// $Header: G:/SwDev/WDM/Video/bt848/rcs/Vbifmt.h 1.4 1998/04/29 22:43:41 tomz Exp $ #ifndef __VBIFMT_H #define __VBIFMT_H #include "defaults.h" KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_VBI StreamFormatVBI = { // KSDATARANGE { { sizeof( KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_VBI ), 0, VBISamples * 12, // SampleSize 0, // Reserved { STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_VBI }, { STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_RAW8 }, { STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_VBI } } }, true, // BOOL, bFixedSizeSamples (all samples same size?) true, // BOOL, bTemporalCompression (all I frames?) KS_VIDEOSTREAM_VBI, // StreamDescriptionFlags (KS_VIDEO_DESC_*) 0, // MemoryAllocationFlags (KS_VIDEO_ALLOC_*) // _KS_VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS { { STATIC_KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_VBI }, KS_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M, // AnalogVideoStandard { VBISamples, VBILines // SIZE InputSize }, { VBISamples, 12 // SIZE MinCroppingSize; smallest rcSrc cropping rect allowed }, { VBISamples, 12 // SIZE MaxCroppingSize; largest rcSrc cropping rect allowed }, 1, // int CropGranularityX; // granularity of cropping size 1, // int CropGranularityY; 1, // int CropAlignX; // alignment of cropping rect 1, // int CropAlignY; { VBISamples, 12 // SIZE MinOutputSize; // smallest bitmap stream can produce }, { VBISamples, 12 // SIZE MaxOutputSize; // largest bitmap stream can produce }, 1, // int OutputGranularityX; // granularity of output bitmap size 2, // int OutputGranularityY; 0, // StretchTapsX (0 no stretch, 1 pix dup, 2 interp...) 0, // StretchTapsY 0, // ShrinkTapsX 0, // ShrinkTapsY 333667, // LONGLONG MinFrameInterval; // 100 nS units 333667, // LONGLONG MaxFrameInterval; VBISamples * 30 * VBILines * 2 * 8, // LONG MinBitsPerSecond; VBISamples * 30 * VBILines * 2 * 8 // LONG MaxBitsPerSecond; }, // KS_VBIINFOHEADER (default format) { VBIStart, // StartLine -- inclusive VBIEnd, // EndLine -- inclusive VBISampFreq, // SamplingFrequency 454, // MinLineStartTime; // (uS past HR LE) * 100 900, // MaxLineStartTime; // (uS past HR LE) * 100 // empirically discovered 780, // ActualLineStartTime // (uS past HR LE) * 100 5902, // ActualLineEndTime; // (uS past HR LE) * 100 KS_AnalogVideo_NTSC_M, // VideoStandard; VBISamples, // SamplesPerLine; VBISamples, // StrideInBytes; VBISamples * 12 // BufferSize; } }; #endif