[Strings] (0,"MSG",10,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=" show [/Domain:Domain_Name] [/defaultonly]%n Displays the names and locations of all TAPI application directory%n partitions in the domain by enumerating all TAPI%n service connection points.%n /defaultonly An option switch that displays the name and location%n of only the default TAPI application directory%n partition in the domain.%n /domain Specifies the DNS name of the domain for%n which TAPI directories are to be shown.%n If not specified then the local domain%n is assumed. " (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")="Description: Creates, removes, shows, or registers default TAPI application%n directory partitions. " (0,"MSG",8,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=" install /directory:Partition_Name [/server:DC_Name] [/forcedefault]%n /directory Specifies the DNS name of the TAPI application%n directory partition to be created. Note: This name%n must be a fully qualified domain name.%n /server Specifies the DNS name of the domain controller on%n which the TAPI application directory partition is to%n be created. If the domain controller name is not%n specified, the name of the local computer is used.%n /forcedefault An optional switch that forces the newly created TAPI%n application partition directory to be the default%n TAPI application partition directory for the domain.%n There can be multiple TAPI application directory%n partitions in a domain, but only one can become%n default for the domain. " (0,"MSG",9,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=" remove /directory:Partition_Name [/server:DC_Name]%n /directory Specifies the DNS name of the TAPI application%n directory partition to be removed. The name must be%n a fully qualified domain name.%n /server Specifies the DNS name of the domain controller on%n which the TAPI application directory partition is to%n be delete from. If the domain controller name is not%n specified, tapicfg tries to locate the partition %n itself.%n " [Checksum] (0,"MSG",10,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=51330 (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=9424 (0,"MSG",8,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=12586 (0,"MSG",9,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")=45610 [Constraints] (0,"MSG",10,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules} (0,"MSG",5,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules}{Placeholder=75:76} (0,"MSG",8,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules}{Placeholder=71:72}{Placeholder=146:147}{Placeholder=226:227}{Placeholder=293:294}{Placeholder=372:373}{Placeholder=453:454}{Placeholder=531:532}{Placeholder=610:611}{Placeholder=692:693}{Placeholder=770:771}{Placeholder=851:852}{Placeholder=928:929}{Placeholder=1004:1005} (0,"MSG",9,"",11,"",1,"",0,"")={NoRules}{Placeholder=54:55}{Placeholder=129:130}{Placeholder=210:211}{Placeholder=269:270}{Placeholder=348:349}{Placeholder=429:430}{Placeholder=511:512}{Placeholder=589:590}{Placeholder=625:626} [Comment]