// // Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corp // // FtpControl.cpp : Implementation // // JPDup // Sanjiv // #include "precomp.h" #include "MyAlg.h" // // Default constructor // CFtpControlConnection::CFtpControlConnection() { MYTRACE_ENTER_NOSHOWEXIT("CFtpControlConnection::CFtpControlConnection()"); m_ClientConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_AlgConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew = 0; m_ControlState.m_nPortNew = 0; m_nSourcePortReplacement = 0; m_RefCount = 0; m_pPendingProxy = NULL; } // // Destructor // CFtpControlConnection::~CFtpControlConnection() { MYTRACE_ENTER_NOSHOWEXIT("CFtpControlConnection::~CFtpControlConnection()"); } // // Find a unique source port for the public client address given // USHORT PickNewSourcePort( ULONG nPublicSourceAddress, USHORT nPublicSourcePort ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::PickNewSourcePort()"); USHORT nNewSourcePort = 45000-nPublicSourcePort; // example 45000 - 3000 bool bPortAvailable; do { nNewSourcePort--; bPortAvailable = g_ControlObjectList.IsSourcePortAvailable(nPublicSourceAddress, nNewSourcePort); MYTRACE("Port %d is %s", nNewSourcePort, bPortAvailable ? "Available" : "Inuse" ); } while ( (false == bPortAvailable) && (nNewSourcePort > 6001) ); return nNewSourcePort; } // // Initialize // HRESULT CFtpControlConnection::Init( SOCKET AcceptedSocket, ULONG nToAddr, USHORT nToPort, CONNECTION_TYPE ConnType ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::Init"); // // Figure what address to use // ULONG BestAddress; HRESULT hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->GetBestSourceAddressForDestinationAddress( nToAddr, TRUE, &BestAddress ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("Could not get best source address", hr); return hr; } ULONG Err = 0; m_ClientConnectedSocket = AcceptedSocket; m_ConnectionType = ConnType; IncReference(); m_AlgConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; Err = MyHelperCreateStreamSocket(BestAddress,0,&m_AlgConnectedSocket); if ( Err == 0 ) { if ( m_ConnectionType == OUTGOING ) { MYTRACE("OUTGOING FTP"); ULONG icsAddr; USHORT icsPort; Err = MyHelperQueryLocalEndpointSocket(m_AlgConnectedSocket,&icsAddr,&icsPort); MYTRACE("AlgConnectedSocket Local %s:%d",MYTRACE_IP(icsAddr), ntohs(icsPort) ); if ( Err == 0 ) { hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->PrepareProxyConnection( eALG_TCP, icsAddr, icsPort, nToAddr, nToPort, FALSE, &m_pPendingProxy ); } } else if (m_ConnectionType == INCOMING) { MYTRACE("INCOMING FTP"); ULONG icsAddr,pubAddr; USHORT icsPort,pubPort; Err = MyHelperQueryLocalEndpointSocket(m_AlgConnectedSocket,&icsAddr,&icsPort); MYTRACE("AlgConnectedSocket Local %s:%d",MYTRACE_IP(icsAddr), ntohs(icsPort) ); if (Err == 0) { Err = MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(m_ClientConnectedSocket,&pubAddr,&pubPort); if ( Err == 0 ) { if ( icsAddr == nToAddr ) { // // Special case it the FTP server is hosted on the EDGE box // we would create a loop the incoming public client address/port // this new modified connection would look exacly like // the original one example: // // connects to // we accept this connection // and in return we connect to the FTP server destination // asking the NAT to source mofify and replace the source with // that does not work // in order to go arround this we pick another source port example 45000 // // Cache this info in order to pick a unique one next time m_nSourcePortReplacement = PickNewSourcePort(pubAddr, pubPort); pubPort = m_nSourcePortReplacement; // This is the new bogus port to use now } hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->PrepareSourceModifiedProxyConnection( eALG_TCP, icsAddr, icsPort, nToAddr, nToPort, pubAddr, pubPort, &m_pPendingProxy ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("PrepareSourceModifiedProxyConnection",hr); } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket",Err); } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("LocalEndpointSocket", Err); } } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("MyHelperCreateStreamSocket",Err); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && Err == 0 ) { Err = MyHelperConnectStreamSocket( NULL, m_AlgConnectedSocket, nToAddr, nToPort, NULL, MyConnectCompletion, (void *)this, NULL ); if ( Err != 0 ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("From MyHelperConnectStreamSocket", Err); m_pPendingProxy->Cancel(); } } if ( FAILED(hr) || Err ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("We can't init this Connection", hr); ULONG ref; ref = DecReference(); _ASSERT(ref == 0); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Err); } return hr; } #define MAKE_ADDRESS(a,b,c,d) ((a) | ((b) << 8) | ((c) << 16) | ((d) << 24)) #define MAKE_PORT(a,b) ((a) | ((b) << 8)) // // // ULONG GetNumFromString(UCHAR *String,ULONG *pNum) { ULONG retval = 0; int i = 0; while (String[i] != ',') { retval = retval*10 + (String[i]-'0'); i++; } *pNum = i; return retval; } // // Needs to return in Network address order // USHORT GetUSHORTFromString(UCHAR *String,ULONG *pNum) { MYTRACE_ENTER("GetUSHORTFromString"); ULONG Num; UCHAR Numbers[2]; *pNum = 0; Numbers[0] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String,&Num); *pNum += Num+1; Numbers[1] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String+*pNum,&Num); *pNum += Num; USHORT retval = (USHORT)MAKE_PORT((USHORT)Numbers[0], (USHORT)Numbers[1]); return retval; } // // return the String IP Address as 192,168,0,0, in a ULONG in HOST format // ULONG GetULONGFromString( UCHAR* String, ULONG* pNum ) { UCHAR Numbers[4]; ULONG retval = 0; ULONG Num; *pNum = 0; Numbers[0] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String,&Num); *pNum += Num+1; Numbers[1] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String+*pNum,&Num); *pNum += Num+1; Numbers[2] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String+*pNum,&Num); *pNum += Num+1; Numbers[3] = (UCHAR)GetNumFromString(String+*pNum,&Num); *pNum += Num; retval = MAKE_ADDRESS(Numbers[0], Numbers[1], Numbers[2], Numbers[3]); return retval; } // // // void CFtpControlConnection::ConnectCompletionRoutine( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::ConnectCompletionRoutine"); ULONG Err; if ( ErrCode ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("ConnectCompletionRoutine", ErrCode); if ( m_pPendingProxy ) { MYTRACE("PendingProxy still active CANCEL"); m_pPendingProxy->Cancel(); } ULONG ref; ref = DecReference(); _ASSERT(ref == 0); return; } Err = MyHelperReadStreamSocket( NULL, m_ClientConnectedSocket, NULL, FTP_MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0, MyReadCompletion, (void *)this, (void *)CLIENT_READ ); if ( Err ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("From MyHelperReadStreamSocket CLIENT_READ",Err); ULONG ref; ref = DecReference(); _ASSERT(ref == 0); return; } IncReference(); Err = MyHelperReadStreamSocket( NULL, m_AlgConnectedSocket, NULL, FTP_MAX_MSG_SIZE,0, MyReadCompletion, (void *)this, (void *)SERVER_READ ); if ( Err ) { MYTRACE("MyHelperReadStreamSocket SERVER_READ",Err); ULONG ref; ref = DecReference(); _ASSERT(ref == 1); if (ref) Shutdown(); return; } return; } // // // ULONG CFtpControlConnection::IncReference(void) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::IncReference()"); ULONG nRef = InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_RefCount); MYTRACE("REFCOUNT for 0x%X is now %d", this, nRef); return nRef; } // // // ULONG CFtpControlConnection::DecReference(void) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::DecReference()"); ULONG tmp = InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_RefCount); MYTRACE("REFCOUNT for 0x%X is now %d", this, tmp); if ( tmp > 0 ) return tmp; MYTRACE("HIT ZERO refcount cleanup the CFtpControlConnection"); if ( m_AlgConnectedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { MYTRACE("SOCKET SERVER ALREADY CLOSED!"); } else { MYTRACE("CLOSING