/*++ Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: convert.c Abstract: This module contains miscellaneous utility routines used by the DHCP server service. Author: Manny Weiser (mannyw) 12-Aug-1992 Revision History: Madan Appiah (madana) 21-Oct-1992 --*/ #include "dhcpl.h" #include LPWSTR DhcpOemToUnicodeN( IN LPSTR Ansi, IN OUT LPWSTR Unicode, IN USHORT cChars ) { OEM_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; RtlInitString( &AnsiString, Ansi ); UnicodeString.MaximumLength = cChars * sizeof( WCHAR ); if( Unicode == NULL ) { UnicodeString.Buffer = DhcpAllocateMemory( UnicodeString.MaximumLength ); } else { UnicodeString.Buffer = Unicode; } if ( UnicodeString.Buffer == NULL ) { return NULL; } if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlOemStringToUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))){ if( Unicode == NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( UnicodeString.Buffer ); } return NULL; } return UnicodeString.Buffer; } LPWSTR DhcpOemToUnicode( IN LPSTR Ansi, IN OUT LPWSTR Unicode ) /*++ Routine Description: Convert an OEM (zero terminated) string to the corresponding UNICODE string. Arguments: Ansi - Specifies the ASCII zero terminated string to convert. Unicode - Specifies the pointer to the unicode buffer. If this pointer is NULL then this routine allocates buffer using DhcpAllocateMemory and returns. The caller should freeup this memory after use by calling DhcpFreeMemory. Return Value: NULL - There was some error in the conversion. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated UNICODE string in an allocated buffer. The buffer can be freed using DhcpFreeMemory. --*/ { OEM_STRING AnsiString; RtlInitString( &AnsiString, Ansi ); return DhcpOemToUnicodeN( Ansi, Unicode, (USHORT) RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize( &AnsiString ) ); } ULONG DhcpUnicodeToOemSize( IN LPWSTR Unicode ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the number of bytes requried to store the OEM string equivalent of the provided UNICODE string. Arguments: Unicode -- the input unicode string. Return Values: 0 -- if the string cannot be converted or is NULL number of bytes of storage required --*/ { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; if( NULL == Unicode ) return 0; RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, Unicode ); return (USHORT) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( &UnicodeString ); } LPSTR DhcpUnicodeToOem( IN LPWSTR Unicode, IN LPSTR Ansi ) /*++ Routine Description: Convert an UNICODE (zero terminated) string to the corresponding OEM string. Arguments: Ansi - Specifies the UNICODE zero terminated string to convert. Ansi - Specifies the pointer to the oem buffer. If this pointer is NULL then this routine allocates buffer using DhcpAllocateMemory and returns. The caller should freeup this memory after use by calling DhcpFreeMemory. Return Value: NULL - There was some error in the conversion. Otherwise, it returns a pointer to the zero terminated OEM string in an allocated buffer. The buffer can be freed using DhcpFreeMemory. --*/ { OEM_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnicodeString, Unicode ); AnsiString.MaximumLength = (USHORT) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( &UnicodeString ); if( Ansi == NULL ) { AnsiString.Buffer = DhcpAllocateMemory( AnsiString.MaximumLength ); } else { AnsiString.Buffer = Ansi; } if ( AnsiString.Buffer == NULL ) { return NULL; } if(!NT_SUCCESS( RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &AnsiString, &UnicodeString, FALSE))){ if( Ansi == NULL ) { DhcpFreeMemory( AnsiString.Buffer ); } return NULL; } return AnsiString.Buffer; } DWORD ConvertUnicodeToUTF8( LPWSTR UnicodeString, DWORD UnicodeLength, LPBYTE UTF8String, DWORD UTF8Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts Unicodestring into Utf8 format. The unicodestring must be NULL terminated. Arguments: Unicodestring - Pointer to the unicodestring UnicodeLength - Length of above string, or pass -1 if the above string is NULL terminated. UTF8String - Buffer to receive UTF8String. If this is null then the function returns the # of bytes needed for this buffer for conversion. UTF8Length - Length of the above buffer. if this is 0, the function will return the required length. Return Value: No. of bytes converted. --*/ { DWORD Result; Result = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, UnicodeString, UnicodeLength, UTF8String, UTF8Length, NULL, NULL ); if (Result == 0 ) { DhcpPrint((0, "WideCharToMultiByte returned %ld\n", GetLastError())); DhcpAssert(0); } return Result; } DWORD ConvertUTF8ToUnicode( LPBYTE UTF8String, DWORD UTF8Length, LPWSTR UnicodeString, DWORD UnicodeLength ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts Unicodestring into Utf8 format. The unicodestring must be NULL terminated. Arguments: UTF8String - Buffer to UTFString. UTF8Length - Length of above buffer ; or pass -1 if the above string is NULL terminated. Unicodestring - Pointer to the buffer receiving unicodestring. UnicodeLength - Length of the above buffer. if this is 0, the function will return the required length. Return Value: No. of bytes converted. --*/ { DWORD Result; Result = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, UTF8String, UTF8Length, UnicodeString, UnicodeLength ); if (Result == 0 ) { DhcpPrint((0, "MultiByteToWideChar returned %ld\n", GetLastError())); DhcpAssert(0); } return Result; } VOID DhcpHexToString( LPWSTR Buffer, LPBYTE HexNumber, DWORD Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts are arbitrary length hex number to a Unicode string. The string is not NULL terminated. Arguments: Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least Length * 2 characters in size. HexNumber - The hex number to convert. Length - The length of HexNumber, in bytes. