; MUI installation ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. [version] Signature="$Chicago$" AdvancedINF=2.5,"INF installer is too old." [Buildnumber] -1=1 [Languages] 040c=FR.MUI 0c0a=ES.MUI 0410=IT.MUI 041d=SV.MUI 0413=NL.MUI 0416=Br.MUI 040b=FI.MUI 0414=no.MUI 0406=da.MUI 040e=hu.MUI 0415=pl.MUI 0419=RU.MUI 0405=cs.MUI 0408=EL.MUI 0816=PT.MUI 041f=TR.MUI 0411=JPN.MUI 0412=KOR.MUI 0407=GER.MUI 0804=CHS.MUI 0404=CHH.MUI 0401=ARA.MUI 040d=HEB.MUI 0403=CA.MUI 041b=SK.MUI 0424=SL.MUI 0418=RO.MUI 041a=HR.MUI 0402=BG.MUI 0425=ET.MUI 0427=LT.MUI 0426=LV.MUI 041e=TH.MUI ; ; The display names to be used for the specified langauges. ; ; Normall, setup will display the name for a LCID using system NLS information. ; However, in this section, you can force setup to display a LCID using the ; customized names. ; ; It is always assumed that the LCID is in hex value, so there is no need ; to prefix by 0x. ; ; E.g. Suppose [LanguageDisplayName] has the following line: ; 0403=Pseudo Language ; ; Then setup will display the name for 0403 to be "Pseudo Language" in ; the list box. ; [LanguageDisplayName] 0403=Pseudo Language ; ; Indicate if setup should display the locale using the country name, instead of language name. ; [UseCountryName] 0804=1 0404=1 0416=1 0816=1 ; ; Additional language pack to be installed for a language. ; ; The format is: ; LCID=LangPackValue,LangPackValue,... ; ; It is always assumed that the LCID is in hex value, so there is no need ; to prefix by 0x. ; ; The LangPackValue can be decimal or hex value (prefix by 0x), and ; values should be separated by commas. ; ; Currently, valid language pack values are: ; ; Western Europe & U.S. 0x0001 ; Central Europe 0x0002 ; Baltic 0x0003 ; Greek 0x0004 ; Cyrillic 0x0005 ; Turkish 0x0006 ; Japanese 0x0007 ; Korean 0x0008 ; Traditional Chinese 0x0009 ; Simplified Chinese 0x000a ; Thai 0x000b ; Hebrew 0x000c ; Arabic 0x000d ; Vietnamese 0x000e ; Indic 0x000f ; Georgian 0x0010 ; Armenian 0x0011 ; ; E.g. Suppose [LanguagePack] section has the following line: ; 0411=0x09,0x0a ; ; Then if user choose to install language 0411 (Japanese), ; besides the default language pack for Japanese, setup will ; install additional language packs 0x0009 (Traditional Chinese) ; and 0x000a (Simplfied Chinese). ; ; [LanguagePack] 0403=0x07 /*: @*:The [Components] section has been moved to mui.txt since the external components are installed @*:depending on the language. Some external components (e.g. SAKIT) are available only in certain @*:languages. @*/ [FileSize_UI] 0401=153644032 0402=64020480 0403=126862976 0404=459301888 0405=348784640 0406=415296512 0407=406165504 0408=415296512 040b=415296512 040c=415296512 040d=153600000 040e=375096320 0410=395648000 0411=546890752 0412=491313152 0413=384626688 0414=415296512 0415=347468800 0416=397792256 0418=64020480 0419=357801984 041a=64020480 041b=64020480 041d=392711168 041e=64020480 041f=364776448 0424=64020480 0425=64020480 0426=64020480 0427=64020480 0804=456361984 0816=369117184 0c0a=401797120 [FileSize_UI_IA64] 0401=116862976 0402=60000000 0403=116862976 0404=127721472 0405=116862976 0406=116862976 0407=370552832 0408=116862976 040b=116862976 040c=383539200 040d=116862976 040e=116862976 0410=364076032 0411=507671552 0412=452086784 0413=116862976 0414=116862976 0415=116862976 0416=116862976 0418=60000000 0419=116862976 041a=60000000 041b=60000000 041d=116862976 041e=60000000 041f=116862976 0424=60000000 0425=60000000 0426=60000000 0427=60000000 0804=127721472 0816=116862976 0c0a=372091904 [FileSize_LPK] 0404=241172480 0804=241172480 0411=241172480 0412=241172480 0401=10485760 040d=10485760 040e=0 0415=0 0405=0 0419=0 0408=0 0403=0 041b=0 0424=0 0418=0 041a=0 0402=0 0425=0 0427=0 0426=0 041e=0 [FileSize_LPK_IA64] 0404=293601280 0804=293601280 0411=293601280 0412=293601280 0401=12582912 040d=12582912 040e=0 0415=0 0405=0 0419=0 0408=0 0403=0 041b=0 0424=0 0418=0 041a=0 0402=0 0425=0 0427=0 0426=0 041e=0 [CD_LAYOUT] cdlabel="Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack CD" 0401=4 0402=5 0404=1 0405=3 0406=4 0407=1 0408=4 040b=4 040c=2 040d=4 040e=3 0410=2 0411=1 0412=1 0413=2 0414=4 0415=3 0416=2 0418=5 0419=3 041a=5 041b=5 041d=2 041e=5 041f=3 0424=5 0425=5 0426=5 0427=5 0804=1 0816=3 0c0a=2 [CD_LAYOUT_IA64] cdlabel="Windows Multilingual User Interface Pack CD" 0401=2 0402=5 0404=2 0405=3 0406=3 0407=1 0408=4 040b=3 040c=1 040d=2 040e=4 0410=1 0411=1 0412=1 0413=2 0414=3 0415=4 0416=2 0418=5 0419=3 041a=5 041b=5 041d=2 041e=5 041f=4 0424=5 0425=5 0426=5 0427=5 0804=2 0816=4 0c0a=1 [Directories] 1=\system32\wbem 2=\help [FileType_NoFallback] 1=.CHQ 2=.CHM 3=.HLP 4=.CNT [FontLink] 0411="MS UI Gothic\\micross.ttf\\SimSun.TTC,SimSun\\gulim.ttc,gulim\\mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU" 0412="Gulim\\micross.ttf\\MSGOTHIC.TTC,MS UI Gothic\\SimSun.TTC,SimSun\\mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU" 0404="PMingLiU\\micross.ttf\\gulim.ttc,gulim\\MSGOTHIC.TTC,MS UI Gothic\\SimSun.TTC,SimSun" 0804="SimSun\\micross.ttf\\gulim.ttc,gulim\\MSGOTHIC.TTC,MS UI Gothic\\mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU"