// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Resource.h // Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _RESOURCE_H #define _RESOURCE_H ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // * * * RESOURCE NAMING CONVENTIONS * * * // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Resource Type Prefix Comments // ------------- ------ -------- // // String ids menu help strings should end in MH // Menu command idm // Menu resource idmr // Bitmap idb // Icon idi // Animation idan // Dialog idd // Dialog control idc // Cursor idcur // Raw RCDATA idr // Accelerator idac // Window idw // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define RT_FILE 2110 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN String Resource IDs // #define IDS_FIRST 100 #define IDS_APPNAME (IDS_FIRST + 1) #define IDS_MULTIPARTPROLOG (IDS_FIRST + 2) #define IDS_FROM (IDS_FIRST + 3) #define IDS_TO (IDS_FIRST + 4) #define IDS_CC (IDS_FIRST + 5) #define IDS_SUBJECT (IDS_FIRST + 6) #define IDS_DATE (IDS_FIRST + 7) #define IDS_UNKNOWN_ALG (IDS_FIRST + 8) // IMNXPORT Errors #define idsHostNotFoundFmt (IDS_FIRST + 1000) #define idsFailedToConnect (IDS_FIRST + 1001) #define idsFailedToConnectSecurely (IDS_FIRST + 1002) #define idsUnexpectedTermination (IDS_FIRST + 1003) #define idsNlogIConnect (IDS_FIRST + 1004) #define idsNegotiatingSSL (IDS_FIRST + 1005) #define idsErrConnLookup (IDS_FIRST + 1006) #define idsErrConnSelect (IDS_FIRST + 1007) #define idsNlogErrConnError (IDS_FIRST + 1008) #define idsNlogErrConnClosed (IDS_FIRST + 1009) #define idsNotConnected (IDS_FIRST + 1010) #define idsReconnecting (IDS_FIRST + 1011) #define idsFindingHost (IDS_FIRST + 1012) #define idsFoundHost (IDS_FIRST + 1013) #define idsConnecting (IDS_FIRST + 1014) #define idsConnected (IDS_FIRST + 1015) #define idsSecuring (IDS_FIRST + 1016) #define idsInvalidCertCN (IDS_FIRST + 1017) #define idsInvalidCertDate (IDS_FIRST + 1018) #define idsInvalidCert (IDS_FIRST + 1019) #define idsSecurityErr (IDS_FIRST + 1020) #define idsIgnoreSecureErr (IDS_FIRST + 1021) #define idsErrPeerClosed (IDS_FIRST + 1022) #define idsSvrRefusesConnection (IDS_FIRST + 1023) #define idsUnknownIMAPGreeting (IDS_FIRST + 1024) #define idsFailedIMAPCmdSend (IDS_FIRST + 1025) #define idsIMAPFailedCapability (IDS_FIRST + 1026) #define idsConnectError (IDS_FIRST + 1027) #define idsIMAPSicilyInitFail (IDS_FIRST + 1029) #define idsIMAPSicilyPkgFailure (IDS_FIRST + 1030) #define idsIMAPAuthNotPossible (IDS_FIRST + 1031) #define idsIMAPOutOfAuthMethods (IDS_FIRST + 1032) #define idsIMAPAbortAuth (IDS_FIRST + 1033) #define idsGeneral (IDS_FIRST + 1034) #define idsMemory (IDS_FIRST + 1035) #define idsFailedLogin (IDS_FIRST + 1036) #define idsIMAPAuthFailedFmt (IDS_FIRST + 1037) #define idsIMAPSocketReadError (IDS_FIRST + 1038) #define idsIMAPUnsolicitedBYE (IDS_FIRST + 1039) #define idsIMAPCmdNotSent (IDS_FIRST + 