/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: proxysup.hxx Abstract: Contains class definition for proxy server and proxy bypass list Contents: PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY PROXY_BYPASS_LIST PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY PROXY_SERVER_LIST PROXY_INFO PROXY_STATE BAD_PROXY_LIST_ENTRY BAD_PROXY_LIST Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 03-Feb-1996 Revision History: 03-Feb-1996 rfirth Created 29-Nov-1996 arthurbi Added support for external Auto-Proxy Dlls --*/ // // defintions // #define MAX_BAD_PROXY_ENTRIES 20 // put this in the registry // a-thkesa. See Windows Bug:557284/WinSE:23879 #define BAD_PROXY_EXPIRES_TIME_MIN_CONST ((LONGLONG)10000000)// 1 Second //(30 * 60 * (LONGLONG)10000000) // 30 minutes?? // // prototypes // BOOL IsLocalMacro( IN LPSTR lpszMetaName, IN DWORD dwMetaNameLength ); // // class implementations // class CServerInfo; class PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL; extern PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL GlobalProxyInfo; // Begin a-thkesa. // added to read the badproxy expire time from the registery. // initialized to 30 min in gloabals.cxx and used in proxysup.cxx. // assingend to reg value in gloabals.cxx extern GLOBAL DWORD GlobalBadProxyExpiresTime; // End a-thkesa // // BAD_PROXY_LIST_ENTRY - represents a proxy that is has failed // while being used, for some reason, such as DNS or connection failure. // class BAD_PROXY_LIST_ENTRY { public: // // _ftLastFailed - Last time this proxy was accessed and failed // FILETIME _ftLastFailed; // // _fEntryUsed - Since these objects are initalily part of an array // this boolean tells whether its actually a valid entry // BOOL _fEntryUsed; // // _lpszProxyName - Name of the Proxy that is bad // LPSTR _lpszProxyName; // // _ipProxyPort - Port number of the proxy // INTERNET_PORT _ipProxyPort; // // destructor ... // ~BAD_PROXY_LIST_ENTRY() { if ( _fEntryUsed && _lpszProxyName ) { FREE_MEMORY(_lpszProxyName); } } BOOL IsEntryExpired( FILETIME *pCurrentGmtTime ) { LONGLONG ElapsedTime; ElapsedTime = (*(LONGLONG *)pCurrentGmtTime) - (*(LONGLONG *)&_ftLastFailed); if( ElapsedTime > GlobalBadProxyExpiresTime * BAD_PROXY_EXPIRES_TIME_MIN_CONST) // a-thkesa. put this in the Registry // See Windows Bug:557284/WinSE:23879 // Registry values in seconds // BAD_PROXY_EXPIRES_TIME ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL IsMatch( LPSTR lpszProxyName, INTERNET_PORT ipProxyPort ) { if ( _lpszProxyName && _ipProxyPort == ipProxyPort && lstrcmpi(lpszProxyName, _lpszProxyName ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } DWORD SetEntry( LPSTR lpszProxyName, INTERNET_PORT ipProxyPort, FILETIME ftLastFailed ) { if ( _fEntryUsed ) { INET_ASSERT(_lpszProxyName ); FREE_MEMORY(_lpszProxyName ); _fEntryUsed = FALSE; } _lpszProxyName = NewString(lpszProxyName); if ( ! _lpszProxyName ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } _ipProxyPort = ipProxyPort; _ftLastFailed = ftLastFailed ; _fEntryUsed = TRUE; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }; // // BAD_PROXY_LIST - maintains a list of proxies that have are done, or not working // properly to satisfy requests. // class BAD_PROXY_LIST { private: // // rgBadEntries - Array of proxies that have failed. // BAD_PROXY_LIST_ENTRY rgBadEntries[MAX_BAD_PROXY_ENTRIES]; // // _dwEntries - Number of entries // DWORD _dwEntries; public: BAD_PROXY_LIST() { _dwEntries = 0; for ( DWORD i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed = FALSE; } } VOID CheckForExpiredEntries(VOID) { FILETIME ftCurTime; if ( _dwEntries == 0 ) { return; } GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurTime); for ( DWORD i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { if ( rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed && rgBadEntries[i].IsEntryExpired(&ftCurTime) ) { _dwEntries--; rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed = FALSE; UPDATE_GLOBAL_PROXY_VERSION(); } } } DWORD AddEntry( LPSTR lpszProxyHost, INTERNET_PORT ipProxyPort) { DWORD i; FILETIME ftCurTime; GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurTime); UPDATE_GLOBAL_PROXY_VERSION(); // // BUGBUG [arthurbi] this should be combined into one loop. // // // Check to see if the new entry is already in