SOCKET ALGCONNECTED!"); shutdown(m_AlgConnectedSocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket(m_AlgConnectedSocket); m_AlgConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if ( m_ClientConnectedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { MYTRACE("SOCKET CLIENT ALREADY CLOSED!"); } else { MYTRACE("CLOSING SOCKET CLIENT CONNECTED!"); shutdown(m_ClientConnectedSocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket(m_ClientConnectedSocket); m_ClientConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if ( m_pPendingProxy ) { // // At this point NAT already cancel this redirect, so no need to call cancel // m_pPendingProxy->Cancel(); // this was causing a ERROR on a multi-client scenario // m_pPendingProxy->Release(); m_pPendingProxy = NULL; } if ( m_ControlState.m_nPortNew ) { MYTRACE("ReleaseReservedPort-A %d", ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortNew)); g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->ReleaseReservedPort(m_ControlState.m_nPortNew,1); m_ControlState.m_nPortNew = 0; } // // CleanUp the collection of DataChannel // IDataChannel* pData; USHORT Port; HANDLE CreationHandle,DeletionHandle; MYTRACE("Empty CDataChannelList"); while ( m_DataChannelList.Remove(&pData,&Port,&CreationHandle,&DeletionHandle) ) { // // Creation and Deletion events are not used for now // NhUnRegisterEvent(CreationHandle); // Hopefully nothing bad will happen ! May have been called before // NhUnRegisterEvent(DeletionHandle); // if delete has been called it would mean that Remove has been called. // pData->Cancel(); pData->Release(); MYTRACE("ReleaseReservedPort-B %d", ntohs(Port)); g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->ReleaseReservedPort(Port,1); } if ( g_ControlObjectList.Remove(this) ) { // happens when this was called from within ChannelDeletion or some DecReferece after that. } else { // would happen if this was called from shutdown. not otherwise. } delete this; return 0; } // // The last one to call DecReference would take it off control list. // The first one to call DecReference because of fatal error would call Shutdown to start off // the DecReference for all the connected stuff. // void CFtpControlConnection::Shutdown() { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::Shutdown()"); if ( m_AlgConnectedSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { MYTRACE("CLOSING SOCKET ALG CONNECTED! %d", m_AlgConnectedSocket); shutdown(m_AlgConnectedSocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket(m_AlgConnectedSocket); m_AlgConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if ( m_ClientConnectedSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { MYTRACE("CLOSING SOCKET CLIENT CONNECTED! %d", m_ClientConnectedSocket); shutdown(m_ClientConnectedSocket, SD_BOTH); closesocket(m_ClientConnectedSocket); m_ClientConnectedSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } return; } // // // void CFtpControlConnection::ReadCompletionRoutine( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) { MYTRACE_ENTER( "CFtpControlConnection::ReadCompletionRoutine" ); if ( ErrCode || BytesTransferred == 0 ) { if ( ErrCode ) { MYTRACE("Shutdown because of read ERROR 0x%x", ErrCode); } else { MYTRACE("Shutdown because of read 0 bytes"); } MyHelperReleaseBuffer(Bufferp); if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); return; } ULONG_PTR ReadType = (ULONG_PTR)Bufferp->Context2; ULONG_PTR WriteType; SOCKET ReadSocket; SOCKET WriteSocket; ULONG Err; if ( ReadType == CLIENT_READ ) { WriteType = SERVER_READ; ReadSocket = m_ClientConnectedSocket; WriteSocket = m_AlgConnectedSocket; } else { WriteType = CLIENT_READ; ReadSocket = m_AlgConnectedSocket; WriteSocket = m_ClientConnectedSocket; } #if defined(DBG) || defined(_DEBUG) ULONG TraceAddr = 0; USHORT TracePort = 0; if ( ReadSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) Err = MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(ReadSocket ,&TraceAddr,&TracePort); MYTRACE("from %s (%s:%d)", ReadType == CLIENT_READ ? "CLIENT":"SERVER", MYTRACE_IP(TraceAddr), ntohs(TracePort) ); MYTRACE("EC(0x%x) Buffer size(%d)='%s'", ErrCode, BytesTransferred, MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)Bufferp->Buffer, BytesTransferred)); #endif if ( (ReadType == CLIENT_READ && m_ConnectionType == OUTGOING) || (ReadType == SERVER_READ && m_ConnectionType == INCOMING) ) { // the number of bytes transferred can change. // because the ProcessFtpMessage may have to // buffer the Address,Port string from PORT or PASV response command. ProcessFtpMessage(Bufferp->Buffer,&BytesTransferred); } if ( BytesTransferred != 0 && WriteSocket != INVALID_SOCKET ) { IncReference(); MYTRACE( "Write to %s size(%d)='%s'", WriteType == SERVER_READ ? "SERVER" : "CLIENT", BytesTransferred, MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)Bufferp->Buffer, BytesTransferred) ); Err = MyHelperWriteStreamSocket( NULL, WriteSocket, Bufferp,BytesTransferred, 0, MyWriteCompletion, (void *)this,(PVOID)WriteType ); if (Err) { MYTRACE_ERROR("from MyHelperWriteStreamSocket", Err); DecReference(); if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); // I am not going to call the Read again so one more DecReference is needed. MyHelperReleaseBuffer(Bufferp); return; } } if ( INVALID_SOCKET == ReadSocket ) { if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); } else { Err = MyHelperReadStreamSocket( NULL, ReadSocket, NULL, FTP_MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0, MyReadCompletion, (void *)this, (void *)ReadType ); if (Err) { MYTRACE_ERROR("from MyHelperReadStreamSocket",Err); if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); } } return; } // // // void CFtpControlConnection::WriteCompletionRoutine( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::WriteCompletionRoutine"); if (BytesTransferred == 0) ErrCode = ERROR_IO_CANCELLED; if (ErrCode) { if (MyHelperIsFatalSocketError(ErrCode) || ErrCode == ERROR_IO_CANCELLED) { MYTRACE_ERROR("FATAL ERROR", ErrCode); MyHelperReleaseBuffer(Bufferp); if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("ANOTHER MyHelperWriteStreamSocket", ErrCode); ULONG_PTR Type = (ULONG_PTR)Bufferp->Context2; ULONG Err = MyHelperWriteStreamSocket( NULL, Bufferp->Socket, Bufferp,Bufferp->BytesToTransfer, 0, MyWriteCompletion, (void *)this, (PVOID)Type ); if (Err) { MYTRACE_ERROR("From MyHelperWriteStreamSocket", Err); MyHelperReleaseBuffer(Bufferp); if (DecReference()) Shutdown(); } } } else { ULONG_PTR Type = (ULONG_PTR)Bufferp->Context2; MYTRACE(Type == CLIENT_READ ? "to CLIENT" : "to SERVER" ); MYTRACE("EC(0x%x) Buffer size(%d)='%s'", ErrCode, BytesTransferred, MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)Bufferp->Buffer, BytesTransferred)); MYTRACE("Write Succeeded now cleanup"); MyHelperReleaseBuffer(Bufferp); DecReference(); } return; } bool FtpExtractOctet( UCHAR** Buffer, UCHAR* BufferEnd, UCHAR* Octet ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is called to extract an octet from a string. Arguments: Buffer - points to a pointer to a string where conversion starts; on return it points to the pointer to the string where conversion ends BufferEnd - points to the end of the string Octet - points to a caller-suplied storage to store converted octet Return Value: BOOLEAN - TRUE if successfuly converted, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { bool bSuccess; ULONG nDigitFound = 0; ULONG Value = 0; while ( *Buffer <= BufferEnd && nDigitFound < 3 && **Buffer >= '0' && **Buffer <= '9' ) { Value *= 10; Value += **Buffer - '0'; (*Buffer)++; nDigitFound++; } bSuccess = nDigitFound > 0 && Value < 256; if ( bSuccess ) { *Octet = (UCHAR)Value; } return bSuccess; } // // Extract host and port numbers. // example 192,168,0,2,100,200 // bool ExtractAddressAndPortCommandValue( UCHAR* pCommandBuffer, UCHAR* pEndOfBuffer, UCHAR* Numbers, ULONG* nTotalLen ) { UCHAR* pStartingPosition = pCommandBuffer; bool bSuccess = FtpExtractOctet( &pCommandBuffer, pEndOfBuffer, &Numbers[0] ); int