1040) #define idsIMAPCmdStillPending (IDS_FIRST + 1041) #define idsIMAPUIDChanged (IDS_FIRST + 1042) #define idsIMAPUIDOrder (IDS_FIRST + 1043) #define idsAppName (IDS_FIRST + 1044) #define idsSaveModifiedObject (IDS_FIRST + 1045) #define idsUserTypeApp (IDS_FIRST + 1046) #define idsUserTypeShort (IDS_FIRST + 1047) #define idsUserTypeFull (IDS_FIRST + 1048) #define idsInlineImagePlaceHolder (IDS_FIRST + 1049) #define idsInlineImageHeader (IDS_FIRST + 1050) #define idsPrintHeader (IDS_FIRST + 1051) #define idsPrintFooter (IDS_FIRST + 1052) #define idsFromField (IDS_FIRST + 1060) #define idsNewsgroupsField (IDS_FIRST + 1061) #define idsToField (IDS_FIRST + 1062) #define idsCcField (IDS_FIRST + 1063) #define idsDateField (IDS_FIRST + 1064) #define idsSubjectField (IDS_FIRST + 1065) #define idsReplySep (IDS_FIRST + 1066) #define idsReplyTextPrefix (IDS_FIRST + 1067) #define idsReplyFont (IDS_FIRST + 1068) #define idsAddToFavorites (IDS_FIRST + 1069) #define idsAddToWAB (IDS_FIRST + 1070) #define idsSaveAttachmentAs (IDS_FIRST + 1071) #define idsFilterAttSave (IDS_FIRST + 1072) #define idsAttachTitleBegin (IDS_FIRST + 1073) #define idsImagesOnly (IDS_FIRST + 1074) // Options Spelling dialog strings #define idsSpellClose (IDS_FIRST + 1104) #define idsSpellCaption (IDS_FIRST + 1105) #define idsSpellRepeatWord (IDS_FIRST + 1106) #define idsSpellWordNeedsCap (IDS_FIRST + 1107) #define idsSpellWordNotFound (IDS_FIRST + 1108) #define idsSpellNoSuggestions (IDS_FIRST + 1109) #define idsSpellDelete (IDS_FIRST + 1110) #define idsSpellDeleteAll (IDS_FIRST + 1111) #define idsSpellChange (IDS_FIRST + 1112) #define idsSpellChangeAll (IDS_FIRST + 1113) #define idsSpellMsgDone (IDS_FIRST + 1114) #define idsSpellMsgContinue (IDS_FIRST + 1115) #define idsSpellMsgConfirm (IDS_FIRST + 1116) #define idsSpellMsgSendOK (IDS_FIRST + 1117) #define idsErrSpellGenericSpell (IDS_FIRST + 1118) #define idsErrSpellGenericLoad (IDS_FIRST + 1119) #define idsErrSpellMainDictLoad (IDS_FIRST + 1120) #define idsErrSpellVersion (IDS_FIRST + 1121) #define idsErrSpellUserDictLoad (IDS_FIRST + 1122) #define idsErrSpellUserDictOpenRO (IDS_FIRST + 1123) #define idsErrSpellCacheWordLen (IDS_FIRST + 1124) #define idsPrefixReply (IDS_FIRST + 1125) #define idsPrefixForward (IDS_FIRST + 1126) #define idsErrCannotOpenMailMsg (IDS_FIRST + 1127) #define idsErrSpellLangChanged (IDS_FIRST + 1129) #define idsErrSpellWarnDictionary (IDS_FIRST + 1130) #define idsTTFormattingFont (IDS_FIRST + 1137) #define idsTTFormattingSize (IDS_FIRST + 1138) #define idsFontSize0 (IDS_FIRST + 1140) #define idsFontSize1 (IDS_FIRST + 1141) #define idsFontSize2 (IDS_FIRST + 1142) #define idsFontSize3 (IDS_FIRST + 1143) #define idsFontSize4 (IDS_FIRST + 1144) #define idsFontSize5 (IDS_FIRST + 1145) #define idsFontSize6 (IDS_FIRST + 1146) #define idsFontCacheError (IDS_FIRST + 1147) #define idsAutoColor (IDS_FIRST + 1150) #define idsColor1 (IDS_FIRST + 1151) #define idsColor2 (IDS_FIRST + 1152) #define idsColor3 (IDS_FIRST + 1153) #define idsColor4 (IDS_FIRST + 1154) #define idsColor5 (IDS_FIRST + 1155) #define idsColor6 (IDS_FIRST + 1156) #define idsColor7 (IDS_FIRST + 1157) #define idsColor8 (IDS_FIRST + 1158) #define idsColor9 (IDS_FIRST + 1159) #define idsColor10 (IDS_FIRST + 1160) #define idsColor11 (IDS_FIRST + 1161) #define idsColor12 (IDS_FIRST + 1162) #define idsColor13 (IDS_FIRST + 1163) #define idsColor14 (IDS_FIRST + 1164) #define idsColor15 (IDS_FIRST + 1165) #define idsColor16 (IDS_FIRST + 1166) #define idsTextOrHtmlFileFilter (IDS_FIRST + 1167) #define idsTextFileFilter (IDS_FIRST + 1168) #define idsDefTextExt (IDS_FIRST + 1169) #define idsInsertTextTitle (IDS_FIRST + 1170) #define idsSaveAsStationery (IDS_FIRST + 1171) #define idsHtmlFileFilter (IDS_FIRST + 1172) #define idsWarnFileExist (IDS_FIRST + 1173) #define idsWarnBoringStationery (IDS_FIRST + 1174) #define idsOpenAttachControl (IDS_FIRST + 1175) #define idsSaveAttachControl (IDS_FIRST + 1176) #define idsBtnBarTTList (IDS_FIRST + 1177) #define idsErrFolderInvalid (IDS_FIRST + 1178) #define idsSaveAttachments (IDS_FIRST + 1179) #define idsErrOneOrMoreAttachSaveFailed (IDS_FIRST + 1180) #define idsFileExistWarning (IDS_FIRST + 1181) #define idsPickAtachDir (IDS_FIRST + 1182) #define idsSaveAllAttach (IDS_FIRST + 1183) #define idsSaveAllAttachMH (IDS_FIRST + 1184) #define idsBgSound (IDS_FIRST + 1185) #define idsErrBgSoundFileBad (IDS_FIRST + 1186) #define idsFilterAudio (IDS_FIRST + 1187) #define idsPickBGSound (IDS_FIRST + 1188) #define idsErrBgSoundLoopRange (IDS_FIRST + 1189) #define idsEditTab (IDS_FIRST + 1190) // reorder and die #define idsHTMLTab (IDS_FIRST + 1191) // reorder and die #define idsPreviewTab (IDS_FIRST + 1192) // reorder and die #define idsSearchHLink (IDS_FIRST + 1193) #define idsSearchHLinkPC (IDS_FIRST + 1194) #define idsErrInsertFileHasFrames (IDS_FIRST + 1195) #define idsAttachField (IDS_FIRST + 1196) #define idsPrintTable_UserName (IDS_FIRST + 1197) #define idsPrintTable_Header (IDS_FIRST + 1198) #define idsPrintTable_HeaderRow (IDS_FIRST + 1199) #define idsReplyHeader_Html_SepBlock (IDS_FIRST + 1200) #define idsReplyHeader_SepBlock (IDS_FIRST + 1201) #define idsColorSourcePC (IDS_FIRST + 1202) #define TT_BASE (IDM_LAST + 1) // // END String Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Menu Resource IDs // #define idmrCtxtEditMode 1 #define idmrCtxtBrowseMode 2 #define idmrCtxtSpellSuggest 3 #define idmrCtxtViewSrc 4 // // END Menu Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Command IDs // #define IDM_FIRST 100 #define idmCut (IDM_FIRST + 1) #define idmCopy (IDM_FIRST + 2) #define idmPaste (IDM_FIRST + 3) #define idmSelectAll (IDM_FIRST + 5) #define idmUndo (IDM_FIRST + 6) #define idmRedo (IDM_FIRST + 7) #define idmFindText (IDM_FIRST + 8) #define idmTab (IDM_FIRST + 9) #define idmProperties (IDM_FIRST + 20) #define idmSavePicture (IDM_FIRST + 21) #define idmSaveBackground (IDM_FIRST + 22) #define idmPopupFmtAlign (IDM_FIRST + 23) #define idmAddToFavorites (IDM_FIRST + 24) #define idmAddToWAB (IDM_FIRST + 25) #define idmFmtFontDlg (IDM_FIRST + 30) #define idmFmtLeft (IDM_FIRST + 31) #define idmFmtCenter (IDM_FIRST + 32) #define idmFmtRight (IDM_FIRST + 33) #define idmFmtJustify (IDM_FIRST + 34) #define idmFmtNumbers (IDM_FIRST + 35) #define idmFmtBullets (IDM_FIRST + 36) #define idmFmtIncreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 37) #define idmFmtDecreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 38) #define idmFmtBlockDirLTR (IDM_FIRST + 39) #define idmFmtBlockDirRTL (IDM_FIRST + 40) #define idmFmtBulletsNone (IDM_FIRST + 41) #define idmFmtParagraphDlg (IDM_FIRST + 42) // formatbar #define idmFmtFont (IDM_FIRST + 70) #define idmFmtSize (IDM_FIRST + 71) #define idmFmtColor (IDM_FIRST + 72) #define idmFmtColorAuto (IDM_FIRST + 73) #define idmFmtColor1 (IDM_FIRST + 74) #define idmFmtColor2 (IDM_FIRST + 75) #define idmFmtColor3 (IDM_FIRST + 76) #define idmFmtColor4 (IDM_FIRST + 77) #define idmFmtColor5 (IDM_FIRST + 78) #define idmFmtColor6 (IDM_FIRST + 79) #define idmFmtColor7 (IDM_FIRST + 80) #define idmFmtColor8 (IDM_FIRST + 81) #define idmFmtColor9 (IDM_FIRST + 82) #define idmFmtColor10 (IDM_FIRST + 83) #define idmFmtColor11 (IDM_FIRST + 84) #define idmFmtColor12 (IDM_FIRST + 85) #define idmFmtColor13 (IDM_FIRST + 86) #define idmFmtColor14 (IDM_FIRST + 87) #define idmFmtColor15 (IDM_FIRST + 88) #define idmFmtColor16 (IDM_FIRST + 89) #define idmFmtBold (IDM_FIRST + 90) #define idmFmtItalic (IDM_FIRST + 91) #define idmFmtUnderline (IDM_FIRST + 92) #define idmFmtInsertHLine (IDM_FIRST + 94) #define idmFmtBkgroundImage (IDM_FIRST + 95) #define idmFmtTag (IDM_FIRST + 96) #define idmEditLink (IDM_FIRST + 97) #define idmInsertImage (IDM_FIRST + 98) #define idmUnInsertLink (IDM_FIRST + 99) #define idmAccelIncreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 100) #define idmAccelDecreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 101) #define idmAccelBullets (IDM_FIRST + 102) #define idmAccelLeft (IDM_FIRST + 103) #define idmAccelCenter (IDM_FIRST + 104) #define idmAccelRight (IDM_FIRST + 105) #define idmAccelJustify (IDM_FIRST + 106) #define idmBkColorAuto (IDM_FIRST + 107) #define idmPaneBadSigning (IDM_FIRST + 108) #define idmPaneBadEncryption (IDM_FIRST + 109) #define idmPaneSigning (IDM_FIRST + 110) #define idmPaneEncryption (IDM_FIRST + 111) #define idmPanePaperclip (IDM_FIRST + 112) #define idmPaneVCard (IDM_FIRST + 113) #define idmSaveAllAttach (IDM_FIRST + 114) #define idmSuggest0 (IDM_FIRST + 115) #define idmSuggest1 (IDM_FIRST + 116) #define idmSuggest2 (IDM_FIRST + 117) #define idmSuggest3 (IDM_FIRST + 118) #define idmSuggest4 (IDM_FIRST + 119) #define idmIgnore (IDM_FIRST + 120) #define idmIgnoreAll (IDM_FIRST + 121) #define idmAdd (IDM_FIRST + 122) #define idmCopyShortcut (IDM_FIRST + 123) #define idmSaveTargetAs (IDM_FIRST + 124) #define idmOpenLink (IDM_FIRST + 125) #define IDM_LAST (IDM_FIRST + 5000) // reserve 50 id's for format bar style menu #define idmFmtTagFirst (IDM_LAST + 1) #define idmFmtTagLast (idmFmtTagFirst + 50) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Dialog Templates // #define IDD_RASCONNECT 100 #define iddMsgSource 101 #define iddSafeOpen 102 #define iddSpelling 103 #define iddSaveAttachments 104 #define IDD_NTLMPROMPT 105 #define iddBackSound 106 #define iddFormatPara 107 #define iddCSFormatPara 108 // // END Dialog Templates // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Control ID's // // iddMsgSource #define idcTxtSource 100 // Tools.Spelling dialog #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define PSB_Spell_Ignore 101 #define PSB_Spell_IgnoreAll 102 #define PSB_Spell_Change 103 #define PSB_Spell_ChangeAll 104 #define PSB_Spell_Add 105 #define PSB_Spell_Suggest 106 #define PSB_Spell_UndoLast 107 #define EDT_Spell_WrongWord 108 #define TXT_Spell_Error 109 #define PSB_Spell_Options 110 #define TXT_Spell_Suggest 111 #define LBX_Spell_Suggest 112 #define EDT_Spell_ChangeTo 113 #define TXT_Spell_ChangeTo 114 #define CHK_AlwaysSuggest 202 #define CHK_CheckSpellingOnSend 203 #define CHK_IgnoreUppercase 204 #define CHK_IgnoreNumbers 205 #define CHK_IgnoreDBCS 206 #define CHK_IgnoreOriginalMessage 207 #define CHK_IgnoreURL 208 #define idcSpellLanguages 209 #define idcViewDictionary 210 #define GRP_SpellOptions 511 #define GRP_SpellIgnore 512 #define idcFmtBar 600 #define idcBtnBar 601 #define idcSelectAllAttBtn 700 #define idcAttachList 701 #define idcPathEdit 702 #define idcBrowseBtn 703 #define IDE_USERNAME 705 #define IDE_PASSWORD 706 #define IDE_DOMAIN 707 #define IDC_SPIN1 708 #define IDC_STATIC1 750 #define IDC_STATIC2 751 #define IDC_STATIC3 752 #define IDC_STATIC4 753 // iddNext // iddBackgroundSound #define ideSoundLoc 800 #define idbtnBrowseSound 801 #define idrbPlayNTimes 802 #define idePlayCount 803 #define idrbPlayInfinite 804 // // END Control ID's // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Bitmap ID's // #define idbFormatBar 1 #define idbFormatBarFont 2 #define idbPaneBar32 3 #define idbPaneBar32Hot 4 #define idbFormatBarHot 5 // // END Bitmap ID's // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Bitmap indicies // enum { itbEncryption, itbSigning, itbBadEnc, itbBadSign, itbPaperclip, itbVCard, }; // // END Bitmap indicies // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Icon ID's #define idiDefaultAtt 1 #define idiSound 2 // // END Icon ID's // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN ACCEL ID's #define idacSrcView 1 // // END ACCEL ID's // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //RESOURCE_H