the array, // if so use it. // for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { if ( rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed && rgBadEntries[i].IsMatch(lpszProxyHost, ipProxyPort) ) { rgBadEntries[i]._ftLastFailed = ftCurTime; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // // Check to see if there is an unused entry, or an // entry that has expired. // for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { if ( ! rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed ) { break; } if ( rgBadEntries[i].IsEntryExpired(&ftCurTime) ) { _dwEntries --; break; } } // // If we haven't found an array entry we can use, // Find the oldest entry in the array. // if ( i == ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries) ) { DWORD dwOldestIndex = 0; FILETIME ftOldest = rgBadEntries[0]._ftLastFailed; for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { INET_ASSERT(rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed); if ( (*(LONGLONG *)&rgBadEntries[i]._ftLastFailed) < (*(LONGLONG *)&ftOldest) ) { ftOldest = rgBadEntries[i]._ftLastFailed; dwOldestIndex = i; _dwEntries --; } } i = dwOldestIndex; } INET_ASSERT(i != ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries)); _dwEntries ++; return rgBadEntries[i].SetEntry(lpszProxyHost, ipProxyPort, ftCurTime); } BOOL IsBadProxyName(LPSTR lpszProxyHost, INTERNET_PORT ipProxyPort) { DWORD i; FILETIME ftCurTime; // // Try to find this proxy in our "black list" of bad // proxys. If we find return TRUE. // GetCurrentGmtTime(&ftCurTime); for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { if ( rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed && rgBadEntries[i].IsMatch(lpszProxyHost, ipProxyPort) && ! rgBadEntries[i].IsEntryExpired(&ftCurTime) ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } VOID ClearList( VOID ) { DWORD i; for ( i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgBadEntries); i++ ) { rgBadEntries[i]._fEntryUsed = FALSE; } _dwEntries = 0; } }; // // PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY - describes a server or address range that should // not go via proxy // class PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY { friend class PROXY_BYPASS_LIST; private: // // _List - there may be a variable number of bypass entries // LIST_ENTRY _List; // // _Scheme - scheme to be bypassed if significant, else 0 // INTERNET_SCHEME _Scheme; // // _Name - the name of the server to bypass the proxy. May contain wildcard // characters (*) // ICSTRING _Name; // // _Port - port number if significant, else 0 // INTERNET_PORT _Port; // // _LocalSemantics - TRUE if we match local addresses (non-IP address names // not containing periods) // BOOL _LocalSemantics; public: PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY", "%s, %q, %d, %d", InternetMapScheme(tScheme), lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength, nPort )); InitializeListHead(&_List); _Scheme = tScheme; if (IsLocalMacro(lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength)) { DEBUG_PRINT(PROXY, INFO, ("\n" )); _Name = NULL; _LocalSemantics = TRUE; } else { _Name.MakeCopy(lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength); _Name.MakeLowerCase(); _LocalSemantics = FALSE; } _Port = nPort; DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } ~PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "~PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY", _Name.StringAddress() )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } BOOL IsLocal(VOID) const { return _LocalSemantics; } BOOL WriteEntry( OUT LPSTR lpszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); }; // // PROXY_BYPASS_LIST - contains the list of proxy bypass entries // class PROXY_BYPASS_LIST { private: // // _List - serialized list of PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY objects // SERIALIZED_LIST _List; // // _Error - errors stored here from initialization // DWORD _Error; // // _lpszBypassString - unparsed input string that we're passed, // sometime when I have time this should take over as our stored structure // LPSTR _lpszBypassString; public: PROXY_BYPASS_LIST(LPCSTR BypassList) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_BYPASS_LIST", "%q", BypassList )); InitializeSerializedList(&_List); if (BypassList == NULL) { BypassList = ""; } _Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; _lpszBypassString = NewString(BypassList); if ( _lpszBypassString == NULL ) { _Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if ( _Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _Error = AddList(_lpszBypassString); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } ~PROXY_BYPASS_LIST() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "~PROXY_BYPASS_LIST", NULL )); LockSerializedList(&_List); while (!IsSerializedListEmpty(&_List)) { // // remove the PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY at the head of the serialized // list // LPVOID entry = SlDequeueHead(&_List); // // entry should not be NULL - IsSerializedListEmpty() told us we // could expect something // INET_ASSERT(entry != NULL); // // get the address of the object (should be the same as entry) and // delete it // delete CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, PROXY_BYPASS_LIST_ENTRY, _List); } if ( _lpszBypassString ) { FREE_MEMORY(_lpszBypassString); } UnlockSerializedList(&_List); TerminateSerializedList(&_List); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD AddList( IN LPSTR lpszList ); BOOL Find( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ); DWORD Add( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ); BOOL IsBypassed( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ); // This function just checks the bypass list. BOOL IsHostInBypassList( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort, IN BOOL isAddress ); DWORD GetError(VOID) const { return _Error; } LPSTR CopyString(VOID) { return (_lpszBypassString != NULL) ? NewString(_lpszBypassString) : NULL; } VOID GetList( OUT LPSTR * lplpszList, IN DWORD dwBufferLength, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwRequiredLength ); }; // // PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY - describes a proxy server and the scheme that uses // it // class PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY { friend class PROXY_SERVER_LIST; private: // // _List - there may be a variable number of proxies // LIST_ENTRY _List; // // _Protocol - which protocol scheme this proxy information is for (e.g. // INTERNET_SCHEME_FTP in ftp=http://proxy:80) // INTERNET_SCHEME _Protocol; // // _Scheme - which protocol scheme we use to get the data (e.g. // INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP in ftp=http://proxy:80) // INTERNET_SCHEME _Scheme; // // _ProxyName - the name of the proxy server we use for this scheme // ICSTRING _ProxyName; // // _ProxyPort - port number at proxy host // INTERNET_PORT _ProxyPort; // // _AddressList - the list of socket addresses for this proxy. Keeping this // information here allows us not have to resolve the proxy name each time // if DNS caching has been disabled // //ADDRESS_INFO_LIST _AddressList; public: PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol, IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY", "%s, %s, %q, %d, %d", InternetMapScheme(tProtocol), InternetMapScheme(tScheme), lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength, nPort )); InitializeListHead(&_List); _Protocol = tProtocol; _Scheme = tScheme; _ProxyName.MakeCopy(lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength); _ProxyPort = nPort; //InitializeAddressList(&_AddressList); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } ~PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "~PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY", _ProxyName.StringAddress() )); //FreeAddressList(&_AddressList); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } //DWORD ResolveAddress(VOID) { // return GetServiceAddress(_ProxyName.StringAddress(), // NULL, // NULL, // NS_DEFAULT, // _ProxyPort, // 0, // &_AddressList // ); //} BOOL WriteEntry( OUT LPSTR lpszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); }; // // PROXY_SERVER_LIST - need one of these for each PROXY_INFO list. This class // contains the proxy list and performs all operations on it // class PROXY_SERVER_LIST { private: // // _List - serialized list of PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY objects // SERIALIZED_LIST _List; // // _Error - errors stored here from initialization // DWORD _Error; // // _lpszServerListString - A copy of the input string, sometime this should be // shared so that other structures use the same strings // LPSTR _lpszServerListString; public: PROXY_SERVER_LIST(LPCSTR ServerList) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_SERVER_LIST", "%q", ServerList )); _lpszServerListString = NULL; _Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; InitializeSerializedList(&_List); if (ServerList == NULL) { ServerList = ""; } _lpszServerListString = NewString(ServerList); if ( _lpszServerListString == NULL ) { _Error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } if ( _Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _Error = AddList(_lpszServerListString); } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } ~PROXY_SERVER_LIST() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "~PROXY_SERVER_LIST", NULL )); LockSerializedList(&_List); while (!IsSerializedListEmpty(&_List)) { // // remove the PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY at the head of the serialized // list // LPVOID entry = SlDequeueHead(&_List); // // entry should not be NULL - IsSerializedListEmpty() told us we // could expect something // INET_ASSERT(entry != NULL); // // get the address of the object (should be the same as entry) and // delete it // delete CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, PROXY_SERVER_LIST_ENTRY, _List); } if ( _lpszServerListString) { FREE_MEMORY(_lpszServerListString); } UnlockSerializedList(&_List); TerminateSerializedList(&_List); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } DWORD AddList( IN LPSTR lpszList ); BOOL Find( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme ); DWORD Add( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol, IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ); INTERNET_SCHEME ProxyScheme( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol ); BOOL GetProxyHostName( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol, IN OUT LPINTERNET_SCHEME lptScheme, OUT LPSTR * lplpszHostName, OUT LPBOOL lpbFreeHostName, OUT LPDWORD lpdwHostNameLength, OUT LPINTERNET_PORT lpHostPort ); DWORD AddToBypassList( IN PROXY_BYPASS_LIST * lpBypassList ); DWORD GetError(VOID) const { return _Error; } LPSTR CopyString(VOID) { return (_lpszServerListString != NULL ) ? NewString(_lpszServerListString) : NULL; } VOID GetList( OUT LPSTR * lplpszList, IN DWORD dwBufferLength, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwRequiredLength ); }; // // PROXY_INFO - maintains both PROXY_SERVER_LIST and PROXY_BYPASS_LIST, // provides base class for overall Proxy Management // class PROXY_INFO { private: // // _ProxyServerList - pointer to list of proxy servers. We create this from // free store because all other handles derived from INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT // don't need to unnecessarily allocate a SERIALIZED_LIST (& therefore a // CRITICAL_SECTION) // PROXY_SERVER_LIST * _ProxyServerList; // // _ProxyBypassList - pointer to list of targets which will not go via // proxy. From free store because of same reason as PROXY_SERVER_LIST // PROXY_BYPASS_LIST * _ProxyBypassList; // // _Error - errors returned from creating proxy server & bypass lists // DWORD _Error; // // _Lock - acquire this before accessing the proxy info // RESOURCE_LOCK _Lock; // // _fDisableDirect - Disable direct connections on failure of proxy connections // BOOL _fDisableDirect; // // _fModifiedInProcess - TRUE if the proxy info is set to something other than the // registry contents // BOOL _fModifiedInProcess; // // _dwSettingsVersion - passed in settings version used to track changes // made while we're off in processing. // DWORD _dwSettingsVersion; protected: // // _BadProxyList - Keep a listing of what proxies recently failed, so // we can prevent reusing them. // BAD_PROXY_LIST _BadProxyList; // // IsGlobal() - TRUE if this is a global object used as a // standard proxy info object. // BOOL IsGlobal(VOID) const { return ((this == (PROXY_INFO *) &GlobalProxyInfo) ? TRUE : FALSE ); } BOOL IsDisableDirect(VOID) const { return _fDisableDirect; } VOID SetDisableDirect(BOOL fDisableDirect) { _fDisableDirect = fDisableDirect; } INTERNET_SCHEME ProxyScheme( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol ) { if (_ProxyServerList != NULL) { return _ProxyServerList->ProxyScheme(tProtocol); } return INTERNET_SCHEME_UNKNOWN; } BOOL GetProxyHostName( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tProtocol, IN OUT LPINTERNET_SCHEME lptScheme, OUT LPSTR * lplpszHostName, OUT LPBOOL lpbFreeHostName, OUT LPDWORD lpdwHostNameLength, OUT LPINTERNET_PORT lpHostPort ) { if (_ProxyServerList != NULL) { return _ProxyServerList->GetProxyHostName(tProtocol, lptScheme, lplpszHostName, lpbFreeHostName, lpdwHostNameLength, lpHostPort ); } return FALSE; } BOOL IsBypassed( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength, IN INTERNET_PORT nPort ) { // // Prevent proxing of the loop-address, to allow us to work with // Pointcast, local Web servers that run on the client machine // if (lpszHostName && dwHostNameLength == (sizeof("")-1) && strncmp( lpszHostName, "", sizeof("")-1 ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; } if (_ProxyBypassList != NULL) { return _ProxyBypassList->IsBypassed(tScheme, lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength, nPort ); } return FALSE; } BOOL IsHostInBypassList( IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength ) { if (_ProxyBypassList != NULL) { return _ProxyBypassList->IsHostInBypassList(INTERNET_SCHEME_DEFAULT, lpszHostName, dwHostNameLength, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, FALSE ); } return FALSE; } VOID CleanOutLists( VOID ); public: PROXY_INFO() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_INFO::PROXY_INFO", "" )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } ~PROXY_INFO() { if (_Lock.IsInitialized()) { TerminateProxySettings(); } } VOID Lock(BOOL bExclusiveMode) { _Lock.Acquire(bExclusiveMode); } VOID Unlock(VOID) { _Lock.Release(); } DWORD GetError(VOID) const { return _Error; } BOOL IsModifiedInProcess(VOID) const { return _fModifiedInProcess; } DWORD GetProxyStringInfo( OUT LPVOID lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); BOOL RedoSendRequest( IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwError, IN AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG *pQueryForProxyInfo, IN CServerInfo *pOriginServer, IN CServerInfo *pProxyServer ); // // Virtual Interface APIs // // InitializeProxySettings // TerminateProxySettings - destroys our internal vars // SetProxySettings - update proxy settings // GetProxySettings - get current proxy settings // RefreshProxySettings - force proxy settings to be reprocessed (auto-proxy, auto-detect) // QueryProxySettings - ask proxy objects for proxy info // IsProxySettingsConfigured // virtual VOID InitializeProxySettings( VOID ); virtual VOID TerminateProxySettings( VOID ); virtual DWORD SetProxySettings( IN LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fModifiedInProcess ); virtual DWORD GetProxySettings( OUT LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fCheckVersion ); virtual DWORD RefreshProxySettings( IN BOOL fForceRefresh ); virtual DWORD QueryProxySettings( IN OUT AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG **ppQueryForProxyInfo ); virtual BOOL IsProxySettingsConfigured(VOID) { return (_ProxyServerList != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE; } }; // // PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL - global proxy information for settings // class PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL : public PROXY_INFO { private: // // _AutoProxyList - pointer to list of DLL that can handle changing // proxy information based on connection URL, or downloaded local // server information. // AUTO_PROXY_DLLS * _AutoProxyList; // // _dwProxyFlags - set to control the various proxy modes that we support // DWORD _dwProxyFlags; // // _dwConnectionName - set to new connection name associated with this proxy info // LPSTR _lpszConnectionName; // // _fRefreshDisabled - TRUE at initalization, we're not allowed // to refresh until InternetOpen // BOOL _fRefreshDisabled; // // _fQueuedRefresh - A refresh has been queued up, // ready to take place after InternetOpen // BOOL _fQueuedRefresh; public: PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL() { _AutoProxyList = NULL; _lpszConnectionName = NULL; _dwProxyFlags = 0; _fQueuedRefresh = FALSE; _fRefreshDisabled = TRUE; } ~PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL() { } VOID ActivateAutoproxyThread() { Lock(TRUE); if (_AutoProxyList) { _AutoProxyList->ActivateThread(); } Unlock(); } VOID FreeAutoProxyInfo( VOID ) { if ( _AutoProxyList && _AutoProxyList->IsAutoProxy() ) { _AutoProxyList->FreeAutoProxyInfo(); } } VOID SetAbortHandle(HINTERNET hInternet) { if ( _AutoProxyList && _AutoProxyList->IsAutoProxy() ) { _AutoProxyList->SetAbortHandle(hInternet); } else { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); } } VOID AbortAutoProxy(VOID) { if ( _AutoProxyList && _AutoProxyList->IsAutoProxy() ) { _AutoProxyList->AbortAutoProxy(); } } BOOL IsAutoProxy(VOID) { if ( _AutoProxyList && _AutoProxyList->IsAutoProxy() ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL GetAutoProxyThreadSettings( OUT LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings ) { if ( _AutoProxyList ) { return _AutoProxyList->GetAutoProxyThreadSettings(lpProxySettings); } //else return FALSE; } BOOL SetAutoProxyThreadSettings( OUT LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings ) { if ( _AutoProxyList ) { return _AutoProxyList->SetAutoProxyThreadSettings(lpProxySettings); } //else return FALSE; } DWORD DoThreadProcessing( LPVOID lpAutoProxyObject ) { BOOL fReturn; INET_ASSERT(lpAutoProxyObject == (LPVOID) _AutoProxyList); INET_ASSERT(IsGlobal()); return (_AutoProxyList->DoThreadProcessing()); } // This function determines if a host bypasses the proxy. // Will use autoproxy if it is enabled, else it will just // consult the bypass list. BOOL HostBypassesProxy( IN INTERNET_SCHEME tScheme, IN LPSTR lpszHostName, IN DWORD dwHostNameLength ); VOID ClearBadProxyList( VOID ) { Lock(TRUE); _BadProxyList.ClearList(); Unlock(); } VOID CheckForExpiredEntries( VOID ) { Lock(TRUE); _BadProxyList.CheckForExpiredEntries(); Unlock(); } BOOL IsRefreshDisabled(VOID) { return (_fRefreshDisabled); } VOID SetRefreshDisabled(BOOL fDisable) { _fRefreshDisabled = fDisable; } VOID QueueRefresh(VOID) { _fQueuedRefresh = TRUE; } VOID ReleaseQueuedRefresh( VOID ); // Virtual Interface APIs // // TerminateProxySettings - destroys our internal vars // SetProxySettings - update proxy settings // GetProxySettings - get current proxy settings // RefreshProxySettings - force proxy settings to be reprocessed (auto-proxy, auto-detect) // QueryProxySettings - ask proxy objects for proxy info // IsProxySettingsConfigured // VOID TerminateProxySettings( VOID ); DWORD SetProxySettings( IN LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fModifiedInProcess ); DWORD GetProxySettings( OUT LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fCheckVersion ); DWORD RefreshProxySettings( IN BOOL fForceRefresh ); DWORD QueryProxySettings( IN OUT AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG **ppQueryForProxyInfo ); BOOL IsProxySettingsConfigured(VOID) { return (IsAutoProxy() || PROXY_INFO::IsProxySettingsConfigured()); } LPSTR GetConnectionName(VOID) { return _lpszConnectionName; } BOOL IsAutoProxyDownloaded(VOID); }; // // PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER - wraps the global proxy information // so that we can avoid using, auto-proxy and auto-detect // class PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER : public PROXY_INFO { public: PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER() { } ~PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_OBJECTS, None, "PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER::~PROXY_INFO_GLOBAL_WRAPPER", "" )); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } // // Virtual Interface APIs // VOID InitializeProxySettings( VOID ) { } VOID TerminateProxySettings( VOID ) { } DWORD SetProxySettings( IN LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fModifiedInProcess ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; // do nothing } DWORD GetProxySettings( OUT LPINTERNET_PROXY_INFO_EX lpProxySettings, IN BOOL fCheckVersion ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; // do nothing } DWORD RefreshProxySettings( IN BOOL fForceRefresh ) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; // do nothing } DWORD QueryProxySettings( IN OUT AUTO_PROXY_ASYNC_MSG **ppQueryForProxyInfo ) { return GlobalProxyInfo.PROXY_INFO::QueryProxySettings(ppQueryForProxyInfo); } BOOL IsProxySettingsConfigured(VOID) { return GlobalProxyInfo.PROXY_INFO::IsProxySettingsConfigured(); } };