///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright(C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 all rights reserved. // // Module: sdohelperfuncs.cpp // // Project: Everest // // Description: Helper Functions // // Log: // // When Who What // ---- --- ---- // 6/08/98 TLP Initial Version // 7/03/98 MAM Adapted from \ias\sdo\sdoias to use in UI // 11/03/98 MAM Moved GetSdo/PutSdo routines here from mmcutility.cpp // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "sdohelperfuncs.h" #include "comdef.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CORE HELPER FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT SDOGetCollectionEnumerator( ISdo* pSdo, LONG lPropertyId, IEnumVARIANT** ppEnum ) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pUnknown; CComPtr pSdoCollection; _variant_t vtDispatch; _ASSERT( NULL != pSdo && NULL == *ppEnum ); hr = pSdo->GetProperty(lPropertyId, &vtDispatch); _ASSERT( VT_DISPATCH == V_VT(&vtDispatch) ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = vtDispatch.pdispVal->QueryInterface(IID_ISdoCollection, (void**)&pSdoCollection); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pSdoCollection->get__NewEnum(&pUnknown); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void**)ppEnum); } } } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT SDONextObjectFromCollection( IEnumVARIANT* pEnum, ISdo** ppSdo ) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwRetrieved = 1; _variant_t vtDispatch; _ASSERT( NULL != pEnum && NULL == *ppSdo ); hr = pEnum->Next(1, &vtDispatch, &dwRetrieved); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr || S_FALSE == hr ); if ( S_OK == hr ) { hr = vtDispatch.pdispVal->QueryInterface(IID_ISdo, (void**)ppSdo); } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT SDOGetComponentIdFromObject( ISdo* pSdo, LONG lPropertyId, PLONG pComponentId ) { HRESULT hr; _variant_t vtProperty; _ASSERT( NULL != pSdo && NULL != pComponentId ); hr = pSdo->GetProperty(lPropertyId, &vtProperty); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { _ASSERT( VT_I4 == V_VT(&vtProperty) ); *pComponentId = V_I4(&vtProperty); } return hr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT SDOGetSdoFromCollection( ISdo* pSdoServer, LONG lCollectionPropertyId, LONG lComponentPropertyId, LONG lComponentId, ISdo** ppSdo ) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pEnum; CComPtr pSdo; LONG ComponentId; do { hr = SDOGetCollectionEnumerator( pSdoServer, lCollectionPropertyId, &pEnum ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break; hr = SDONextObjectFromCollection(pEnum,&pSdo); while( S_OK == hr ) { hr = SDOGetComponentIdFromObject( pSdo, lComponentPropertyId, &ComponentId ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break; if ( ComponentId == lComponentId ) { pSdo.p->AddRef(); *ppSdo = pSdo; break; } pSdo.Release(); hr = SDONextObjectFromCollection(pEnum,&pSdo); } if ( S_OK != hr ) hr = E_FAIL; } while ( FALSE ); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ GetSdoVariant Gets a Variant from the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GetSdoVariant( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , VARIANT * pVariant , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# GetSdoVariant\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pVariant != NULL ); HRESULT hr; hr = pSdo->GetProperty( lPropertyID, pVariant ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { CComPtr spUnknown(pSdo); if( spUnknown == NULL ) { // Just put up an error dialog with the error string ID passed to us. ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID ); } else { CComBSTR bstrError; HRESULT hrTemp = GetLastOLEErrorDescription( spUnknown, IID_ISdo, (BSTR *) &bstrError ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, 1, bstrError ); } else { // Just put up an error dialog with the error string ID passed to us. ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID ); } } } else { if( pVariant->vt == VT_EMPTY ) { // This is not a real error -- we just need to // know that this item has not yet been initialized. return OLE_E_BLANK; } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ GetSdoBSTR Gets a BSTR from the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GetSdoBSTR( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , BSTR * pBSTR , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# GetSdoBSTR\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pBSTR != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; hr = GetSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( spVariant.vt == VT_BSTR ); // Copy the string from the variant to the BSTR pointer passed in. if( SysReAllocString( pBSTR, spVariant.bstrVal ) == FALSE ) { ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID ); } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ GetSdoBOOL Gets a BOOL from the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GetSdoBOOL( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , BOOL * pBOOL , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# GetSdoBOOL\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pBOOL != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; hr = GetSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( spVariant.vt == VT_BOOL ); // Copy the value from the variant to the BOOL pointer passed in. // We must do a quick and dirty conversion here because of the way OLE // does BOOL values. *pBOOL = ( spVariant.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE ); } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ GetSdoI4 Gets an I4 (LONG) from the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GetSdoI4( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , LONG * pI4 , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# GetSdoI4\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pI4 != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; hr = GetSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( spVariant.vt == VT_I4 ); // Copy the value from the variant to the BOOL pointer passed in. *pI4 = spVariant.lVal; } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ PutSdoVariant Writes a Variant to the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT PutSdoVariant( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , VARIANT * pVariant , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# PutSdoVariant\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pVariant != NULL ); HRESULT hr; hr = pSdo->PutProperty( lPropertyID, pVariant ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { CComPtr spUnknown(pSdo); if( spUnknown == NULL ) { // Just put up an error dialog with the error string ID passed to us. ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID, NULL, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, pConsole, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL ); } else { CComBSTR bstrError; HRESULT hrTemp = GetLastOLEErrorDescription( spUnknown, IID_ISdo, (BSTR *) &bstrError ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, 1, bstrError, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, pConsole, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL ); } else { // Just put up an error dialog with the error string ID passed to us. ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID, NULL, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, pConsole, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL ); } } } return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ PutSdoBSTR Writes a BSTR to the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT PutSdoBSTR( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , BSTR *pBSTR , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# PutSdoBSTR\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pBSTR != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; // Load the Variant with the required info. spVariant.vt = VT_BSTR; spVariant.bstrVal = SysAllocString( *pBSTR ); if( spVariant.bstrVal == NULL ) { ShowErrorDialog( hWnd, uiErrorID ); } hr = PutSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ PutSdoBOOL Writes a BOOL to the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT PutSdoBOOL( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , BOOL bValue , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# PutSdoBOOL\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; // Load the Variant with the required info. // We have to do a little mapping here because of the way Automation does BOOL's. spVariant.vt = VT_BOOL; spVariant.boolVal = ( bValue ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE ); hr = PutSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ PutSdoI4 Writes an I4 (LONG) to the SDO's and handles any error checking. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT PutSdoI4( ISdo *pSdo , LONG lPropertyID , LONG lValue , UINT uiErrorID , HWND hWnd , IConsole *pConsole ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# PutSdoI4\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pSdo != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComVariant spVariant; // Load the Variant with the required info. spVariant.vt = VT_I4; spVariant.lVal = lValue; hr = PutSdoVariant( pSdo, lPropertyID, &spVariant, uiErrorID, hWnd, pConsole ); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ GetLastOLEErrorDescription Gets an error string from an interface. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GetLastOLEErrorDescription( IUnknown *pUnknown , REFIID riid , BSTR *pbstrError ) { ATLTRACE(_T("# GetLastOLEErrorDescription\n")); // Check for preconditions: _ASSERTE( pUnknown != NULL ); HRESULT hr; CComQIPtr spSupportErrorInfo(pUnknown); if( spSupportErrorInfo == NULL ) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } hr = spSupportErrorInfo->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(riid); if( S_OK != hr ) { return E_FAIL; } CComPtr spErrorInfo; hr = GetErrorInfo( /* reserved */ 0, (IErrorInfo **) &spErrorInfo ); if( hr != S_OK || spErrorInfo == NULL ) { return E_FAIL; } hr = spErrorInfo->GetDescription( pbstrError ); return hr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ VendorsVector::VendorsVector Constructor for STL vector wrapper for the SDO's vendor list. Can throw E_FAIL or exceptions from std::vector::push_back. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VendorsVector::VendorsVector( ISdoCollection * pSdoVendors ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr spUnknown; CComPtr spEnumVariant; CComVariant spVariant; long ulCount; ULONG ulCountReceived; if( ! pSdoVendors ) { throw E_FAIL; // Is there a better error to return here? } // We check the count of items in our collection and don't bother getting the // enumerator if the count is zero. // This saves time and also helps us to avoid a bug in the the enumerator which // causes it to fail if we call next when it is empty. pSdoVendors->get_Count( & ulCount ); if( ulCount > 0 ) { // Get the enumerator for the Clients collection. hr = pSdoVendors->get__NewEnum( (IUnknown **) & spUnknown ); if( FAILED( hr ) || ! spUnknown ) { throw E_FAIL; } hr = spUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void **) &spEnumVariant ); spUnknown.Release(); if( FAILED( hr ) || ! spEnumVariant ) { throw E_FAIL; } // Get the first item. hr = spEnumVariant->Next( 1, & spVariant, &ulCountReceived ); while( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && ulCountReceived == 1 ) { // Get an sdo pointer from the variant we received. if( spVariant.vt != VT_DISPATCH || ! spVariant.pdispVal ) { _ASSERTE( FALSE ); continue; } CComPtr spSdo; hr = spVariant.pdispVal->QueryInterface( IID_ISdo, (void **) &spSdo ); spVariant.Clear(); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( FALSE ); continue; } // Get Vendor Name. hr = spSdo->GetProperty( PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &spVariant ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( FALSE ); continue; } _ASSERTE( spVariant.vt == VT_BSTR ); CComBSTR bstrVendorName = spVariant.bstrVal; spVariant.Clear(); // Get Vendor ID. hr = spSdo->GetProperty( PROPERTY_NAS_VENDOR_ID, &spVariant ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { _ASSERTE( FALSE ); continue; } _ASSERTE( spVariant.vt == VT_I4 ); LONG lVendorID = spVariant.lVal; spVariant.Clear(); // Add the vendor infor to the list of vendors. push_back( std::make_pair(bstrVendorName, lVendorID) ); // Get the next item. hr = spEnumVariant->Next( 1, & spVariant, &ulCountReceived ); } } else { // There are no items in the enumeration // Do nothing. } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ VendorsVector::VendorIDToOrdinal Given a RADIUS vendor ID, tells you the position of that vendor in the vector. --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int VendorsVector::VendorIDToOrdinal( LONG lVendorID ) { for (int i = 0; i < size() ; ++i) { if( lVendorID == operator[](i).second ) { return i; } } return 0; }