/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ldap.h Base LDAP protocol typedefs & defines. Some basic comments: All tags are CCFTTTTT where CC - Tag class (00=Universal, 01=Application wide, 10=Context-specific, 11=private use). F - The form (0=Primitive, 1=Constructed) TTTTT - The tag #. Copyright (C) 1994 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Authors: robertc Rob Carney History: 04-02-96 robertc Created. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _LDAP_H #define _LDAP_H #define LDAP_VERSION 2 #define IPPORT_LDAP 389 #define IPPORT_LDAP_SECURE 390 // LDAP commands. All tags are CCFTTTTT where #define LDAP_BIND_CMD 0x60 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_UNBIND_CMD 0x42 // application + primitive. #define LDAP_SEARCH_CMD 0x63 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_MODIFY_CMD 0x66 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_ADD_CMD 0x68 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_DELETE_CMD 0x4a // application + primitive. #define LDAP_MODRDN_CMD 0x6c // application + constructed. #define LDAP_COMPARE_CMD 0x6e // application + constructed. #define LDAP_ABANDON_CMD 0x50 // application + primitive. #define LDAP_INVALID_CMD 0xff // Reponses/Results. #define LDAP_BIND_RES 0x61 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_SEARCH_ENTRY 0x64 // application + constructed. Used if there were hits. #define LDAP_SEARCH_RESULTCODE 0x65 // application + constructed. Result sent if there were no hits. #define LDAP_MODIFY_RES 0x67 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_ADD_RES 0x69 // application + constructed. #define LDAP_DELETE_RES 0x6b // application + constructed. #define LDAP_MODRDN_RES 0x6d // application + constructed. #define LDAP_COMPARE_RES 0x6f // application + constructed. #define LDAP_INVALID_RES 0xff // application + constructed. // Result Codes. typedef enum { LDAP_SUCCESS=0x00, LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR=0x01, LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR=0x02, LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED=0x03, LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED=0x04, LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE=0x05, LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE=0x06, LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED=0x07,LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED=0x08, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE=0x10, LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE=0x11, LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING=0x12, LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION=0x13, LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS=0x14,LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX=0x15, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT=0x20, LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM=0x21, LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX=0x22, LDAP_IS_LEAF=0x23, LDAP_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM=0x24, LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH=0x30, LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS=0x31, LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS=0x32, LDAP_BUSY=0x33, LDAP_UNAVAILABLE=0x34, LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM=0x35, LDAP_LOOP_DETECT=0x36, LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION=0x40, LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION=0x41, LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF=0x42, LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN=0x43, LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS=0x44, LDAP_NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS=0x45, LDAP_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE=0x46, LDAP_OTHER=0x50, LDAP_SERVER_DOWN=0x51, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR=0x52, LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR=0x53, LDAP_DECODING_ERROR=0x54, LDAP_TIMEOUT=0x55, LDAP_AUTH_UNKNOWN=0x56, LDAP_FILTER_ERROR=0x57, LDAP_USER_CANCELLED=0x58, LDAP_PARAM_ERROR=0x59, LDAP_NO_MEMORY=0x5a } RETCODE; // Bind request authorization types. #define BIND_NONE 0x00 #define BIND_SIMPLE 0x80 // context specific + primitive. #define BIND_SIMPLE_C 0xa0 // context specific + contructed #define BIND_KRBV41 0x81 // context specific + primitive. #define BIND_KRBV42 0x82 // context specific + primitive. #define BIND_SSPI_NEGOTIATE 0x8a // context specific + primitive #define BIND_SSPI_RESPONSE 0x8b // context specific + primitive #define BIND_KRBV4 0xff // // Filter types. #define LDAP_FILTER_AND 0xa0 // context specific + constructed - SET OF Filters. #define LDAP_FILTER_OR 0xa1 // context specific + constructed - SET OF Filters. #define LDAP_FILTER_NOT 0xa2 // context specific + constructed - Filter #define LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY 0xa3 // context specific + constructed - AttributeValueAssertion. #define LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS 0xa4 // context specific + constructed - SubstringFilter #define LDAP_FILTER_GE 0xa5 // context specific + constructed - AttributeValueAssertion. #define LDAP_FILTER_LE 0xa6 // context specific + constructed - AttributeValueAssertion. #define LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT 0x87 // context specific + primitive - AttributeType. #define LDAP_FILTER_APPROX 0xa8 // context specific + constructed - AttributeValueAssertion. // // Scope of search. #define LDAP_SCOPE_BASE 0x00 #define LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL 0x01 #define LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE 0x02 // // Alias dereferencing in searches. #define LDAP_DEREF_NEVER 0x00 #define LDAP_DEREF_SEARCHING 0x01 #define LDAP_DEREF_FINDING 0x02 #define LDAP_DEREF_ALWAYS 0x03 // // Substring filter choices #define LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL 0x80 // context specific + primitive #define LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY 0x81 // context specific + primitive #define LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL 0x82 // context specific + primitive // // Modify operations #define LDAP_MODIFY_ADD 0x00 #define LDAP_MODIFY_DELETE 0x01 #define LDAP_MODIFY_REPLACE 0x02 #endif