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD i; int j; for (i = 0; i < Length * 2; i+=2 ) { j = *HexNumber & 0xF; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i+1] = j + L'0'; } else { Buffer[i+1] = j + L'A' - 10; } j = *HexNumber >> 4; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i] = j + L'0'; } else { Buffer[i] = j + L'A' - 10; } HexNumber++; } return; } VOID DhcpHexToAscii( LPSTR Buffer, LPBYTE HexNumber, DWORD Length ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts are arbitrary length hex number to an ASCII string. The string is not NUL terminated. Arguments: Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least Length * 2 characters in size. HexNumber - The hex number to convert. Length - The length of HexNumber, in bytes. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD i; int j; for (i = 0; i < Length; i+=1 ) { j = *HexNumber & 0xF; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i+1] = j + '0'; } else { Buffer[i+1] = j + 'A' - 10; } j = *HexNumber >> 4; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i] = j + '0'; } else { Buffer[i] = j + 'A' - 10; } HexNumber++; } return; } VOID DhcpDecimalToString( LPWSTR Buffer, BYTE Number ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts a single byte decimal digit to a 3 character Unicode string. The string not NUL terminated. Arguments: Buffer - A pointer to a buffer for the resultant Unicode string. The buffer must be at least 3 characters in size. Number - The number to convert. Return Value: None. --*/ { Buffer[2] = Number % 10 + L'0'; Number /= 10; Buffer[1] = Number % 10 + L'0'; Number /= 10; Buffer[0] = Number + L'0'; return; } DWORD DhcpDottedStringToIpAddress( LPSTR String ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts a dotted decimal form ASCII string to a Host order IP address. Arguments: String - The address to convert. Return Value: The corresponding IP address. --*/ { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inet_addr( String ); return( ntohl(*(LPDWORD)&addr) ); } LPSTR DhcpIpAddressToDottedString( DWORD IpAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts a Host order IP address to a dotted decimal form ASCII string. Arguments: IpAddress - Host order IP Address. Return Value: String for IP Address. --*/ { DWORD NetworkOrderIpAddress; NetworkOrderIpAddress = htonl(IpAddress); return(inet_ntoa( *(struct in_addr *)&NetworkOrderIpAddress)); } DWORD DhcpStringToHwAddress( LPSTR AddressBuffer, LPSTR AddressString ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts an ASCII string to a hex number. Arguments: AddressBuffer - A pointer to a buffer which will contain the hex number. AddressString - The string to convert. Return Value: The number of bytes written to AddressBuffer. --*/ { int i = 0; char c1, c2; int value1, value2; while ( *AddressString != 0) { c1 = (char)toupper(*AddressString); if ( isdigit(c1) ) { value1 = c1 - '0'; } else if ( c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F' ) { value1 = c1 - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } c2 = (char)toupper(*(AddressString+1)); if ( isdigit(c2) ) { value2 = c2 - '0'; } else if ( c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F' ) { value2 = c2 - 'A' + 10; } else { break; } AddressBuffer [i] = value1 * 16 + value2; AddressString += 2; i++; } return( i ); } #if 0 DHCP_IP_ADDRESS DhcpHostOrder( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS NetworkOrderAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts a network order IP address to host order. Arguments: NetworkOrderAddress - A network order IP address. Return Value: The host order IP address. --*/ { return( ntohl( NetworkOrderAddress ) ); } DHCP_IP_ADDRESS DhcpNetworkOrder( DHCP_IP_ADDRESS HostOrderAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This functions converts a network order IP address to host order. Arguments: HostOrderAddress - A host order IP address. Return Value: The network order IP address. --*/ { return( htonl( HostOrderAddress ) ); } VOID DhcpIpAddressToString( LPWSTR Buffer, DWORD IpAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: This function converts an IP address from host order ASCII form. Arguments: Buffer - Points to a buffer to the receive the ASCII form. The buffer must be at least 8 WCHARs long. IpAddress - The IP address to convert. Return Value: Nothing. --*/ { int i; int j; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i-- ) { j = IpAddress & 0xF; if ( j <= 9 ) { Buffer[i] = j + L'0'; } else { Buffer[i] = j + L'A' - 10; } IpAddress >>=4; } return; } VOID DhcpStringToIpAddress( LPSTR Buffer, LPDHCP_IP_ADDRESS IpAddress, BOOL NetOrder ) /*++ Routine Description: This function converts an ASCII string IP Address to binary format. Arguments: Buffer - Pointer to buffer containing the IP address. IpAddress - Points to a buffer to contain the binary format IP address. NetOrder - If TRUE, the address is converted to a network order address. If FALSE, the address is converted to a host order address. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD value; value = strtol( Buffer, NULL, 16 ); if ( NetOrder ) { *IpAddress = htonl( value ); } else { *IpAddress = value; } return; } #endif