/*++ Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Procs.h Abstract: This module defines all of the globally used procedures in the NetWare redirector. Author: Colin Watson [ColinW] 15-Dec-1992 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NWPROCS_ #define _NWPROCS_ #ifndef QFE_BUILD #define IFS 1 #define NWFASTIO 1 #endif #ifdef IFS #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include // Netware and Netware redirector specific includes #ifndef DBG #define DBG 0 #endif #if !DBG #undef NWDBG #endif #if NWDBG #define PAGED_DBG 1 #endif #ifdef PAGED_DBG #undef PAGED_CODE #define PAGED_CODE() \ struct { ULONG bogus; } ThisCodeCantBePaged; \ ThisCodeCantBePaged; \ if (KeGetCurrentIrql() > APC_LEVEL) { \ KdPrint(( "EX: Pageable code called at IRQL %d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql() )); \ ASSERT(FALSE); \ } #define PAGED_CODE_CHECK() if (ThisCodeCantBePaged) ; extern ULONG ThisCodeCantBePaged; #else #define PAGED_CODE_CHECK() #endif #include #include "Const.h" #include "Nodetype.h" #include "ncp.h" #include "Struct.h" #include "Data.h" #include "Exchange.h" #include // // NDS Additions. // #include #include "ndsprocs.h" // Attach.c NTSTATUS ConnectToServer( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, OUT PSCB *pScbCollision ); NTSTATUS ProcessFindNearest( IN struct _IRP_CONTEXT* pIrpContext, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, IN PUCHAR RspData ); NTSTATUS CrackPath ( IN PUNICODE_STRING BaseName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING DriveName, OUT PWCHAR DriveLetter, OUT PUNICODE_STRING ServerName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING VolumeName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING PathName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING FileName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING FullName OPTIONAL ); NTSTATUS CheckScbSecurity( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN PSCB pScb, IN PUNICODE_STRING puUserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING puPassword, IN BOOLEAN fDeferLogon ); NTSTATUS ConnectScb( IN PSCB *Scb, IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING Server, IN IPXaddress *pServerAddress, IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING Password, IN BOOLEAN DeferLogon, IN BOOLEAN DeleteConnection, IN BOOLEAN ExistingScb ); #define IS_ANONYMOUS_SCB( pScb ) \ ( (pScb->UidServerName).Length == 0 ) NTSTATUS CreateScb( OUT PSCB *Scb, IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpC, IN PUNICODE_STRING Server, IN IPXaddress *pServerAddress, IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING Password, IN BOOLEAN DeferLogon, IN BOOLEAN DeleteConnection ); VOID DestroyAllScb( VOID ); VOID InitializeAttach ( VOID ); NTSTATUS OpenScbSockets( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpC, PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb ); PNONPAGED_SCB SelectConnection( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb ); VOID NwLogoffAndDisconnect( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb ); VOID NwLogoffAllServers( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PLARGE_INTEGER Uid ); VOID NwDeleteScb( PSCB pScb ); NTSTATUS NegotiateBurstMode( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, BOOLEAN *LIPNegotiated ); VOID RenegotiateBurstMode( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb ); BOOLEAN NwFindScb( OUT PSCB *ppScb, IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING UidServerName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerName ); NTSTATUS QueryServersAddress( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNONPAGED_SCB pNearestScb, PUNICODE_STRING pServerName, IPXaddress *pServerAddress ); VOID TreeConnectScb( IN PSCB Scb ); NTSTATUS TreeDisconnectScb( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PSCB Scb ); VOID ReconnectScb( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PSCB pScb ); // Cache.c ULONG CacheRead( IN PNONPAGED_FCB NpFcb, IN ULONG FileOffset, IN ULONG BytesToRead, IN PVOID UserBuffer #if NWFASTIO , IN BOOLEAN WholeBufferOnly #endif ); BOOLEAN CacheWrite( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PNONPAGED_FCB