var RTL = false; var scFlag = false; var scrollcount = 0; if (document.dir == 'rtl') RTL = true; var Strict_Compat = false; var ToolBar_Supported = false; var Frame_Supported = false; var DoInstrumentation = false; var doImage = doImage; var TType = TType; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") != -1 && navigator.appVersion.substring(0,1) > 3) { ToolBar_Supported = true; if(!RTL){ if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") { //alert("strict!"); Strict_Compat = true; } } } if(doImage == null) { var a= new Array(); a[0] = prepTrackingString(window.location.hostname,7); if (TType == null) { a[1] = prepTrackingString('PV',8); } else { a[1] = prepTrackingString(TType,8); } a[2] = prepTrackingString(window.location.pathname,0); if( '' != window.document.referrer) { a[a.length] = prepTrackingString(window.document.referrer,5); } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("SunOS") == -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Linux") == -1) { buildIMG(a); } } if (ToolBar_Supported) { var newLineChar = String.fromCharCode(10); var char34 = String.fromCharCode(34); var LastMSMenu = ""; var LastICPMenu = ""; var CurICPMenu = ""; var IsMSMenu = false; var IsMenuDropDown = true; var HTMLStr; var FooterStr; var TBLStr; var x = 0; var y = 0; var x2 = 0; var y2 = 0; var x3 = 0; var MSMenuWidth; var ToolbarMinWidth; var ToolbarMenu; var ToolbarBGColor; var ToolbarLoaded = false; var aDefMSColor = new Array(3); var aDefICPColor = new Array(3); var aCurMSColor = new Array(3); var aCurICPColor = new Array(3); var MSFont; var ICPFont; var MSFTFont; var ICPFTFont; var MaxMenu = 30; var TotalMenu = 0; var arrMenuInfo = new Array(30); var bFstICPTBMenu = true; var bFstICPFTMenu = true; // Output style sheet and toolbar ID document.write(""); // Build Footer template if ( !RTL ){ FooterStr = "" + "" + "" + "
" + "" + "" + "
"; }else if(RTL){ // Shailr - Not sure if I need this code yet. // RTL Correction: Check if or have the dir="rtl" attribute var isRTL = false; var isIE5 = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4") == -1; if (isIE5) { if (document.body.dir == 'rtl' || document.dir == 'rtl') isRTL = true; } else // test RTL in IE4 { var ht = document.body.outerHTML; ht = ht.substring(1, ht.indexOf(">")).toLowerCase(); //if (ht.indexOf("dir=rtl") > -1) isRTL = true; if ((ht.indexOf("iedir=rtl") > -1) || (ht.indexOf("dir=rtl") > -1)) isRTL = true; } // End of RTL Correction. // MNP1 addition - Build Footer template FooterStr = "" + "" + "" + "
" + "" + "" + "
"; //end of MNP1 addition //isRTL = true; } // Build toolbar template HTMLStr = "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; //HTMLStr += "
"; if (!RTL){ //HTMLStr = "
"; //HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; }else if(RTL){ TBLStr = "
"; //HTMLStr = "
"; //HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; // RTL Correction: added: dir='ltr' (forcing LTR!), added:   (prevents last menu problem) HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; } if(!RTL){ HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; }else if(RTL){ HTMLStr += "
" ; // RTL Correction: was left:250 HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; } if(!RTL){ HTMLStr += "
"; // zIndex Correction HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; }else if (RTL){ HTMLStr += "
"; // RTL Correction: added: dir='rtl' HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += ""; HTMLStr += ""; } HTMLStr += "" + "
"; // Define event handlers if(!RTL){ window.onresize = resizeToolbar; window.onscroll = scrollbaroptions; } // Intialize global variables ToolbarBGColor = "white"; // toolbar background color if (Strict_Compat) { MSFont = "bold x-small Arial"; ICPFont = "bold x-small Verdana"; } else { if( !RTL ){ MSFont = "xx-small Verdana"; ICPFont = "bold xx-small Verdana"; }else if(RTL){ MSFont = "x-small Arial"; // RTL Correction: (was Verdana) ICPFont = "bold x-small Arial"; // RTL Correction: (was Verdana) //MNP1 RTL revision MSFTFont = "11px Arial"; ICPFTFont = "bold 11px Arial" //end } } aDefMSColor[0] = aCurMSColor[0] = "black"; // bgcolor; aDefMSColor[1] = aCurMSColor[1] = "white"; // text font color aDefMSColor[2] = aCurMSColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color