// This is a part of the Microsoft Management Console. // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1999 // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Management Console and related // electronic documentation provided with the interfaces. #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "initguid.h" #include "misc.h" #include #include #define __dwFILE__ __dwFILE_CERTMMC_SNAPIN_CPP__ #define WSZCERTMMC_DLL "certmmc.dll" CComModule _Module; HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; HMODULE g_hmodRichEdit = NULL; BEGIN_OBJECT_MAP(ObjectMap) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_Snapin, CComponentDataPrimaryImpl) OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_About, CSnapinAboutImpl) END_OBJECT_MAP() #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif void CreateRegEntries(); void RemoveRegEntries(); void CreateProgramGroupLink(); void RemoveProgramGroupLink(); // #define CERTMMC_DEBUG_REGSVR BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle to DLL module DWORD dwReason, // reason for calling function LPVOID /* lpvReserved */ ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { g_hInstance = hinstDLL; _Module.Init(ObjectMap, hinstDLL); DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); LogOpen(FALSE); break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { // last call process should do this if (NULL != g_hmodRichEdit) { FreeLibrary(g_hmodRichEdit); } myFreeColumnDisplayNames(); myFreeResourceStrings("certmmc.dll"); delete g_pResources; _Module.Term(); myRegisterMemDump(); LogClose(); DEBUG_VERIFY_INSTANCE_COUNT(CSnapin); DEBUG_VERIFY_INSTANCE_COUNT(CComponentDataImpl); break; } default: break; } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used to determine whether the DLL can be unloaded by OLE STDAPI DllCanUnloadNow(void) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); return (_Module.GetLockCount() == 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns a class factory to create an object of the requested type STDAPI DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv) { return _Module.GetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DllRegisterServer - Adds entries to the system registry STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void) { CreateRegEntries(); CreateProgramGroupLink(); // registers object, typelib and all interfaces in typelib return _Module.RegisterServer(FALSE); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DllUnregisterServer - Removes entries from the system registry STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void) { _Module.UnregisterServer(); RemoveRegEntries(); RemoveProgramGroupLink(); return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Register/UnRegister nodetypes, etc typedef struct _REGVALUE { DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR const *pwszKeyName; // NULL implies place value under CA name key WCHAR const *pwszValueName; WCHAR const *pwszValueString; // NULL implies use REG_DWORD value (dwValue) DWORD dwValue; } REGVALUE; // Flags #define CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY 1 // delete this key on removal // Values Under "HKLM" from base to leaves REGVALUE g_arvCA[] = { // main snapin uuid #define IREG_SNAPINNAME 0 { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1, NULL, NULL, 0}, #define IREG_SNAPINNAMESTRING 1 { 0, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1, wszSNAPINNAMESTRING, NULL, 0}, #define IREG_SNAPINNAMESTRINGINDIRECT 2 { 0, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1, wszSNAPINNAMESTRINGINDIRECT, NULL, 0}, { 0, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1, wszSNAPINABOUT, wszSNAPINNODETYPE_ABOUT, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_STANDALONE, NULL, NULL, 0} , { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES, NULL, NULL, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES_1, NULL, NULL, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES_2, NULL, NULL, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES_3, NULL, NULL, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES_4, NULL, NULL, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPINUUID1_NODETYPES_5, NULL, NULL, 0}, // register each snapin nodetype { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_1, NULL, wszREGCERTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_1, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_2, NULL, wszREGCERTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_2, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_3, NULL, wszREGCERTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_3, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_4, NULL, wszREGCERTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_4, 0}, { CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY, wszREGKEYMGMTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_5, NULL, wszREGCERTSNAPIN_NODETYPES_5, 0}, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; HRESULT InitRegEntries( OPTIONAL IN OUT CString *pcstrName, OPTIONAL IN OUT CString *pcstrNameString, OPTIONAL IN OUT CString *pcstrNameStringIndirect) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR const *pwsz; pwsz = NULL; if (NULL != pcstrName) { pcstrName->LoadString(IDS_CERTMMC_SNAPINNAME); if (pcstrName->IsEmpty()) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "LoadString"); } else { pwsz = (LPCWSTR) *pcstrName; } } g_arvCA[IREG_SNAPINNAME].pwszValueString = pwsz; pwsz = NULL; if (NULL != pcstrNameString) { pcstrNameString->LoadString(IDS_CERTMMC_SNAPINNAMESTRING); if (pcstrNameString->IsEmpty()) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "LoadString"); } else { pwsz = (LPCWSTR) *pcstrNameString; } } g_arvCA[IREG_SNAPINNAMESTRING].pwszValueString = pwsz; pwsz = NULL; if (NULL != pcstrNameStringIndirect) { pcstrNameStringIndirect->Format(wszSNAPINNAMESTRINGINDIRECT_TEMPLATE, L"CertMMC.dll", IDS_CERTMMC_SNAPINNAMESTRING); if (pcstrNameStringIndirect->IsEmpty()) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "LoadString"); } else { pwsz = (LPCWSTR) *pcstrNameStringIndirect; } } g_arvCA[IREG_SNAPINNAMESTRINGINDIRECT].pwszValueString = pwsz; //error: return(hr); } void CreateRegEntries() { DWORD err; HKEY hKeyThisValue = NULL; REGVALUE const *prv; CString cstrName; CString cstrNameString; CString cstrNameStringIndirect; InitRegEntries(&cstrName, &cstrNameString, &cstrNameStringIndirect); // run until not creating key or value for ( prv=g_arvCA; !(NULL == prv->pwszValueName && NULL == prv->pwszKeyName); prv++ ) { DWORD dwDisposition; ASSERT(NULL != prv->pwszKeyName); if (NULL == prv->pwszKeyName) continue; #ifdef CERTMMC_DEBUG_REGSVR CString cstr; cstr.Format(L"RegCreateKeyEx: %ws\n", prv->pwszKeyName); OutputDebugString((LPCWSTR)cstr); #endif err = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, prv->pwszKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKeyThisValue, &dwDisposition); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; // for now, don't set any value if unnamed, unvalued string // UNDONE: can't set unnamed dword! if (NULL != prv->pwszValueName || NULL != prv->pwszValueString) { if (NULL != prv->pwszValueString) { #ifdef CERTMMC_DEBUG_REGSVR CString cstr; cstr.Format(L"RegSetValueEx: %ws : %ws\n", prv->pwszValueName, prv->pwszValueString); OutputDebugString((LPCWSTR)cstr); #endif err = RegSetValueEx( hKeyThisValue, prv->pwszValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *) prv->pwszValueString, WSZ_BYTECOUNT(prv->pwszValueString)); } else { #ifdef CERTMMC_DEBUG_REGSVR CString cstr; cstr.Format(L"RegSetValueEx: %ws : %ul\n", prv->pwszValueName, prv->dwValue); OutputDebugString((LPCWSTR)cstr); #endif err = RegSetValueEx( hKeyThisValue, prv->pwszValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *) &prv->dwValue, sizeof(prv->dwValue)); } if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; } if (NULL != hKeyThisValue) { RegCloseKey(hKeyThisValue); hKeyThisValue = NULL; } } error: if (hKeyThisValue) RegCloseKey(hKeyThisValue); InitRegEntries(NULL, NULL, NULL); return; } void RemoveRegEntries() { REGVALUE const *prv; // walk backwards through array until hit array start for ( prv= (&g_arvCA[ARRAYLEN(g_arvCA)]) - 2; // goto zero-based end AND skip {NULL} prv >= g_arvCA; // until we walk past beginning prv-- ) // walk backwards { if (prv->dwFlags & CERTMMC_REG_DELKEY) { ASSERT(prv->pwszKeyName != NULL); #ifdef CERTMMC_DEBUG_REGSVR CString cstr; cstr.Format(L"RegDeleteKey: %ws\n", prv->pwszKeyName); OutputDebugString((LPCWSTR)cstr); #endif RegDeleteKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, prv->pwszKeyName); } } //error: return; } #include // CSIDL_ #defines #include #include // CreateLinkFile API typedef struct _PROGRAMENTRY { UINT uiLinkName; UINT uiDescription; DWORD csidl; // special folder index WCHAR const *pwszExeName; WCHAR const *pwszArgs; } PROGRAMENTRY; PROGRAMENTRY const g_aProgramEntry[] = { { IDS_STARTMENU_CERTMMC_LINKNAME, // uiLinkName IDS_STARTMENU_CERTMMC_DESCRIPTION, // uiDescription CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS, // "All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools" L"certsrv.msc", // pwszExeName L"", // pwszArgs }, }; #define CPROGRAMENTRY ARRAYSIZE(g_aProgramEntry) BOOL FFileExists(LPCWSTR szFile) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data; return( GetFileAttributesEx(szFile, GetFileExInfoStandard, &data) && !(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & data.dwFileAttributes) ); } HRESULT DeleteMatchingLinks( IN WCHAR const *pwszLinkDir, // C:\Documents...Administrative Tools IN WCHAR const *pwszLinkPath, // C:\ " \Certification Authority.lnk IN WCHAR const *pwszTargetPath, // C:\WINDOWS\system32\certsrv.msc IN WCHAR const *pwszArgs, IN WCHAR const *pwszDLLPath) // C:\WINDOWS\system32\certmmc.dll { HRESULT hr; WCHAR *pwszPattern = NULL; WCHAR *pwszFile = NULL; HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; IShellLink *psl = NULL; IPersistFile *ppf = NULL; int i; hr = myBuildPathAndExt(pwszLinkDir, L"*.lnk", NULL, &pwszPattern); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myBuildPathAndExt"); hf = FindFirstFile(pwszPattern, &wfd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hf) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); _JumpErrorStr2(hr, error, "no *.lnk