If your question isn’t here, see also the other sections of the Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How can I use UDDI as a search engine to find other businesses?
A: In general, UDDI can locate businesses whose identity you know already so that you can find out what services they are offering and how to interface with them electronically.
Q: Where can I search the UDDI database? How can I do it within existing B2B and e-business applications.
A: Searching is one of the activities that the UDDI distributed registries support via their web interfaces. If you are an application designer, you can add a programmatic interface to your software so that you can expose technical searches to the administrators that buy or use the software that you create.
Q: Will the same information be available wherever I search the UDDI Business Registry?
A: Yes. All of the UDDI distributed registry nodes that are listed on uddi.org share copies of all of the base registration information.
Q: Who is allowed to search UDDI?
A: The search mechanism is available to any business worldwide which would like to realize the benefits from the UDDI standard.
Q: Do I need to be registered to search UDDI?
A: It is not necessary to be registered on UDDI to take advantage of the search capabilities it offers.