/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: persist.cxx Abstract: Author: Adriaan Canter (adriaanc) 13-Jan-1998 Revision History: 13-Jan-1998 adriaanc Created --*/ #include #include typedef HRESULT (*PFNPSTORECREATEINSTANCE)(IPStore**, PST_PROVIDERID*, VOID*, DWORD); // Globals // PWL related variables. static HMODULE MhmodWNET = NULL; static PFWNETGETCACHEDPASSWORD pfWNetGetCachedPassword = NULL; static PFWNETCACHEPASSWORD pfWNetCachePassword = NULL; static PFWNETREMOVECACHEDPASSWORD pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword = NULL; // Pstore related variables. static PST_PROVIDERID s_provID = GUID_NULL; static WCHAR c_szWininetCacheCredentials[] = L"WininetCacheCredentials"; static PFNPSTORECREATEINSTANCE pPStoreCreateInstance = NULL; // Webcheck is currently using this GUID for pstore: // {14D96C20-255B-11d1-898F-00C04FB6BFC4} // static const GUID GUID_PStoreType = { 0x14d96c20, 0x255b, 0x11d1, { 0x89, 0x8f, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb6, 0xbf, 0xc4 } }; // Wininet uses this GUID for pstore: // {5E7E8100-9138-11d1-945A-00C04FC308FF} static const GUID GUID_PStoreType = { 0x5e7e8100, 0x9138, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xc3, 0x8, 0xff } }; // Private function prototypes. // PWL private function prototypes. DWORD PWLSetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, DWORD cbCred); DWORD PWLGetCachedCredentials (LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR cbCred, LPDWORD pcbCred); DWORD PWLRemoveCachedCredentials (LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey); BOOL LoadWNet(VOID); // PStore private function prototypes. DWORD PStoreSetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, DWORD cbCred, BOOL fRemove=FALSE); DWORD PStoreGetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, LPDWORD pcbCred); DWORD PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey); STDAPI CreatePStore (IPStore **ppIPStore); STDAPI ReleasePStore(IPStore *pIPStore); /*--------------------------- Top Level APIs ---------------------------------*/ BOOL ReadLSARegistryDword( CHAR* lpszValueName, DWORD* pdwValue) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; HKEY key; DWORD dwType; if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa", 0, KEY_READ, &key) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if ( RegQueryValueEx( key, lpszValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)pdwValue, &dwSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { bRetVal = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(key); } return bRetVal; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- InetInitCredentialPersist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD InetInitCredentialPersist() { HRESULT hr; IPStore *pIPStore = NULL; DWORD dwDisable, dwAvail, dwLSADisable; HINSTANCE hInstPStoreC = 0; BOOL fPersistDisabled = FALSE; AuthLock(); // First check to see if persistence is disabled via registry. if ((InternetReadRegistryDword(DISABLE_PASSWORD_CACHE_VALUE, &dwDisable) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwDisable == CRED_PERSIST_AVAIL)) { // Persistence disabled via registry. dwAvail= CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL; goto quit; } // check to see if credmgr registry has disabled it if ( ReadLSARegistryDword( "DisableDomainCreds", & dwLSADisable ) && dwLSADisable ) { // Persistence disabled via registry. dwAvail= CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL; goto quit; } // We use PWL for Win95; this should be available. if (IsPlatformWin95()) { dwAvail = CRED_PERSIST_AVAIL; goto quit; } // If is WinNt, check if PStore is installed. hInstPStoreC = LoadLibrary(PSTORE_MODULE); if (!hInstPStoreC) { dwAvail = CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL; goto quit; } else { // Get CreatePStoreInstance function pointer. pPStoreCreateInstance = (PFNPSTORECREATEINSTANCE) GetProcAddress(hInstPStoreC, "PStoreCreateInstance"); if (!pPStoreCreateInstance) { dwAvail = CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL; goto quit; } } // Create an IPStore. hr = CreatePStore(&pIPStore); // Succeeded in creating an IPStore. if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIPStore) { ReleasePStore(pIPStore); dwAvail = CRED_PERSIST_AVAIL; } else { // Failed to create an IPStore. dwAvail = CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL; } quit: g_dwCredPersistAvail = dwAvail; AuthUnlock(); return g_dwCredPersistAvail; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- InetSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD InetSetCachedCredentials (LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szRealm, LPSTR szUser, LPSTR szPass) { DWORD cbKey, cbCred, dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; CHAR szKey [MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH], szCred[MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH]; INET_ASSERT(szHost && *szHost && szRealm && szUser && *szUser && szPass); // Check if credential persistence is available. if ((g_dwCredPersistAvail == CRED_PERSIST_UNKNOWN) && (InetInitCredentialPersist() == CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL)) { dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; } // Form key and credential strings. cbKey = wsprintf(szKey, "%s/%s", szHost, szRealm) + 1; #ifndef UNIX cbCred = wsprintf(szCred,"%s:%s", szUser, szPass) + 1; #else /* wsprintf on UNIX puts "(null)" if szPass is null. */ cbCred = szPass ? (wsprintf(szCred,"%s:%s", szUser, szPass) + 1) : (wsprintf(szCred,"%s:", szUser) + 1); #endif /* UNIX */ // Store credentials. if (IsPlatformWin95()) { // Store credentials using PWL. dwError = PWLSetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szCred, cbCred); } else { // Store credentials using PStore. dwError = PStoreSetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szCred, cbCred); } quit: return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- InetGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD InetGetCachedCredentials (LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szRealm, LPSTR szUser, LPSTR szPass) { DWORD cbKey, cbCred, nUser, dwError; CHAR szKey [MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH], szCred[MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH], *ptr; INET_ASSERT(szHost && *szHost && szRealm && szUser && szPass); // Check if credential persistence is available. if (g_dwCredPersistAvail == CRED_PERSIST_UNKNOWN) InetInitCredentialPersist(); if (g_dwCredPersistAvail == CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL) { dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; } // Key string in form of host/[realm or domain]. cbKey = wsprintf(szKey, "%s/%s", szHost, szRealm) + 1; cbCred = MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH; if (IsPlatformWin95()) { // Store credentials using PWL. if ((dwError = PWLGetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szCred, &cbCred)) != WN_SUCCESS) goto quit; } else { // Store credentials using PStore. if ((dwError = PStoreGetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szCred, &cbCred)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto quit; } // Should have retrieved credentials in form of username:password. ptr = strchr(szCred, ':'); // Should never happen since username & password are required. if (!ptr || (ptr == szCred)) { dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; } // Copy username & null terminate. nUser = (DWORD)(ptr - szCred); memcpy(szUser, szCred, nUser); szUser[nUser] = '\0'; // Copy password with null terminator. memcpy(szPass, ptr+1, cbCred - nUser); quit: return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- InetRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD InetRemoveCachedCredentials (LPSTR szHost, LPSTR szRealm) { DWORD cbKey, dwError; CHAR szKey[MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH]; INET_ASSERT(szHost && *szHost && szRealm); // Check if credential persistence is available. if ((g_dwCredPersistAvail == CRED_PERSIST_UNKNOWN) && (InetInitCredentialPersist() == CRED_PERSIST_NOT_AVAIL)) { dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; } // Form key string. cbKey = wsprintf(szKey, "%s/%s", szHost, szRealm) + 1; if (IsPlatformWin95()) { // Remove credentials from PWL. dwError = PWLRemoveCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey); } else { // Remove credentials from PStore. dwError = PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey); } quit: return dwError; } /*--------------------------- PWL Functions ---------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWLSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLSetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, DWORD cbCred) { DWORD dwError; // Load WNet. if (!LoadWNet()) return ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; // Store credentials. dwError = (*pfWNetCachePassword)(szKey, (WORD) cbKey, szCred, (WORD) cbCred, PCE_WWW_BASIC, 0); return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWLGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLGetCachedCredentials (LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, LPDWORD pcbCred) { DWORD dwError; // Load WNet. if (!LoadWNet()) return ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; // Retrieve credentials. dwError = (*pfWNetGetCachedPassword) (szKey, (WORD) cbKey, szCred, (LPWORD) pcbCred, PCE_WWW_BASIC); return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PWLRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLRemoveCachedCredentials (LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey) { DWORD dwError; // Load WNet. if (!LoadWNet()) return ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; dwError = (*pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword) (szKey, (WORD) cbKey, PCE_WWW_BASIC); return dwError; } // PWL utility functions. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LoadWNet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL LoadWNet(VOID) { BOOL fReturn; AuthLock(); // MPR.DLL already loaded. if (MhmodWNET) { fReturn = TRUE; goto quit; } // Load MPR.DLL MhmodWNET = LoadLibrary(WNETDLL_MODULE); // Fail if not loaded. if (MhmodWNET) { fReturn = TRUE; } else { fReturn = FALSE; goto quit; } pfWNetGetCachedPassword = (PFWNETGETCACHEDPASSWORD) GetProcAddress(MhmodWNET, WNETGETCACHEDPASS); pfWNetCachePassword = (PFWNETCACHEPASSWORD) GetProcAddress(MhmodWNET, WNETCACHEPASS); pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword = (PFWNETREMOVECACHEDPASSWORD) GetProcAddress(MhmodWNET, WNETREMOVECACHEDPASS); // Ensure we have all function pointers. if (!(pfWNetGetCachedPassword && pfWNetCachePassword && pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword)) { fReturn = FALSE; } quit: AuthUnlock(); return fReturn; } /*------------------------- PStore Functions -------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PStoreSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreSetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, DWORD cbCred, BOOL fRemove) { INET_ASSERT(pPStoreCreateInstance); HRESULT hr; DWORD dwError; PST_TYPEINFO typeInfo; PST_PROMPTINFO promptInfo = {0}; GUID itemType = GUID_PStoreType; GUID itemSubtype = GUID_NULL; WCHAR wszKey[MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH]; IPStore * pStore = NULL; // PST_TYPEINFO data. typeInfo.cbSize = sizeof(typeInfo); typeInfo.szDisplayName = c_szWininetCacheCredentials; // PST_PROMPTINFO data (no prompting desired). promptInfo.cbSize = sizeof(promptInfo); promptInfo.dwPromptFlags = 0; promptInfo.hwndApp = NULL; promptInfo.szPrompt = NULL; // Create a PStore interface. hr = CreatePStore(&pStore); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto quit; INET_ASSERT(pStore != NULL); // Create a type in HKCU. hr = pStore->CreateType(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &typeInfo, 0); if (!((SUCCEEDED(hr)) || (hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS))) goto quit; // Create subtype. hr = pStore->CreateSubtype(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, &typeInfo, NULL, 0); if (!((SUCCEEDED(hr)) || (hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS))) goto quit; // Convert key to wide char. MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szKey, -1, wszKey, MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH); // Valid credentials are written; No credentials imples // that the key and credentials are to be deleted. if (szCred && cbCred && !fRemove) { // Write key and credentials to PStore. hr = pStore->WriteItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, wszKey, cbCred, (LPBYTE) szCred, &promptInfo, PST_CF_NONE, 0); } else { // Delete key and credentials from PStore. hr = pStore->DeleteItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, wszKey, &promptInfo, 0); } quit: // Release the interface, convert error and return. ReleasePStore(pStore); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PStoreGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreGetCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR szCred, LPDWORD pcbCred) { INET_ASSERT(pPStoreCreateInstance); HRESULT hr ; DWORD dwError; LPBYTE pbData; PST_PROMPTINFO promptInfo = {0}; GUID itemType = GUID_PStoreType; GUID itemSubtype = GUID_NULL; IPStore* pStore = NULL; WCHAR wszKey[MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH]; // PST_PROMPTINFO data (no prompting desired). promptInfo.cbSize = sizeof(promptInfo); promptInfo.dwPromptFlags = 0; promptInfo.hwndApp = NULL; promptInfo.szPrompt = NULL; // Create a PStore interface. hr = CreatePStore(&pStore); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto quit; INET_ASSERT(pStore != NULL); // Convert key to wide char. MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szKey, -1, wszKey, MAX_AUTH_FIELD_LENGTH); // Read the credentials from PStore. hr = pStore->ReadItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, wszKey, pcbCred, (LPBYTE*) &pbData, &promptInfo, 0); // Copy credentials and free buffer allocated by ReadItem. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { memcpy(szCred, pbData, *pcbCred); CoTaskMemFree(pbData); //hr = S_OK; } quit: // Release the interface, convert error and return. ReleasePStore(pStore); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(LPSTR szKey, DWORD cbKey) { // Pass in TRUE to remove credentials. return PStoreSetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, NULL, 0, TRUE); } // PStore utility functions /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreatePStore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDAPI CreatePStore(IPStore **ppIPStore) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwError; hr = pPStoreCreateInstance (ppIPStore, IsEqualGUID(s_provID, GUID_NULL) ? NULL : &s_provID, NULL, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; return dwError; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReleasePStore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDAPI ReleasePStore(IPStore *pIPStore) { HRESULT hr; if (pIPStore) { pIPStore->Release(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_POINTER; } return hr; }