/******************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.*/ /******************************************************************/ /* Abstract syntax: ldap */ /* Created: Tue Jan 27 10:27:59 1998 */ /* ASN.1 compiler version: 4.2 Beta B */ /* Target operating system: Windows NT 3.5 or later/Windows 95 */ /* Target machine type: Intel x86 */ /* C compiler options required: -Zp8 (Microsoft) or equivalent */ /* ASN.1 compiler options specified: * -noshortennames -nouniquepdu -c++ -noconstraints -ber -gendirectives * ldapnew.gen */ #ifndef OSS_ldap #define OSS_ldap #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "asn1hdr.h" #include "asn1code.h" #define ObjectID_PDU 1 #define DistinguishedName_PDU 2 #define LDAPMsg_PDU 3 #define Attribute_PDU 4 #define PagedResultsSearchControlValue_PDU 5 #define ReplicationSearchControlValue_PDU 6 #define SecurityDescriptorSearchControlValue_PDU 7 #define SearchResultFull_PDU 8 #define ProtectedPassword_PDU 9 #define StrongCredentials_PDU 10 #define SortKeyList_PDU 11 #define SortResult_PDU 12 typedef struct ObjectID_ { struct ObjectID_ *next; unsigned short value; } *ObjectID; typedef struct TYPE_IDENTIFIER { struct ObjectID_ *id; unsigned short Type; } TYPE_IDENTIFIER; typedef struct ObjectID_ *ID; typedef struct UniqueIdentifier { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } UniqueIdentifier; typedef struct AlgorithmIdentifier { unsigned char bit_mask; # define parameters_present 0x80 struct ObjectID_ *algorithm; OpenType parameters; /* optional */ } AlgorithmIdentifier; typedef struct RDNSequence_ *DistinguishedName; typedef struct Token { struct { AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm; struct RDNSequence_ *name; UTCTime time; struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } random; } toBeSigned; AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier; struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } encrypted; } Token; typedef int Version; #define v1 0 #define v2 1 typedef int CertificateSerialNumber; typedef struct Name { unsigned short choice; # define rdnSequence_chosen 1 union _union { struct RDNSequence_ *rdnSequence; } u; } Name; typedef struct Validity { UTCTime notBefore; UTCTime notAfter; } Validity; typedef struct SubjectPublicKeyInfo { AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm; struct _bit1 { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } subjectPublicKey; } SubjectPublicKeyInfo; typedef struct Certificate { struct { unsigned char bit_mask; # define version_present 0x80 # define issuerUniqueIdentifier_present 0x40 # define subjectUniqueIdentifier_present 0x20 Version version; /* default assumed if omitted */ CertificateSerialNumber serialNumber; AlgorithmIdentifier signature; Name issuer; Validity validity; Name subject; SubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo; UniqueIdentifier issuerUniqueIdentifier; /* optional */ UniqueIdentifier subjectUniqueIdentifier; /* optional */ } toBeSigned; AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier; struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } encrypted; } Certificate; typedef TYPE_IDENTIFIER ALGORITHM; typedef struct CertificatePair { unsigned char bit_mask; # define forward_present 0x80 # define reverse_present 0x40 Certificate forward; /* optional */ Certificate reverse; /* optional */ } CertificatePair; typedef struct CertificationPath { unsigned char bit_mask; # define theCACertificates_present 0x80 Certificate userCertificate; struct _seqof1 { struct _seqof1 *next; CertificatePair value; } *theCACertificates; /* optional */ } CertificationPath; typedef struct AttributeTypeAndValue { struct ObjectID_ *type; OpenType value; } AttributeTypeAndValue; typedef struct RDNSequence_ { struct RDNSequence_ *next; struct RelativeDistinguishedName_ *value; } *RDNSequence; typedef struct RelativeDistinguishedName_ { struct RelativeDistinguishedName_ *next; AttributeTypeAndValue value; } *RelativeDistinguishedName; typedef enum AttributeUsage { userApplications = 0, directoryOperation = 1, distributedOperation = 2, dSAOperation = 3 } AttributeUsage; typedef struct ATTRIBUTE { unsigned char bit_mask; # define Type_present 0x80 # define single_valued_present 0x40 # define collective_present 0x20 # define no_user_modification_present 0x10 # define usage_present 0x08 struct ATTRIBUTE *derivation; /* NULL for not present */ unsigned short Type; /* optional */ struct MATCHING_RULE *equality_match; /* NULL for not present */ struct MATCHING_RULE *ordering_match; /* NULL for not present */ struct MATCHING_RULE *substrings_match; /* NULL for not present */ ossBoolean single_valued; /* default assumed if omitted */ ossBoolean collective; /* default assumed if omitted */ ossBoolean no_user_modification; /* default assumed if omitted */ AttributeUsage usage; /* default assumed if omitted */ struct ObjectID_ *id; } ATTRIBUTE; typedef struct MATCHING_RULE { unsigned char bit_mask; # define AssertionType_present 0x80 unsigned short AssertionType; /* optional */ struct ObjectID_ *id; } MATCHING_RULE; typedef unsigned int MessageID; typedef struct LDAPString { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } LDAPString; typedef LDAPString LDAPDN; typedef struct SaslCredentials { LDAPString mechanism; struct _octet1 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } credentials; } SaslCredentials; typedef struct AuthenticationChoice { unsigned short choice; # define simple_chosen 1 # define sasl_chosen 2 # define sicilyNegotiate_chosen 3 # define sicilyInitial_chosen 4 # define sicilySubsequent_chosen 5 # define sasl_v3response_chosen 1001 union _union { struct _octet2 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } simple; SaslCredentials sasl; struct _octet1 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } sicilyNegotiate; struct _octet2_2 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } sicilyInitial; struct _octet3 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } sicilySubsequent; } u; } AuthenticationChoice; typedef struct BindRequest { unsigned short version; LDAPDN name; AuthenticationChoice authentication; } BindRequest; typedef enum _enum1 { success = 0, operationsError = 1, protocolError = 2, timeLimitExceeded = 3, sizeLimitExceeded = 4, compareFalse = 5, compareTrue = 6, authMethodNotSupported = 7, strongAuthRequired = 8, referralv2 = 9, referral = 10, adminLimitExceeded = 11, unavailableCriticalExtension = 12, confidentialityRequired = 13, saslBindInProgress = 14, noSuchAttribute = 16, undefinedAttributeType = 17, inappropriateMatching = 18, constraintViolation = 19, attributeOrValueExists = 20, invalidAttributeSyntax = 21, noSuchObject = 32, aliasProblem = 33, invalidDNSyntax = 34, aliasDereferencingProblem = 36, inappropriateAuthentication = 48, invalidCredentials = 49, insufficientAccessRights = 50, busy = 51, unavailable = 52, unwillingToPerform = 53, loopDetect = 54, sortControlMissing = 60, indexRangeError = 61, namingViolation = 64, objectClassViolation = 65, notAllowedOnNonLeaf = 66, notAllowedOnRDN = 67, entryAlreadyExists = 68, objectClassModsProhibited = 69, resultsTooLarge = 70, affectsMultipleDSAs = 71, virtualListViewError = 76, other = 80 } _enum1; typedef struct BindResponse { unsigned char bit_mask; # define BindResponse_referral_present 0x80 # define serverCreds_present 0x40 # define BindResponse_ldapv3 0x20 _enum1 resultCode; LDAPDN matchedDN; LDAPString errorMessage; struct Referral_ *BindResponse_referral; /* optional */ AuthenticationChoice serverCreds; /* optional */ } BindResponse; typedef Nulltype UnbindRequest; typedef LDAPString AttributeDescription; typedef struct AssertionValue { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } AssertionValue; typedef struct AttributeValueAssertion { AttributeDescription attributeDesc; AssertionValue assertionValue; } AttributeValueAssertion; typedef struct SubstringFilter { AttributeDescription type; struct SubstringFilterList_ *substrings; } SubstringFilter; typedef LDAPString AttributeType; typedef LDAPString MatchingRuleId; typedef struct MatchingRuleAssertion { unsigned char bit_mask; # define matchingRule_present 0x80 # define type_present 0x40 # define dnAttributes_present 0x20 MatchingRuleId matchingRule; /* optional */ AttributeDescription type; /* optional */ AssertionValue matchValue; ossBoolean dnAttributes; /* default assumed if omitted */ } MatchingRuleAssertion; typedef struct Filter { unsigned short choice; # define and_chosen 1 # define or_chosen 2 # define not_chosen 3 # define equalityMatch_chosen 4 # define substrings_chosen 5 # define greaterOrEqual_chosen 6 # define lessOrEqual_chosen 7 # define present_chosen 8 # define approxMatch_chosen 9 # define extensibleMatch_chosen 10 union _union { struct _setof3_ *and; struct _setof4_ *or; struct Filter *not; AttributeValueAssertion equalityMatch; SubstringFilter substrings; AttributeValueAssertion greaterOrEqual; AttributeValueAssertion lessOrEqual; AttributeType