/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: upnpmsgs.h * * Content: Messages for UPnP (Universal Plug-and-Play). Strings * listed here are not to be localized. * * History: * Date By Reason * ======== ======== ========= * 02/08/01 VanceO Created. * ***************************************************************************/ //============================================================================= // Constant definitions //============================================================================= #define UPNP_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST_ADDRESS "" #define UPNP_PORT 1900 #define UPNP_PORT_A "1900" #define UPNP_WILDCARD "" #define UPNP_BOOLEAN_FALSE "0" #define UPNP_BOOLEAN_TRUE "1" #define HTTP_PREFIX "HTTP/" #define HTTP_VERSION HTTP_PREFIX "1.1" #define HTTP_VERSION_ALT HTTP_PREFIX "1.0" #define HTTP_PORT 80 #define EOL "\r\n" //============================================================================= // XML standard names //============================================================================= #define XML_NAMESPACEDEFINITIONPREFIX "xmlns:" #define XML_DEVICEDESCRIPTION_SERVICETYPE "serviceType" #define XML_DEVICEDESCRIPTION_SERVICEID "serviceId" #define XML_DEVICEDESCRIPTION_CONTROLURL "controlURL" //============================================================================= // Standard namespaces //============================================================================= #define URI_CONTROL_A "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0" #define URL_SOAPENVELOPE_A "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" #define URL_SOAPENCODING_A "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" //============================================================================= // Devices //============================================================================= #define URI_DEVICE_WANCONNECTIONDEVICE_W L"urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:WANConnectionDevice:1" //============================================================================= // Services //============================================================================= #define URI_SERVICE_WANIPCONNECTION_A "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1" #define URI_SERVICE_WANPPPCONNECTION_A "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1" //============================================================================= // Standard control variables //============================================================================= #define ARG_CONTROL_ERROR_ERRORCODE_A "errorCode" #define ARG_CONTROL_ERROR_ERRORDESCRIPTION_A "errorDescription" #define CONTROL_RESPONSESUFFIX_A "Response" /* //============================================================================= // State variable querying //============================================================================= #define CONTROL_QUERYSTATEVARIABLE_A "QueryStateVariable" // Input #define ARG_CONTROL_VARNAME_A "varName" // Output #define ARG_CONTROL_RETURN_A "return" // Variables #define VAR_EXTERNALIPADDRESS_A "ExternalIPAddress" */ //============================================================================= // Actions //============================================================================= // Action /* GetExternalIPAddress? */ #define ACTION_GETEXTERNALIPADDRESS_A "GetExternalIPAddress" // In args // Out args #define ARG_GETEXTERNALIPADDRESS_NEWEXTERNALIPADDRESS_A "NewExternalIPAddress" // Action /* 2.4.16. AddPortMapping This action creates a new port mapping or overwrites an existing mapping with the same internal client. If the ExternalPort and PortMappingProtocol pair is already mapped to another internal client, an error is returned. NOTE: Not all NAT implementations will support: * Wildcard values for ExternalPort * InternalPort values that are different from ExternalPort * Dynamic port mappings i.e. with non-Infinite PortMappingLeaseDuration */ #define ACTION_ADDPORTMAPPING_A "AddPortMapping" // In args /* 2.2.15. RemoteHost This variable represents the source of inbound IP packets. This will be a wildcard in most cases. NAT vendors are only required to support wildcards. A non-wildcard value will allow for "narrow" port mappings, which may be desirable in some usage scenarios.When RemoteHost is a wildcard, all traffic sent to the ExternalPort on the WAN interface of the gateway is forwarded to the InternalClient on the InternalPort. When RemoteHost is specified as one external IP address as opposed to a wild card, the NAT will only forward inbound packets from this RemoteHost to the InternalClient, all other packets will be dropped. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWREMOTEHOST_A "NewRemoteHost" /* 2.2.16. ExternalPort This variable represents the external port that the NAT gateway would "listen" on for connection requests to a corresponding InternalPort on an InternalClient. A value of 0 essentially implies that the gateway should listen on the same port as InternalPort. Inbound packets to this external port on the WAN interface of the gateway should be forwarded to InternalClient on the InternalPort on which the message was received. If this value is specified as a wildcard, connection request on all external ports will be forwarded to InternalClient. Obviously only one such entry can exist in the NAT at any time and conflicts are handled with a "first write wins" behavior. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWEXTERNALPORT_A "NewExternalPort" /* 2.2.18. PortMappingProtocol This variable represents the protocol of the port mapping. Possible values are TCP or UDP. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWPROTOCOL_A "NewProtocol" /* 2.2.17. InternalPort This variable represents the port on InternalClient that the gateway should forward connection requests to. A value of 0 is not allowed. NAT implementations that do not permit different values for ExternalPort and InternalPort will return an error. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWINTERNALPORT_A "NewInternalPort" /* 2.2.19. InternalClient This variable represents the IP address or DNS host name of an internal client (on the residential LAN). Note that if the gateway does not support DHCP, it does not have to support DNS host names. Consequently, support for an IP address is mandatory and support for DNS host names is recommended. This value cannot be a wild card. It must be possible to set the InternalClient to the broadcast IP address for UDP mappings. This is to enable multiple NAT clients to use the same well- known port simultaneously. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWINTERNALCLIENT_A "NewInternalClient" /* 2.2.13. PortMappingEnabled This variable allows security conscious users to disable and enable NAT port mappings. It can also support persistence of port mappings. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWENABLED_A "NewEnabled" /* 2.2.20. PortMappingDescription This is a string representation of a port mapping and is applicable for static and dynamic port mappings. The format of the description string is not specified and is application dependent. If specified, the description string can be displayed to a user via the UI of a control point, enabling easier management of port mappings. The description string for a port mapping (or a set of related port mappings) may or may not be unique across multiple instantiations of an application on multiple nodes in the residential LAN. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWPORTMAPPINGDESCRIPTION_A "NewPortMappingDescription" /* 2.2.14. PortMappingLeaseDuration This variable determines the time to live in seconds of a port-mapping lease. A value of 0 means the port mapping is static. Non-zero values will allow support for dynamic port mappings. Note that static port mappings do not necessarily mean persistence of these mappings across device resets or reboots. It is up to a gateway vendor to implement persistence as appropriate for their IGD device. */ #define ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWLEASEDURATION_A "NewLeaseDuration" // Out args // Action /* 2.4.15. GetSpecificPortMappingEntry This action reports the Static Port Mapping specified by the unique tuple of RemoteHost, ExternalPort and PortMappingProtocol. */ #define ACTION_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_A "GetSpecificPortMappingEntry" // In args #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWREMOTEHOST_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWREMOTEHOST_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWEXTERNALPORT_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWEXTERNALPORT_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWPROTOCOL_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWPROTOCOL_A // Out args #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWINTERNALPORT_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWINTERNALPORT_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWINTERNALCLIENT_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWINTERNALCLIENT_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWENABLED_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWENABLED_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWPORTMAPPINGDESCRIPTION_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWPORTMAPPINGDESCRIPTION_A #define ARG_GETSPECIFICPORTMAPPINGENTRY_NEWLEASEDURATION_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWLEASEDURATION_A // Action /* 2.4.17. DeletePortMapping This action deletes a previously instantiated port mapping. Inbound connections are no longer permitted on the port mapping being deleted. */ #define ACTION_DELETEPORTMAPPING_A "DeletePortMapping" // In args #define ARG_DELETEPORTMAPPING_NEWREMOTEHOST_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWREMOTEHOST_A #define ARG_DELETEPORTMAPPING_NEWEXTERNALPORT_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWEXTERNALPORT_A #define ARG_DELETEPORTMAPPING_NEWPROTOCOL_A ARG_ADDPORTMAPPING_NEWPROTOCOL_A // Out args //============================================================================= // HTTP/SSDP/SOAP/UPnP header strings (located in intfobj.cpp) //============================================================================= #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_CACHECONTROL 0 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_DATE 1 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_EXT 2 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_LOCATION 3 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_SERVER 4 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_ST 5 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_USN 6 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_CONTENTLANGUAGE 7 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_CONTENTLENGTH 8 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_CONTENTTYPE 9 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_TRANSFERENCODING 10 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_HOST 11 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_NT 12 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_NTS 13 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_MAN 14 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_MX 15 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_AL 16 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_CALLBACK 17 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_TIMEOUT 18 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_SCOPE 19 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_SID 20 #define RESPONSEHEADERINDEX_SEQ 21 #define NUM_RESPONSE_HEADERS 22 extern const char * c_szResponseHeaders[NUM_RESPONSE_HEADERS]; //============================================================================= // Pre-built UPnP message strings (located in intfobj.cpp) //============================================================================= /* 1.2.2 Discovery: Search: Request with M-SEARCH (No body for request with method M-SEARCH, but note that the message must have a blank line following the last HTTP header.) Request line M-SEARCH Method defined by SSDP for search requests. * Request applies generally and not to a specific resource. Must be *. HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. Headers HOST Required. Multicast channel and port reserved for SSDP by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Must be MAN Required. Unlike the NTS and ST headers, the value of the MAN header is enclosed in double quotes. Must be "ssdp:discover". MX Required. Maximum wait. Device responses should be delayed a random duration between 0 and this many seconds to balance load for the control point when it processes responses. This value should be increased if a large number of devices are expected to respond or if network latencies are expected to be significant. Specified by UPnP vendor. Integer. ST Required header defined by SSDP. Search Target. Must be one of the following. (cf. NT header in NOTIFY with ssdp:alive above.) Single URI. ssdp:all Search for all devices and services. upnp:rootdevice Search for root devices only. uuid:device-UUID Search for a particular device. Device UUID specified by UPnP vendor. urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:deviceType:v Search for any device of this type. Device type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee. urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v Search for any service of this type. Service type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee. */ extern const char c_szUPnPMsg_Discover_Service_WANIPConnection[]; extern const char c_szUPnPMsg_Discover_Service_WANPPPConnection[]; /* 1.2.3 Discovery: Search: Response (No body for a response to a request with method M-SEARCH, but note that the message must have a blank line following the last HTTP header.) Response line HTTP/1.1 200 OK Headers CACHE-CONTROL Required. Must have max-age directive that specifies number of seconds the advertisement is valid. After this duration, control points should assume the device (or service) is no longer available. Should be > 1800 seconds (30 minutes). Specified by UPnP vendor. Integer. DATE Recommended. When response was generated. RFC 1123 date. EXT Required. Confirms that the MAN header was understood. (Header only; no value.) LOCATION Required. Contains a URL to the UPnP description of the root device. In some unmanaged networks, host of this URL may contain an IP address (versus a domain name). Specified by UPnP vendor. Single URL. SERVER Required. Concatenation of OS name, OS version, UPnP/1.0, product name, and product version. Specified by UPnP vendor. String. ST Required header defined by SSDP. Search Target. Single URI. If ST header in request was, ssdp:all Respond 3+2d+k times for a root device with d embedded devices and s embedded services but only k distinct service types. Value for ST header must be the same as for the NT header in NOTIFY messages with ssdp:alive. (See above.) Single URI. upnp:rootdevice Respond once for root device. Must be upnp:rootdevice. Single URI. uuid:device-UUID Respond once for each device, root or embedded. Must be uuid:device-UUID. Device UUID specified by UPnP vendor. Single URI. urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:deviceType:v Respond once for each device, root or embedded. Must be urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:deviceType:v. Device type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee. urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v Respond once for each service. Must be urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v. Service type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee. USN Required header defined by SSDP. Unique Service Name. (See list of required values for USN header in NOTIFY with ssdp:alive above.) Single URI. */ /* 2.9 Description: Retrieving a description: Request (No body for request to retrieve a description, but note that the message must have a blank line following the last HTTP header.) Request line GET Method defined by HTTP. path to description Path component of device description URL (LOCATION header in discovery message) or of service description URL (SCPDURL element in device description). Single, relative URL. HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. Headers HOST Required. Domain name or IP address and optional port components of device description URL (LOCATION header in discovery message) or of service description URL (SCPDURL element of device description). If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. ACCEPT-LANGUAGE Recommended for retrieving device descriptions. Preferred language(s) for description. If no description is available in this language, device may return a description in a default language. RFC 1766 language tag(s). */ /* 2.9 Description: Retrieving a description: Response The body of this response is a UPnP device or service XML description. Response line HTTP/1.1 200 OK Headers CONTENT-LANGUAGE Required if and only if request included an ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header. Language of description. RFC 1766 language tag(s). CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in Bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xml. DATE Recommended. When response was generated. RFC 1123 date. */ // // Description response XML format (parts we're interested in, anyway): // // <?xml version="1.0"?> // <root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0"> // <device> // <serviceList> // <service> // <serviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v</serviceType> // <serviceId>urn:upnp-org:serviceId:serviceID</serviceId> // <controlURL>URL for control</controlURL> // </service> // </serviceList> // </device> // </root> // // i.e. the element stack is "?xml/root/device/serviceList/service". // extern const char * c_szElementStack_service[]; /* 3.3.1 Control: Query: Invoke Request line POST Method defined by HTTP. path of control URL Path component of URL for control for this service (controlURL sub element of service element of device description). Single, relative URL. HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. Headers HOST Required. Domain name or IP address and optional port components of URL for control for this service (controlURL sub element of service element of device description). If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. ACCEPT-LANGUAGE (No ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header is used in control messages.) CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xlm. Should include character coding used, e.g., utf-8. MAN (No MAN header in request with method POST.) SOAPACTION Required header defined by SOAP. Must be "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0#QueryStateVariable". If used in a request with method M-POST, header name must be qualified with HTTP name space defined in MAN header. Single URI. Body Envelope Required element defined by SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/". Must include encodingStyle attribute with value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". Contains the following sub elements: Body Required element defined by SOAP. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub element: QueryStateVariable Required element defined by UPnP. Action name. xmlns namespace attribute must be "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0". Must be the first sub element of Body. Contains the following, ordered sub element: varName Required element defined by UPnP. Variable name. Must be qualified by QueryStateVariable namespace. Values is name of state variable to be queried. String. */ /* 3.3.2 Control: Query: Response: Success Response line HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. 200 OK HTTP success code. Headers CONTENT-LANGUAGE (No CONTENT-LANGUAGE header is used in control messages.) CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xlm. Should include character coding used, e.g., utf-8. DATE Recommended. When response was generated. RFC 1123 date. EXT Required. Confirms that the MAN header was understood. (Header only; no value.) SERVER Required. Concatenation of OS name, OS version, UPnP/1.0, product name, and product version. String. Body Envelope Required element defined by SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/". Must include encodingStyle attribute with value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". Contains the following sub elements: Body Required element defined by SOAP. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub element: QueryStateVariableResponse Required element defined by UPnP and SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0". Must be the first sub element of Body. Contains the following sub element: return Required element defined by UPnP. (Element name not qualified by a namespace; element nesting context is sufficient.) Value is current value of the state variable specified in varName element in request. */ // // Control sucess response SOAP XML format (parts we're interested in, anyway): // // <s:Envelope // xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" // s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> // <s:Body> // <u:QueryStateVariableResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0"> // <return>variable value</return> // </u:QueryStateVariableResponse> // </s:Body> // </s:Envelope> // // i.e. the element stack is "s:Envelope/s:Body/u:QueryStateVariableResponse". // //extern const char * c_szElementStack_QueryStateVariableResponse[]; /* 3.2.1 Control: Action: Invoke Request line POST Method defined by HTTP. path control URL Path component of URL for control for this service (controlURL sub element of service element of device description). Single, relative URL. HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. Headers HOST Required. Domain name or IP address and optional port components of URL for control for this service (controlURL sub element of service element of device description). If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. ACCEPT-LANGUAGE (No ACCEPT-LANGUAGE header is used in control messages.) CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xlm. Should include character coding used, e.g., utf-8. SOAPACTION Required header defined by SOAP. Must be the service type, hash mark, and name of action to be invoked, all enclosed in double quotes. If used in a request with method M-POST, header name must be qualified with HTTP name space defined in MAN header. Single URI. Body Envelope Required element defined by SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/". Must include encodingStyle attribute with value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". Contains the following sub elements: Body Required element defined by SOAP. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub element: actionName Required. Name of element is name of action to invoke. xmlns namespace attribute must be the service type enclosed in double quotes. Must be the first sub element of Body. Contains the following, ordered sub element(s): argumentName Required if and only if action has in arguments. Value to be passed to action. Repeat once for each in argument. (Element name not qualified by a namespace; element nesting context is sufficient.) Single data type as defined by UPnP service description. */ /* 3.2.2 Control: Action: Response: Success Response line HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. 