 600 * 72\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 34560000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 34560000) ; } } /* 800 * 600 * 75 = 36000000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x40 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 800 * 600 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 36000000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 36000000) ; } } /* 832 * 624 * 75 = 38937600 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x20 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 832 * 624 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 38937600)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 38937600) ; } } /* 1024 * 768 * 43 = 33816576 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x10 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1024 * 768 * 43\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 33816576)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 33816576) ; } } /* 1024 * 768 * 60 = 47185920 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x08 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1024 * 768 * 60\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 47185920)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 47185920) ; } } /* 1024 * 768 * 70 = 55050240 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x04 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1024 * 768 * 70\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 55050240)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 55050240) ; } } /* 1024 * 768 * 75 = 58982400 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x02 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1024 * 768 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 58982400)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 58982400) ; } } /* 1280 * 1024 * 75 = 98304000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_II & 0x01 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1280 * 1024 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 98304000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 98304000) ; } } /* 1152 * 870 * 75 = 75168000 */ if ( EDIDTiming_III & 0x80 ) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1152 * 870 * 75\n")); if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < ((ULONG) 75168000)) { maximum_allowable_timing_value = ((ULONG) 75168000) ; } } // // Calculate standard timing values // for ( i = 0x26 ; i <= 0x35 ; i+=2 ) { current_timing_value = 0L ; freq = ( EDIDBuffer[i+1] & 0x3F ) + 60 ; switch ( EDIDBuffer[i] ) { case 0x31 : // 640 * 480 = 307200 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 307200 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0x3B : // 720 * 400 = 288000 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 288000 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 640 * 480 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0x45 : // 800 * 600 = 480000 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 480000 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 800 * 600 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0x61 : // 1024 * 768 = 786432 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 786432 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1024 * 768 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0x71 : // 1152 * 870 = 1002240 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 1002240 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1152 * 870 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0x81 : // 1280 * 1024 = 1310720 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 1310720 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1280 * 1024 * %d\n", freq)); break ; case 0xA9 : // 1600 * 1200 = 1920000 current_timing_value = ((ULONG) freq) * 1920000 ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLDDC2B: 1600 * 1200 * %d\n", freq)); break ; default : ; } if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < current_timing_value) maximum_allowable_timing_value = current_timing_value ; } // sge02 // // Calculate detailed timing values // for ( i = 0x36 ; i <= 0x7D; i+=18 ) { current_timing_value = EDIDBuffer[i] ; current_timing_value += EDIDBuffer[i+1] * 256; // // Validation. // // sge03 if (current_timing_value <= 0x0101 ) continue; current_timing_value *= 10000; // // Calculate Horizontal Active and Blanking // usHzActive = (EDIDBuffer[i+4] & 0xf0); usHzActive <<= 4; usHzActive |= EDIDBuffer[i+2]; usHzBlanking = (EDIDBuffer[i+4] & 0x0f); usHzBlanking <<= 8; usHzBlanking |= EDIDBuffer[i+3]; // // Calculate Vertical Active and Blanking // usVtActive = (EDIDBuffer[i+7] & 0xf0); usVtActive <<= 4; usVtActive |= EDIDBuffer[i+5]; usVtBlanking = (EDIDBuffer[i+7] & 0x0f); usVtBlanking <<= 8; usVtBlanking |= EDIDBuffer[i+6]; current_timing_value = (current_timing_value + usHzActive + usHzBlanking - 1) / (usHzActive + usHzBlanking); current_timing_value = (current_timing_value + usVtActive + usVtBlanking - 1) / (usVtActive + usVtBlanking); current_timing_value *= usHzActive; current_timing_value *= usVtActive; if (maximum_allowable_timing_value < current_timing_value) maximum_allowable_timing_value = current_timing_value ; } return (maximum_allowable_timing_value); } // end of CalculateMaxinumTiming //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: // Read NonDDC Table from Registry and Set NonDDCTable Flag. // // Input: // HwDeviceExtension - Pointer to the miniport driver's device extension. // // Output: // None // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOID ProcessNonDDC( PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION HwDeviceExtension ) { ULONG i ; VideoDebugPrint((1, "NonDDC!ProcessNonDDC\n")); NonDDCTable = 0 ; if (NO_ERROR == VideoPortGetRegistryParameters(HwDeviceExtension, L"NonDDCMonitor.Data", FALSE, CirrusNonDDCRegistryCallback, NULL)) { // // We got the table // // // Check EDID table 8-byte header // The correct first 8 bytes of EDID table is 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 // if ((EDIDBuffer[0] != 0) || (EDIDBuffer[7] != 0)) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLNonDDC: Invalid EDID header table\n")); return ; } for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { if (EDIDBuffer[i] != 0xFF) { VideoDebugPrint((1, "CLNonDDC: Invalid EDID header table\n")); return ; } } // // Set NonDDCTable Flag and find timing values. // NonDDCTable = 1 ; EDIDTiming_I = EDIDBuffer[35] ; EDIDTiming_II = EDIDBuffer[36] ; EDIDTiming_III = EDIDBuffer[37] ; ulEDIDMaxTiming= CalculateMaxinumTiming(); VideoDebugPrint((1, "NonDDC: NonDDC is supported\n")); } } // end of ProcessNonDDC