/* - Resrc2.h - Resource IDs for all the misc wab files other than wab32.dll - - */ #include ".\commonrc.h" /***************************************************************************** - - Resources for WAB.EXE - ******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_ICON1 101 #define idsWABTitle 2001 #define idsWABFileNotFound 2002 #define idsWABOpenError 2003 #define idsWABOpenFileTitle 2004 #define idsWABOpenFileFilter 2005 #define idsWABNewFileTitle 2006 #define idsWABUsage 2007 #define idsWABPathNotFound 2008 #define idsWABInvalidCmdLine 2009 #define idsWABTitleWithFileName 2010 #define idsWABAddressError 2011 #define idsWABOpenErrorMemory 2012 #define idsWABOpenErrorLocked 2013 #define idsWABOpenErrorCorrupt 2014 #define idsWABOpenErrorDisk 2015 #define idsWABAddressErrorMissing 2016 #define idsWABOpenErrorNotWAB 2017 #define idsWABOpenErrorNotWABName 2018 #define idsWABOpenVCardError 2019 #define idsWABOpenLDAPUrlError 2020 #ifdef WIN16 #define idsWABUsage1 2100 #endif #define idsAddToABPaneTitle 2030 #define idsCertificateViewTitle 2031 #define IDD_DIALOG_DEFAULT_VCARD_VIEWER 2200 #define IDC_CHECK_ALWAYS 2201 #define IDC_STATIC_ASK 2202 #define IDC_STATIC_ICON 2203 #define IDC_ADD_TO_ADDRESS_BOOK 2204 #define IDD_CERTPROP_ADDRESS_BOOK 2205 #define IDC_ADD_TO_ADDRESS_BOOK_FRAME 2206 #define IDC_ADD_TO_ADDRESS_BOOK_TEXT 2207 #define MAX_RESOURCE_STRING 260 /***************************************************************************** - - Resources for WABMig.EXE - ******************************************************************************/ // Dialog Boxes #define IDM_EXIT 5 #define IDD_ImportDialog 1101 #define IDD_Options 1102 #define IDD_ImportReplace 1103 #define IDD_ErrorImport 1104 #define IDD_ExportDialog 1105 #define IDD_ErrorExport 1106 #define IDD_CSV_EXPORT_WIZARD_FILE 1107 #define IDD_CSV_EXPORT_WIZARD_PICK 1108 #define IDD_ExportReplace 1109 #define IDD_CSV_IMPORT_WIZARD_FILE 1110 #define IDD_CSV_IMPORT_WIZARD_MAP 1111 #define IDD_CSV_CHANGE_MAPPING 1112 // Control Identifiers // Import Dialog #define IDC_Progress 1113 #define IDC_Import 1114 #define IDC_Options 1115 #define IDC_Message 1116 #define IDC_Target 1117 #define IDC_Export 1118 // Options Dialog #define IDC_Replace_Always 1119 #define IDC_Replace_Never 1120 #define IDC_Replace_Prompt 1121 // Replace Dialog #define IDC_YesToAll 1122 #define IDC_NoToAll 1123 #define IDC_Replace_Message 1124 #define IDC_AddDuplicate 1125 #define IDC_AddDuplicateAll 1126 // Error Dialog #define IDC_NoMoreError 1127 #define IDC_ErrorMessage 1128 // Test Menu #define IDC_Test_Replace 1129 #define IDC_Test_Error 1130 // CSV Import and Export Wizards #define IDE_CSV_EXPORT_NAME 1131 #define IDC_BROWSE 1132 #define IDLV_PICKER 1133 #define IDC_WIZARD_BITMAP 1134 #define IDLV_MAPPER 1135 #define IDE_CSV_IMPORT_NAME 1136 #define IDC_CHANGE_MAPPING 1137 #define IDC_CSV_CHANGE_MAPPING_TEXT_FIELD 1138 #define IDC_CSV_MAPPING_COMBO 1139 #define IDC_CSV_MAPPING_SELECT 1140 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_FILE_SPEC 1143 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_EXPORT_TITLE 1144 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_IMPORT_TITLE 1145 #define IDE_NETSCAPE_IMPORT_FILE_ERROR 1146 #define IDE_NETSCAPE_EXPORT_FILE_ERROR 1147 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_IMPORT_COLLISION 1148 #define IDS_REPLACE_MESSAGE 1149 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_MAILTO 1150 #define IDS_MAILTO 1151 #define IDS_SMTP 1152 #define IDS_STRING_SELECTPATH 1153 #define IDS_MESSAGE 1154 #define IDS_ADDRESS_HTM 1155 #define IDS_ERROR 1156 #define IDS_INVALID_FILE 1157 #define IDS_NO_ENTRY 1158 #define IDS_ALIASOF 1159 #define IDS_DUMMY 1160 #define IDS_LOOPING 1161 #define IDS_ENTRY_NOIMPORT 1162 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_PATH 1163 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_FILE 1164 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_TITLE 1165 #define IDS_ATHENA16_PATH 1166 #define IDS_ATHENA16_FILE 1167 #define IDS_ATHENA16_TITLE 1168 #define IDS_EUDORA_PATH 1169 #define IDS_EUDORA_FILE 1170 #define IDS_EUDORA_TITLE 1171 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_REGKEY 1172 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_ADDRESS_PATH 1173 #define IDS_EUDORA_REGKEY 1174 #define IDS_EUDORA_ADDRESS_PATH 1175 #define IDS_GERNERIC_ERROR 1176 #define IDS_WAB_ERROR 1177 #define IDS_ERROR_ADDRESSBOOK 1178 #define IDS_EUDORA_ADDRESS 1179 #define IDS_EUDORA_TOC 1180 #define IDS_EOL 1187 #define IDS_NICKNAME 1188 #define IDS_ALIAS_ID 1189 #define IDS_ALIAS_OF 1190 #define IDS_MEMORY 1191 #define IDS_NONAME 1192 #define IDS_EUDORA_NAME 1193 #define IDS_IMPORT_BUTTON 1194 #define IDS_EUDORA_SUBDIR_NAME 1195 #define IDS_EUDORA_GENERIC_SUFFIX 1196 #define IDS_EUDORA_32_REGKEY 1197 #define