aDefICPColor[0] = aCurICPColor[0] = "#6699CC"; // bgcolor; aDefICPColor[1] = aCurICPColor[1] = "white"; // text font color aDefICPColor[2] = aCurICPColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color } // The hard-coded numbers in functions - drawToolbar() & resizeToolbar() // correspond to the dimension of the four gif files: // ICP_BANNER: 60h x 250w // ADS_BANNER: 40h x 200w // MSC_BANNER: 40h x 112w // Curve: 20h x 18w function drawFooter(sLastUpdated, position) { if(!RTL){ var re = ""; var sUpdatedDate = ""; if (ToolbarBGColor.toUpperCase() == "WHITE" || ToolbarBGColor.toUpperCase() == "#FFFFFF") { while (FooterStr.indexOf(re) != -1) FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re, "000000"); } else { while (FooterStr.indexOf(re) != -1) FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re, aDefICPColor[1]); } var re2 = ""; while (FooterStr.indexOf(re2) != -1) FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re2, aDefICPColor[2]); }else if (RTL){ var re = //g; var sUpdatedDate = ""; if (ToolbarBGColor.toUpperCase() == "WHITE" || ToolbarBGColor.toUpperCase() == "#FFFFFF") FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re, "000000"); else FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re, aDefICPColor[1]); var re2 = //g; FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(re2, aDefICPColor[2]); } sUpdatedDate = "" if (typeof sLastUpdated != "undefined") sUpdatedDate += sLastUpdated; sUpdatedDate += ""; FooterStr = FooterStr.replace("", sUpdatedDate); document.body.innerHTML += FooterStr; = aDefICPColor[0]; = ToolbarBGColor; if (typeof sLastUpdated == "undefined") = "none"; if (typeof position != "undefined") idPosition.width = position; } function drawToolbar() { HTMLStr += "
"; document.write(HTMLStr); ToolbarLoaded = true; MSMenuWidth = Math.max(idMSMenuPane.offsetWidth, (200+112)); ToolbarMinWidth = (250+18) + MSMenuWidth; = ToolbarBGColor; = aDefMSColor[0]; = aDefICPColor[0]; if (RTL){ = aDefMSColor[1]; = aDefICPColor[1]; } resizeToolbar(); for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) { thisMenu = document.all(arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr); if (thisMenu != null) { if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == LastMSMenu && arrMenuInfo[i].type == "R") { //Last MSMenu has to be absolute width arrMenuInfo[i].type = "A"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = 200; } if (arrMenuInfo[i].type == "A") if(!RTL){ = arrMenuInfo[i].unit + 'px'; }else{ = arrMenuInfo[i].unit; } else = Math.round(arrMenuInfo[i].width * arrMenuInfo[i].unit) + 'em'; } } } function resizeToolbar() { scFlag = false; scrollcount = 0; if (ToolBar_Supported == false) return; w = Math.max(ToolbarMinWidth, document.body.clientWidth) - ToolbarMinWidth; if ( !RTL ){ if (document.all("idMSMenuCurve")) { = (250+w) + 'px'; = (250+w+18) + 'px'; = MSMenuWidth + 'px'; = (w+18) + 'px'; = (w+18+200) + 'px'; = (MSMenuWidth - 200) + 'px'; = ToolbarMinWidth + w + 'px'; } }else if( RTL ){ = MSMenuWidth; // RTL Correction: was (250+w); = 0; // RTL Correction: was (250+w+18); = MSMenuWidth; = 112; // RTL Correction: was (w+18); = 0; // RTL Correction: was (w+18+200); = (MSMenuWidth - 200); = ToolbarMinWidth + w; = MSMenuWidth + 18 + w; // RTL Correction: line added for ICPBanner positioning } } function setToolbarBGColor(color) { ToolbarBGColor = color; if (ToolbarLoaded == true) = ToolbarBGColor; } function setBannerColor(bannerColor, bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (bannerColor.toUpperCase() != "WHITE" && bannerColor.toUpperCase() != "FFFFFF") bgColor = bannerColor; setToolbarBGColor(bannerColor); setDefaultICPMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor); } function setMSMenuFont(sFont) { MSFont = sFont; } function setICPMenuFont(sFont) { ICPFont = sFont; } function setDefaultMSMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (bgColor != "") aDefMSColor[0] = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") aDefMSColor[1] = fontColor; if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefMSColor[2] = mouseoverColor; } function setDefaultICPMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (bgColor != "") aDefICPColor[0] = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") aDefICPColor[1] = fontColor; if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor; } function setICPMenuColor(MenuIDStr, bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (ToolbarLoaded == false) return; // Reset previous ICP Menu color if any if (CurICPMenu != "") { PrevID = CurICPMenu.substring(4); CurICPMenu = ""; setICPMenuColor(PrevID, aDefICPColor[0], aDefICPColor[1], aDefICPColor[2]); } var id = "AM_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; var thisMenu = document.all(id); if (thisMenu != null) { CurICPMenu = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; aCurICPColor[0] = bgColor; aCurICPColor[1] = fontColor; aCurICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor; // Change menu color if (bgColor != "") = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") = fontColor; // Change subMenu color id = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; thisMenu = document.all(id); if (thisMenu != null) { if (bgColor != "") = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") { i = 0; id = "AS_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i); while (thisMenu != null) { = fontColor; i += 1; thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i); } } } } } function setAds(Gif,Url,AltStr) { setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setICPBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr) { if(RTL){ if (Gif.indexOf("training_banner_training.gif") > 0){ Gif = "training_banner_training.gif"; } } setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setMSBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr) { tempGif = "" + Gif; setBanner(tempGif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setBanner(BanGif, BanUrl, BanAltStr, BanBegTag, BanEndTag) { begPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanBegTag); endPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanEndTag) + BanEndTag.length; SubStr = HTMLStr.substring(begPos, endPos); SrcStr = ""; if (BanUrl != "") SrcStr += ""; SrcStr += "" + BanAltStr + ""; if (BanUrl != "") SrcStr += ""; SrcStr = BanBegTag + SrcStr + BanEndTag; HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); } function setICPSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit); } function setMSSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit); } function setSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { var fFound = false; if (TotalMenu == MaxMenu) { alert("Unable to process menu. Maximum of " + MaxMenu + " reached."); return; } for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { fFound = true; break; } if (!fFound) { arrMenuInfo[i] = new menuInfo(MenuIDStr); TotalMenu += 1; } if (!fFound && WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEFAULT") != -1) { arrMenuInfo[i].type = "A"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = 160; } else { arrMenuInfo[i].type = (WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("ABSOLUTE") != -1)? "A" : "R"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = WidthUnit; } } // This function creates a menuInfo object instance. function menuInfo(MenuIDStr) { this.IDStr = MenuIDStr; this.type = ""; this.unit = 0; this.width = 0; this.count = 0; } function updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr) { for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { if (arrMenuInfo[i].width < MenuIDStr.length) arrMenuInfo[i].width = MenuIDStr.length; arrMenuInfo[i].count = arrMenuInfo[i].count + 1; break; } } function addICPMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr) { if(RTL){ if (LastICPMenu == "") HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace("", TBLStr); } if (addICPMenu.arguments.length > 4) TargetStr = addICPMenu.arguments[4]; else TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, true); if (RTL){ LastICPMenu = tempID; }else{ bFstICPTBMenu=false; } } function addMSMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr) { TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; //alert(" TempID: " + tempID + " MenuDisplayString: " + MenuDisplayStr + " Menu Help String :" + MenuHelpStr + " MenuUrl:" + MenuURLStr + " Target:" + TargetStr); addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, false); LastMSMenu = tempID; } function addMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu) { cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont; cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0]; cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2]; if (RTL){ cStyle = "font:" + cFont + ";background-color:" + cColor0 + ";color:" + cColor1 + ";"; if (MenuHelpStr == "") MenuHelpStr = MenuDisplayStr; // Shailr. This line should have been before the line MenuStr = newLineChar; but I am tryig to avoid another if..else } tagStr = bICPMenu? "" : ""; MenuStr = newLineChar; if (!RTL){ if ((bICPMenu == false && LastMSMenu != "") || (bICPMenu == true && bFstICPTBMenu==false)) MenuStr += ""; MenuStr += "" + " " + MenuDisplayStr + " "; MenuStr += tagStr; } if ( RTL ){ if (bICPMenu) MenuStr += ""; else{ // RTL Correction: added: dir='rtl' (for MSMenu) MenuStr += ""; if (LastMSMenu != "") MenuStr += "|"; MenuStr += " "; } MenuStr += "" + " " + MenuDisplayStr + " "; if (bICPMenu) MenuStr += " |"; else MenuStr += ""; MenuStr += tagStr; } HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(tagStr, MenuStr); setSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr,"default",0); } function addICPSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr) { if (addICPSubMenu.arguments.length > 3) TargetStr = addICPSubMenu.arguments[3]; else TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,true); } function addMSSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr) { TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; //alert("TempID: " + tempID + "\nSubMenuStr: " + SubMenuStr + "\n SubMenuURLStr: " + SubMenuURLStr + "\n TargetStr: " + TargetStr); addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,false); } function addSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu) { cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont; cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0]; cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2]; var MenuPos = MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MENU"); if (MenuPos == -1) { MenuPos = MenuIDStr.length; } InstrumentStr = MenuIDStr.substring(0 , MenuPos) + "|" + SubMenuStr; URLStr = formatURL(SubMenuURLStr, InstrumentStr); var LookUpTag = ""; var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag); if (sPos <= 0) { HTMLStr += newLineChar + newLineChar + ""; HTMLStr += "
"; } else if (RTL){ HTMLStr += "
"; HTMLStr += "
"; } } TempStr = newLineChar + "" + " " + SubMenuStr + "
" + LookUpTag; if (sPos <= 0) HTMLStr += TempStr + "
"; else HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr); updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr); } function addICPSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr) { tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenuLine(tempID,true); } function addMSSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr) { tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenuLine(tempID,false); } function addSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr, bICPMenu) { var LookUpTag = ""; var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag); if (sPos > 0) { cColor = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; TempStr = newLineChar + "
" + LookUpTag; HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr); } } function addMSFooterMenu(MenuDisplayStr, MenuURLStr) { addFooterMenu(MenuDisplayStr, MenuURLStr, false) } function addICPFooterMenu(MenuDisplayStr, MenuURLStr) { addFooterMenu(MenuDisplayStr, MenuURLStr, true) bFstICPFTMenu = false; } function addFooterMenu(MenuDisplayStr, MenuURLStr, bICPMenu) { cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont; cColor1 = aDefICPColor[1]; cColor2 = aDefICPColor[2]; tagStr = bICPMenu? "" : ""; MenuStr = ""; if ((bICPMenu) && bFstICPFTMenu == false) MenuStr += " |"; if ((bICPMenu == false) && (MenuURLStr == '')) MenuStr += " " + MenuDisplayStr + " "; else { MenuStr += " " + MenuDisplayStr + " "; } MenuStr += tagStr; FooterStr = FooterStr.replace(tagStr, MenuStr); } function mouseMenu(id, MenuIDStr) { IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1); IsMouseout = (id.toUpperCase().indexOf("OUT") != -1); if (IsMouseout) { color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[1] : aDefICPColor[1]; if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[1] != "") color = aCurICPColor[1]; } else { color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[2] : aDefICPColor[2]; if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[2] != "") color = aCurICPColor[2]; } = color; } function doMenu(MenuIDStr) { var thisMenu = document.all(MenuIDStr); if (ToolbarMenu == null || thisMenu == null || thisMenu == ToolbarMenu) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } // Reset dropdown menu window.event.cancelBubble = true; = "none"; showElement("SELECT"); showElement("OBJECT"); ToolbarMenu = thisMenu; IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1); // Set dropdown menu display position x = window.event.srcElement.offsetLeft + window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetLeft; if (RTL){ // RTL correction: var ICPstart = 0; if (!IsMSMenu) { if (isIE5) ICPstart = window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetLeft; else // for IE4 we must use... ICPstart = window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetWidth - window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetWidth; x += ICPstart; } x -=; x += IsMSMenu ? 8 : -2; if (x < 0) x = 0; // End of RTL Correction } if (MenuIDStr == LastMSMenu){ if (!RTL){ x += (window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth -; }else if (RTL){ if (x < 0) x = 0; } } x2 = x + window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth; y = (IsMSMenu)? (idRow1.offsetHeight) : (idRow1.offsetHeight + idRow2.offsetHeight + idRow3.offsetHeight); if (RTL){ // Get main menu width // RTL Correction: if (IsMSMenu) x2 = window.event.srcElement.offsetLeft - window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth; else x2 = window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetLeft + ICPstart; // End of RTL Correction. // Get dropdown menu width x3 = x + 160; for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++){ if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { x3 = x+ arrMenuInfo[i].unit; break; } } } = y; = x; = "rect(0 0 0 0)"; = "block"; = 102; // delay 2 millsecond to allow the value of ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight be set window.setTimeout("showMenu()", 2); return true; } function showMenu() { if (ToolbarMenu != null) { IsMenuDropDown = (Frame_Supported && IsMSMenu == false)? false : true; if (IsMenuDropDown == false) { y = (y - ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight - idRow3.offsetHeight); if (y < 0) y = 0; = y; } y2 = y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight; = "rect(auto auto auto auto)"; hideElement("SELECT"); hideElement("OBJECT"); if (!RTL) x2 = x + ToolbarMenu.offsetWidth; hideElement("IFRAME"); //FRANKLO } } function hideMenu() { if (ToolbarMenu != null && ToolbarMenu != StartMenu) { // Don't hide the menu if the mouse move between the menu and submenus if (!RTL){ cY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; cX = event.clientX; //window.status = " flag: " + scFlag + " Count: " + scrollcount + " cx: " + cX + " x: " + x + " x2: " + x2 + " offset: " + document.body.scrollWidth; //window.status = "CY: " + cY + " Y: " + y + " Y2: " + y2 + " offTop: " + document.body.scrollTop ; window.status =; if (document.body.offsetWidth > x && scFlag) { cX = x + 9; } if ( (cX >= (x+5) && cX<=x2) && ((IsMenuDropDown == true && cY > (y-10) && cY <= y2) || (IsMenuDropDown == false && cY >= y && cY <= (y2+10)) )) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return; } }else if(RTL){ var cX = event.clientX //+ document.body.scrollLeft; // RTL correction: considers left scrollbar width! if (isRTL) cX -= 16; var cY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; var bHideMenu = true; window.status = "CX: " + cX + " X: " + x + "x3: " + x3 + "TBLOFFSET: " + document.body.scrollLeft + "x2: " + x2 + "Cy: " + cY + " Y: " + y + "idrow: " +idRow3.offsetHeight ; if (cX > document.body.scrollLeft && document.body.scrollLeft > 1){ cX = x3; //x + 9; } if (IsMenuDropDown == true) {// RTL Correction: cY-8 instead of cY if ( cY-8 >= (y - idRow3.offsetHeight) && cY < y) {// RTL Correction: [x,x2] --> [x2,x3] if (cX >= (x2+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } else