using System; using System.Web; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml.Serialization; using UDDI; using UDDI.Diagnostics; namespace UDDI.API.Business { public class DiscoveryUrl { [XmlAttribute("useType")] public string UseType; [XmlText] public string Value; public DiscoveryUrl() { } public DiscoveryUrl( string url ) { this.Value = url; this.UseType = ""; } public DiscoveryUrl( string url, string useType ) { this.Value = url; this.UseType = useType; } internal void Validate() { if( null == UseType ) UseType = ""; Utility.ValidateLength( ref UseType, "useType", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UseType ); Utility.ValidateLength( ref Value, "discoveryURL", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.DiscoveryURL ); } public void Save( string businessKey ) { // // Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_businessEntity_discoveryUrl_save", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // // Input parameters // cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ); cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@useType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UseType ) ); cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@discoveryUrl", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.DiscoveryURL ) ); // // Set parameters // SqlParameterAccessor parmacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); parmacc.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); parmacc.SetString( "@useType", UseType ); parmacc.SetString( "@discoveryUrl", Value ); // // Execute save // cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } public bool IsDefault( string businessKey ) { Debug.VerifySetting( "DefaultDiscoveryURL" ); string defaultDiscoveryUrl = Config.GetString( "DefaultDiscoveryURL" ) + businessKey; return ( null != UseType ) && ( "businessentity" == UseType.ToLower() ) && ( string.Compare( defaultDiscoveryUrl, Value, true ) == 0 ); } } public class DiscoveryUrlCollection : CollectionBase { public DiscoveryUrl this[int index] { get { return (DiscoveryUrl)List[index]; } set { List[index] = value; } } public void Get( string businessKey ) { // // This procedure add the discoveryURLs that were persisted to the database // this does not include the default discoveryURL, it is added by the the businessEntity.Get() // method since it has the visibility of the operator name who owns the entity. // // // Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure // SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cmd = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_businessEntity_discoveryURLs_get" ); // // Add parameters // cmd.Parameters.Add( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); cmd.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); // // Execute query // SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { Read( reader ); } finally { reader.Close(); } #if never // // This procedure add the discoveryURLs that were persisted to the database // this does not include the default discoveryURL, it is added by the the businessEntity.Get() // method since it has the visibility of the operator name who owns the entity. // const int UseTypeIndex = 0; const int UrlIndex = 1; // // Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_businessEntity_discoveryURLs_get", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // // Add parameters // cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@businessKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ); SqlParameterAccessor paramacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); paramacc.SetGuidFromString( "@businessKey", businessKey ); // // Execute query // SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { SqlDataReaderAccessor rdracc = new SqlDataReaderAccessor( rdr ); // // The discoveryUrls will be contained in the result set // while( rdr.Read() ) { string useType = rdracc.GetString( UseTypeIndex ); if( null == useType ) useType = ""; Add( rdracc.GetString( UrlIndex ), useType ); } } finally { rdr.Close(); } #endif } public void Read( SqlDataReaderAccessor reader ) { const int UseTypeIndex = 0; const int UrlIndex = 1; // // The discoveryUrls will be contained in the result set // while( reader.Read() ) { string useType = reader.GetString( UseTypeIndex ); if( null == useType ) useType = ""; Add( reader.GetString( UrlIndex ), useType ); } } internal void Validate() { foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in this ) { discoveryUrl.Validate(); } } public void Save( string businessKey ) { // // Keep a separate remove list. // DiscoveryUrlCollection duplicateUrls = null; foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in this ) { // // If we are not doing replication, then we want to check to make sure that we don't persist the // default discovery url. // if( ContextType.Replication != Context.ContextType ) { // // Make sure we don't persist the default discoveryURL // if( !discoveryUrl.IsDefault( businessKey ) ) { discoveryUrl.Save( businessKey ); } else { if( null == duplicateUrls ) { duplicateUrls = new DiscoveryUrlCollection(); } duplicateUrls.Add( discoveryUrl ); } } else { discoveryUrl.Save( businessKey ); } } // // Remove duplicates if we have any. // if( null != duplicateUrls ) { foreach( DiscoveryUrl duplicateUrl in duplicateUrls ) { this.Remove( duplicateUrl ); } } } internal void AddDefaultDiscoveryUrl( string businessKey ) { Debug.VerifySetting( "DefaultDiscoveryURL" ); string defaultDiscoveryUrl = Config.GetString( "DefaultDiscoveryURL" ) + businessKey; // // Check to see if the collection already contains the default // discovery URL. If so, we don't need to add one. // This check is needed since some of the legacy code used to // permit the persistence of the default discovery URL. // foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in this ) { if( discoveryUrl.IsDefault( businessKey ) ) return; } Add( defaultDiscoveryUrl, "businessEntity" ); } public int Add() { return List.Add( new DiscoveryUrl() ); } public int Add( DiscoveryUrl value ) { return List.Add( value ); } public int Add( string strUrl ) { return List.Add( new DiscoveryUrl( strUrl ) ); } public int Add( string strUrl, string strUseType ) { return List.Add( new DiscoveryUrl( strUrl, strUseType ) ); } public void Insert( int index, DiscoveryUrl value ) { List.Insert( index, value ); } public int IndexOf( DiscoveryUrl value ) { return List.IndexOf( value ); } public bool Contains( DiscoveryUrl value ) { return List.Contains( value ); } public void Remove( DiscoveryUrl value ) { List.Remove(value); } public void CopyTo( DiscoveryUrl[] array ) { foreach( DiscoveryUrl discoveryUrl in array ) Add( discoveryUrl ); } public DiscoveryUrl[] ToArray() { return (DiscoveryUrl[])InnerList.ToArray( typeof( DiscoveryUrl ) ); } } /// **************************************************************** /// public class DiscoveryUrlHandler /// ---------------------------------------------------------------- /// /// DiscoveryUrlHandler implements the IHttpHandler interface. /// It is designed to retrieve businessEntity details for a businessKey /// specified as part of the HTTP query string /// e.g. /// /// **************************************************************** /// public class DiscoveryUrlHandler : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest( HttpContext ctx ) { try { // // Verify the GET verb was used and that a query string is // specified. // if( "GET" != ctx.Request.RequestType.ToUpper() ) { ctx.Response.AddHeader( "Allow", "GET" ); ctx.Response.StatusCode = 405; // Method Not Allowed return; } if( null == ctx.Request.QueryString[ "businessKey" ] ) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400; // Bad Request ctx.Response.Write( "

