#ifndef __gl_g_lcomp_h #define __gl_g_lcomp_h /* ** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ #define __GL_PAD(x) ((((x) + 3) >> 2) << 2) struct __gllc_CallList_Rec { GLuint list; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CallList(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CallLists_Rec { GLsizei n; GLenum type; /* lists */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CallLists(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern GLint FASTCALL __glCallLists_size(GLsizei n, GLenum type); struct __gllc_ListBase_Rec { GLuint base; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ListBase(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Begin_Rec { GLenum mode; #ifdef NT GLuint flags; GLint nVertices; __GLcolor otherColor; #endif }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Begin(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Bitmap(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3b_Rec { GLbyte red; GLbyte green; GLbyte blue; GLubyte pad1; }; struct __gllc_Color3bv_Rec { GLbyte v[3]; GLubyte pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3bv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3d_Rec { GLdouble red; GLdouble green; GLdouble blue; }; struct __gllc_Color3dv_Rec { GLdouble v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3f_Rec { GLfloat red; GLfloat green; GLfloat blue; }; struct __gllc_Color3fv_Rec { GLfloat v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3i_Rec { GLint red; GLint green; GLint blue; }; struct __gllc_Color3iv_Rec { GLint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3s_Rec { GLshort red; GLshort green; GLshort blue; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_Color3sv_Rec { GLshort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3ub_Rec { GLubyte red; GLubyte green; GLubyte blue; GLubyte pad1; }; struct __gllc_Color3ubv_Rec { GLubyte v[3]; GLubyte pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3ubv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3ui_Rec { GLuint red; GLuint green; GLuint blue; }; struct __gllc_Color3uiv_Rec { GLuint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3uiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color3us_Rec { GLushort red; GLushort green; GLushort blue; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_Color3usv_Rec { GLushort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color3usv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4b_Rec { GLbyte red; GLbyte green; GLbyte blue; GLbyte alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4bv_Rec { GLbyte v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4bv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4d_Rec { GLdouble red; GLdouble green; GLdouble blue; GLdouble alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4dv_Rec { GLdouble v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4f_Rec { GLfloat red; GLfloat green; GLfloat blue; GLfloat alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4fv_Rec { GLfloat v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4i_Rec { GLint red; GLint green; GLint blue; GLint alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4iv_Rec { GLint v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4s_Rec { GLshort red; GLshort green; GLshort blue; GLshort alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4sv_Rec { GLshort v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4ub_Rec { GLubyte red; GLubyte green; GLubyte blue; GLubyte alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4ubv_Rec { GLubyte v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4ubv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4ui_Rec { GLuint red; GLuint green; GLuint blue; GLuint alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4uiv_Rec { GLuint v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4uiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Color4us_Rec { GLushort red; GLushort green; GLushort blue; GLushort alpha; }; struct __gllc_Color4usv_Rec { GLushort v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Color4usv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EdgeFlag_Rec { GLboolean flag; GLubyte pad1; GLubyte pad2; GLubyte pad3; }; struct __gllc_EdgeFlagv_Rec { GLboolean flag[1]; GLubyte pad1; GLubyte pad2; GLubyte pad3; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EdgeFlag(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_End(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Indexd_Rec { GLdouble c; }; struct __gllc_Indexdv_Rec { GLdouble c[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Indexdv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Indexf_Rec { GLfloat c; }; struct __gllc_Indexfv_Rec { GLfloat c[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Indexf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Indexi_Rec { GLint c; }; struct __gllc_Indexiv_Rec { GLint c[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Indexiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Indexs_Rec { GLshort c; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_Indexsv_Rec { GLshort c[1]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Indexsv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Normal3b_Rec { GLbyte nx; GLbyte ny; GLbyte nz; GLubyte pad1; }; struct __gllc_Normal3bv_Rec { GLbyte v[3]; GLubyte pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Normal3bv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Normal3d_Rec { GLdouble nx; GLdouble ny; GLdouble nz; }; struct __gllc_Normal3dv_Rec { GLdouble v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Normal3dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Normal3f_Rec { GLfloat nx; GLfloat ny; GLfloat nz; }; struct __gllc_Normal3fv_Rec { GLfloat v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Normal3fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Normal3i_Rec { GLint nx; GLint ny; GLint nz; }; struct __gllc_Normal3iv_Rec { GLint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Normal3iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Normal3s_Rec { GLshort nx; GLshort ny; GLshort nz; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_Normal3sv_Rec { GLshort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Normal3sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos2d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos2dv_Rec { GLdouble v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos2dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos2f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos2fv_Rec { GLfloat v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos2f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos2i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos2iv_Rec { GLint v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos2iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos2s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos2sv_Rec { GLshort v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos2sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos3d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos3dv_Rec { GLdouble v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos3dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos3f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos3fv_Rec { GLfloat v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos3fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos3i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLint z; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos3iv_Rec { GLint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos3iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos3s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; GLshort z; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos3sv_Rec { GLshort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos3sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos4d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; GLdouble w; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos4dv_Rec { GLdouble v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos4dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos4f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; GLfloat w; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos4fv_Rec { GLfloat v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos4fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos4i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLint z; GLint w; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos4iv_Rec { GLint v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos4iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_RasterPos4s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; GLshort z; GLshort w; }; struct __gllc_RasterPos4sv_Rec { GLshort v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_RasterPos4sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Rectd_Rec { GLdouble x1; GLdouble y1; GLdouble x2; GLdouble y2; }; struct __gllc_Rectdv_Rec { GLdouble v1[2]; GLdouble v2[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rectdv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Rectf_Rec { GLfloat x1; GLfloat y1; GLfloat x2; GLfloat y2; }; struct __gllc_Rectfv_Rec { GLfloat v1[2]; GLfloat v2[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rectf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Recti_Rec { GLint x1; GLint y1; GLint x2; GLint y2; }; struct __gllc_Rectiv_Rec { GLint v1[2]; GLint v2[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rectiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Rects_Rec { GLshort x1; GLshort y1; GLshort x2; GLshort y2; }; struct __gllc_Rectsv_Rec { GLshort v1[2]; GLshort v2[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rectsv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord1d_Rec { GLdouble s; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord1dv_Rec { GLdouble v[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord1dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord1f_Rec { GLfloat s; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord1fv_Rec { GLfloat v[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord1f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord1i_Rec { GLint s; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord1iv_Rec { GLint v[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord1iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord1s_Rec { GLshort s; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord1sv_Rec { GLshort v[1]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord1sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord2d_Rec { GLdouble s; GLdouble t; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord2dv_Rec { GLdouble v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord2dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord2f_Rec { GLfloat s; GLfloat t; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord2fv_Rec { GLfloat v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord2f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord2i_Rec { GLint s; GLint t; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord2iv_Rec { GLint v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord2iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord2s_Rec { GLshort s; GLshort t; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord2sv_Rec { GLshort v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord2sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord3d_Rec { GLdouble s; GLdouble t; GLdouble r; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord3dv_Rec { GLdouble v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord3dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord3f_Rec { GLfloat s; GLfloat t; GLfloat r; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord3fv_Rec { GLfloat v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord3fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord3i_Rec { GLint s; GLint t; GLint r; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord3iv_Rec { GLint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord3iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord3s_Rec { GLshort s; GLshort t; GLshort r; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord3sv_Rec { GLshort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord3sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord4d_Rec { GLdouble s; GLdouble t; GLdouble r; GLdouble q; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord4dv_Rec { GLdouble v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord4dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord4f_Rec { GLfloat s; GLfloat t; GLfloat r; GLfloat q; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord4fv_Rec { GLfloat v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord4fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord4i_Rec { GLint s; GLint t; GLint r; GLint q; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord4iv_Rec { GLint v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord4iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexCoord4s_Rec { GLshort s; GLshort t; GLshort r; GLshort q; }; struct __gllc_TexCoord4sv_Rec { GLshort v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexCoord4sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex2d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; }; struct __gllc_Vertex2dv_Rec { GLdouble v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex2dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex2f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; }; struct __gllc_Vertex2fv_Rec { GLfloat v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex2f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex2i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; }; struct __gllc_Vertex2iv_Rec { GLint v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex2iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex2s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; }; struct __gllc_Vertex2sv_Rec { GLshort v[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex2sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex3d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; }; struct __gllc_Vertex3dv_Rec { GLdouble v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex3dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex3f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; }; struct __gllc_Vertex3fv_Rec { GLfloat v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex3fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex3i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLint z; }; struct __gllc_Vertex3iv_Rec { GLint v[3]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex3iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex3s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; GLshort z; GLushort pad1; }; struct __gllc_Vertex3sv_Rec { GLshort v[3]; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex3sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex4d_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; GLdouble w; }; struct __gllc_Vertex4dv_Rec { GLdouble v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex4dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex4f_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; GLfloat w; }; struct __gllc_Vertex4fv_Rec { GLfloat