NpFcb, IN ULONG FileOffset, IN ULONG BytesToWrite, IN PVOID UserBuffer ); ULONG CalculateReadAheadSize( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PNONPAGED_FCB NpFcb, IN ULONG CacheReadSize, IN ULONG FileOffset, IN ULONG ByteCount ); NTSTATUS FlushCache( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, PNONPAGED_FCB NpFcb ); NTSTATUS AcquireFcbAndFlushCache( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, PNONPAGED_FCB NpFcb ); VOID FlushAllBuffers( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); // Callback.c NTSTATUS SynchronousResponseCallback ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, IN PUCHAR RspData ); NTSTATUS AsynchResponseCallback ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, IN PUCHAR RspData ); NTSTATUS NcpSearchFileCallback ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN ULONG BytesIndicated, IN ULONG BytesAvailable, OUT ULONG *BytesTaken, IN PUCHAR RspData ); // Cleanup.c NTSTATUS NwFsdCleanup ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); // Close.c NTSTATUS NwFsdClose ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); // Create.c NTSTATUS NwFsdCreate ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS ReadAttachEas( IN PIRP Irp, OUT PUNICODE_STRING UserName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING Password, OUT PULONG ShareType, OUT PDWORD CredentialExtension ); // Convert.c NTSTATUS pNwErrorToNtStatus( UCHAR Error ); NTSTATUS NwBurstResultToNtStatus( ULONG Result ); #define NwErrorToNtStatus( STATUS ) \ (STATUS == 0 )? STATUS_SUCCESS : pNwErrorToNtStatus(STATUS) NTSTATUS NwConnectionStatusToNtStatus( UCHAR NwStatus ); UCHAR NtAttributesToNwAttributes( ULONG FileAttributes ); UCHAR NtToNwShareFlags( ULONG DesiredAccess, ULONG NtShareFlags ); LARGE_INTEGER NwDateTimeToNtTime( USHORT Date, USHORT Time ); NTSTATUS NwNtTimeToNwDateTime ( IN LARGE_INTEGER NtTime, IN PUSHORT NwDate, IN PUSHORT NwTime ); // Data.c VOID NwInitializeData( VOID ); // Debug.c #ifdef NWDBG ULONG NwMemDbg ( IN PCH Format, ... ); VOID RealDebugTrace( IN LONG Indent, IN ULONG Level, IN PCH Message, IN PVOID Parameter ); VOID dump( IN ULONG Level, IN PVOID far_p, IN ULONG len ); VOID dumpMdl( IN ULONG Level, IN PMDL Mdl ); VOID DumpIcbs( VOID ) ; PVOID NwAllocatePool( ULONG Type, ULONG Size, BOOLEAN RaiseStatus ); VOID NwFreePool( PVOID Buffer ); PIRP NwAllocateIrp( CCHAR Size, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota ); VOID NwFreeIrp( PIRP Irp ); PMDL NwAllocateMdl( PVOID Va, ULONG Length, BOOLEAN Secondary, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota, PIRP Irp, PUCHAR FileName, int Line ); VOID NwFreeMdl( PMDL Mdl ); #else #define dump( level, pointer, length ) { NOTHING;} #endif // Deviosup.c VOID NwMapUserBuffer ( IN OUT PIRP Irp, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PVOID *UserBuffer ); VOID NwLockUserBuffer ( IN OUT PIRP Irp, IN LOCK_OPERATION Operation, IN ULONG BufferLength ); // Dir.c NTSTATUS NwFsdDirectoryControl ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); // Encrypt.c VOID RespondToChallenge( IN PUCHAR achObjectId, IN POEM_STRING Password, IN PUCHAR pChallenge, OUT PUCHAR pResponse ); // Exchange.c BOOLEAN AppendToScbQueue( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb ); VOID PreparePacket( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PIRP pOriginalIrp, PMDL pMdl ); NTSTATUS PrepareAndSendPacket( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); NTSTATUS SendPacket( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb ); VOID SendNow( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); VOID SetEvent( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS _cdecl ExchangeWithWait( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PEX pEx, char* f, ... // format specific parameters ); NTSTATUS _cdecl BuildRequestPacket( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PEX pEx, char* f, ... // format specific parameters ); NTSTATUS _cdecl ParseResponse( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, PUCHAR RequestHeader, ULONG RequestLength, char* f, ... // format specific parameters ); NTSTATUS