IDS_EUDORA_DEFAULT_INSTALL 1198 #define IDS_NETSCAPE_ADDRESSBOOK 1199 // String Identifiers #define IDS_STATE_LOGGING_IN 1500 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_IDLE 1501 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_MU 1502 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_DL 1503 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_ERROR 1504 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_CANCEL 1505 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_COMPLETE 1506 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_IDLE 1511 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_MU 1512 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_DL 1513 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_ERROR 1514 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_CANCEL 1515 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_COMPLETE 1516 #define IDS_REPLACE_MESSAGE_IMPORT_1 1530 #define IDS_REPLACE_MESSAGE_IMPORT_2 1531 #define IDS_REPLACE_MESSAGE_EXPORT_1 1532 #define IDS_REPLACE_MESSAGE_EXPORT_2 1533 #define IDS_ERROR_MAPI_LOGON 1534 #define IDS_ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_1 1535 #define IDS_ERROR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_2 1536 #define IDS_ERROR_GENERAL 1537 #define IDS_ERROR_NO_SUPPORT 1538 #define IDS_MESSAGE_IMPORTING_DL 1539 #define IDS_PAB 1540 #define IDS_ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND 1541 #define IDS_ERROR_DLL_INVALID 1542 #define IDS_ERROR_DLL_EXCEPTION 1543 #define IDS_ERROR_MAPI_DLL_NOT_FOUND 1544 #define IDS_BUTTON_CANCEL 1545 #define IDS_BUTTON_CLOSE 1546 #define IDS_APP_TITLE 1547 #define IDS_MESSAGE_EXPORTING_DL 1548 #define IDS_CSV 1549 #define IDS_CSV_FILE_SPEC 1550 #define IDE_CSV_EXPORT_FILE_ERROR 1551 #define IDE_CSV_EXPORT_FILE_EXISTS 1552 #define IDS_CSV_EXPORT_PICK_FIELDS 1553 #define IDE_CSV_IMPORT_FILE_ERROR 1554 #define IDS_CSV_IMPORT_MAP_FIELDS 1555 #define IDS_CSV_IMPORT_HEADER_CSV 1556 #define IDS_CSV_IMPORT_HEADER_WAB 1557 #define IDS_CSV_CHANGE_MAPPING_TEXT_FIELD 1558 #define IDE_CSV_NO_COLUMNS 1559 #define IDS_CSV_COLUMN 1560 #define IDS_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 1561 #define IDS_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK 1562 #define IDS_MESSAGE_TITLE 1563 #define IDS_NO_WAB 1564 #define IDS_TEXT_FILE_SPEC 1566 #define IDE_LDIF_IMPORT_FILE_ERROR 1567 #define IDS_LDIF_FILE_SPEC 1568 #define IDS_MESS_FILE_SPEC 1569 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_ERROR_FILEOPEN 1570 #define IDS_STATE_EXPORT_ERROR_NOPAB 1571 #define IDS_STATE_IMPORT_ERROR_NOPAB 1572 // // Property Name Strigns // #define IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP 1600 // Personal Pane #define ids_ExportGivenName IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 0 #define ids_ExportSurname IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 1 #define ids_ExportMiddleName IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 2 #define ids_ExportDisplayName IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 3 #define ids_ExportNickname IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 4 #define ids_ExportEmailAddress IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 5 // Home Pane #define ids_ExportHomeAddressStreet IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 6 #define ids_ExportHomeAddressCity IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 7 #define ids_ExportHomeAddressPostalCode IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 8 #define ids_ExportHomeAddressState IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 9 #define ids_ExportHomeAddressCountry IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 10 #define ids_ExportHomeTelephoneNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 11 #define ids_ExportHomeFaxNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 12 #define ids_ExportCellularTelephoneNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 13 #define ids_ExportPersonalHomePage IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 14 // Business Pane #define ids_ExportBusinessAddressStreet IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 15 #define ids_ExportBusinessAddressCity IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 16 #define ids_ExportBusinessAddressPostalCode IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 17 #define ids_ExportBusinessAddressStateOrProvince IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 18 #define ids_ExportBusinessAddressCountry IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 19 #define ids_ExportBusinessHomePage IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 20 #define ids_ExportBusinessTelephoneNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 21 #define ids_ExportBusinessFaxNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 