files", pwszPattern, hr); } hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DIRECTORY); do { WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if (NULL != psl) { psl->Release(); psl = NULL; } if (NULL != ppf) { ppf->Release(); ppf = NULL; } if (NULL != pwszFile) { LocalFree(pwszFile); pwszFile = NULL; } hr = myBuildPathAndExt(pwszLinkDir, wfd.cFileName, NULL, &pwszFile); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "myBuildPathAndExt"); if (0 == mylstrcmpiL(pwszLinkPath, pwszFile)) { continue; // skip exact match } // Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface. hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID *) &psl); if (S_OK != hr) psl = NULL; _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance"); // Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile interface for saving the // shortcut in persistent storage. hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (S_OK != hr) ppf = NULL; _JumpIfError(hr, error, "QI"); // Load the link by calling IPersistFile::Load. hr = ppf->Load(pwszFile, STGM_READ); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "Load"); hr = psl->GetPath(wszPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath), &wfd, SLGP_UNCPRIORITY); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetPath"); if (0 != mylstrcmpiL(pwszTargetPath, wszPath)) { continue; // different path: skip } hr = psl->GetArguments(wszPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath)); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetArguments"); if (0 != mylstrcmpiL(pwszArgs, wszPath)) { continue; // different arguments: skip } hr = psl->GetIconLocation(wszPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszPath), &i); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "GetIconLocation"); if (0 != mylstrcmpiL(pwszDLLPath, wszPath)) { continue; // different icon DLL: skip } psl->Release(); psl = NULL; ppf->Release(); ppf = NULL; DeleteFile(pwszFile); } while (FindNextFile(hf, &wfd)); hr = S_OK; error: if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hf) { FindClose(hf); } if (NULL != pwszFile) { LocalFree(pwszFile); } if (NULL != pwszPattern) { LocalFree(pwszPattern); } if (NULL != ppf) { ppf->Release(); } if (NULL != psl) { psl->Release(); } return(hr); } void CreateProgramGroupLink() { HRESULT hr; PROGRAMENTRY const *ppe; IShellLink *psl = NULL; IPersistFile *ppf = NULL; for (ppe = g_aProgramEntry; ppe < &g_aProgramEntry[CPROGRAMENTRY]; ppe++) { WCHAR wszPath[MAX_PATH]; CString strDLLPath, strPath, strDescr, strLinkName, strLinkPath; LPWSTR pszTmp; if (NULL == (pszTmp = strPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; _JumpError(hr, error, "GetBuffer"); } GetSystemDirectory(pszTmp, MAX_PATH); strPath += L"\\"; strDLLPath = strPath; strDLLPath += WSZCERTMMC_DLL; strPath += ppe->pwszExeName; // don't create link for file that doesn't exist if (!FFileExists(strPath)) continue; strDescr.Format(L"@%s,-%d", strDLLPath.GetBuffer(), ppe->uiDescription); hr = SHGetFolderPath( NULL, ppe->csidl, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, wszPath); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SHGetFolderPath(Administrative Tools)"); strLinkName.LoadString(ppe->uiLinkName); strLinkPath.Format(L"%s\\%s.lnk", wszPath, strLinkName); DeleteMatchingLinks( wszPath, strLinkPath, strPath, ppe->pwszArgs, strDLLPath); // Get a pointer to the IShellLink interface. hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID *) &psl); if (S_OK != hr) psl = NULL; _JumpIfError(hr, error, "CoCreateInstance"); strPath += ppe->pwszArgs; hr = psl->SetPath(strPath); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetPath"); hr = psl->SetIconLocation(strDLLPath, 0); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetIconLocation"); hr = psl->SetDescription(strDescr); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SetDescription"); // Query IShellLink for the IPersistFile interface for saving the // shortcut in persistent storage. hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (S_OK != hr) ppf = NULL; _JumpIfError(hr, error, "QI"); // Save the link by calling IPersistFile::Save. hr = ppf->Save(strLinkPath.GetBuffer(), TRUE); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "Save"); hr = SHSetLocalizedName( strLinkPath.GetBuffer(), strDLLPath, ppe->uiLinkName); _JumpIfError(hr, error, "SHSetLocalizedName"); ppf->Release(); ppf = NULL; psl->Release(); psl = NULL; } hr = S_OK; error: if (NULL != ppf) ppf->Release(); if (NULL != psl) psl->Release(); return; } void RemoveProgramGroupLink() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PROGRAMENTRY const *ppe; for (ppe = g_aProgramEntry; ppe < &g_aProgramEntry[CPROGRAMENTRY]; ppe++) { CString cstrLinkName; cstrLinkName.LoadString(ppe->uiLinkName); if (cstrLinkName.IsEmpty()) { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError(hr, "LoadString"); continue; } if (!DeleteLinkFile( ppe->csidl, // CSIDL_* NULL, // IN LPCSTR lpSubDirectory (LPCWSTR)cstrLinkName, // IN LPCSTR lpFileName FALSE)) // IN BOOL fDeleteSubDirectory { hr = myHLastError(); _PrintError2(hr, "DeleteLinkFile", hr); } } //error: _PrintIfError2(hr, "RemoveProgramGroupLink", hr); return; }