ParseNcpResponse( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, PNCP_RESPONSE Response ); BOOLEAN VerifyResponse( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PVOID Response ); VOID FreeReceiveIrp( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS NewRouteRetry( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); NTSTATUS NewRouteBurstRetry( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); VOID ReconnectRetry( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); ULONG MdlLength ( register IN PMDL Mdl ); VOID NwProcessSendBurstFailure( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb, USHORT MissingFragmentCount ); VOID NwProcessSendBurstSuccess( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb ); VOID NwProcessReceiveBurstFailure( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb, USHORT MissingFragmentCount ); VOID NwProcessReceiveBurstSuccess( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb ); VOID NwProcessPositiveAck( PNONPAGED_SCB NpScb ); // Errorlog.c VOID _cdecl Error( IN ULONG UniqueErrorCode, IN NTSTATUS NtStatusCode, IN PVOID ExtraInformationBuffer, IN USHORT ExtraInformationLength, IN USHORT NumberOfInsertionStrings, ... ); // FileInfo.c NTSTATUS NwFsdQueryInformation ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS NwFsdSetInformation ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS NwDeleteFile( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); ULONG OccurenceCount ( IN PUNICODE_STRING String, IN WCHAR SearchChar ); #if NWFASTIO BOOLEAN NwFastQueryBasicInfo ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN OUT PFILE_BASIC_INFORMATION Buffer, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ); BOOLEAN NwFastQueryStandardInfo ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN OUT PFILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION Buffer, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ); #endif // Filobsup.c VOID NwSetFileObject ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject OPTIONAL, IN PVOID FsContext, IN PVOID FsContext2 ); NODE_TYPE_CODE NwDecodeFileObject ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, OUT PVOID *FsContext, OUT PVOID *FsContext2 ); BOOLEAN NwIsIrpTopLevel ( IN PIRP Irp ); // Fsctl.c NTSTATUS NwFsdFileSystemControl ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS NwCommonFileSystemControl ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS NwFsdDeviceIoControl ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); #ifndef _PNP_POWER_ VOID HandleTdiBindMessage( IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName ); VOID HandleTdiUnbindMessage( IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName ); #endif PLOGON FindUser( IN PLARGE_INTEGER Uid, IN BOOLEAN ExactMatch ); LARGE_INTEGER GetUid( IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext ); BOOL IsSystemLuid(); PLOGON FindUserByName( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName ); VOID LazySetShareable( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, PICB pIcb, PFCB pFcb ); NTSTATUS RegisterWithMup( VOID ); VOID DeregisterWithMup( VOID ); // FspDisp.c VOID NwFspDispatch ( IN PVOID Context ); NTSTATUS NwPostToFsp ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN BOOLEAN MarkIrpPending ); // hack.c NTSTATUS _cdecl BuildNcpResponse( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpC, char* f, char Error, char Status, ... ); NTSTATUS HackSendMessage( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); NTSTATUS _cdecl HackParseResponse( PUCHAR Response, char* FormatString, ... // format specific parameters ); // Ipx.c NTSTATUS IpxOpenHandle( OUT PHANDLE pHandle, OUT PDEVICE_OBJECT* ppDeviceObject, OUT PFILE_OBJECT* pFileObject, IN PVOID EaBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG EaLength ); NTSTATUS IpxOpen( VOID ); VOID IpxClose( VOID ); VOID BuildIpxAddress( IN ULONG NetworkAddress, IN PUCHAR NodeAddress, IN USHORT Socket, OUT PTA_IPX_ADDRESS NetworkName ); VOID BuildIpxAddressEa ( IN ULONG NetworkAddress, IN PUCHAR NodeAddress, IN USHORT Socket, OUT PVOID NetworkName ); NTSTATUS SetEventHandler ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpC, IN PNW_TDI_STRUCT pTdiStruc, IN ULONG EventType, IN