//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995 // // File: schmgmt.cxx // // Contents: Microsoft ADs LDAP Provider Generic Object // // // History: 03-02-97 ShankSh Created. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ldapc.hxx" #pragma hdrstop HRESULT ADsEnumAttributes( LPWSTR pszLdapServer, LPWSTR pszLdapDn, CCredentials Credentials, DWORD dwPort, LPWSTR * ppszAttrNames, DWORD dwNumAttributes, PADS_ATTR_DEF * ppAttrDefinition, DWORD * pdwNumAttributes ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LDAP_SCHEMA_HANDLE hSchema = NULL; DWORD cAttributes, cClasses; PROPERTYINFO *pPropertyInfo; DWORD dwMemSize = 0, dwStrBufSize = 0; DWORD dwLdapSyntax; LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL; LPWSTR pszNameEntry = NULL; PADS_ATTR_DEF pAttrDefEntry = NULL; ULONG i; if ( !ppAttrDefinition || !pdwNumAttributes || (((LONG)dwNumAttributes) < 0 && ((LONG)dwNumAttributes) != -1) ) { RRETURN (E_INVALIDARG); } *ppAttrDefinition = NULL; *pdwNumAttributes = NULL; hr = SchemaOpen( pszLdapServer, &hSchema, Credentials, dwPort ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); if (dwNumAttributes != (DWORD)-1) { // // List of attributes specified; // cAttributes = 0; for (i=0; i < dwNumAttributes; i++) { hr = SchemaGetPropertyInfo( hSchema, ppszAttrNames[i], &pPropertyInfo); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); if (pPropertyInfo != NULL) { cAttributes++; dwStrBufSize += (wcslen(ppszAttrNames[i]) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); } } dwMemSize = sizeof(ADS_ATTR_DEF) * cAttributes + dwStrBufSize; pBuffer = (LPBYTE) AllocADsMem(dwMemSize); if (!pBuffer) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY); pAttrDefEntry = (PADS_ATTR_DEF) pBuffer; pszNameEntry = (LPWSTR) (pBuffer + cAttributes * sizeof(ADS_ATTR_DEF)); for (i=0; i < dwNumAttributes; i++) { hr = SchemaGetPropertyInfo( hSchema, ppszAttrNames[i], &pPropertyInfo); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); if (pPropertyInfo == NULL) continue; dwLdapSyntax = LdapGetSyntaxIdFromName( pPropertyInfo->pszSyntax); pAttrDefEntry->dwADsType = MapLDAPTypeToADSType(dwLdapSyntax); pAttrDefEntry->dwMinRange = pPropertyInfo->lMinRange; pAttrDefEntry->dwMaxRange = pPropertyInfo->lMaxRange; pAttrDefEntry->fMultiValued = !(pPropertyInfo->fSingleValued); wcscpy(pszNameEntry, ppszAttrNames[i]); pAttrDefEntry->pszAttrName = pszNameEntry; pszNameEntry += wcslen(ppszAttrNames[i]) + 1; pAttrDefEntry ++; } } else { // // Get all the attribute definitions // hr = SchemaGetObjectCount( hSchema, &cClasses, &cAttributes); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); dwMemSize = sizeof(ADS_ATTR_DEF) * cAttributes; // // Calculate the size of the buffer // for (i=0; i < cAttributes; i++) { hr = SchemaGetPropertyInfoByIndex( hSchema, i, &pPropertyInfo); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); dwMemSize += (wcslen(pPropertyInfo->pszPropertyName) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); } pBuffer = (LPBYTE) AllocADsMem(dwMemSize); if (!pBuffer) BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY); pAttrDefEntry = (PADS_ATTR_DEF) pBuffer; pszNameEntry = (LPWSTR) (pBuffer + cAttributes * sizeof(ADS_ATTR_DEF)); for (i=0; i < cAttributes; i++) { hr = SchemaGetPropertyInfoByIndex( hSchema, i, &pPropertyInfo); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); dwLdapSyntax = LdapGetSyntaxIdFromName( pPropertyInfo->pszSyntax); pAttrDefEntry->dwADsType = MapLDAPTypeToADSType(dwLdapSyntax); pAttrDefEntry->dwMinRange = pPropertyInfo->lMinRange; pAttrDefEntry->dwMaxRange = pPropertyInfo->lMaxRange; pAttrDefEntry->fMultiValued = !(pPropertyInfo->fSingleValued); wcscpy(pszNameEntry, pPropertyInfo->pszPropertyName); pAttrDefEntry->pszAttrName = pszNameEntry; pszNameEntry += wcslen(pPropertyInfo->pszPropertyName) + 1; pAttrDefEntry ++; } } *ppAttrDefinition = (PADS_ATTR_DEF) pBuffer; *pdwNumAttributes = cAttributes; error: if ( hSchema ) SchemaClose( &hSchema ); if(FAILED(hr) && pBuffer) { FreeADsMem(pBuffer); } RRETURN(hr); } HRESULT ADsCreateAttributeDefinition( LPWSTR pszAttributeName, PADS_ATTR_DEF pAttributeDefinition ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsWriteAttributeDefinition( LPWSTR pszAttributeName, PADS_ATTR_DEF pAttributeDefinition ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsDeleteAttributeDefinition( LPWSTR pszAttributeName ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsEnumClasses( LPWSTR * ppszAttrNames, DWORD dwNumClasses, PADS_CLASS_DEF * ppAttrDefinition, DWORD * pdwNumClasses ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsCreateClassDefinition( LPWSTR pszClassName, PADS_CLASS_DEF pClassDefinition ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsWriteClassDefinition( LPWSTR pszClassName, PADS_CLASS_DEF pClassDefinition ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); } HRESULT ADsDeleteClassDefinition( LPWSTR pszClassName ) { RRETURN (E_NOTIMPL); }