400 Bad Request

Missing required argument 'businessKey'" ); return; } // // Attempt to retrieve the business entity. // ConnectionManager.Open( false, false ); string businessKey = ctx.Request.QueryString[ "businessKey" ]; BusinessEntity be = new BusinessEntity( businessKey ); be.Get(); // // Serialize the business Entity to the response stream // using UTF-8 encoding // // XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( be.GetType() ); XmlSerializer serializer = XmlSerializerManager.GetSerializer( be.GetType() ); UTF8Encoding utf8 = new UTF8Encoding( false ); StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter( ctx.Response.OutputStream, utf8 ); serializer.Serialize( sr, be ); ctx.Response.AddHeader( "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8" ); } catch( FormatException e ) { // // We get a FormatException when passed a bad GUID. // ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400; // Bad Request ctx.Response.Write( "

400 Bad Request

" + e.Message ); } catch( SqlException e ) { // // We get a SqlException when we could not get the data. // ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400; // Bad Request ctx.Response.Write( "

400 Bad Request

" + e.Message ); } catch( UDDIException e ) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 400; // Bad Request ctx.Response.Write( "

400 Bad Request

" + e.Message ); } catch( Exception e ) { ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500; // Internal Server Error ctx.Response.Write( "

500 Internal Server Error

" ); Debug.OperatorMessage( SeverityType.Error, CategoryType.None, OperatorMessageType.None, e.ToString() ); } finally { ConnectionManager.Close(); } } public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } } }