//  Copyright (C) 1992 - 1994, Microsoft Corporation.
//  File:       fstrm.hxx
//  Contents:   Stream for taking text from IFilter and transporting it to
//              the word breaker
//  Classes:    CFilterTextStream
//  History:    01-Aug-93       AmyA        Created
//              17-Oct-94       BartoszM    Rewrote

#pragma once

#include <tsource.hxx>
#include <query.h>
#include <mapper.hxx>

//  Class:      CFilterTextStream
//  Interface:
//  History:    01-Nov-94   BartoszM    Created

class CFilterTextStream: public CTextSource

    CFilterTextStream(IFilter* pIFilter);

    int     GetChar ();

    void    GetRegion ( FILTERREGION& region, int offset, int len )
        Win4Assert ( offset >= -1 );
        _mapper.GetSrcRegion (region, len, offset+ iCur);

    int GetMore ();

    STAT_CHUNK      _statChunk;
    CSourceMapper   _mapper;

//  Member:     CFilterTextStream::GetChar, public
//  Synopsis:   Get the look ahead character
//              and swallow the last look ahead
//              Replenish the buffer before the last character
//              is swallowed.
//  History:    16-Nov-94  BartoszM         Created

inline int CFilterTextStream::GetChar()
    if (iCur >= iEnd - 1)
        return GetMore();
    return awcBuffer[iCur++];