Copyright (c) 1996  Microsoft Corporation

Module Name:  cookies.cxx


  Cookie upgrade object implementation

  Upgrades cookies to new format by parsing existing cookies
  files and adding them to the newly created cookie cache index.

  Currently upgrades v3.2 to v4.0.

    Adriaan Canter (adriaanc) 01-Nov-1996.

Modification history:
    Ahsan Kabir (akabir) 25-Sep-1997 made a few minor alterations.
#include <wininetp.h>
#include <cache.hxx>


DWORD CCookieLoader::GetHKLMCookiesDirectory(CHAR *szCookiesDirectory)
    DWORD dwError;
    DWORD cbKeyLen = MAX_PATH;

    if ((dwError=roCookiePath.GetStatus())==ERROR_SUCCESS)
        dwError = roCookiePath.GetValue(CACHE_DIRECTORY_VALUE, (LPBYTE)szCookiesDirectory,  &cbKeyLen);

    return dwError;


    Upgrades cookies from Cache Version 3.2 to Cache Version 4.0
CHAR* CCookieLoader::ParseNextCookie(CHAR* ptr, CHAR** ppszHash,
    FILETIME* pftExpire, FILETIME* pftLast)
    CHAR *pszName, *pszValue, *pszFlags,
         *pszExpireTimeLow, *pszExpireTimeHigh,
         *pszLastTimeHigh,  *pszLastTimeLow,
         *pszDelimiter, *pszNextCookie;

        // Get the first token (cookie name).
        pszName           = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");
        if (!pszName)                               // Cookie name.
            // Normal termination of the parse.
            pszNextCookie = 0;
            goto exit;

        // Parse the rest of the cookie
        pszValue          = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Cookie value.
        *ppszHash         = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Combo of domain and path.
        pszFlags          = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Cookie flags.
        pszExpireTimeLow  = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Expire time.
        pszExpireTimeHigh = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");
        pszLastTimeLow    = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Last Modified time.
        pszLastTimeHigh   = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");
        pszDelimiter      = StrTokExA(&ptr, "\n");      // Delimiter should be "*"

        // Abnormal termination of parse.
        if (!pszDelimiter || pszDelimiter[0] != '*')
            pszNextCookie = 0;
            goto exit;

        // Set the times.
        pftExpire->dwLowDateTime  = atoi(pszExpireTimeLow);
        pftExpire->dwHighDateTime = atoi(pszExpireTimeHigh);
        pftLast->dwLowDateTime    = atoi(pszLastTimeLow);
        pftLast->dwHighDateTime   = atoi(pszLastTimeHigh);

        pszNextCookie = pszDelimiter+2;

        pszNextCookie = 0;
        goto exit;

    return pszNextCookie;


DWORD CCookieLoader::LoadCookies(URL_CONTAINER *UrlContainer)
    HANDLE             hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
    HANDLE             hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    FILETIME           ftExpire, ftLast;
    CHAR               szCookieFileName        [MAX_PATH],
                       szCookieFileNamePattern [MAX_PATH],
                       szOldMemMapFilePath     [MAX_PATH],
                       szHKLMCookiesPath       [MAX_PATH],
                       szCookieName            [MAX_PATH],
                       szHKLMCookieFileName    [MAX_PATH],
                       szHKCUCookieFileName    [MAX_PATH];

    CHAR               *pszHash, *ptr,
                       *pszCurrentCookie, *szBuffer;

    WIN32_FIND_DATA    FindData;
    BOOL               bReturn;
    DWORD              cbRead = 0, dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // Data for a single cookie should fit in 2 pages.
    BYTE bCacheEntryInfoBuffer[2 * PAGE_SIZE];
    LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFO pCacheEntryInfo;
    DWORD cbCacheEntryInfoBuffer;
    DWORD dwLen;
    DWORD cbKeyLen = MAX_PATH;

    szBuffer = 0;


        if (!UrlContainer)
            dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            goto exit;

        TCHAR szSigKey[MAX_PATH];
        // Check to see if we are upgrading cookies
        // from local machine to per user.
        // If IE4's signature isn't present, then we'll guess that IE3 might have been.
        if (UrlContainer->IsPerUserItem()
             (roCachePath.GetValue(CACHE_SIGNATURE_VALUE, (LPBYTE) szSigKey, &cbKeyLen)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)))
            DWORD cb = MAX_PATH;
            CHAR szUserName[MAX_PATH];

            // We are converting cookies from HKLM to HKCU.
            // This is done by enumerating the user's cookies
            // files and copying them to the per-user diretory.
            // Once this is accomplished, cookie converting will
            // proceed normally.