PVOID pEventHandler, IN PVOID pContext ); NTSTATUS GetMaximumPacketSize( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, IN PNW_TDI_STRUCT pTdiStruct, OUT PULONG pMaximumPacketSize ); NTSTATUS GetNewRoute( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); NTSTATUS GetTickCount( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, OUT PUSHORT HopCount ); #ifndef QFE_BUILD NTSTATUS SubmitLineChangeRequest( VOID ); #endif VOID FspProcessLineChange( IN PVOID Context ); // Lock.c NTSTATUS NwFsdLockControl ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); VOID NwFreeLocksForIcb( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PICB Icb ); // Lockcode.c VOID NwReferenceUnlockableCodeSection ( VOID ); VOID NwDereferenceUnlockableCodeSection ( VOID ); BOOLEAN NwUnlockCodeSections( BOOLEAN BlockIndefinitely ); // Pid.c BOOLEAN NwInitializePidTable( // VOID IN PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb ); NTSTATUS NwMapPid( IN PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, IN ULONG_PTR Pid32, OUT PUCHAR Pid8 ); VOID NwSetEndOfJobRequired( IN PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, IN UCHAR Pid8 ); VOID NwUnmapPid( IN PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, IN UCHAR Pid8, IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext OPTIONAL ); VOID NwUninitializePidTable( IN PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb // VOID ); // Read.c NTSTATUS NwFsdRead( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); VOID BurstReadTimeout( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS ResubmitBurstRead ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); #if NWFASTIO BOOLEAN NwFastRead ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN ULONG LockKey, OUT PVOID Buffer, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ); #endif // Scavenger.c VOID DisconnectTimedOutScbs( LARGE_INTEGER Now ); VOID NwScavengerRoutine( IN PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem ); BOOLEAN NwAllocateExtraIrpContext( OUT PIRP_CONTEXT *ppIrpContext, IN PNONPAGED_SCB pScb ); VOID NwFreeExtraIrpContext( IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); VOID CleanupScbs( LARGE_INTEGER Now ); VOID CleanupSupplementalCredentials( LARGE_INTEGER Now, BOOLEAN bShuttingDown ); // Security.c VOID CreateAnsiUid( OUT PCHAR aUid, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Uid ); NTSTATUS MakeUidServer( PUNICODE_STRING UidServer, PLARGE_INTEGER Uid, PUNICODE_STRING Server ); NTSTATUS Logon( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); VOID FreeLogon( IN PLOGON Logon ); NTSTATUS Logoff( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); PVCB * GetDriveMapTable ( IN LARGE_INTEGER Uid ); NTSTATUS UpdateUsersPassword( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING Password, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER Uid ); NTSTATUS UpdateServerPassword( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING ServerName, IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING Password, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Uid ); // String.c NTSTATUS DuplicateStringWithString ( OUT PSTRING DestinationString, IN PSTRING SourceString, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType ); NTSTATUS DuplicateUnicodeStringWithString ( OUT PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, IN PUNICODE_STRING SourceString, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType ); NTSTATUS SetUnicodeString ( IN PUNICODE_STRING Destination, IN ULONG Length, IN PWCHAR Source ); VOID MergeStrings( IN PUNICODE_STRING Destination, IN PUNICODE_STRING S1, IN PUNICODE_STRING S2, IN ULONG Type ); // Strucsup.c VOID NwInitializeRcb ( IN PRCB Rcb ); VOID NwDeleteRcb ( IN PRCB Rcb ); PFCB NwCreateFcb ( IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName, IN PSCB Scb, IN PVCB Vcb ); PFCB NwFindFcb ( IN PSCB Scb, IN PVCB Vcb, IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName, IN PDCB Dcb OPTIONAL ); VOID NwDereferenceFcb ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PFCB Fcb ); PICB NwCreateIcb ( IN USHORT Type, IN PVOID Associate ); VOID NwVerifyIcb ( IN PICB Icb ); VOID NwVerifyIcbSpecial( IN