i = 1; while ( i < 6 && bSuccess && *pCommandBuffer == ',' ) { pCommandBuffer++; bSuccess = FtpExtractOctet( &pCommandBuffer, pEndOfBuffer, &Numbers[i] ); i++; } if ( bSuccess && i == 6 ) { *nTotalLen = (ULONG)(pCommandBuffer - pStartingPosition); return true; } return false; } #define TOUPPER(c) ((c) > 'z' ? (c) : ((c) < 'a' ? (c) : (c) ^ 0x20)) // // Look for the "PORT" or "227" command and remap the private address associated with these command // to a public address // void CFtpControlConnection::ProcessFtpMessage( UCHAR* Buffer, ULONG* pBytes ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::ProcessFtpMessage"); MYTRACE("Buffer size(%d)='%s'", *pBytes, MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)Buffer, *pBytes)); ULONG Bytes = *pBytes; UCHAR* pCommandBuffer = reinterpret_cast(Buffer); UCHAR* EndOfBufferp = reinterpret_cast(Buffer + *pBytes); HRESULT hr; char *String; UCHAR* pBeginAddressAndPortOld=NULL; UCHAR* pEndAddressAndPortOld=NULL; ULONG nOldAddressLen=0; CONST CHAR *pCommandToFind; // for now lets keep the OUTGOING and INCOMING seperate. // can be put together since most of the code is the same. // differences in the first few bytes to scan for. if ( m_ConnectionType == OUTGOING ) { MYTRACE("OUTGOING - Look for 'PORT ' command"); pCommandToFind = (PCHAR)"PORT "; } else { MYTRACE("INCOMING - Look for '227 ' command "); pCommandToFind = (PCHAR)"227 "; } while ( *pCommandToFind != '\0' && *pCommandToFind == TOUPPER(*pCommandBuffer)) { pCommandToFind++; pCommandBuffer++; } if ( *pCommandToFind == '\0' ) { MYTRACE("COMMAND found"); // // Skip non digit char // if ( m_ConnectionType == OUTGOING ) { // // Skip white space. example -> PORT 10,12,13,14,1,2 // while (*pCommandBuffer == ' ') pCommandBuffer++; } else { // // Skip non digit char example 227 Entering passive mode (10,12,13,14,1,2) // while ( pCommandBuffer < EndOfBufferp && !isdigit(*pCommandBuffer) ) pCommandBuffer++; } // // so next stuff should be the addr,port combination. // UCHAR Numbers[6]; if ( ExtractAddressAndPortCommandValue(pCommandBuffer, EndOfBufferp, Numbers, &nOldAddressLen) ) { pBeginAddressAndPortOld = pCommandBuffer; pEndAddressAndPortOld = pCommandBuffer + nOldAddressLen; m_ControlState.m_nAddressOld = MAKE_ADDRESS(Numbers[0], Numbers[1], Numbers[2], Numbers[3]); m_ControlState.m_nPortOld = MAKE_PORT(Numbers[4], Numbers[5]); MYTRACE("***** PRIVATE PORT is %d %d", m_ControlState.m_nPortOld, ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortOld)); if ( ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortOld) <= 1025 ) { // // For security reason we will disallow any redirection to ports lower then 1025 // this port range is reserver for standard port Like 139/Netbios // if this port range was requested it probably is the source of hacker attacking this FTP proxy // MYTRACE("***** Port to redirect is lower then 1025 so rejected"); m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew = htonl(0); m_ControlState.m_nPortNew = htons(0); m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew = 11; strcpy((char*)m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew, "0,0,0,0,0,0"); // pretend that a Redirection got created // This way we send out a PORT command with the Public addapter address and a new reserver PORT // but when the public hacker comes back it wil not be redirect but simply droped } else { // // Get best public address to use and reserver a port // This will be the Address/Port expose on the public side. // hr = CreateNewAddress(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("CreateNewAddress failed",hr); // We screwed up. cant make redirects now. so for now lets just act // as if nothing happened and carry on with the stuff. } } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("NOT a valid PORT command syntax", E_INVALIDARG); } } // // Rebuild the string command with the new address port // if ( pBeginAddressAndPortOld ) { if ( ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortOld) <= 