            // Get the cookies directory as specified by HKLM.

            // Get the current user name.
            GetUserName(szUserName, &cb);

            // szCookieFileNamePattern will look like c:\winnt\cookies\joeuser@*.txt
            dwLen = strlen(szHKLMCookiesPath) +
                    strlen(szUserName) +
                    dwDIR_SEP_STRING   +
                    7;        // strlen("@*.txt" + '\0';

            if( dwLen > MAX_PATH )
                dwError =  ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                goto exit;

            strcpy(szCookieFileNamePattern, szHKLMCookiesPath);
            strcat(szCookieFileNamePattern, DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING);
            strcat(szCookieFileNamePattern, szUserName);
            strcat(szCookieFileNamePattern, "@*.txt");

            // Enumerate the users cache files
            hFind = FindFirstFile(szCookieFileNamePattern, &FindData);
            if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                // One or more cookie files exist.
                    // Construct absolute path from HKLM to cookies file.
                    dwLen = strlen(szHKLMCookiesPath) +
                            strlen(FindData.cFileName) +
                            dwDIR_SEP_STRING +
                    if( dwLen > MAX_PATH )
                        dwError =  ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
                        goto exit;
                    strcpy(szHKLMCookieFileName, szHKLMCookiesPath);
                    strcat(szHKLMCookieFileName, DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING);
                    strcat(szHKLMCookieFileName, FindData.cFileName);

                    // Construct absolute path from HKCU to cookies file.
                    dwLen = strlen(UrlContainer->GetCachePath()) +
                            strlen(FindData.cFileName) +
                    // We should rescue as many cookies as we can.
                    if( dwLen <= MAX_PATH )
                        strcpy(szHKCUCookieFileName, UrlContainer->GetCachePath());
                        strcat(szHKCUCookieFileName, FindData.cFileName);
                        // Move the file to the per-user directory.
                        CopyFile(szHKLMCookieFileName, szHKCUCookieFileName, TRUE);
                } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData));

                // Close the Find handle.
                if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                    hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
            } // Per-user upgrade.

        // No per-user upgrade. szCookieFileNamePattern will look like
        // c:\winnt\cookies\*@*.txt or c:\winnt\profiles\joeuser\cookies\*@*.txt.
        dwLen = strlen(UrlContainer->GetCachePath()) + 8;        // strlen("*@*.txt" + '\0';

        if( dwLen > MAX_PATH )
            dwError =  ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
            goto exit;
        strcpy(szCookieFileNamePattern, UrlContainer->GetCachePath());
        strcat(szCookieFileNamePattern, "*@*.txt");

        // Enumerate the cache files.
        hFind = FindFirstFile(szCookieFileNamePattern, &FindData);
        if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            // OK, No cookies files to upgrade.
            // BUGBUG - should we verify this?
            dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
            goto exit;

        // One or more cookie files exist.
            // Construct absolute path to cookie file.
            dwLen = strlen(UrlContainer->GetCachePath()) +
                    strlen(FindData.cFileName) +
            if( dwLen > MAX_PATH )

            strcpy(szCookieFileName, UrlContainer->GetCachePath());
            strcat(szCookieFileName, FindData.cFileName);

            // Get the WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE for the call to AddUrl
            // This wrapper works for Win95 and WinNT.

            // Open the cookie file.
            hFile = CreateFile(
                    szCookieFileName,       // Absolute path to cookies file.
                    GENERIC_READ,           // Read only.
                    FILE_SHARE_READ,        // Share.
                    0,                      // Security Attribute (ignored in W95).
                    OPEN_EXISTING,          // Fail if doesn't exist.
                    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // No special attributes.
                    0                       // Attribute template.

