% '==================================================
' Microsoft Server Appliance
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
'================================================== %>
' The tab container
Dim strSourceNameLoc
Dim g_iNextTabId
g_iNextTabId = 0
strSourceNameLoc = "sakitmsg.dll"
Set objLocMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
if Err.number <> 0 then
Response.Write "Error in localizing the web content "
end if
'START of localization content
L_HELPTOOLTIP_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceNameLoc,"&H40010023", varReplacementStrings)
L_ABOUTLABEL_TEXT = objLocMgr.GetString(strSourceNameLoc,"&H40010025", varReplacementStrings)
'End of localization content
Set ObjLocMgr = nothing
' Outputs the tab bar
Public Function ServeTabBar()
End Function
' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Function: SA_ServeEmptyTabBar
' Synopsis: Serve an empty tab bar
' Arguments: None
' Returns: Nothing
' --------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SA_ServeEmptyTabBar()
Call EmitTabPageHeader()
' First level tabs
rw "
rw ""
' This sets the height of the table
rw ""
rw " |
' Second level tabs
rw ""
rw ""
' this sets the height of the second-level tabs
rw " "
' close table
rw " |
Call SA_SetLastError(gc_ERR_SUCCESS, "TABS.SA_ServeEmptyTabBar")
SA_ServeEmptyTabBar = gc_ERR_SUCCESS
End Function
Public Function SA_ServeTabBar(ByVal strTabContainer)
Dim colTabs
Call EmitTabPageHeader()
Set colTabs = GetElements(strTabContainer)
Call Assert(colTabs.Count > 0, "No tabs found in container " + strTabContainer)
' the selected tab of interest
Dim sSelectedID
sSelectedID = GetTab1()
' the element we're currently at
Dim sElementID
' the IWebElement object
Dim objElement
' the secondLevelContainer
Dim sSecondLevelContainer
sSecondLevelContainer = ""
' First level tabs
rw ""
rw ""
For Each objElement In colTabs
sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID")
rw GetTabLink(objElement, sElementID, IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID))
If IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID) Then
sSecondLevelContainer = GetLinksContainer(objElement)
End If
Next ' objElement
Set colTabs = Nothing
' This sets the height of the table
rw ""
' this is the help link (or menu)
Call ServeContextHelp()
rw " | "
rw "
If sSecondLevelContainer = "" Then
' nothing was selected and we can't display the next menu
' set up the table
rw ""
rw ""
' this sets the height of the second-level tabs
rw " "
' close table
rw " |
Exit Function
End If
' now look in this collection
Set colTabs = GetElements(sSecondLevelContainer)
' get the selected tab
sSelectedID = GetTab2()
' set up the table
rw ""
rw ""
' go through the collection, output as a TaskLink
For Each objElement In colTabs
sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID")
rw GetTaskLink(objElement, sElementID, IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID))
' don't check to see if it's selected because we don't care (only 2 levels deep)
Next 'objElement
Set colTabs = Nothing
' this sets the height of the second-level tabs
rw " | "
' close table
rw "
Call EmitTabPageFooter()
End Function
Private Function ServeContextHelp()
Dim objContextHelp
Dim objElement
Set objContextHelp = GetElements("ContextHelpLink")
For each objElement in objContextHelp
Dim strCaption
Dim strDescription
Dim strLongDescription
Dim strURL
Dim strResourceDLL
strResourceDLL = objElement.GetProperty("Source")
strCaption = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID"))
If ( Len( objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID") ) > 0 ) Then
strDescription = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID"))
strDescription = ""
End If
If ( Len( objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID") ) > 0 ) Then
'strLongDescription = SA_EncodeQuotes(GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")))
strLongDescription = GetLocalized(strResourceDLL, objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID"))
strLongDescription = ""
End If
strURL = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
strURL = strURL & "?" & SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY & "=" & SAI_GetPageKey() & _
"&URL=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("URL") & _
"?" & Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"))
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write(" ")
Exit For
End Function
Function GetElements(container)
'Return collection of IWebElement objects based on the Container parm.
