// // T C P U T I L . H // // Header of utility functions // #pragma once #include "netcfgx.h" #include "tcpip.h" #include "ipctrl.h" inline BOOL FHrFailed(HRESULT hr) { return FAILED(hr); } #define CORg(hResult) \ do\ {\ hr = (hResult);\ if (FHrFailed(hr))\ {\ goto Error;\ }\ }\ while (FALSE) HRESULT HrLoadSubkeysFromRegistry(const HKEY hkeyParam, OUT VSTR * const pvstrAdapters); HRESULT HrIsComponentInstalled(INetCfg * pnc, const GUID& rguidClass, PCWSTR szInfId, OUT BOOL * const pfInstalled); // Get the four numbers from an Ip Address VOID GetNodeNum(PCWSTR szIpAddress, DWORD ardw[4]); BOOL IsContiguousSubnet(PCWSTR pszSubnet); VOID ReplaceFirstAddress(VSTR * pvstr, PCWSTR szIpAddress); VOID ReplaceSecondAddress(VSTR * pvstr, PCWSTR szIpAddress); BOOL GenerateSubnetMask(IpControl & ipAddress, tstring * pstrSubnetMask); BOOL FRegQueryBool(const HKEY hkey, PCWSTR szName, BOOL fDefaultValue); VOID ResetLmhostsFile(); int IPAlertPrintf(HWND hwndParent, UINT ids, int iCurrent, int iLow, int iHigh); VOID IpCheckRange(LPNMIPADDRESS lpnmipa, HWND hWnd, int iLow, int iHigh, BOOL fCheckLoopback = FALSE); VOID SetButtons(HANDLES& h, const int nNumLimit = -1); BOOL ListBoxRemoveAt(HWND hListBox, int idx, tstring * pstrRemovedItem); BOOL ListBoxInsertAfter(HWND hListBox, int idx, PCWSTR szItem); HRESULT HrRegRenameTree(HKEY hkeyRoot, PCWSTR szOldName, PCWSTR szNewName); HRESULT HrRegCopyKeyTree(HKEY hkeyDest, HKEY hkeySrc ); BOOL fQueryFirstAddress(const VSTR & vstr, tstring * const pstr); BOOL fQuerySecondAddress(const VSTR & vstr, tstring * const pstr); BOOL FIsIpInRange(PCWSTR szIp); VOID ShowContextHelp(HWND hDlg, UINT uCommand, const DWORD* pdwHelpIDs); VOID AddInterfacesToAdapterInfo( ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapter, DWORD dwNumInterfaces); HRESULT GetGuidArrayFromIfaceColWithCoTaskMemAlloc( const IFACECOL& IfaceIds, GUID** ppdw, DWORD* pdwSize); VOID GetInterfaceName( PCWSTR pszAdapterName, const GUID& guidIfaceId, tstring* pstrIfaceName); HRESULT RetrieveStringFromOptionList(PCWSTR pszOption, PCWSTR szIdentifier, tstring & str); HRESULT GetPnpPopupSettingFromOptionList(PCWSTR pszOption, BOOL * pfDisablePopup); VOID ConstructOptionListString(ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapter, tstring & strOptionList); HRESULT HrParseOptionList(PCWSTR pszOption, ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapter); HRESULT HrGetPrimaryDnsDomain(tstring *pstr); VOID WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(UINT nIdErrorFormat, ...); DWORD IPStringToDword(LPCTSTR strIP); void DwordToIPString(DWORD dwIP, tstring & strIP); int SearchListViewItem(HWND hListView, int iSubItem, LPCWSTR psz);