present; AttributeValueAssertion approxMatch; MatchingRuleAssertion extensibleMatch; } u; } Filter; typedef struct _setof3_ { struct _setof3_ *next; Filter value; } *_setof3; typedef struct _setof4_ { struct _setof4_ *next; Filter value; } *_setof4; typedef enum _enum2 { baseObject = 0, singleLevel = 1, wholeSubtree = 2 } _enum2; typedef enum _enum3 { neverDerefAliases = 0, derefInSearching = 1, derefFindingBaseObj = 2, derefAlways = 3 } _enum3; typedef struct SearchRequest { LDAPDN baseObject; _enum2 scope; _enum3 derefAliases; unsigned int sizeLimit; unsigned int timeLimit; ossBoolean typesOnly; Filter filter; struct AttributeDescriptionList_ *attributes; } SearchRequest; typedef struct SearchResultEntry { LDAPDN objectName; struct PartialAttributeList_ *attributes; } SearchResultEntry; typedef struct LDAPResult { unsigned char bit_mask; # define LDAPResult_referral_present 0x80 _enum1 resultCode; LDAPDN matchedDN; LDAPString errorMessage; struct Referral_ *LDAPResult_referral; /* optional */ } LDAPResult; typedef LDAPResult SearchResultDone; typedef struct ModifyRequest { LDAPDN object; struct ModificationList_ *modification; } ModifyRequest; typedef LDAPResult ModifyResponse; typedef struct AddRequest { LDAPDN entry; struct AttributeList_ *attributes; } AddRequest; typedef LDAPResult AddResponse; typedef LDAPDN DelRequest; typedef LDAPResult DelResponse; typedef LDAPString RelativeLDAPDN; typedef struct ModifyDNRequest { unsigned char bit_mask; # define newSuperior_present 0x80 LDAPDN entry; RelativeLDAPDN newrdn; ossBoolean deleteoldrdn; LDAPDN newSuperior; /* optional */ } ModifyDNRequest; typedef LDAPResult ModifyDNResponse; typedef struct CompareRequest { LDAPDN entry; AttributeValueAssertion ava; } CompareRequest; typedef LDAPResult CompareResponse; typedef MessageID AbandonRequest; typedef struct LDAPOID { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } LDAPOID; typedef struct ExtendedRequest { LDAPOID requestName; struct { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } requestValue; } ExtendedRequest; typedef struct ExtendedResponse { unsigned char bit_mask; # define ExtendedResponse_referral_present 0x80 # define responseName_present 0x40 # define response_present 0x20 _enum1 resultCode; LDAPDN matchedDN; LDAPString errorMessage; struct Referral_ *ExtendedResponse_referral; /* optional */ LDAPOID responseName; /* optional */ struct { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } response; /* optional */ } ExtendedResponse; typedef struct _choice1_1 { unsigned short choice; # define bindRequest_chosen 1 # define bindResponse_chosen 2 # define unbindRequest_chosen 3 # define searchRequest_chosen 4 # define searchResEntry_chosen 5 # define searchResDone_chosen 6 # define searchResRef_chosen 7 # define modifyRequest_chosen 8 # define modifyResponse_chosen 9 # define addRequest_chosen 10 # define addResponse_chosen 11 # define delRequest_chosen 12 # define delResponse_chosen 13 # define modDNRequest_chosen 14 # define modDNResponse_chosen 15 # define compareRequest_chosen 16 # define compareResponse_chosen 17 # define abandonRequest_chosen 18 # define extendedReq_chosen 19 # define extendedResp_chosen 20 union _union { BindRequest bindRequest; BindResponse bindResponse; UnbindRequest unbindRequest; SearchRequest searchRequest; SearchResultEntry searchResEntry; SearchResultDone searchResDone; struct SearchResultReference_ *searchResRef; ModifyRequest modifyRequest; ModifyResponse modifyResponse; AddRequest addRequest; AddResponse addResponse; DelRequest delRequest; DelResponse delResponse; ModifyDNRequest modDNRequest; ModifyDNResponse modDNResponse; CompareRequest compareRequest; CompareResponse compareResponse; AbandonRequest abandonRequest; ExtendedRequest extendedReq; ExtendedResponse extendedResp; } u; } _choice1_1; typedef struct LDAPMsg { unsigned char bit_mask; # define controls_present 0x80 MessageID messageID; _choice1_1 protocolOp; struct Controls_ *controls; /* optional */ } LDAPMsg; typedef struct AttributeDescriptionList_ { struct AttributeDescriptionList_ *next; AttributeDescription value; } *AttributeDescriptionList; typedef struct AttributeValue { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } AttributeValue; typedef struct AttributeVals_ { struct AttributeVals_ *next; AttributeValue value; } *AttributeVals; typedef struct Attribute { AttributeDescription type; struct AttributeVals_ *vals; } Attribute; typedef LDAPString LDAPURL; typedef struct Referral_ { struct Referral_ *next; LDAPURL