-- Script: uddi.v2.trig.sql -- Author: LRDohert@Microsoft.com -- Description: Creates triggers -- Note: This file is best viewed and edited with a tab width of 2. -- ============================================= -- Section: UDC_businessEntities -- ============================================= -- ============================================= -- Name: UDC_businessEntities_delete -- ============================================= IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'UDC_businessEntities_delete' AND type = 'TR') DROP TRIGGER UDC_businessEntities_delete GO CREATE TRIGGER UDC_businessEntities_delete ON UDC_businessEntities FOR DELETE AS BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [deleted]) > 0 BEGIN DELETE [UDC_serviceProjections] WHERE ([businessKey] IN (SELECT [businessKey] FROM [deleted])) END END -- UDC_businessEntities_delete GO