Dim objRetriever
Dim objElements
Set objRetriever = Server.CreateObject("Elementmgr.ElementRetriever")
Set objElements = objRetriever.GetElements(1, container)
Set GetElements = objElements
Set objElements = Nothing
Set objRetriever = Nothing
End Function
Function IsRawURLPage(ByVal pageType)
On Error Resume Next
If ( UCase(pageType) = "RAW" ) Then
End If
End Function
'' Wrapper for Response.Write
Function rw(v)
Response.Write v
Response.Write vbCrLf
End Function
'' Gets the first level tab, always a string
Function GetTab1()
Dim strTab
strTab = Request.QueryString("tab1")
if strTab = "" then
strTab = Request.Form("tab1")
end if
GetTab1 = strTab
End Function
'' Gets the second level tab, always a string
Function GetTab2()
Dim strTab
strTab = Request.QueryString("tab2")
if strTab = "" then
strTab = Request.Form("tab2")
end if
GetTab2 = strTab
End Function
''Get the URL for the current Primary Tab
Private Function SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(ByVal bIncludeVirtualRoot)
Dim strLink
Dim colTabs
Set colTabs = GetElements(TAB_CONTAINER)
' the selected tab of interest
Dim sSelectedID
sSelectedID = GetTab1()
' the element we're currently at
Dim sElementID
' the IWebElement object
Dim objElement
' go through each element and find the current one
For Each objElement In colTabs
sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID")
If IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID) Then
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then
strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & sElementID
strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & sElementID
end if
Exit For
End If
Next ' objElement
Set colTabs = Nothing
If ( TRUE = bIncludeVirtualRoot ) Then
strLink = GetVirtualDirectory() & strLink
End If
If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then
Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey())
End If
SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL = strLink
End Function
Public Function GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL()
GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(TRUE)
End Function
'' Asserts that bCondition is true
Function Assert(ByVal bCondition, ByVal sText)
If Not bCondition Then
Err.Raise 1, sText
End If
End Function
'' Returns the Container that should be used to find children elements
'' (was the Source and CaptionRID, now it's the ElementID)
Function GetLinksContainer(objElement)
Dim s
' s = objElement.GetProperty("Source")
' s = s & objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")
s = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID")
GetLinksContainer = s
End Function
'' Returns the title and onmouseover encoding for inside any html element.
Function GetHoverText(ByVal sText, ByVal sClassName)
on error goto 0
Dim s
Dim sStatusText
sStatusText = sText
sStatusText = SA_EncodeQuotes(sStatusText)
s = " title=""" + Server.HTMLEncode(sText) + """ "
s = s & " onmouseout=""window.status=''; this.className='" & sClassName & "NoBorder';return true;"" "
s = s & " onmouseover=""window.status='" + sStatusText + "'; this.className='" + sClassName + "NoBorderHover" + "'; return true;"" "
GetHoverText = s
End Function
'' Returns the localized string (should use LocMan)
Function GetLocalized(sSourceDLL, sHex)
dim varReplacementStrings
' GetLocalized = sSourceDLL & sHex
GetLocalized = getLocString(sSourceDLL, sHex, varReplacementStrings)
If GetLocalized = "" then
GetLocalized = sSourceDLL & sHex
End If
End Function
Function GetLink(objElement, sHref, sClassName, sClassName2, bAddReturnURL)
on error resume next
Dim s
Dim strURL
Dim strTitle
Dim strTaskTitle
Dim strPageType
Dim strWindowFeatures
Dim sReturnURL
Dim sOpenPageURL
strTitle = GetLocalized(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID"))
strTaskTitle = strTitle
strPageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType")
strWindowFeatures = objElement.GetProperty("WindowFeatures")
'make the href
s = " "
if objElement.GetProperty("IsEmbedded") = 1 then
s = s & " 0) Then
Select Case UCase(Trim(strPageType))
sOpenPageURL = sHref
If ( TRUE = bAddReturnURL ) Then
sReturnURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(FALSE)
