//#-------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: controller.h // // Synopsis: This file holds the declarations of the // CCollection class // // // History: 9/23/97 MKarki Created // 6/04/98 SBens Added the InfoBase class. // // Copyright (C) 1997-98 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // //#-------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _CONTROLLER_H_ #define _CONTROLLER_H_ #include "radcommon.h" #include "iasradius.h" #include "resource.h" #include "dictionary.h" #include "prevalidator.h" #include "preprocessor.h" #include "packetreceiver.h" #include "hashmd5.h" #include "hashhmac.h" #include "packetsender.h" #include "reportevent.h" #include "sendtopipe.h" #include "tunnelpassword.h" #include "ports.h" class CController: public IDispatchImpl, public IPersistPropertyBag2, public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass, private IASTraceInitializer { public: // // registry declaration for the Radius Protocol // IAS_DECLARE_REGISTRY (RadiusProtocol, 1, 0, IASRadiusLib) // // this COM Component is not aggregatable // DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CController) // // MACROS for ATL required methods // BEGIN_COM_MAP(CController) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IIasComponent) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IIasComponent) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistPropertyBag2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_FUNC(__uuidof (IRequestSource), 0, &CController::QueryInterfaceReqSrc) END_COM_MAP() // // MACRO to declare Controlling IUnknown method // DECLARE_GET_CONTROLLING_UNKNOWN() CController (VOID); ~CController (VOID); public: // // methods of IPersistPropertyBag2 interface // STDMETHOD(Load) ( /*[in]*/ IPropertyBag2 *pIPropertyBag, /*[in]*/ IErrorLog *pIErrLog ); STDMETHOD(Save) ( /*[in]*/ IPropertyBag2 *pIPropertyBag, /*[in]*/ BOOL bClearDirty, /*[in]*/ BOOL bSaveAllProperties ); STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(); // // IPersist Method // STDMETHOD (GetClassID) ( /*[out]*/ CLSID *pClsid ) { if (NULL == pClsid) return (E_FAIL); *pClsid = __uuidof (RadiusProtocol); return (S_OK); } // // IIasPropertyNotify method // STDMETHOD (OnPropertyChange)( /*[in]*/ ULONG ulProperties, /*[in]*/ ULONG *pulProperties, /*[in]*/ IPropertyBag2 *pIPropertyBag ); // // methods of IIasComponent interface // STDMETHOD(Initialize)(); STDMETHOD(Shutdown)(); STDMETHOD(GetProperty)( /*[in]*/ LONG id, /*[out]*/ VARIANT *pValue ); STDMETHOD(PutProperty)( /*[in]*/ LONG id, /*[in]*/ VARIANT *pValue ); STDMETHOD(InitNew)(); STDMETHOD (Suspend) (); STDMETHOD (Resume) (); private: CPacketReceiver *m_pCPacketReceiver; CRecvFromPipe *m_pCRecvFromPipe; CPreProcessor *m_pCPreProcessor; CPreValidator *m_pCPreValidator; CDictionary *m_pCDictionary; CClients *m_pCClients; CHashMD5 *m_pCHashMD5; CHashHmacMD5 *m_pCHashHmacMD5; CSendToPipe *m_pCSendToPipe; CPacketSender *m_pCPacketSender; CReportEvent *m_pCReportEvent; CTunnelPassword *m_pCTunnelPassword; VSAFilter *m_pCVSAFilter; IIasComponent *m_pInfoBase; // Auditor that tracks RADIUS events. CPorts m_objAuthPort; CPorts m_objAcctPort; // // here the Request servers // IRequestHandler *m_pIRequestHandler; // // here is the definition of the CRequestSource // which implements the method of the IRequestSource // interface // class CRequestSource : public IRequestSource { public: CRequestSource (CController *pCController); ~CRequestSource (); // // IUnknown methods - delegate to outer IUnknown // STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)( /*[in]*/ REFIID riid, /*[out]*/ void **ppv ) { IUnknown *pUnknown = m_pCController->GetControllingUnknown(); return (pUnknown->QueryInterface(riid,ppv)); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(void) { IUnknown *pUnknown = m_pCController->GetControllingUnknown(); return (pUnknown->AddRef()); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(void) { IUnknown *pUnknown = m_pCController->GetControllingUnknown(); return (pUnknown->Release()); } // // IDispatch methods - delegate to outer class object // STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)( /*[out]*/ UINT *pctinfo ) { return (m_pCController->GetTypeInfoCount (pctinfo)); } STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)( /*[in]*/ UINT iTInfo, /*[in]*/ LCID lcid, /*[out]*/ ITypeInfo **ppTInfo ) { return (m_pCController->GetTypeInfo (iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo)); } STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)( /*[in]*/ const IID& riid, /*[in]*/ LPOLESTR *rgszNames, /*[in]*/ UINT cNames, /*[in]*/ LCID lcid, /*[out]*/ DISPID *rgDispId) { return (m_pCController->GetIDsOfNames ( riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId ) ); } STDMETHOD(Invoke)( /*[in]*/ DISPID dispIdMember, /*[in]*/ const IID& riid, /*[in]*/ LCID lcid, /*[in]*/ WORD wFlags, /*[in/out]*/DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, /*[out]*/ VARIANT *pVarResult, /*[out]*/ EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, /*[out]*/ UINT *puArgErr ) { return (m_pCController->Invoke ( dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr ) ); } // // IRequestSource Interface method // STDMETHOD(OnRequestComplete)( /*[in]*/ IRequest *pIRequest, /*[in]*/ IASREQUESTSTATUS eStatus ); private: CController* m_pCController; }; // End of nested class CRequestSource // // this method is called when somone whants the // IRequestHandlercallback interface // static HRESULT WINAPI QueryInterfaceReqSrc ( VOID *pThis, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv, ULONG_PTR ulpValue ); // // instantiate this nested class // CRequestSource m_objCRequestSource; // // now we can call into private methods of CController // friend class CRequestSource; typedef enum _component_state_ { COMP_SHUTDOWN, COMP_UNINITIALIZED, COMP_INITIALIZED, COMP_SUSPENDED } COMPONENTSTATE, *PCOMPONENTSTATE; COMPONENTSTATE m_eRadCompState; // // this is the internal initialization method of CController class // object // HRESULT InternalInit (VOID); // // does the internal cleanup of resources // VOID InternalCleanup (VOID); }; #endif // !define _CONTROLLER_H_