            // File handle must be valid.
            TcpsvcsDbgAssert(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
            if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                // Allocate memory for cookie file contents.
                // BUGBUG - put an upper limit on this? ->
                // 300 cookies * 4k/cookie = 1200k plus sundry.
                szBuffer = new CHAR[FindData.nFileSizeLow + 1];
                if (!szBuffer)
                    dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
                    goto exit;

                // Read the file into memory.
                bReturn = ReadFile(hFile, szBuffer, FindData.nFileSizeLow, &cbRead, NULL);

                // ReadFile must be successful.
                if (bReturn)
                    // Null terminate buffer.
                    szBuffer[cbRead] = '\0';

                    // Parse each cookie out of the buffer.
                    pszCurrentCookie = szBuffer;
                    while (pszCurrentCookie = ParseNextCookie(pszCurrentCookie,
                        &pszHash, &ftExpire, &ftLast))
                        // Construct the cookie name from the following strings:
                        // FindData.cFileName is like "user@foobar.txt"
                        // pszHash is like "foobar.com/"
                        // szCookieName should then be "Cookie:user@foobar.com/"
                        strcpy(szCookieName, COOKIE_PREFIX);
                        strcat(szCookieName, FindData.cFileName);

                        ptr = strstr(szCookieName, "@");

                        // Downcase the username portion of the file.
                        CHAR* tptr = ptr;
                        while (*--tptr != ':')
                            *tptr = tolower(*tptr);

                        strcpy(ptr+1, pszHash);

                        // Check to see if an earlier version of this cookie
                        // has already been added to the cache index file.
                        BOOL fAddToCache = TRUE;
                        pCacheEntryInfo = (LPCACHE_ENTRY_INFO) bCacheEntryInfoBuffer;
                        cbCacheEntryInfoBuffer = sizeof(bCacheEntryInfoBuffer);

                        dwError = UrlContainer->GetUrlInfo(szCookieName, &pCacheEntryInfo,
                            &cbCacheEntryInfoBuffer, 0, 0, 0);

#ifndef UNIX
                        if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS
                            && CompareFileTime(pCacheEntryInfo->LastModifiedTime, ftLast) > 0)
                        /* There is a problem with multiple cookies in a single
                         * cookie file. When adding the second cookie, we will
                         * try to delete the existing cookie (the first one that
                         * was added), and thus try to delete the cookie file
                         * itself. But, deletion of the cookie file will fail on
                         * Win32 because the file is already open above for
                         * parsing. On Unix, the deletion will succeed.
                         * So, the work-around is to not add the second cookie
                         * which is from the same site. The entry will remain
                         * in the cookie file anyway.
                        if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
#endif /* UNIX */
                            fAddToCache = FALSE;

                        if (fAddToCache)
                            // Either this cookie was not found in the index file or
                            // it was found and the last modified time on it is
                            // less than the currently parsed cookie. Proceed
                            // to add this cookie to the index file.

                            // Add it to the cookie container.
                            // BUGBUG - besides assert, what to do if this fails?

                            AddUrlArg Args;
                            memset(&Args, 0, sizeof(Args));
                            Args.pszUrl      = szCookieName;  // user@foobar.com
                            Args.pszFilePath = szCookieFileName; // c:\winnt\cookies\user@foobar.txt
                            Args.qwExpires   = FT2LL(ftExpire); // Expire time.
                            Args.qwLastMod   = FT2LL(ftLast); // Last modified time.
                            Args.dwEntryType |= COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY;
                            dwError = UrlContainer->AddUrl(&Args);

                            TcpsvcsDbgAssert(dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS);

                    } // Successful next cookie field.

                } // Successful read.

                // Done with this cookie file. Delete the buffer.
                delete [] szBuffer;

                // And close the file
                hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

            } // File handle is valid.

        } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData));

        // No more cookie files or an error occured.
        if ((dwError = GetLastError()) != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
            goto exit;

        // Normal termination.
        dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;


        // Close the file handle.
        if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

        // Close the Find handle.
        if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

    } // try

        // Cleanup.
        delete [] szBuffer;

        if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

        return dwError;

    return dwError;