v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex4fv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex4i_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLint z; GLint w; }; struct __gllc_Vertex4iv_Rec { GLint v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex4iv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Vertex4s_Rec { GLshort x; GLshort y; GLshort z; GLshort w; }; struct __gllc_Vertex4sv_Rec { GLshort v[4]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Vertex4sv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClipPlane_Rec { GLdouble equation[4]; GLenum plane; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClipPlane(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ColorMaterial_Rec { GLenum face; GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ColorMaterial(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CullFace_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CullFace(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Fogf_Rec { GLenum pname; GLfloat param; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Fogf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Fogfv_Rec { GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Fogfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT // FOG_ASSERT #define __glFogfv_size(pname) \ ((pname) == GL_FOG_COLOR \ ? 4 \ : (RANGE((pname),GL_FOG_INDEX,GL_FOG_MODE) \ ? 1 \ : -1)) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glFogfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_Fogi_Rec { GLenum pname; GLint param; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Fogi(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Fogiv_Rec { GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Fogiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern GLint FASTCALL __glFogiv_size(GLenum pname); struct __gllc_FrontFace_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_FrontFace(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Hint_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Hint(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Lightfv_Rec { GLenum light; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Lightfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT // LIGHT_SOURCE_ASSERT #define __glLightfv_size(pname) \ ((pname) == GL_SPOT_DIRECTION \ ? 3 \ : (RANGE((pname),GL_AMBIENT,GL_POSITION) \ ? 4 \ : (RANGE((pname),GL_SPOT_EXPONENT,GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION) \ ? 1 \ : -1))) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glLightfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_Lightiv_Rec { GLenum light; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Lightiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern GLint FASTCALL __glLightiv_size(GLenum pname); struct __gllc_LightModelfv_Rec { GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LightModelfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glLightModelfv_size(pname) \ (((pname) == GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER || \ (pname) == GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE) \ ? 1 \ : ((pname) == GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT \ ? 4 \ : -1)) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glLightModelfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_LightModeliv_Rec { GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LightModeliv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern GLint FASTCALL __glLightModeliv_size(GLenum pname); struct __gllc_LineStipple_Rec { GLint factor; GLushort pattern; GLushort pad1; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LineStipple(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_LineWidth_Rec { GLfloat width; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LineWidth(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Materialfv_Rec { GLenum face; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Materialfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glMaterialfv_size(pname) \ ((pname) == GL_SHININESS \ ? 1 \ : ((pname) == GL_COLOR_INDEXES \ ? 3 \ : (((pname) == GL_AMBIENT || \ (pname) == GL_DIFFUSE || \ (pname) == GL_SPECULAR || \ (pname) == GL_EMISSION || \ (pname) == GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE) \ ? 4 \ : -1))) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glMaterialfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_Materialiv_Rec { GLenum face; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Materialiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern GLint FASTCALL __glMaterialiv_size(GLenum pname); struct __gllc_PointSize_Rec { GLfloat size; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PointSize(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PolygonMode_Rec { GLenum face; GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PolygonMode(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PolygonStipple_Rec { GLubyte mask[128]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PolygonStipple(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Scissor_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Scissor(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ShadeModel_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ShadeModel(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexParameterfv_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexParameterfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT // TEX_PARAMETER_ASSERT #define __glTexParameterfv_size(pname) \ ((RANGE((pname),GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T) || \ (pname) == GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY) \ ? 1 \ : ((pname) == GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR \ ? 4 \ : -1)) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexParameterfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_TexParameteriv_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexParameteriv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexParameteriv_size(pname) __glTexParameterfv_size(pname) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexParameteriv_size(GLenum pname); #endif typedef struct __GLtexImage1D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint components; GLsizei width; GLint border; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* pixels */ } __GLtexImage1D; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexImage1D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLtexImage2D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint components; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; GLint border; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* pixels */ } __GLtexImage2D; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexImage2D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_TexEnvfv_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexEnvfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexEnvfv_size(pname) \ ((pname) == GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE \ ? 1 \ : ((pname) == GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR \ ? 4 \ : -1)) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexEnvfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_TexEnviv_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexEnviv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexEnviv_size(pname) __glTexEnvfv_size(pname) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexEnviv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_TexGendv_Rec { GLenum coord; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexGendv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexGendv_size(pname) \ (((pname) == GL_OBJECT_PLANE || (pname) == GL_EYE_PLANE) \ ? 4 \ : ((pname) == GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE \ ? 