1025 ) { // No need to setup a redirection hr = S_OK; } else { hr = SetupDataRedirect(); } if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // we got screwed badly here. we wont set up redirect and act as if nothing happened. MYTRACE_ERROR("Could not setup a redirect", hr); } else { // // Move trailing buffer // Left if new address is smaller then old address // Right if new address is bigger then old address // // This is the right side reminder of the buffer just after the last digit of the ascii port value int nReminerSize = (int)(Bytes - (pEndAddressAndPortOld - Buffer)); if ( *pBytes + nReminerSize < FTP_MAX_MSG_SIZE ) { int nOffset = m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew - nOldAddressLen; // What is the delta size between the old and new address MoveMemory( pEndAddressAndPortOld + nOffset, // Destination pEndAddressAndPortOld, // Source nReminerSize // Size ); // // Insert the new address and port // memcpy( pBeginAddressAndPortOld, // Destination m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew, // Source m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew // Size ); MYTRACE("OLD Address size(%d) %s:%d", nOldAddressLen, MYTRACE_IP(m_ControlState.m_nAddressOld), ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortOld)); MYTRACE("New Address size(%d) %s:%d", m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew, MYTRACE_IP(m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew), ntohs(m_ControlState.m_nPortNew)); *pBytes = Bytes - nOldAddressLen + m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew; MYTRACE("Edited COMMAND is '%s' size(%d)", MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)Buffer, *pBytes), *pBytes); // Now we are sure to have a DataChannel created and in the list of DataChanel // on the last DecRefer the ResertPort was deleted twice // now by setting m_nPortNew to zero only the DataChannel code will release the port // m_ControlState.m_nPortNew = 0; } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("Could not alter the command the new address size does not fit in the the current buffer ", E_ABORT); } } } return; } // // // int CreateStringFromNumber(UCHAR *String,ULONG Num) { int retval = 0; UCHAR ch1,ch2,ch3; ch3 = (UCHAR)(Num%10) + '0'; Num = Num/10; ch2 = (UCHAR)(Num%10) + '0'; Num = Num/10; ch1 = (UCHAR)(Num%10) + '0'; _ASSERT(Num == 0); if (ch1 != '0') { String[retval++] = ch1; String[retval++] = ch2; String[retval++] = ch3; } else if (ch2 != '0') { String[retval++] = ch2; String[retval++] = ch3; } else { String[retval++] = ch3; } return retval; } // // // int CreateULONGString(UCHAR *String,ULONG Num) { int retval = 0; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String,Num&0xff); String[retval++] = ','; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String+retval,(Num>>8)&0xff); String[retval++] = ','; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String+retval,(Num>>16)&0xff); String[retval++] = ','; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String+retval,(Num>>24)&0xff); return retval; } // // // int CreateUSHORTString(UCHAR *String,USHORT Num) { int retval = 0; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String,Num&0xff); String[retval++] = ','; retval += CreateStringFromNumber(String+retval,(Num>>8)&0xff); return retval; } // // // HRESULT CFtpControlConnection::CreateNewAddress(void) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::CreateNewAddress"); SOCKET sd; HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG Err = 0; sd = (m_ConnectionType == OUTGOING ? m_AlgConnectedSocket : m_ClientConnectedSocket); ULONG OtherAddr,PublicAddr; USHORT OtherPort,PublicPort; Err = MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(sd,&OtherAddr,&OtherPort); if (Err == 0) { hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->GetBestSourceAddressForDestinationAddress(OtherAddr,FALSE,&PublicAddr); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->ReservePort(1,&PublicPort); } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("Could