if (cY >= y && cY <= y2) { if (cX > (x+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } } else { if (cY >= y2 && cY < (y2 + idRow3.offsetHeight)) {// RTL Correction: [x,x2] --> [x2,x3] if (cX >= (x2+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } else if (cY >= y && cY <= y2) { if (cX > (x+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } } if (! bHideMenu) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return; } } = "none"; ToolbarMenu = StartMenu; window.event.cancelBubble = true; showElement("SELECT"); showElement("OBJECT"); if(!RTL){ showElement("IFRAME"); //FRANKLO } } } function hideElement(elmID) { for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i]; if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; // Find the element's offsetTop and offsetLeft relative to the BODY tag. objLeft = obj.offsetLeft; objTop = obj.offsetTop; objParent = obj.offsetParent; while (objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { objLeft += objParent.offsetLeft; objTop += objParent.offsetTop; objParent = objParent.offsetParent; } // Adjust the element's offsetTop relative to the dropdown menu objTop = objTop - y; if (x > (objLeft + obj.offsetWidth) || objLeft > (x + ToolbarMenu.offsetWidth)) ; else if (objTop > ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight) ; else if (IsMSMenu && (y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight) <= 80) ; else = "hidden"; } } function showElement(elmID) { for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i]; if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; = ""; } } function formatURL(URLStr, InstrumentStr) { var tempStr = URLStr; if (DoInstrumentation && URLStr != "" ) { var ParamPos1 = URLStr.indexOf("?"); var ParamPos2 = URLStr.lastIndexOf("?"); var ParamPos3 = URLStr.toLowerCase().indexOf("target="); var ParamPos4 = URLStr.indexOf("#"); var Bookmark = ""; var URL = URLStr; if (ParamPos4 >= 0) { URL = URLStr.substr(0, ParamPos4); Bookmark = URLStr.substr(ParamPos4); } if (ParamPos1 == -1) tempStr = "?MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 == ParamPos2 && ParamPos3 == -1) tempStr = "&MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 == ParamPos2 && ParamPos3 != -1) tempStr = "?MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 < ParamPos2) tempStr = "&MSCOMTB="; tempStr = URL + tempStr + InstrumentStr.replace(" ","%20") + Bookmark; } return tempStr; } function prepTrackingString(ts, type) { var rArray; var rString; var pName = ''; if (0 == type) { pName = 'p='; rString = ts.substring(1); rArray = rString.split('/'); } if (1 == type) { pName = 'qs='; rString = ts.substring(1); rArray = rString.split('&'); } if (2 == type) { pName = 'f='; rString = escape(ts); return pName + rString; } if (3 == type) { pName = 'tPage='; rString = escape(ts); return pName+rString; } if (4 == type) { pName = 'sPage='; rString = escape(ts); return pName + rString; } if (5 == type) { pName = 'r='; rString = escape(ts); return pName + rString; } if (6 == type) { pName = 'MSID='; rString = escape(ts); return pName + rString; } if (7 == type) { pName = 'source='; rString = ts.toLowerCase(); if(rString.indexOf("") != -1) { rString = rString.substring(0,rString.indexOf("")); if('' == rString) { rString = "www"; } else { rString = rString.substring(0,rString.length -1); } } return pName + rString; } if (8 == type) { pName = 'TYPE='; rString = escape(ts); return pName + rString; } rString = ''; if(null != rArray) { if(0 == type) { for( j=0; j < rArray.length - 1; j++) { rString += rArray[j] + '_'; } } else { for( j=0; j < rArray.length ; j++) { rString += rArray[j] + '_'; } } } rString = rString.substring(0, rString.length - 1); return pName + rString; } function buildIMG(pArr) { var TG = '
'; if (!RTL){ document.writeln(TG); return; }else if (RTL){ document.write(TG); } } function setToolbarLocale(toolbarLocale) { document.writeln("<" + "script language='JavaScript' src='global-" + toolbarLocale + ".js' type='text/javascript'>"); //document.writeln("<" + "script language='JavaScript' src='../loc/global-" + toolbarLocale + ".js' type='text/javascript'>"); return; } function scrollbaroptions(){ scrollcount ++; if ( scrollcount < 3 ) { scFlag = true; }else{ scrollcount = 0; scFlag = false; } }