1 \ : -1)) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexGendv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_TexGenfv_Rec { GLenum coord; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexGenfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexGenfv_size(pname) __glTexGendv_size(pname) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexGenfv_size(GLenum pname); #endif struct __gllc_TexGeniv_Rec { GLenum coord; GLenum pname; /* params */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexGeniv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef NT #define __glTexGeniv_size(pname) __glTexGendv_size(pname) #else extern GLint FASTCALL __glTexGeniv_size(GLenum pname); #endif extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_InitNames(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_LoadName_Rec { GLuint name; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LoadName(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PassThrough_Rec { GLfloat token; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PassThrough(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PopName(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PushName_Rec { GLuint name; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PushName(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DrawBuffer_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DrawBuffer(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Clear_Rec { GLbitfield mask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Clear(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClearAccum_Rec { GLfloat red; GLfloat green; GLfloat blue; GLfloat alpha; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClearAccum(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClearIndex_Rec { GLfloat c; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClearIndex(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClearColor_Rec { GLclampf red; GLclampf green; GLclampf blue; GLclampf alpha; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClearColor(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClearStencil_Rec { GLint s; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClearStencil(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ClearDepth_Rec { GLclampd depth; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ClearDepth(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_StencilMask_Rec { GLuint mask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_StencilMask(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ColorMask_Rec { GLboolean red; GLboolean green; GLboolean blue; GLboolean alpha; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ColorMask(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DepthMask_Rec { GLboolean flag; GLubyte pad1; GLubyte pad2; GLubyte pad3; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DepthMask(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_IndexMask_Rec { GLuint mask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_IndexMask(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Accum_Rec { GLenum op; GLfloat value; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Accum(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Disable_Rec { GLenum cap; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Disable(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Enable_Rec { GLenum cap; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Enable(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PopAttrib(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PushAttrib_Rec { GLbitfield mask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PushAttrib(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLmap1_Rec { GLenum target; __GLfloat u1; __GLfloat u2; GLint order; /* points */ } __GLmap1; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Map1(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLmap2_Rec { GLenum target; __GLfloat u1; __GLfloat u2; GLint uorder; __GLfloat v1; __GLfloat v2; GLint vorder; /* points */ } __GLmap2; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Map2(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MapGrid1d_Rec { GLdouble u1; GLdouble u2; GLint un; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MapGrid1d(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MapGrid1f_Rec { GLint un; GLfloat u1; GLfloat u2; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MapGrid1f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MapGrid2d_Rec { GLdouble u1; GLdouble u2; GLdouble v1; GLdouble v2; GLint un; GLint vn; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MapGrid2d(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MapGrid2f_Rec { GLint un; GLfloat u1; GLfloat u2; GLint vn; GLfloat v1; GLfloat v2; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MapGrid2f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalCoord1d_Rec { GLdouble u; }; struct __gllc_EvalCoord1dv_Rec { GLdouble u[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalCoord1dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalCoord1f_Rec { GLfloat u; }; struct __gllc_EvalCoord1fv_Rec { GLfloat u[1]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalCoord1f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalCoord2d_Rec { GLdouble u; GLdouble v; }; struct __gllc_EvalCoord2dv_Rec { GLdouble u[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalCoord2dv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalCoord2f_Rec { GLfloat u; GLfloat v; }; struct __gllc_EvalCoord2fv_Rec { GLfloat u[2]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalCoord2f(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalMesh1_Rec { GLenum mode; GLint i1; GLint i2; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalMesh1(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalPoint1_Rec { GLint i; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalPoint1(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalMesh2_Rec { GLenum mode; GLint i1; GLint i2; GLint j1; GLint j2; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalMesh2(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_EvalPoint2_Rec { GLint i; GLint j; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_EvalPoint2(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_AlphaFunc_Rec { GLenum func; GLclampf ref; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_AlphaFunc(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_BlendFunc_Rec { GLenum sfactor; GLenum dfactor; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_BlendFunc(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_LogicOp_Rec { GLenum opcode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LogicOp(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_StencilFunc_Rec { GLenum func; GLint ref; GLuint mask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_StencilFunc(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_StencilOp_Rec { GLenum fail; GLenum zfail; GLenum zpass; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_StencilOp(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DepthFunc_Rec { GLenum func; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DepthFunc(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelZoom_Rec { GLfloat xfactor; GLfloat yfactor; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelZoom(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelTransferf_Rec { GLenum pname; GLfloat param; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelTransferf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelTransferi_Rec { GLenum pname; GLint param; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelTransferi(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelMapfv_Rec { GLenum map; GLint mapsize; /* values */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelMapfv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelMapuiv_Rec { GLenum map; GLint mapsize; /* values */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelMapuiv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PixelMapusv_Rec { GLenum map; GLint mapsize; /* values */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PixelMapusv(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_ReadBuffer_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ReadBuffer(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CopyPixels_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; GLenum type; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CopyPixels(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLdrawPixels_Rec { GLsizei width; GLsizei height; GLenum format; GLenum type; /* pixels */ } __GLdrawPixels; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DrawPixels(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DepthRange_Rec { GLclampd zNear; GLclampd zFar; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DepthRange(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Frustum_Rec { GLdouble left; GLdouble right; GLdouble bottom; GLdouble top; GLdouble zNear; GLdouble zFar; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Frustum(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LoadIdentity(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_LoadMatrixf_Rec { GLfloat m[16]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LoadMatrixf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_LoadMatrixd_Rec { GLdouble m[16]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_LoadMatrixd(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MatrixMode_Rec { GLenum mode; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MatrixMode(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MultMatrixf_Rec { GLfloat m[16]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MultMatrixf(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_MultMatrixd_Rec { GLdouble m[16]; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_MultMatrixd(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Ortho_Rec { GLdouble left; GLdouble right; GLdouble bottom; GLdouble top; GLdouble zNear; GLdouble zFar; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Ortho(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PopMatrix(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PushMatrix(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Rotated_Rec { GLdouble angle; GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rotated(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Rotatef_Rec { GLfloat angle; GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Rotatef(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Scaled_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Scaled(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Scalef_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Scalef(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Translated_Rec { GLdouble x; GLdouble y; GLdouble z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Translated(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Translatef_Rec { GLfloat x; GLfloat y; GLfloat z; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Translatef(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_Viewport_Rec { GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_Viewport(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLtexSubImage1D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint xoffset; GLsizei width; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* pixels */ } __GLtexSubImage1D; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexSubImage1D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __GLtexSubImage2D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint xoffset; GLint yoffset; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* pixels */ } __GLtexSubImage2D; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_TexSubImage2D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_BindTexture_Rec { GLenum target; GLuint texture; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_BindTexture(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PrioritizeTextures_Rec { GLsizei n; /* textures */ /* priorities */ }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PrioritizeTextures(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CopyTexImage1D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLenum internalformat; GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLint border; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CopyTexImage1D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CopyTexImage2D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLenum internalformat; GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; GLint border; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CopyTexImage2D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CopyTexSubImage1D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint xoffset; GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CopyTexSubImage1D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_CopyTexSubImage2D_Rec { GLenum target; GLint level; GLint xoffset; GLint yoffset; GLint x; GLint y; GLsizei width; GLsizei height; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CopyTexSubImage2D(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __gllc_ColorTableEXT_Rec { GLenum target; GLenum internalFormat; GLsizei width; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* Data */ } __GLcolorTableEXT; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ColorTableEXT(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); typedef struct __gllc_ColorSubTableEXT_Rec { GLenum target; GLuint start; GLsizei count; GLenum format; GLenum type; GLint imageSize; /* Data */ } __GLcolorSubTableEXT; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_ColorSubTableEXT(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_PolygonOffset_Rec { GLfloat factor; GLfloat units; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_PolygonOffset(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DrawElementsBegin_Rec { GLenum mode; GLsizei count; GLuint vaMask; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DrawElementsBegin(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_DrawElements_Rec { GLenum mode; GLsizei iElementCount; GLsizei iVertexCount; GLuint vaMask; GLboolean partial; GLuint recSize; GLuint edgeFlagOff; GLuint texCoordOff; GLint texCoordSize; GLenum texCoordType; GLuint indexOff; GLenum indexType; GLuint colorOff; GLint colorSize; GLenum colorType; GLuint normalOff; GLenum normalType; GLuint vertexOff; GLint vertexSize; GLenum vertexType; GLuint mapOff; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_DrawElements(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #ifdef GL_WIN_multiple_textures struct __gllc_CurrentTextureIndexWIN_Rec { GLuint index; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_CurrentTextureIndexWIN(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_BindNthTextureWIN_Rec { GLuint index; GLenum target; GLuint texture; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_BindNthTextureWIN(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); struct __gllc_NthTexCombineFuncWIN_Rec { GLuint index; GLenum leftColorFactor; GLenum colorOp; GLenum rightColorFactor; GLenum leftAlphaFactor; GLenum alphaOp; GLenum rightAlphaFactor; }; extern const GLubyte * FASTCALL __glle_NthTexCombineFuncWIN(__GLcontext *, const GLubyte *); #endif // GL_WIN_multiple_textures #endif /* __gl_g_lcomp_h */