// MsKeyBlob.cpp -- MicroSoft Key Blob class implementation // (c) Copyright Schlumberger Technology Corp., unpublished work, created // 1999. This computer program includes Confidential, Proprietary // Information and is a Trade Secret of Schlumberger Technology Corp. All // use, disclosure, and/or reproduction is prohibited unless authorized // in writing. All Rights Reserved. #include "NoWarning.h" #include "ForceLib.h" #include #include #include "MsKeyBlob.h" using namespace scu; /////////////////////////// LOCAL/HELPER ///////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// PUBLIC ///////////////////////////////// // Types // C'tors/D'tors // Operators // Operations // Access ALG_ID MsKeyBlob::AlgId() const { return reinterpret_cast(m_aapBlob.data())->aiKeyAlg; } SecureArray MsKeyBlob::AsAlignedBlob() const { return SecureArray(m_aapBlob.data(),m_cLength); } MsKeyBlob::ValueType const * MsKeyBlob::Data() const { return reinterpret_cast(m_aapBlob.data()); } MsKeyBlob::SizeType MsKeyBlob::Length() const { return m_cLength; } // Predicates // Static Variables /////////////////////////// PROTECTED ///////////////////////////////// // C'tors/D'tors MsKeyBlob::MsKeyBlob(KeyBlobType kbt, ALG_ID ai, SizeType cReserve) : m_aapBlob(0), m_cLength(0), m_cMaxSize(0) { Setup(sizeof HeaderElementType + cReserve); ValueType bhTemplate = { kbt, CUR_BLOB_VERSION, 0, // must be zero per MS ai }; Append(reinterpret_cast(&bhTemplate), sizeof bhTemplate); } MsKeyBlob::MsKeyBlob(BYTE const *pbData, DWORD dwDataLength) : m_aapBlob(0), m_cLength(0), m_cMaxSize(0) { Setup(dwDataLength); ValueType const *pvt = reinterpret_cast(pbData); if (!((PUBLICKEYBLOB == pvt->bType) || (PRIVATEKEYBLOB == pvt->bType) || (SIMPLEBLOB == pvt->bType))) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_TYPE); if (CUR_BLOB_VERSION != pvt->bVersion) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_TYPE); if (0 != pvt->reserved) throw scu::OsException(NTE_BAD_TYPE); Append(pbData, dwDataLength); } MsKeyBlob::~MsKeyBlob() {} // Operators // Operations void MsKeyBlob::Append(BlobElemType const *pvt, SizeType cLength) { if ((m_cLength + cLength) > m_cMaxSize) { m_aapBlob.append(cLength, 0); m_cMaxSize += cLength; } memcpy(m_aapBlob.data() + m_cLength, pvt, cLength); m_cLength += cLength; } // Access // Predicates // Static Variables /////////////////////////// PRIVATE ///////////////////////////////// // C'tors/D'tors // Operators // Operations SecureArray MsKeyBlob::AllocBlob(MsKeyBlob::SizeType cInitialMaxLength) { return SecureArray(cInitialMaxLength); } void MsKeyBlob::Setup(MsKeyBlob::SizeType cMaxLength) { m_aapBlob = AllocBlob(cMaxLength); m_cLength = 0; m_cMaxSize = cMaxLength; } // Access // Predicates // Static Variables