PICB Icb ); VOID NwVerifyScb ( IN PSCB Scb ); VOID NwDeleteIcb ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext OPTIONAL, IN PICB Icb ); PVCB NwFindVcb ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING VolumeName, IN ULONG ShareType, IN WCHAR DriveLetter, IN BOOLEAN ExplicitConnection, IN BOOLEAN FindExisting ); PVCB NwCreateVcb ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PSCB Scb, IN PUNICODE_STRING VolumeName, IN ULONG ShareType, IN WCHAR DriveLetter, IN BOOLEAN ExplicitConnection ); VOID NwDereferenceVcb ( IN PVCB Vcb, IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN OwnRcb ); VOID NwCleanupVcb( IN PVCB pVcb, IN PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); VOID NwCloseAllVcbs( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext ); VOID NwReopenVcbHandlesForScb ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PSCB Scb ); VOID NwReopenVcbHandle( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PVCB Vcb ); ULONG NwInvalidateAllHandles ( PLARGE_INTEGER Uid, PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); ULONG NwInvalidateAllHandlesForScb ( PSCB Scb ); BOOLEAN IsFatNameValid ( IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName ); VOID NwFreeDirCacheForIcb( IN PICB Icb ); // Timer.c VOID StartTimer( ); VOID StopTimer( ); // Util.c VOID CopyBufferToMdl( PMDL DestinationMdl, ULONG DataOffset, PVOID SourceData, ULONG SourceByteCount ); NTSTATUS GetCredentialFromServerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puServerName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puCredentialName ); NTSTATUS BuildExCredentialServerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puServerName, IN PUNICODE_STRING puUserName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puExCredServerName ); NTSTATUS UnmungeCredentialName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puCredName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING puServerName ); BOOLEAN IsCredentialName( IN PUNICODE_STRING puObjectName ); NTSTATUS ExCreateReferenceCredentials( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PUNICODE_STRING puResource ); NTSTATUS ExCreateDereferenceCredentials( PIRP_CONTEXT pIrpContext, PNDS_SECURITY_CONTEXT pNdsCredentials ); // VolInfo.c NTSTATUS NwFsdQueryVolumeInformation ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS NwFsdSetVolumeInformation ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); // WorkQue.c PIRP_CONTEXT AllocateIrpContext ( PIRP pIrp ); VOID FreeIrpContext ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); VOID InitializeIrpContext ( VOID ); VOID UninitializeIrpContext ( VOID ); VOID NwCompleteRequest ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, NTSTATUS Status ); VOID NwAppendToQueueAndWait( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); VOID NwDequeueIrpContext( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN BOOLEAN OwnSpinLock ); VOID NwCancelIrp ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); PIRP NwAllocateSendIrp ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT AllocateMiniIrpContext ( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); VOID FreeMiniIrpContext ( PMINI_IRP_CONTEXT MiniIrpContext ); PWORK_CONTEXT AllocateWorkContext ( VOID ); VOID FreeWorkContext ( PWORK_CONTEXT ); VOID SpawnWorkerThread ( VOID ); VOID WorkerThread ( VOID ); VOID TerminateWorkerThread ( VOID ); // Write.c NTSTATUS NwFsdWrite( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS DoWrite( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, LARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset, ULONG BufferLength, PVOID WriteBuffer, PMDL WriteMdl ); NTSTATUS NwFsdFlushBuffers( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS ResubmitBurstWrite( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); #if NWFASTIO BOOLEAN NwFastWrite ( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN Wait, IN ULONG LockKey, OUT PVOID Buffer, OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject ); #endif #ifdef _PNP_POWER_ // // NwPnP.C // NTSTATUS StartRedirector( PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS StopRedirector( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS RegisterTdiPnPEventHandlers( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); NTSTATUS PnPSetPower( PNET_PNP_EVENT pEvent, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext1, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext2 ); NTSTATUS PnPQueryPower( PNET_PNP_EVENT pEvent, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext1, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext2 ); NTSTATUS PnPQueryRemove( PNET_PNP_EVENT pEvent, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext1, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext2 ); NTSTATUS PnPCancelRemove( PNET_PNP_EVENT pEvent, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext1, PTDI_PNP_CONTEXT pContext2 ); ULONG PnPCountActiveHandles( VOID ); NTSTATUS NwFsdProcessPnpIrp( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ); NTSTATUS PnpIrpCompletion( PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pIrp, PVOID pContext ); NTSTATUS NwCommonProcessPnpIrp ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext ); #endif // // A function that returns finished denotes if it was able to complete the // operation (TRUE) or could not complete the operation (FALSE) because the // wait value stored in the irp context was false and we would have had // to block for a resource or I/O // typedef BOOLEAN FINISHED; // // Miscellaneous support routines // // // This macro returns TRUE if a flag in a set of flags is on and FALSE // otherwise. It is followed by two macros for setting and clearing // flags // #ifndef BooleanFlagOn #define BooleanFlagOn(Flags,SingleFlag) ((BOOLEAN)((((Flags) & (SingleFlag)) != 0))) #endif #ifndef SetFlag #define SetFlag(Flags,SingleFlag) { \ (Flags) |= (SingleFlag); \ } #endif #ifndef ClearFlag #define ClearFlag(Flags,SingleFlag) { \ (Flags) &= ~(SingleFlag); \ } #endif // // The following macro is used to determine if an FSD thread can block // for I/O or wait for a resource. It returns TRUE if the thread can // block and FALSE otherwise. This attribute can then be used to call // the FSD & FSP common work routine with the proper wait value. // #define CanFsdWait(IRP) IoIsOperationSynchronous(IRP) // // This macro takes a pointer (or ulong) and returns its rounded up word // value // #define WordAlign(Ptr) ( \ ((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 1) & 0xfffffffe) \ ) // // This macro takes a pointer (or ulong) and returns its rounded up longword // value // #define LongAlign(Ptr) ( \ ((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 3) & 0xfffffffc) \ ) // // This macro takes a pointer (or ulong) and returns its rounded up quadword // value // #define QuadAlign(Ptr) ( \ ((((ULONG)(Ptr)) + 7) & 0xfffffff8) \ ) // // The following two macro are used by the Fsd/Fsp exception handlers to // process an exception. The first macro is the exception filter used in the // Fsd/Fsp to decide if an exception should be handled at this level. // The second macro decides if the exception is to be finished off by // completing the IRP, and cleaning up the Irp Context, or if we should // bugcheck. Exception values such as STATUS_FILE_INVALID (raised by // VerfySup.c) cause us to complete the Irp and cleanup, while exceptions // such as accvio cause us to bugcheck. // // The basic structure for fsd/fsp exception handling is as follows: // // NwFsdXxx(...) // { // try { // // ... // // } except(NwExceptionFilter( IrpContext, GetExceptionCode() )) { // // Status = NwProcessException( IrpContext, Irp, GetExceptionCode() ); // } // // Return Status; // } // // To explicitly raise an exception that we expect, such as // STATUS_FILE_INVALID, use the below macro NwRaiseStatus(). To raise a // status from an unknown origin (such as CcFlushCache()), use the macro // NwNormalizeAndRaiseStatus. This will raise the status if it is expected, // or raise STATUS_UNEXPECTED_IO_ERROR if it is not. // // Note that when using these two macros, the original status is placed in // IrpContext->ExceptionStatus, signaling NwExceptionFilter and // NwProcessException that the status we actually raise is by definition // expected. // LONG NwExceptionFilter ( IN PIRP