[Version] Signature=$CHICAGO$ AdvancedINF=2.5,%VersionWarning% [SourceDisksNames] 522=%DiskName%,,1 [SourceDisksFiles] mswmdm.dll = 522 wmdmps.dll = 522 wmdmlog.dll = 522 wmdmcore.inf = 522 [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = DRMFiles.Copy.Sys, DRMFiles.Copy.Inf AddReg = DRM.Install.AddReg RegisterOCXs = DRM.Install.Register [Uninstall] DelFiles = DRMFiles.Copy.Sys, DRMFiles.Copy.Inf DelReg = DRM.Uninstall.DelReg UnRegisterOCXs = DRM.Uninstall.UnRegister BeginPrompt = DRM.Uninstall.BeginPrompt EndPrompt = DRM.Uninstall.EndPrompt [DestinationDirs] DRMFiles.Copy.Sys = 11 DRMFiles.Copy.Keep.Sys = 11 DRMFiles.Copy.Inf = 17 [DRMFiles.Copy.Sys] ; copy these files to the system(32) directory mswmdm.dll,,,32 wmdmps.dll,,,32 wmdmlog.dll,,,32 [DRMFiles.Copy.Inf] ; copy these files to the inf directory WMDMCore.inf [DRM.Install.AddReg] ; Add uninstall entry ; HKLM,%KEY_UNINSTALL%\WMDM_SDK,DisplayName,,%UninstDispName% ; HKLM,%KEY_UNINSTALL%\WMDM_SDK,UninstallString,,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\wmdmcore.inf,Uninstall" [DRM.Uninstall.DelReg] ; Remove uninstall entry HKLM,%KEY_UNINSTALL%\WMDM_SDK ; Remove refcount for DRM common files HKLM,%KEY_DRM_REF%,"WMDM" [DRM.Install.Register] %11%\mswmdm.dll %11%\wmdmps.dll %11%\wmdmlog.dll [DRM.Uninstall.UnRegister] %11%\mswmdm.dll %11%\wmdmps.dll %11%\wmdmlog.dll [DRM.Uninstall.BeginPrompt] Prompt = %UninstallPrompt_Begin% Title = %UninstallPrompt_Title% ButtonType = YESNO [DRM.Uninstall.EndPrompt] Prompt = %UninstallPrompt_End% [Strings] KEY_UNINSTALL = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" VersionWarning = "You need a newer version of advpack.dll." AppName = "Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager Core SDK" DiskName = "Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager" UninstDispName = "Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager Core SDK" UninstallPrompt_Begin = "Are you sure you want to uninstall the Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager Core SDK?" UninstallPrompt_End = "Uninstall complete." UninstallPrompt_Title = "Microsoft Windows Media Device Manager Core SDK Uninstall"