iCPU=$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) !IF "$(iCPU)"=="x86" iCPU=I386 !ENDIF !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"!="MIPS" !IF "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"!="PPC" CDROOT=$(_NTTREE)\inetsrv CDDUMP=$(_NTTREE)\inetsrv\Dump MY_BINPLACE = -binplace -P $(BINPLACE_PLACEFILE) copyfile: if not exist "$(CDROOT)" mkdir $(CDROOT) if not exist "$(CDDUMP)" mkdir $(CDDUMP) # create a list of the files that could change # and we would want to make sure to rebuild the cabs if they changed. if exist makecab.lst attrib -r -a -s -h makecab.lst if exist makecab.lst0 (del makecab.lst0) if exist makecab.lst (del makecab.lst) dir /b /a-d > makecab.lst0 # remove makecab.lst from the the list... findstr /i /v makecab.lst makecab.lst0 > makecab.lst # stuff we really do need $(MY_BINPLACE) infutil.csv $(MY_BINPLACE) header.ddf $(MY_BINPLACE) makecab.lst $(MY_BINPLACE) hardcode.lst $(MY_BINPLACE) iistop.inx $(MY_BINPLACE) iisend.inx $(MY_BINPLACE) dirmake.txt $(MY_BINPLACE) empty.txt # -------------------------------------- # old bad way of copying files to the binaries dir # bad bad bad, you should not use xcopy! # use binplace and modify the placefil.txt file # -------------------------------------- # xcopy /d /i header*.inf $(CDDUMP) !ENDIF !ENDIF