Irp, IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointer ); NTSTATUS NwProcessException ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode ); // // VOID // NwRaiseStatus ( // IN NT_STATUS Status // ); // // #define NwRaiseStatus(IRPCONTEXT,STATUS) { \ ExRaiseStatus( (STATUS) ); \ KeBugCheck( NW_FILE_SYSTEM ); \ } // // VOID // NwNormalAndRaiseStatus ( // IN NT_STATUS Status // ); // #define NwNormalizeAndRaiseStatus(IRPCONTEXT,STATUS) { \ if ((STATUS) == STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED) { ExRaiseStatus((STATUS)); } \ ExRaiseStatus(FsRtlNormalizeNtstatus((STATUS),STATUS_UNEXPECTED_IO_ERROR)); \ KeBugCheck( NW_FILE_SYSTEM ); \ } // // The Following routine makes a popup // #define NwRaiseInformationalHardError(STATUS,NAME) { \ UNICODE_STRING Name; \ if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlOemStringToCountedUnicodeString(&Name, (NAME), TRUE))) { \ IoRaiseInformationalHardError(Status, &Name, (Irp == NULL ?\ NULL : &(Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread)->Tcb)); \ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Name); \ } \ } // // The following macros are used to establish the semantics needed // to do a return from within a try-finally clause. As a rule every // try clause must end with a label call try_exit. For example, // // try { // : // : // // try_exit: NOTHING; // } finally { // // : // : // } // // Every return statement executed inside of a try clause should use the // try_return macro. If the compiler fully supports the try-finally construct // then the macro should be // // #define try_return(S) { return(S); } // // If the compiler does not support the try-finally construct then the macro // should be // // #define try_return(S) { S; goto try_exit; } // #define try_return(S) { S; goto try_exit; } #if NWDBG #define InternalError(String) { \ DbgPrint("Internal NetWare Redirector Error "); \ DbgPrint String; \ DbgPrint("\nFile %s, Line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ ASSERT(FALSE); \ } #else #define InternalError(String) {NOTHING;} #endif #define DbgPrintf DbgPrint // // Reference and dereference Macros. // VOID RefDbgTrace ( PVOID Resource, DWORD Count, BOOLEAN Reference, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line ); #ifdef NWDBG VOID ChkNwReferenceScb( PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line, BOOLEAN Silent ); VOID ChkNwDereferenceScb( PNONPAGED_SCB pNpScb, PBYTE FileName, UINT Line, BOOLEAN Silent ); #define NwReferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ ChkNwReferenceScb( pNpScb, __FILE__, __LINE__, FALSE ) #define NwQuietReferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ ChkNwReferenceScb( pNpScb, __FILE__, __LINE__, TRUE ) #define NwDereferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ ChkNwDereferenceScb( pNpScb, __FILE__, __LINE__, FALSE ) #define NwQuietDereferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ ChkNwDereferenceScb( pNpScb, __FILE__, __LINE__, TRUE ) #else #define NwReferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ InterlockedIncrement( &(pNpScb)->Reference ) #define NwQuietReferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ InterlockedIncrement( &(pNpScb)->Reference ) #define NwDereferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ InterlockedDecrement( &(pNpScb)->Reference ) #define NwQuietDereferenceScb( pNpScb ) \ InterlockedDecrement( &(pNpScb)->Reference ) #endif // // Irpcontext event macro. // #define NwSetIrpContextEvent( pIrpContext ) \ DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_WORKQUE, "Set event for IrpC = %08lx\n", pIrpContext ); \ DebugTrace( 0, DEBUG_TRACE_WORKQUE, "IrpC->pNpScb = %08lx\n", pIrpContext->pNpScb ); \ KeSetEvent( &pIrpContext->Event, 0, FALSE ) // // VCB macros must be called with the RCB resource held. // #if NWDBG VOID NwReferenceVcb ( IN PVCB Vcb ); #else #define NwReferenceVcb( pVcb ) ++(pVcb)->Reference; #endif // // Resource acquisition and release macros // #if NWDBG VOID NwAcquireExclusiveRcb( PRCB Rcb, BOOLEAN Wait ); VOID NwAcquireSharedRcb( PRCB Rcb, BOOLEAN Wait ); VOID NwReleaseRcb( PRCB Rcb ); VOID NwAcquireExclusiveFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb, BOOLEAN