//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 // // File: setupids.rc // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "setupids.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_COMPLETE_DIALOG DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 289, 138 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "CA Certificate Request" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Select an online CA to send the request",IDC_STATIC,7,7, 178,8 LTEXT "Computer &Name:",IDC_STATIC,7,24,54,8 EDITTEXT IDC_PARENT_COMPUTER_NAME,65,21,149,14,ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "&Parent CA:",IDC_STATIC,7,38,35,8 COMBOBOX IDC_PARENT_CA_NAME,65,38,149,30,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "Br&owse...",IDC_BROWSE_CA,222,21,50,14 LTEXT "replaced by IDS_REQUEST_HELPTEXT\n2\n3\n4", IDC_REQUEST_HELPTEXT,7,64,270,42 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,163,118,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,232,118,50,14 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CAHIER_CERTFILE_FILTER "PKCS #7 (*.p7b)|*.p7b|X.509 Certificate (*.cer;*.crt)|*.cer;*.crt|Personal Information Exchange (*.p12, *.pfx)|*.pfx|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" IDS_CAHIER_INSTALL_TITLE "Select file to complete CA installation" IDS_CAHIER_INSTALL_MISIINGCERT_TITLE "Find certificate for %1" IDS_ERR_RETRIEVE_PENDING "An error occurred retrieving the pending certificate\nfrom %1: " IDS_CA_PICKER_PROMPT "Select a Certification Authority to send the request." IDS_CA_PICKER_TITLE "Select Certification Authority" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_BADCSP "An error occurred when creating the new key container ""%1"". Please make sure the CSP is installed correctly or select another CSP.\n" IDS_ERR_NO_KEY_ACCESS "An error occurred when creating the new key container ""%1"". You do not have write access permission to the key container. Please use a different CA name.\n" IDS_ERR_BAD_CA_CERT_7F "The Certification Authority certificate has a bad length: " IDS_ERR_RENEWEDCERTCAVERSION "The new Certification Authority certificate cannot be installed because the CA Version extension is incorrect. The most recently generated request file should be used to obtain the new certificate: %1" IDS_ERR_CERTADDCERTIFICATECONTEXTTOSTORE "Cannot add the Certification Authority certificate to the certificate store: " IDS_ERR_CERTCREATECERTIFICATECONTEXT "Cannot create a certificate context using the Certification Authority certificate: " IDS_ERR_CREATEFILE "Cannot create file %1: " IDS_ERR_DELETEKEY "The existing private key ""%1"" cannot be deleted. Either reuse this key, or use a different name for the CA.\n" IDS_ERR_ENCODEKEYATTR "Cannot encode key attributes: " IDS_ERR_ENCODETOBESIGNED "Cannot encode certificate: " IDS_ERR_ENV_NOT_SET "The %SystemRoot% environment variable is not set. " IDS_ERR_FULL_TOKEN "This key storage device is full and the new key ""%1"" could not be added. Go back and pick an existing key, or use a different key storage device.\n" IDS_ERR_GENKEYFAIL "An error occurred when generating key ""%1"" for the Certificate Services service. Either the CSP configuration is not complete or the key length is not supported. Please make sure the CSP is installed correctly or select another CSP.\n" IDS_ERR_GETCOMPUTERNAME "Cannot determine the computer name: " IDS_ERR_KEYSECURITY "An error occurred when setting the security access on the private key ""%1"", or the CSP selected does not support setting security access on private keys. Please make sure the CSP is installed correctly or select another CSP.\n" IDS_ERR_MYDECODENAME "Cannot decode Certification Authority name information: " IDS_ERR_NOT_ENTERPRISE_USER "The parent CA has denied your request because you are not a domain administrator. (%1)\nTo obtain the certificate for your CA, you must request the certificate as a domain administrator. You can install the certificate using the Certification Authority snap-in." IDS_ERR_NOT_MATCH_COMMONNAME "The new certificate subject Common Name does not match the active CA name: " IDS_ERR_NOT_MATCH_BINARYNAME "The new certificate subject name does not exactly match the active CA name.