not GetBestSourceAddressForDestinationAddress", hr); PublicAddr = 0; // Try with this } MYTRACE("ICS Reserved Address %s:%d", MYTRACE_IP(PublicAddr), ntohs(PublicPort)); m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew = PublicAddr; m_ControlState.m_nPortNew = PublicPort; ULONG StrLen = CreateULONGString(m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew,PublicAddr); m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew[StrLen++] = ','; StrLen += CreateUSHORTString(m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew+StrLen,PublicPort); m_ControlState.m_nAddressLenNew = StrLen; MYTRACE("NEW AddressPort String %s Len(%d)", MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR((char*)m_ControlState.m_szAddressPortNew, StrLen), StrLen); } return hr; } // // // HRESULT CFtpControlConnection::SetupDataRedirect(void) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::SetupDataRedirect"); ULONG pubAddr,prvAddr,icsAddr; USHORT pubPort,prvPort,icsPort; ULONG Err = 0; switch ( m_ConnectionType ) { case OUTGOING: MYTRACE("OUTGOING"); Err = MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(m_AlgConnectedSocket,&pubAddr,&pubPort); pubPort = 0; icsAddr = m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew; icsPort = m_ControlState.m_nPortNew; prvAddr = m_ControlState.m_nAddressOld; prvPort = m_ControlState.m_nPortOld; break; case INCOMING: MYTRACE("INCOMING"); Err = MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket(m_ClientConnectedSocket,&pubAddr,&pubPort); pubPort = 0; pubAddr = 0; icsAddr = m_ControlState.m_nAddressNew; icsPort = m_ControlState.m_nPortNew; prvAddr = m_ControlState.m_nAddressOld; prvPort = m_ControlState.m_nPortOld; break; default: MYTRACE_ERROR("invalid m_ConnectionType", E_FAIL); return E_FAIL; } if ( Err != 0 ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("MyHelperQueryRemoteEndpointSocket", Err); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDataChannel* pDataChannel = NULL; hr = g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->CreateDataChannel( eALG_TCP, prvAddr, prvPort, icsAddr, icsPort, pubAddr, pubPort, eALG_INBOUND, //| eALG_OUTBOUND, not needed i suppose since we // are not bothered if client tries to open connection. (ALG_NOTIFICATION)0,// (eALG_SESSION_CREATION | eALG_SESSION_DELETION), FALSE, &pDataChannel ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->CreateDataChannel", hr); return hr; } m_DataChannelList.Insert( pDataChannel, icsPort, 0, 0 ); return S_OK; // // Don't use creation and deletion events for now // #if 0 HANDLE HandleDataChannelCreation = NULL; HANDLE HandleDataChannelDeletion = NULL; HANDLE MyHandleRegisteredCreation = NULL; HANDLE MyHandleRegisteredDeletion = NULL; // // Get the CREATION handle // hr = pDataChannel->GetSessionCreationEventHandle((HANDLE_PTR *)&HandleDataChannelCreation); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { MYTRACE("Creation Handle is %d", HandleDataChannelCreation); MyHandleRegisteredCreation = NhRegisterEvent( HandleDataChannelCreation, DataChannelCreationCallback, (PVOID)this, (PVOID)pDataChannel, DATA_CREATION_TIMEO ); if ( MyHandleRegisteredCreation ) { // // Get the DELETION handle // hr = pDataChannel->GetSessionDeletionEventHandle((HANDLE_PTR *)&HandleDataChannelDeletion); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { MYTRACE("Deletion Handle is %d", HandleDataChannelDeletion); MyHandleRegisteredDeletion = NhRegisterEvent( HandleDataChannelDeletion, DataChannelDeletionCallback, (PVOID)this, (PVOID)pDataChannel, INFINITE ); if ( MyHandleRegisteredDeletion ) { // // We have a valid DataChannel // MYTRACE ("Inserting into DataChannelList"); m_DataChannelList.Insert( pDataChannel, icsPort, MyHandleRegisteredCreation, MyHandleRegisteredDeletion ); return S_OK; } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("NhRegisterEven(HandleDataChannelDeletion)", 0); } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("GetSessionDeletionEventHandle",hr); } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("NhRegisterEvent(HandleDataChannelCreation)", 0); } } else { MYTRACE_ERROR("GetSessionCreationEventHandle",hr); } // // ERROR if we got here, rollback // pDataChannel->Cancel(); pDataChannel->Release(); if ( MyHandleRegisteredCreation ) NhUnRegisterEvent(MyHandleRegisteredCreation); if ( MyHandleRegisteredDeletion ) NhUnRegisterEvent(MyHandleRegisteredDeletion); return hr; // return the last error #endif } // // // void CFtpControlConnection::DataChannelDeletion( BOOLEAN TimerOrWait, PVOID Context ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::DataChannelDeletion"); USHORT port; IDataChannel *pDataChannel = (IDataChannel *)Context; /* if (m_DataChannelList.Remove(pDataChannel,&port)) { MYTRACE("Releasing Port"); pDataChannel->Release(); g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->ReleaseReservedPort(port,1); ULONG ref; ref = DecReference(); } */ return; } // // // void CFtpControlConnection::DataChannelCreation( BOOLEAN TimerOrWait, PVOID Context ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CFtpControlConnection::DataChannelCreation"); MYTRACE("TimerOrWait: %d", TimerOrWait); USHORT port; if (TimerOrWait==0) { /* IDataChannel *pDataChannel = (IDataChannel *)Context; HANDLE DeletionHandle; if ( m_DataChannelList.Remove(pDataChannel,&port,&DeletionHandle)) { MYTRACE("Cancelling DataChannel"); pDataChannel->Cancel(); pDataChannel->Release(); MYTRACE("Releasing Port"); g_pIAlgServicesAlgFTP->ReleaseReservedPort(port,1); NhUnRegisterEvent(DeletionHandle); DecReference(); } */ } return; } CComAutoCriticalSection m_AutoCS_FtpIO; // // // void DataChannelCreationCallback( BOOLEAN TimerOrWait, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("DataChannelCreationCallback"); CFtpControlConnection *pFtpControl = (CFtpControlConnection *)Context; pFtpControl->DataChannelCreation(TimerOrWait,Context2); } // // // void DataChannelDeletionCallback( BOOLEAN TimerOrWait, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("DataChannelDeletionCallback"); CFtpControlConnection *pFtpControl = (CFtpControlConnection *)Context; pFtpControl->DataChannelDeletion(TimerOrWait,Context2); } // // // void MyAcceptCompletion( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) { m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Lock(); MYTRACE_ENTER("MyAcceptCompletion"); CAlgFTP* pMainObj = (CAlgFTP*)Bufferp->Context; if ( pMainObj ) pMainObj->AcceptCompletionRoutine(ErrCode,BytesTransferred,Bufferp); m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Unlock(); } // // // void MyConnectCompletion( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER pContext ) { m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Lock(); MYTRACE_ENTER("MyConnectCompletion"); CFtpControlConnection* pControl = (CFtpControlConnection *)pContext; // Special case here see socket.cpp MyHelperpConnectOrCloseCallbackRoutine if ( pControl ) pControl->ConnectCompletionRoutine(ErrCode,BytesTransferred); m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Unlock(); } // // // void MyReadCompletion( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) { m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Lock(); MYTRACE_ENTER(""); CFtpControlConnection *pControl = (CFtpControlConnection *)Bufferp->Context; if ( pControl ) pControl->ReadCompletionRoutine(ErrCode,BytesTransferred,Bufferp); else { MYTRACE_ENTER("ERROR ERROR ERROR MyReadCompletion"); } m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Unlock(); } // // // void MyWriteCompletion( ULONG ErrCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp ) { m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Lock(); MYTRACE_ENTER(""); CFtpControlConnection *pControl = (CFtpControlConnection *)Bufferp->Context; if ( pControl ) pControl->WriteCompletionRoutine(ErrCode,BytesTransferred,Bufferp); else { MYTRACE_ENTER("ERROR ERROR ERROR MyWriteCompletion"); } m_AutoCS_FtpIO.Unlock(); }