Wait ); VOID NwAcquireSharedFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb, BOOLEAN Wait ); VOID NwReleaseFcb( PNONPAGED_FCB pFcb ); VOID NwAcquireOpenLock( VOID ); VOID NwReleaseOpenLock( VOID ); #else #define NwAcquireExclusiveRcb( Rcb, Wait ) \ ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( &((Rcb)->Resource), Wait ) #define NwAcquireSharedRcb( Rcb, Wait ) \ ExAcquireResourceSharedLite( &((Rcb)->Resource), Wait ) #define NwReleaseRcb( Rcb ) \ ExReleaseResourceLite( &((Rcb)->Resource) ) #define NwAcquireExclusiveFcb( pFcb, Wait ) \ ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( &((pFcb)->Resource), Wait ) #define NwAcquireSharedFcb( pFcb, Wait ) \ ExAcquireResourceSharedLite( &((pFcb)->Resource), Wait ) #define NwReleaseFcb( pFcb ) \ ExReleaseResourceLite( &((pFcb)->Resource) ) #define NwAcquireOpenLock( ) \ ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite( &NwOpenResource, TRUE ) #define NwReleaseOpenLock( ) \ ExReleaseResourceLite( &NwOpenResource ) #endif #define NwReleaseFcbForThread( pFcb, pThread ) \ ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite( &((pFcb)->Resource), pThread ) // // Memory allocation and deallocation macros // #ifdef NWDBG #define ALLOCATE_POOL_EX( Type, Size ) NwAllocatePool( Type, Size, TRUE ) #define ALLOCATE_POOL( Type, Size ) NwAllocatePool( Type, Size, FALSE ) #define FREE_POOL( Buffer ) NwFreePool( Buffer ) #define ALLOCATE_IRP( Size, ChargeQuota ) \ NwAllocateIrp( Size, ChargeQuota ) #define FREE_IRP( Irp ) NwFreeIrp( Irp ) #define ALLOCATE_MDL( Va, Length, Secondary, ChargeQuota, Irp ) \ NwAllocateMdl(Va, Length, Secondary, ChargeQuota, Irp, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) #define FREE_MDL( Mdl ) NwFreeMdl( Mdl ) #else #define ALLOCATE_POOL_EX( Type, Size ) FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( Type, Size, 'scwn' ) #ifndef QFE_BUILD #define ALLOCATE_POOL( Type, Size ) ExAllocatePoolWithTag( Type, Size, 'scwn' ) #else #define ALLOCATE_POOL( Type, Size ) ExAllocatePool( Type, Size ) #endif #define FREE_POOL( Buffer ) ExFreePool( Buffer ) #define ALLOCATE_IRP( Size, ChargeQuota ) \ IoAllocateIrp( Size, ChargeQuota ) #define FREE_IRP( Irp ) IoFreeIrp( Irp ) #define ALLOCATE_MDL( Va, Length, Secondary, ChargeQuota, Irp ) \ IoAllocateMdl(Va, Length, Secondary, ChargeQuota, Irp ) #define FREE_MDL( Mdl ) IoFreeMdl( Mdl ) #endif // // Useful macros // #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a):(b)) #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a):(b)) #define DIFFERENT_PAGES( START, SIZE ) \ (((ULONG)START & ~(4096-1)) != (((ULONG)START + SIZE) & ~(4096-1))) #define UP_LEVEL_SERVER( Scb ) \ ( ( Scb->MajorVersion >= 4 ) || \ ( Scb->MajorVersion == 3 && Scb->MinorVersion >= 12 ) ) #define LFN_SUPPORTED( Scb ) \ ( ( Scb->MajorVersion >= 4 ) || \ ( Scb->MajorVersion == 3 && Scb->MinorVersion >= 11 ) ) #define LongByteSwap( l1, l2 ) \ { \ PUCHAR c1 = (PUCHAR)&l1; \ PUCHAR c2 = (PUCHAR)&l2; \ c1[0] = c2[3]; \ c1[1] = c2[2]; \ c1[2] = c2[1]; \ c1[3] = c2[0]; \ } #define ShortByteSwap( s1, s2 ) \ { \ PUCHAR c1 = (PUCHAR)&s1; \ PUCHAR c2 = (PUCHAR)&s2; \ c1[0] = c2[1]; \ c1[1] = c2[0]; \ } #define CanLogTimeOutEvent( LastTime, CurrentTime ) \ ( ( CurrentTime.QuadPart ) - ( LastTime.QuadPart ) >= 0 ) #define UpdateNextEventTime( LastTime, CurrentTime, TimeOutEventInterval ) \ ( LastTime.QuadPart ) = ( CurrentTime.QuadPart ) + \ ( TimeOutEventInterval.QuadPart ) // // Macros to isolate NT 3.1 and NT 3.5 differences. // #ifdef QFE_BUILD #define NwGetTopLevelIrp() (PIRP)(PsGetCurrentThread()->TopLevelIrp) #define NwSetTopLevelIrp(Irp) (PIRP)(PsGetCurrentThread())->TopLevelIrp = Irp; #else #define NwGetTopLevelIrp() IoGetTopLevelIrp() #define NwSetTopLevelIrp(Irp) IoSetTopLevelIrp(Irp) #endif // // David Goebel - pls figure out which file below should come from // io.h cannot be included successfully // NTKERNELAPI VOID IoRemoveShareAccess( IN PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, IN OUT PSHARE_ACCESS ShareAccess ); // now all SKUs have TerminalServer flag. If App Server is enabled, SingleUserTS flag is cleared #define IsTerminalServer() !(ExVerifySuite(SingleUserTS)) #endif // _NWPROCS_