value; } *Referral; typedef struct Control { unsigned char bit_mask; # define criticality_present 0x80 LDAPOID controlType; ossBoolean criticality; /* default assumed if omitted */ struct _octet4 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } controlValue; } Control; typedef struct Controls_ { struct Controls_ *next; Control value; } *Controls; typedef struct _choice1 { unsigned short choice; # define initial_chosen 1 # define any_chosen 2 # define final_chosen 3 union _union { LDAPString initial; LDAPString any; LDAPString final; } u; } _choice1; typedef struct SubstringFilterList_ { struct SubstringFilterList_ *next; _choice1 value; } *SubstringFilterList; typedef struct PagedResultsSearchControlValue { unsigned int size; struct _octet4 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } cookie; } PagedResultsSearchControlValue; typedef struct ReplicationSearchControlValue { unsigned int flag; unsigned int size; struct _octet4 { unsigned int length; unsigned char *value; } cookie; } ReplicationSearchControlValue; typedef struct SecurityDescriptorSearchControlValue { unsigned int flags; } SecurityDescriptorSearchControlValue; typedef struct AttributeListElement { AttributeDescription type; struct AttributeVals_ *vals; } AttributeListElement; typedef struct PartialAttributeList_ { struct PartialAttributeList_ *next; AttributeListElement value; } *PartialAttributeList; typedef struct SearchResultReference_ { struct SearchResultReference_ *next; LDAPURL value; } *SearchResultReference; typedef struct _choice3 { unsigned short choice; # define entry_chosen 1 # define reference_chosen 2 # define resultCode_chosen 3 union _union { SearchResultEntry entry; struct SearchResultReference_ *reference; SearchResultDone resultCode; } u; } _choice3; typedef struct SearchResultFull_ { struct SearchResultFull_ *next; _choice3 value; } *SearchResultFull; typedef struct AttributeTypeAndValues { AttributeDescription type; struct _setof1 { struct _setof1 *next; AttributeValue value; } *vals; } AttributeTypeAndValues; typedef enum _enum1_2 { add = 0, operation_delete = 1, replace = 2 } _enum1_2; typedef struct ModificationList_ { struct ModificationList_ *next; struct { _enum1_2 operation; AttributeTypeAndValues modification; } value; } *ModificationList; typedef struct AttributeList_ { struct AttributeList_ *next; AttributeListElement value; } *AttributeList; typedef struct ProtectedPassword { unsigned char bit_mask; # define time1_present 0x80 # define time2_present 0x40 # define random1_present 0x20 # define random2_present 0x10 UTCTime time1; /* optional */ UTCTime time2; /* optional */ struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } random1; /* optional */ struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } random2; /* optional */ LDAPOID algorithmIdentifier; struct { unsigned int length; /* number of significant bits */ unsigned char *value; } encipheredPassword; } ProtectedPassword; typedef struct StrongCredentials { unsigned char bit_mask; # define certification_path_present 0x80 CertificationPath certification_path; /* optional */ Token bind_token; } StrongCredentials; typedef struct SortKeyList_ { struct SortKeyList_ *next; struct { unsigned char bit_mask; # define orderingRule_present 0x80 # define reverseOrder_present 0x40 AttributeType attributeType; MatchingRuleId orderingRule; /* optional */ ossBoolean reverseOrder; /* default assumed if omitted */ } value; } *SortKeyList; typedef enum _enum1_4 { sortSuccess = 0, sortOperationsError = 1, sortTimeLimitExceeded = 2, sortStrongAuthRequired = 8, sortAdminLimitExceeded = 11, sortNoSuchAttribute = 16, sortInappropriateMatching = 18, sortInsufficientAccessRights = 50, sortBusy = 51, sortUnwillingToPerform = 53, sortOther = 80 } _enum1_4; typedef struct SortResult { unsigned char bit_mask; # define attributeType_present 0x80 _enum1_4 sortResult; AttributeType attributeType; /* optional */ } SortResult; extern ID ds; extern ID attributeType; extern ID matchingRule; extern ID id_at; extern ID id_mr; extern ATTRIBUTE objectClass; extern ATTRIBUTE aliasedEntryName; extern MATCHING_RULE objectIdentifierMatch; extern MATCHING_RULE distinguishedNameMatch; extern ObjectID id_at_objectClass; extern ObjectID id_at_aliasedEntryName; extern ObjectID id_mr_objectIdentifierMatch; extern ObjectID id_mr_distinguishedNameMatch; extern int maxInt; extern void *ldap; /* encoder-decoder control table */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* OSS_ldap */