22 #define ids_ExportPagerTelephoneNumber IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 23 #define ids_ExportCompanyName IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 24 #define ids_ExportTitle IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 25 #define ids_ExportDepartmentName IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 26 #define ids_ExportOfficeLocation IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 27 // Notes Pane #define ids_ExportComment IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 28 #define IDS_LAST_EXPORT_PROP ids_ExportComment #define NUM_EXPORT_PROPS (1 + (IDS_LAST_EXPORT_PROP - IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP)) // these are additional props #define ids_ExportConfServer IDS_FIRST_EXPORT_PROP + 29 #define NUM_MORE_EXPORT_PROPS NUM_EXPORT_PROPS+1 // Synonym string identifiers #define IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING 1800 #define idsSynonymCount IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 0 #define idsSynonym001 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 1 #define idsSynonym002 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 2 #define idsSynonym003 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 3 #define idsSynonym004 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 4 #define idsSynonym005 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 5 #define idsSynonym006 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 6 #define idsSynonym007 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 7 #define idsSynonym008 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 8 #define idsSynonym009 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 9 #define idsSynonym010 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 10 #define idsSynonym011 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 11 #define idsSynonym012 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 12 #define idsSynonym013 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 13 #define idsSynonym014 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 14 #define idsSynonym015 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 15 #define idsSynonym016 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 16 #define idsSynonym017 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 17 #define idsSynonym018 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 18 #define idsSynonym019 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 19 #define idsSynonym020 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 20 #define idsSynonym021 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 21 #define idsSynonym022 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 22 #define idsSynonym023 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 23 #define idsSynonym024 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 24 #define idsSynonym025 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 25 #define idsSynonym026 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 26 #define idsSynonym027 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 27 #define idsSynonym028 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 28 #define idsSynonym029 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 29 #define idsSynonym030 IDS_FIRST_SYNONYM_STRING + 30 // ICON Identifiers #define IDI_WabMig 4002 // Bitmap Identifiers #define IDB_CHECKS 4100 #define IDB_WIZARD 4101 // State Identifiers #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_MU 3000 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_NEXT_MU 3001 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_DL 3002 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_NEXT_DL 3003 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_FINISH 3004 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_ERROR 3005 #define ID_STATE_IMPORT_CANCEL 3006 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_MU 3010 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_NEXT_MU 3011 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_DL 3012 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_NEXT_DL 3013 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_FINISH 3014 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_ERROR 3015 #define ID_STATE_EXPORT_CANCEL 3016 // Static Identifiers #define IDC_STATIC -1 /***************************************************************************** - - Additional Resources for WABFind.dll - ******************************************************************************/ #define IDI_INETFIND 1641 /* My main icon */ #define IDM_ONTHEINTERNET 1642 /* Our sole menu item */ #define IDS_ONTHEINTERNET 1643 #define IDS_FINDHELP 1644 #define IDS_PEOPLE 1645 #define IDS_FORPEOPLE 1646