200 OK HTTP success code. Headers CONTENT-LANGUAGE (No CONTENT-LANGUAGE header is used in control messages.) CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xlm. Should include character coding used, e.g., utf-8. DATE Recommended. When response was generated. RFC 1123 date. EXT Required. Confirms that the MAN header was understood. (Header only; no value.) SERVER Required. Concatenation of OS name, OS version, UPnP/1.0, product name, and product version. String. Body Envelope Required element defined by SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/". Must include encodingStyle attribute with value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". Contains the following sub elements: Body Required element defined by SOAP. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub element: actionNameResponse Required. Name of element is action name prepended to Response. xmlns namespace attribute must be service type enclosed in double quotes. Must be the first sub element of Body. Contains the following sub element: argumentName Required if and only if action has out arguments. Value returned from action. Repeat once for each out argument. If action has an argument marked as retval, this argument must be the first element. (Element name not qualified by a namespace; element nesting context is sufficient.) Single data type as defined by UPnP service description. */ // // Control sucess response SOAP XML format (parts we're interested in, anyway): // // <s:Envelope // xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" // s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> // <s:Body> // <u:actionNameResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:serviceType:v"> // <argumentName>out arg value</argumentName> // </u:actionNameResponse> // </s:Body> // </s:Envelope> // // i.e. the element stack is "s:Envelope/s:Body/u:actionNameResponse". // extern const char * c_szElementStack_GetExternalIPAddressResponse[]; extern const char * c_szElementStack_AddPortMappingResponse[]; extern const char * c_szElementStack_GetSpecificPortMappingEntryResponse[]; extern const char * c_szElementStack_DeletePortMappingResponse[]; /* 3.2.2 Control: Action: Response: Failure Response line HTTP/1.1 HTTP version. 500 Internal Server Error HTTP error code. Headers CONTENT-LANGUAGE (No CONTENT-LANGUAGE header is used in control messages.) CONTENT-LENGTH Required. Length of body in bytes. Integer. CONTENT-TYPE Required. Must be text/xlm. Should include character coding used, e.g., utf-8. DATE Recommended. When response was generated. RFC 1123 date. EXT Required. Confirms that the MAN header was understood. (Header only; no value.) SERVER Required. Concatenation of OS name, OS version, UPnP/1.0, product name, and product version. String. Body Envelope Required element defined by SOAP. xmlns namespace attribute must be "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/". Must include encodingStyle attribute with value "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/". Contains the following sub elements: Body Required element defined by SOAP. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub element: Fault Required element defined by SOAP. Error encountered while invoking action. Should be qualified with SOAP namespace. Contains the following sub elements: faultcode Required element defined by SOAP. Value must be qualified with the SOAP namespace. Must be Client. faultstring Required element defined by SOAP. Must be UPnPError. detail Required element defined by SOAP. UPnPError Required element defined by UPnP. errorCode Required element defined by UPnP. Code identifying what error was encountered. See table immediately below for values. Integer. errorDescription Recommended element defined by UPnP. Short description. See table immediately below for values. String. Recommend < 256 characters. */ // // Control failure response SOAP XML format (parts we're interested in, anyway): // // <s:Envelope // xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" // s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> // <s:Body> // <s:Fault> // <faultcode>s:Client</faultcode> // <faultstring>UPnPError</faultstring> // <detail> // <UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0"> // <errorCode>error code</errorCode> // <errorDescription>error string</errorDescription> // </UPnPError> // </detail> // </s:Fault> // </s:Body> // </s:Envelope> // // i.e. the element stack is "s:Envelope/s:Body/s:Fault/detail/UPnPError". // extern const char * c_szElementStack_ControlResponseFailure[]; //============================================================================= // Errors //============================================================================= // // See UPnP Device Architecture section on Control. // #define UPNPERR_INVALIDARGS 402 // // The specified value does not exist in the array. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_NOSUCHENTRYINARRAY 714 // // The source IP address cannot be wild-carded. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_WILDCARDNOTPERMITTEDINSRCIP 715 // // The external port cannot be wild-carded. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_WILDCARDNOTPERMITTEDINEXTPORT 716 // // The service mapping entry specified conflicts with a mapping assigned // previously to another client. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_CONFLICTINMAPPINGENTRY 718 // // Internal and External port values must be the same. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_SAMEPORTVALUESREQUIRED 724 // // The NAT implementation only supports permanent lease times on port mappings. // #define UPNPERR_IGD_ONLYPERMANENTLEASESSUPPORTED 725