// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug.c // Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "pch.hxx" #include #include ASSERTDATA #ifdef DEBUG #ifndef WIN16 #include #else //WIN16 - Followings are from MIMEOLE.H #define E_PENDING _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x8000000AL) #define FACILITY_INTERNET 12 #define MIME_E_NOT_FOUND MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_INTERNET, 0xCE05) #endif //WIN16 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DebugStrf // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __cdecl DebugStrf(LPTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { static TCHAR szDebugBuff[500]; va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, lpszFormat); wvnsprintf(szDebugBuff, ARRAYSIZE(szDebugBuff), lpszFormat, arglist); va_end(arglist); OutputDebugString(szDebugBuff); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HrTrace // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) HrTrace(HRESULT hr, LPSTR lpszFile, INT nLine) { if (FAILED(hr) && MIME_E_NOT_FOUND != hr && E_PENDING != hr && E_NOINTERFACE != hr) DebugTrace ("%s(%d) - HRESULT - %0X\n", lpszFile, nLine, hr); return hr; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AssertSzFn // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OESTDAPI_(void) AssertSzFn(LPSTR szMsg, LPSTR szFile, int nLine) { static const char rgch1[] = "File %s, line %d:"; static const char rgch2[] = "Unknown file:"; static const char szAssert[] = "Assert Failure"; char rgch[512]; char *lpsz; int ret, cch; if (szFile) wnsprintf(rgch, ARRAYSIZE(rgch), rgch1, szFile, nLine); else StrCpyN(rgch, rgch2, ARRAYSIZE(rgch)); StrCatBuff(rgch, "\n\n", ARRAYSIZE(rgch)); StrCatBuff(rgch, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(rgch)); ret = MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), rgch, szAssert, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SYSTEMMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND); if (ret != IDIGNORE) DebugBreak(); /* Force a hard exit w/ a GP-fault so that Dr. Watson generates a nice stack trace log. */ if (ret == IDABORT) *(LPBYTE)0 = 1; // write to address 0 causes GP-fault } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NFAssertSzFn // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OESTDAPI_(void) NFAssertSzFn(LPSTR szMsg, LPSTR szFile, int nLine) { char rgch[512]; #ifdef MAC static const char rgch1[] = "Non-fatal assert:\n\tFile %s, line %u:\n\t%s\n"; #else // !MAC static const char rgch1[] = "Non-fatal assert:\r\n\tFile %s, line %u:\r\n\t%s\r\n"; #endif // MAC wnsprintf(rgch, ARRAYSIZE(rgch), rgch1, szFile, nLine, szMsg ? szMsg : ""); OutputDebugString(rgch); } #endif