Call SA_MungeURL(sOpenPageURL, "ReturnURL", sReturnURL)
End If
strURL = "javascript:OpenNormalPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sOpenPageURL & "');"
strURL = "javascript:OpenPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sHref & "', '"+GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL()+"', '" & SA_EncodeQuotes(strTaskTitle) & "');"
Case "NEW"
strURL = "javascript:OpenNewPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sHref & "', '" & strWindowFeatures & "');"
Case "RAW"
strURL = "javascript:OpenRawPageEx('" & sHref & "', '" & strWindowFeatures & "');"
Case Else
SA_TraceOut "TABS", "Invalid Task PageType: " + strPageType
sOpenPageURL = sHref
If ( TRUE = bAddReturnURL ) Then
sReturnURL = SAI_GetCurrentPrimaryTabURL(FALSE)
Call SA_MungeURL(sOpenPageURL, "ReturnURL", sReturnURL)
End If
strURL = "javascript:OpenNormalPage('" & m_VirtualRoot & "', '" & sOpenPageURL & "');"
End Select
s = s + " 0 ) Then
s = s & GetHoverText(GetLocString(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID"), ""), sClassName)
s = s & GetHoverText("", sClassName)
End If
'build link content from the CaptionRID
s = s & ">" & strTitle
'close link
s = s & " | "
s = s & ""
s = s & " "
s = s & " | "
GetLink = s
End Function
'' Adds i s to both sides of v
Function GetPadded(v, i)
Dim s
s = Replace(String(i, " "), " ", " ")
GetPadded = s & v & s
End Function
'' This is an equivalent of VB's IIf function. Both vIfTrue and vIfFalse are evaluated,
'' unlike the ternary ? : operator (watch for side effects [div 0, etc.]).
Function IIf(bCondition, vIfTrue, vIfFalse)
If bCondition Then
IIf = vIfTrue
IIf = vIfFalse
End If
End Function
'' Formats the tab link, differently if bIsSelected
Function GetTabLink(objElement, sElementID, bIsSelected)
on error resume next
Dim strLink
Dim pageType
pageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType")
' We do not alter RAW URL's
If ( IsRawURLPage(pageType) ) Then
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
' All other PageTypes have the current tab selections appended to the URL
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then
strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") 'Server.URLEncode(GetTab1())
strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") 'Server.URLEncode(GetTab1())
end if
End If
If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then
Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey())
End If
'response.write "URL is " & strLink & ""
GetTabLink = GetLink(objElement, strLink, IIf(bIsSelected, "ActiveTab", "InActiveTab"), "InActiveTab", FALSE)
End Function
'' Formats the task link, differently if bIsSelected
Function GetTaskLink(objElement, sElementID, bIsSelected)
on error resume next
Dim strLink
Dim pageType
pageType = objElement.GetProperty("PageType")
' We do not alter RAW URL's
If ( IsRawURLPage(pageType) ) Then
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
' All other PageTypes have the current tab selections appended to the URL
strLink = objElement.GetProperty("URL")
If InStr(strLink, "?") = 0 Then
strLink = strLink & "?tab1=" & Server.URLEncode(GetTab1())
strLink = strLink & "&tab1=" & Server.URLEncode(GetTab1())
end if
strLink = strLink & "&tab2=" & Server.URLEncode(sElementID)
End If
If (0 = InStr(1, strLink, ":")) Then
Call SA_MungeURL(strLink, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey())
End If
GetTaskLink = GetLink(objElement, strLink, IIf(bIsSelected, "ActiveTab2", "InActiveTab2"), "InActiveTab2", TRUE)
End Function
'' Returns true if these are the same element ID. Mainly for capitalization
'' and or/charset issues. Uses case-insensitive, space-trimmed comparison.
'' Has issues with unicode registry keys.
Function IsSameElementID(ByVal sElementID1, ByVal sElementID2)
Dim s1, s2
s1 = LCase(Trim(sElementID1))
s2 = LCase(Trim(sElementID2))
IsSameElementID = CBool(s1 = s2)
End Function
Private Function GetNextTabId()
GetNextTabId = g_iNextTabId
g_iNextTabId = g_iNextTabId + 1
End Function
Private Function EmitTabPageHeader()
Call SA_EmitAdditionalStyleSheetReferences("")
End Function
Private Function EmitTabPageFooter()
End Function