\n\ Renew with a new key to allow minor subject name changes: " IDS_ERR_NOT_MATCH_KEY "The new certificate public key does not match the current outstanding request.\n\ The wrong request may have been used to generate the new certificate: " IDS_ERR_REPEATWIZPREFIX "An error was detected while configuring Certificate Services.\nThe Certificate Services Setup Wizard will need to be rerun to complete the configuration.\n" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_DENIED "The parent CA has denied your request for a CA certificate. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_ERROR "An error occurred when the parent CA processed this CA certificate request. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_INCOMPLETE "This CA certificate request did not complete. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_OUTOFBAND "This CA certificate will be issued administratively. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_PENDING "This CA certificate request is in the pending state. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_REQUEST_REVOKED "This CA certificate was revoked by the parent CA. Please contact the parent CA administrator.\n(%1)" IDS_ERR_SETKEYPROVIDER "Cannot set the key provider information for the certificate context: " IDS_ERR_SUBMIT_REQUEST "Cannot submit the certificate request to the specified CA. Please ensure that the CA information is correct and that the CA is online. Note: only CAs running the Microsoft Certificate Services are supported.\n" IDS_ERR_SUBMIT_REQUEST_FAIL "Cannot submit the certificate request to the specified CA. (%1)\nTo obtain the certificate for your CA, you can install the certificate using the Certification Authority snap-in." IDS_ERR_INCOMPLETECHAIN "Cannot find the certificate for %1 to build a certificate chain. Do you wish to install this certificate now?" IDS_ERR_INVALIDCHAIN "Cannot verify certificate chain. Do you wish to ignore the error and continue?" IDS_ERR_UNTRUSTEDROOT "The root certificate is untrusted. Do you wish to trust the root certificate on this machine and complete the installation?" IDS_ERR_WRITEDERTOFILE "Cannot write the Certification Authority certificate to file ""%1"": " IDS_ERR_WRITEFILE "Cannot write to file %1: " IDS_MSG_PARENTCA_CONFIG "Parent CA = " IDS_MSG_REQUEST_ID "Request ID = " IDS_MSG_TITLE "Microsoft Certificate Services" IDS_ILOG_SAVECERTANDKEYS "Save certificate and Keys" IDS_ILOG_RETRIEVECERT "Retrieve Certificate" IDS_ILOG_FINISHSUSPENDEDSETUP "Finish Supended Setup" IDS_ILOG_SETUPCOMPLETE "Setup complete" IDS_ILOG_KEYINDEX "Key Index" IDS_ILOG_LOADOLDCERT "Load Old Certificate" IDS_ILOG_CLONECERT "Clone Root Certificate" IDS_ILOG_BUILDREQUEST "Build Request" IDS_ILOG_RENEWOLDKEY "Renew CA -- reuse keys" IDS_ILOG_INSTALLCERT "Install CA Certificate" IDS_ILOG_RENEWNEWKEY "Renew CA -- new keys" IDS_ILOG_BUILDCERT "Build CA Certificate" IDS_ILOG_SAVECHAINANDKEYS "Save Chain and Keys" IDS_ILOG_CREATECDP "Create DS CDP object" IDS_ILOG_CREATENTAUTHTRUST "Create DS enrollment services object" IDS_ILOG_CREATEROOTTRUST "Create DS Root Trust" IDS_ILOG_PUBLISHCA "Publish CA in DS" IDS_ILOG_SUBMITREQUEST "Submit Request" IDS_ILOG_RETRIEVEPENDING "Retrieve Pending Certificate" IDS_ILOG_SETSECURITY "Set Security" IDS_ILOG_GENERATEKEYS "Generate Keys" IDS_ILOG_SETKEYSECURITY "Set Key Security" IDS_ILOG_SETADMINONLYFOLDERSECURITY "Set Directory Security" IDS_ILOG_GETCANAME "Get Server CA Name" IDS_ILOG_SELECTCA "Select CA" IDS_ILOG_MISSING_PROVIDER "Unknown provider name" IDS_ERR_NOTCACERT "The certificate is not a CA certificate." IDS_REQUEST_HELPTEXT "If you want to send the request to an offline CA, click Cancel and send the request file at %1 to your parent CA." IDS_ILOG_UNREFERENCEDINFSECTIONS "Unreferenced INF sections" IDS_ILOG_INFERROR "INF file error" END