#if DBG #define InternalDebugOut(_x_) DbgPrtEXPLIB _x_ #else #define InternalDebugOut(_x_) #endif #define STRICT #include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h> //#include "stdlib.h" #include "tapi.h" HINSTANCE ghTapi32 = NULL; DWORD gdwDebugLevel = 0; typedef LONG (WINAPI *TAPIPROC)(); #undef lineBlindTransfer #undef lineConfigDialog #undef lineConfigDialogEdit #undef lineDial #undef lineForward #undef lineGatherDigits #undef lineGenerateDigits #undef lineGetAddressCaps #undef lineGetAddressID #undef lineGetAddressStatus #undef lineGetCallInfo #undef lineGetDevCaps #undef lineGetDevConfig #undef lineGetIcon #undef lineGetID #undef lineGetLineDevStatus #undef lineGetRequest #undef lineGetTranslateCaps #undef lineHandoff #undef lineMakeCall #undef lineOpen #undef linePark #undef linePickup #undef linePrepareAddToConference #undef lineRedirect #undef lineSetDevConfig #undef lineSetTollList #undef lineSetupConference #undef lineSetupTransfer #undef lineTranslateAddress #undef lineUnpark #undef phoneConfigDialog #undef phoneGetButtonInfo #undef phoneGetDevCaps #undef phoneGetIcon #undef phoneGetID #undef phoneGetStatus #undef phoneSetButtonInfo #undef tapiGetLocationInfo #undef tapiRequestMakeCall #undef tapiRequestMediaCall #undef lineAddProvider #undef lineGetAppPriority #undef lineGetCountry #undef lineGetProviderList #undef lineSetAppPriority #undef lineTranslateDialog //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** #if DBG VOID DbgPrtEXPLIB( IN DWORD dwDbgLevel, IN PUCHAR lpszFormat, IN ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Formats the incoming debug message & calls DbgPrint Arguments: DbgLevel - level of message verboseness DbgMessage - printf-style format string, followed by appropriate list of arguments Return Value: --*/ { static BOOLEAN fBeenThereDoneThat = FALSE; if ( !fBeenThereDoneThat ) { HKEY hKey; gdwDebugLevel=0; if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Telephony", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD), dwDataType; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "Tapi32libDebugLevel", 0, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE)&gdwDebugLevel, &dwDataSize ); RegCloseKey (hKey); } } if (dwDbgLevel <= gdwDebugLevel) { char buf[1280] = "TAPI32.LIB: "; va_list ap; va_start(ap, lpszFormat); wvsprintf (&buf[12], lpszFormat, ap ); lstrcat (buf, "\n"); OutputDebugStringA (buf); va_end(ap); } } #endif //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG PASCAL GetTheFunctionPtr( LPSTR lpszFunction, TAPIPROC *ppfn ) { InternalDebugOut((4, "Looking for: [%s]", lpszFunction)); if ( !ghTapi32 ) { ghTapi32 = LoadLibrary("TAPI32.DLL"); // // If this failed, we won't try again // if ( 0 == ghTapi32 ) { InternalDebugOut((1, "Can't LoadLibrary(""TAPI32.DLL"") !")); ghTapi32 = (HINSTANCE)-1; } } if ( ghTapi32 != (HINSTANCE)-1 ) { *ppfn = (TAPIPROC) GetProcAddress( ghTapi32, lpszFunction ); } else { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } if ( NULL == *ppfn ) { InternalDebugOut((1, "Can't find function: [%s]", lpszFunction)); return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return 0; } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAccept( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpsUserUserInfo, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAccept", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpsUserUserInfo, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAddProvider( LPCSTR lpszProviderFilename, HWND hwndOwner, LPDWORD lpdwPermanentProviderID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAddProvider", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszProviderFilename, hwndOwner, lpdwPermanentProviderID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAddProviderA( LPCSTR lpszProviderFilename, HWND hwndOwner, LPDWORD lpdwPermanentProviderID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAddProviderA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszProviderFilename, hwndOwner, lpdwPermanentProviderID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAddProviderW( LPCWSTR lpszProviderFilename, HWND hwndOwner, LPDWORD lpdwPermanentProviderID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAddProviderW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszProviderFilename, hwndOwner, lpdwPermanentProviderID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAddToConference( HCALL hConfCall, HCALL hConsultCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAddToConference", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hConfCall, hConsultCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAgentSpecific( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAgentExtensionIDIndex, LPVOID lpParams, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAgentSpecific", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, dwAgentExtensionIDIndex, lpParams, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineAnswer( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpsUserUserInfo, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineAnswer", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpsUserUserInfo, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineBlindTransfer( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineBlindTransfer", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineBlindTransferA( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineBlindTransferA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineBlindTransferW( HCALL hCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddressW, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineBlindTransferW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddressW, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineClose( HLINE hLine ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineClose", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCompleteCall( HCALL hCall, LPDWORD lpdwCompletionID, DWORD dwCompletionMode, DWORD dwMessageID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCompleteCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpdwCompletionID, dwCompletionMode, dwMessageID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCompleteTransfer( HCALL hCall, HCALL hConsultCall, LPHCALL lphConfCall, DWORD dwTransferMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCompleteTransfer", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, hConsultCall, lphConfCall, dwTransferMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialog( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialog", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialogA( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialogA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialogW( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialogW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialogEdit( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfigIn, DWORD dwSize, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfigOut ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialogEdit", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceConfigIn, dwSize, lpDeviceConfigOut ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialogEditA( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfigIn, DWORD dwSize, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfigOut ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialogEditA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceConfigIn, dwSize, lpDeviceConfigOut ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigDialogEditW( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfigIn, DWORD dwSize, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfigOut ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigDialogEditW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceConfigIn, dwSize, lpDeviceConfigOut ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineConfigProvider( HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwPermanentProviderID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineConfigProvider", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hwndOwner, dwPermanentProviderID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCreateAgentA( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPSTR lpszAgentID, LPSTR lpszAgentPIN, LPHAGENT lphAgent ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCreateAgentA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpszAgentID, lpszAgentPIN, lphAgent ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCreateAgentW( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPWSTR lpszAgentID, LPWSTR lpszAgentPIN, LPHAGENT lphAgent ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCreateAgentW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpszAgentID, lpszAgentPIN, lphAgent ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCreateAgentSessionA( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, LPSTR lpszAgentPIN, DWORD dwWorkingAddressID, LPGUID lpGroupID, LPHAGENTSESSION lphAgentSession ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCreateAgentSessionA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, lpszAgentPIN, dwWorkingAddressID, lpGroupID, lphAgentSession ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineCreateAgentSessionW( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, LPWSTR lpszAgentPIN, DWORD dwWorkingAddressID, LPGUID lpGroupID, LPHAGENTSESSION lphAgentSession ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineCreateAgentSessionW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, lpszAgentPIN, dwWorkingAddressID, lpGroupID, lphAgentSession ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDeallocateCall( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDeallocateCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDevSpecific( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, LPVOID lpParams, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDevSpecific", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, lpParams, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDevSpecificFeature( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwFeature, LPVOID lpParams, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDevSpecificFeature", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwFeature, lpParams, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDial( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDial", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDialA( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDialA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDialW( HCALL hCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDialW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineDrop( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpsUserUserInfo, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineDrop", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpsUserUserInfo, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineForward( HLINE hLine, DWORD bAllAddresses, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEFORWARDLIST const lpForwardList, DWORD dwNumRingsNoAnswer, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineForward", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, bAllAddresses, dwAddressID, lpForwardList, dwNumRingsNoAnswer, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineForwardA( HLINE hLine, DWORD bAllAddresses, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEFORWARDLIST const lpForwardList, DWORD dwNumRingsNoAnswer, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineForwardA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, bAllAddresses, dwAddressID, lpForwardList, dwNumRingsNoAnswer, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineForwardW( HLINE hLine, DWORD bAllAddresses, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEFORWARDLIST const lpForwardList, DWORD dwNumRingsNoAnswer, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineForwardW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, bAllAddresses, dwAddressID, lpForwardList, dwNumRingsNoAnswer, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGatherDigits( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitModes, LPSTR lpsDigits, DWORD dwNumDigits, LPCSTR lpszTerminationDigits, DWORD dwFirstDigitTimeout, DWORD dwInterDigitTimeout ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGatherDigits", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitModes, lpsDigits, dwNumDigits, lpszTerminationDigits, dwFirstDigitTimeout, dwInterDigitTimeout ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGatherDigitsA( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitModes, LPSTR lpsDigits, DWORD dwNumDigits, LPCSTR lpszTerminationDigits, DWORD dwFirstDigitTimeout, DWORD dwInterDigitTimeout ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGatherDigitsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitModes, lpsDigits, dwNumDigits, lpszTerminationDigits, dwFirstDigitTimeout, dwInterDigitTimeout ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGatherDigitsW( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitModes, LPWSTR lpsDigits, DWORD dwNumDigits, LPCWSTR lpszTerminationDigits, DWORD dwFirstDigitTimeout, DWORD dwInterDigitTimeout ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGatherDigitsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitModes, lpsDigits, dwNumDigits, lpszTerminationDigits, dwFirstDigitTimeout, dwInterDigitTimeout ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGenerateDigits( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitMode, LPCSTR lpszDigits, DWORD dwDuration ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGenerateDigits", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitMode, lpszDigits, dwDuration ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGenerateDigitsA( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitMode, LPCSTR lpszDigits, DWORD dwDuration ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGenerateDigitsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitMode, lpszDigits, dwDuration ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGenerateDigitsW( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitMode, LPCWSTR lpszDigits, DWORD dwDuration ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGenerateDigitsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitMode, lpszDigits, dwDuration ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGenerateTone( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwToneMode, DWORD dwDuration, DWORD dwNumTones, LPLINEGENERATETONE const lpTones ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGenerateTone", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwToneMode, dwDuration, dwNumTones, lpTones ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressCaps( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEADDRESSCAPS lpAddressCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressCaps", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAddressID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpAddressCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressCapsA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEADDRESSCAPS lpAddressCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressCapsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAddressID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpAddressCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressCapsW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEADDRESSCAPS lpAddressCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressCapsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAddressID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpAddressCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressID( HLINE hLine, LPDWORD lpdwAddressID, DWORD dwAddressMode, LPCSTR lpsAddress, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressID", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpdwAddressID, dwAddressMode, lpsAddress, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressIDA( HLINE hLine, LPDWORD lpdwAddressID, DWORD dwAddressMode, LPCSTR lpsAddress, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressIDA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpdwAddressID, dwAddressMode, lpsAddress, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressIDW( HLINE hLine, LPDWORD lpdwAddressID, DWORD dwAddressMode, LPCWSTR lpsAddress, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressIDW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpdwAddressID, dwAddressMode, lpsAddress, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressStatus( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEADDRESSSTATUS lpAddressStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAddressStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressStatusA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEADDRESSSTATUS lpAddressStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressStatusA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAddressStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAddressStatusW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEADDRESSSTATUS lpAddressStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAddressStatusW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAddressStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentActivityListA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST lpAgentActivityList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentActivityListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentActivityList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentActivityListW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTACTIVITYLIST lpAgentActivityList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentActivityListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentActivityList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentCapsA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAppAPIVersion, LPLINEAGENTCAPS lpAgentCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentCapsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAddressID, dwAppAPIVersion, lpAgentCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentCapsW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAppAPIVersion, LPLINEAGENTCAPS lpAgentCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentCapsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAddressID, dwAppAPIVersion, lpAgentCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentGroupListA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTGROUPLIST lpAgentGroupList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentGroupListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentGroupList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentGroupListW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTGROUPLIST lpAgentGroupList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentGroupListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentGroupList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentInfo( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, LPLINEAGENTINFO lpAgentInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, lpAgentInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentSessionInfo( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENTSESSION hAgentSession, LPLINEAGENTSESSIONINFO lpAgentSessionInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentSessionInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgentSession, lpAgentSessionInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentSessionList( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, LPLINEAGENTSESSIONLIST lpAgentSessionList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentSessionList", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, lpAgentSessionList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentStatusA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTSTATUS lpAgentStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentStatusA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAgentStatusW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTSTATUS lpAgentStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAgentStatusW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAppPriority( LPCSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVARSTRING lpExtensionName, LPDWORD lpdwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAppPriority", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpExtensionName, lpdwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAppPriorityA( LPCSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVARSTRING lpExtensionName, LPDWORD lpdwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAppPriorityA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpExtensionName, lpdwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetAppPriorityW( LPCWSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVARSTRING lpExtensionName, LPDWORD lpdwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetAppPriorityW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpExtensionName, lpdwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCallInfo( HCALL hCall, LPLINECALLINFO lpCallInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCallInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCallInfoA( HCALL hCall, LPLINECALLINFO lpCallInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCallInfoA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCallInfoW( HCALL hCall, LPLINECALLINFO lpCallInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCallInfoW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCallStatus( HCALL hCall, LPLINECALLSTATUS lpCallStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCallStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetConfRelatedCalls( HCALL hCall, LPLINECALLLIST lpCallList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetConfRelatedCalls", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCountry( DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST lpLineCountryList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCountry", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwCountryID, dwAPIVersion, lpLineCountryList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCountryA( DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST lpLineCountryList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCountryA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwCountryID, dwAPIVersion, lpLineCountryList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetCountryW( DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST lpLineCountryList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetCountryW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwCountryID, dwAPIVersion, lpLineCountryList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevCaps( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEDEVCAPS lpLineDevCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevCaps", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpLineDevCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevCapsA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEDEVCAPS lpLineDevCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevCapsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpLineDevCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevCapsW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPLINEDEVCAPS lpLineDevCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevCapsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpLineDevCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevConfig( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfig, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevConfig", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevConfigA( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfig, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevConfigA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetDevConfigW( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceConfig, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetDevConfigW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetNewCalls( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwSelect, LPLINECALLLIST lpCallList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetNewCalls", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, dwSelect, lpCallList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetGroupListA( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPLINEAGENTGROUPLIST lpGroupList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetGroupListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpGroupList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetGroupListW( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPLINEAGENTGROUPLIST lpGroupList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetGroupListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpGroupList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetIcon( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetIcon", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetIconA( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetIconA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetIconW( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetIconW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetID( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwSelect, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetID", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, dwSelect, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetIDA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwSelect, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetIDA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, dwSelect, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetIDW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwSelect, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetIDW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, dwSelect, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetLineDevStatus( HLINE hLine, LPLINEDEVSTATUS lpLineDevStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetLineDevStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpLineDevStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetLineDevStatusA( HLINE hLine, LPLINEDEVSTATUS lpLineDevStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetLineDevStatusA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpLineDevStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetLineDevStatusW( HLINE hLine, LPLINEDEVSTATUS lpLineDevStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetLineDevStatusW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpLineDevStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetMessage( HLINEAPP hLineApp, LPLINEMESSAGE lpMessage, DWORD dwTimeout ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetMessage", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, lpMessage, dwTimeout ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetNumRings( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPDWORD lpdwNumRings ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetNumRings", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpdwNumRings ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetProviderList( DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINEPROVIDERLIST lpProviderList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetProviderList", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwAPIVersion, lpProviderList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetProviderListA( DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINEPROVIDERLIST lpProviderList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetProviderListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwAPIVersion, lpProviderList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetProviderListW( DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINEPROVIDERLIST lpProviderList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetProviderListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwAPIVersion, lpProviderList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetProxyStatus( // TAPI v2.2 HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAppAPIVersion, LPLINEPROXYREQUESTLIST lpLineProxyReqestList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetProxyStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAppAPIVersion, lpLineProxyReqestList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetQueueInfo( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, DWORD dwQueueID, LPLINEQUEUEINFO lpLineQueueInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetQueueInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwQueueID, lpLineQueueInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetQueueListA( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPGUID lpGroupID, LPLINEQUEUELIST lpQueueList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetQueueListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpGroupID, lpQueueList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetQueueListW( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, LPGUID lpGroupID, LPLINEQUEUELIST lpQueueList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetQueueListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpGroupID, lpQueueList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetRequest( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVOID lpRequestBuffer ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetRequest", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwRequestMode, lpRequestBuffer ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetRequestA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVOID lpRequestBuffer ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetRequestA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwRequestMode, lpRequestBuffer ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetRequestW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPVOID lpRequestBuffer ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetRequestW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwRequestMode, lpRequestBuffer ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetStatusMessages( HLINE hLine, LPDWORD lpdwLineStates, LPDWORD lpdwAddressStates ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetStatusMessages", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpdwLineStates, lpdwAddressStates ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetTranslateCaps( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINETRANSLATECAPS lpTranslateCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetTranslateCaps", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwAPIVersion, lpTranslateCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetTranslateCapsA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINETRANSLATECAPS lpTranslateCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetTranslateCapsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwAPIVersion, lpTranslateCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineGetTranslateCapsW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPLINETRANSLATECAPS lpTranslateCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineGetTranslateCapsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwAPIVersion, lpTranslateCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineHandoff( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszFileName, DWORD dwMediaMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineHandoff", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszFileName, dwMediaMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineHandoffA( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszFileName, DWORD dwMediaMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineHandoffA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszFileName, dwMediaMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineHandoffW( HCALL hCall, LPCWSTR lpszFileName, DWORD dwMediaMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineHandoffW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszFileName, dwMediaMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineHold( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineHold", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineInitialize( LPHLINEAPP lphLineApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, LINECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineInitialize", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphLineApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszAppName, lpdwNumDevs ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineInitializeExA( LPHLINEAPP lphLineApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, LINECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCSTR lpszFriendlyAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPLINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS lpLineInitializeExParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineInitializeExA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphLineApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszFriendlyAppName, lpdwNumDevs, lpdwAPIVersion, lpLineInitializeExParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineInitializeExW( LPHLINEAPP lphLineApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, LINECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCWSTR lpszFriendlyAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPLINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS lpLineInitializeExParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineInitializeExW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphLineApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszFriendlyAppName, lpdwNumDevs, lpdwAPIVersion, lpLineInitializeExParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMakeCall( HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMakeCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMakeCallA( HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMakeCallA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMakeCallW( HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMakeCallW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMonitorDigits( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwDigitModes ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMonitorDigits", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwDigitModes ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMonitorMedia( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwMediaModes ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMonitorMedia", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwMediaModes ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineMonitorTones( HCALL hCall, LPLINEMONITORTONE const lpToneList, DWORD dwNumEntries ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineMonitorTones", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpToneList, dwNumEntries ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineNegotiateAPIVersion( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPILowVersion, DWORD dwAPIHighVersion, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineNegotiateAPIVersion", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPILowVersion, dwAPIHighVersion, lpdwAPIVersion, lpExtensionID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineNegotiateExtVersion( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtLowVersion, DWORD dwExtHighVersion, LPDWORD lpdwExtVersion ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineNegotiateExtVersion", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtLowVersion, dwExtHighVersion, lpdwExtVersion ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineOpen( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPHLINE lphLine, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, DWORD_PTR dwCallbackInstance, DWORD dwPrivileges, DWORD dwMediaModes, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineOpen", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lphLine, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, dwCallbackInstance, dwPrivileges, dwMediaModes, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineOpenA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPHLINE lphLine, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, DWORD_PTR dwCallbackInstance, DWORD dwPrivileges, DWORD dwMediaModes, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineOpenA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lphLine, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, dwCallbackInstance, dwPrivileges, dwMediaModes, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineOpenW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPHLINE lphLine, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, DWORD_PTR dwCallbackInstance, DWORD dwPrivileges, DWORD dwMediaModes, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineOpenW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lphLine, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, dwCallbackInstance, dwPrivileges, dwMediaModes, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePark( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwParkMode, LPCSTR lpszDirAddress, LPVARSTRING lpNonDirAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePark", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwParkMode, lpszDirAddress, lpNonDirAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineParkA( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwParkMode, LPCSTR lpszDirAddress, LPVARSTRING lpNonDirAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineParkA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwParkMode, lpszDirAddress, lpNonDirAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineParkW( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwParkMode, LPCWSTR lpszDirAddress, LPVARSTRING lpNonDirAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineParkW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwParkMode, lpszDirAddress, lpNonDirAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePickup( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszGroupID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePickup", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, lpszGroupID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePickupA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszGroupID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePickupA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, lpszGroupID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePickupW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCWSTR lpszGroupID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePickupW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress, lpszGroupID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePrepareAddToConference( HCALL hConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePrepareAddToConference", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hConfCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePrepareAddToConferenceA( HCALL hConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePrepareAddToConferenceA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hConfCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI linePrepareAddToConferenceW( HCALL hConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "linePrepareAddToConferenceW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hConfCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineProxyMessage( HLINE hLine, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwMsg, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD dwParam3 ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineProxyMessage", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hCall, dwMsg, dwParam1, dwParam2, dwParam3 ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineProxyResponse( HLINE hLine, LPLINEPROXYREQUEST lpProxyRequest, DWORD dwResult ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineProxyResponse", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, lpProxyRequest, dwResult ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRedirect( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRedirect", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRedirectA( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRedirectA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRedirectW( HCALL hCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, DWORD dwCountryCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRedirectW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpszDestAddress, dwCountryCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRegisterRequestRecipient( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwRegistrationInstance, DWORD dwRequestMode, DWORD bEnable ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRegisterRequestRecipient", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwRegistrationInstance, dwRequestMode, bEnable ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineReleaseUserUserInfo( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineReleaseUserUserInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRemoveFromConference( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRemoveFromConference", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineRemoveProvider( DWORD dwPermanentProviderID, HWND hwndOwner ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineRemoveProvider", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwPermanentProviderID, hwndOwner ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSecureCall( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSecureCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSendUserUserInfo( HCALL hCall, LPCSTR lpsUserUserInfo, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSendUserUserInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpsUserUserInfo, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentActivity( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwActivityID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentActivity", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, dwActivityID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentGroup( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPLINEAGENTGROUPLIST lpAgentGroupList ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentGroup", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lpAgentGroupList ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, DWORD dwMeasurementPeriod ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentMeasurementPeriod", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, dwMeasurementPeriod ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentSessionState( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENTSESSION hAgentSession, DWORD dwSessionState, DWORD dwNextSessionState ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentSessionState", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgentSession, dwSessionState, dwNextSessionState ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentState( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwAgentState, DWORD dwNextAgentState ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentState", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, dwAgentState, dwNextAgentState ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAgentStateEx( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, HAGENT hAgent, DWORD dwSessionState, DWORD dwNextSessionState ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAgentStateEx", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, hAgent, dwSessionState, dwNextSessionState ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAppPriority( LPCSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPCSTR lpszExtensionName, DWORD dwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAppPriority", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpszExtensionName, dwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAppPriorityA( LPCSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPCSTR lpszExtensionName, DWORD dwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAppPriorityA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpszExtensionName, dwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAppPriorityW( LPCWSTR lpszAppFilename, DWORD dwMediaMode, LPLINEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID, DWORD dwRequestMode, LPCWSTR lpszExtensionName, DWORD dwPriority ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAppPriorityW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lpszAppFilename, dwMediaMode, lpExtensionID, dwRequestMode, lpszExtensionName, dwPriority ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetAppSpecific( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwAppSpecific ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetAppSpecific", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwAppSpecific ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCallData( HCALL hCall, LPVOID lpCallData, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCallData", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpCallData, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCallParams( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwBearerMode, DWORD dwMinRate, DWORD dwMaxRate, LPLINEDIALPARAMS const lpDialParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCallParams", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwBearerMode, dwMinRate, dwMaxRate, lpDialParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCallPrivilege( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwCallPrivilege ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCallPrivilege", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwCallPrivilege ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCallQualityOfService( HCALL hCall, LPVOID lpSendingFlowspec, DWORD dwSendingFlowspecSize, LPVOID lpReceivingFlowspec, DWORD dwReceivingFlowspecSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCallQualityOfService", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lpSendingFlowspec, dwSendingFlowspecSize, lpReceivingFlowspec, dwReceivingFlowspecSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCallTreatment( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwTreatment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCallTreatment", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwTreatment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetCurrentLocation( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwLocation ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetCurrentLocation", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwLocation ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetDevConfig( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfig, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetDevConfig", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, dwSize, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetDevConfigA( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfig, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetDevConfigA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, dwSize, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetDevConfigW( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPVOID const lpDeviceConfig, DWORD dwSize, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetDevConfigW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpDeviceConfig, dwSize, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetLineDevStatus( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwStatusToChange, DWORD fStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetLineDevStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwStatusToChange, fStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetMediaControl( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwSelect, LPLINEMEDIACONTROLDIGIT const lpDigitList, DWORD dwDigitNumEntries, LPLINEMEDIACONTROLMEDIA const lpMediaList, DWORD dwMediaNumEntries, LPLINEMEDIACONTROLTONE const lpToneList, DWORD dwToneNumEntries, LPLINEMEDIACONTROLCALLSTATE const lpCallStateList, DWORD dwCallStateNumEntries ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetMediaControl", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, dwSelect, lpDigitList, dwDigitNumEntries, lpMediaList, dwMediaNumEntries, lpToneList, dwToneNumEntries, lpCallStateList, dwCallStateNumEntries ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetMediaMode( HCALL hCall, DWORD dwMediaModes ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetMediaMode", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, dwMediaModes ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetNumRings( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, DWORD dwNumRings ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetNumRings", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, dwNumRings ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetQueueMeasurementPeriod( // TAPI v2.2 HLINE hLine, DWORD dwQueueID, DWORD dwMeasurementPeriod ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetQueueMeasurementPeriod", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwQueueID, dwMeasurementPeriod ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetStatusMessages( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwLineStates, DWORD dwAddressStates ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetStatusMessages", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwLineStates, dwAddressStates ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetTerminal( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, HCALL hCall, DWORD dwSelect, DWORD dwTerminalModes, DWORD dwTerminalID, DWORD bEnable ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetTerminal", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, hCall, dwSelect, dwTerminalModes, dwTerminalID, bEnable ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetTollList( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn, DWORD dwTollListOption ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetTollList", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lpszAddressIn, dwTollListOption ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetTollListA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn, DWORD dwTollListOption ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetTollListA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lpszAddressIn, dwTollListOption ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetTollListW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCWSTR lpszAddressInW, DWORD dwTollListOption ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetTollListW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, lpszAddressInW, dwTollListOption ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupConference( HCALL hCall, HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, DWORD dwNumParties, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupConference", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, hLine, lphConfCall, lphConsultCall, dwNumParties, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupConferenceA( HCALL hCall, HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, DWORD dwNumParties, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupConferenceA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, hLine, lphConfCall, lphConsultCall, dwNumParties, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupConferenceW( HCALL hCall, HLINE hLine, LPHCALL lphConfCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, DWORD dwNumParties, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupConferenceW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, hLine, lphConfCall, lphConsultCall, dwNumParties, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupTransfer( HCALL hCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupTransfer", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupTransferA( HCALL hCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupTransferA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSetupTransferW( HCALL hCall, LPHCALL lphConsultCall, LPLINECALLPARAMS const lpCallParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSetupTransferW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall, lphConsultCall, lpCallParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineShutdown( HLINEAPP hLineApp ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineShutdown", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineSwapHold( HCALL hActiveCall, HCALL hHeldCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineSwapHold", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hActiveCall, hHeldCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateAddress( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn, DWORD dwCard, DWORD dwTranslateOptions, LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT lpTranslateOutput ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateAddress", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, lpszAddressIn, dwCard, dwTranslateOptions, lpTranslateOutput ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateAddressA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn, DWORD dwCard, DWORD dwTranslateOptions, LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT lpTranslateOutput ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateAddressA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, lpszAddressIn, dwCard, dwTranslateOptions, lpTranslateOutput ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateAddressW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, LPCWSTR lpszAddressIn, DWORD dwCard, DWORD dwTranslateOptions, LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT lpTranslateOutput ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateAddressW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, lpszAddressIn, dwCard, dwTranslateOptions, lpTranslateOutput ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateDialog( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateDialog", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, hwndOwner, lpszAddressIn ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateDialogA( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszAddressIn ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateDialogA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, hwndOwner, lpszAddressIn ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineTranslateDialogW( HLINEAPP hLineApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, HWND hwndOwner, LPCWSTR lpszAddressIn ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineTranslateDialogW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLineApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, hwndOwner, lpszAddressIn ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineUncompleteCall( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwCompletionID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineUncompleteCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwCompletionID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineUnhold( HCALL hCall ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineUnhold", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hCall ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineUnpark( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineUnpark", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineUnparkA( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineUnparkA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI lineUnparkW( HLINE hLine, DWORD dwAddressID, LPHCALL lphCall, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "lineUnparkW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hLine, dwAddressID, lphCall, lpszDestAddress ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneClose( HPHONE hPhone ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneClose", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneConfigDialog( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneConfigDialog", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneConfigDialogA( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneConfigDialogA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneConfigDialogW( DWORD dwDeviceID, HWND hwndOwner, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneConfigDialogW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, hwndOwner, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneDevSpecific( HPHONE hPhone, LPVOID lpParams, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneDevSpecific", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpParams, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetButtonInfo( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetButtonInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetButtonInfoA( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetButtonInfoA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetButtonInfoW( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetButtonInfoW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetData( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwDataID, LPVOID lpData, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetData", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwDataID, lpData, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetDevCaps( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPPHONECAPS lpPhoneCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetDevCaps", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpPhoneCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetDevCapsA( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPPHONECAPS lpPhoneCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetDevCapsA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpPhoneCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetDevCapsW( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, LPPHONECAPS lpPhoneCaps ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetDevCapsW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, lpPhoneCaps ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetDisplay( HPHONE hPhone, LPVARSTRING lpDisplay ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetDisplay", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpDisplay ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetGain( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwHookSwitchDev, LPDWORD lpdwGain ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetGain", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwHookSwitchDev, lpdwGain ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetHookSwitch( HPHONE hPhone, LPDWORD lpdwHookSwitchDevs ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetHookSwitch", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpdwHookSwitchDevs ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetIcon( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetIcon", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetIconA( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetIconA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetIconW( DWORD dwDeviceID, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPHICON lphIcon ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetIconW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( dwDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass, lphIcon ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetID( HPHONE hPhone, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetID", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetIDA( HPHONE hPhone, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetIDA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetIDW( HPHONE hPhone, LPVARSTRING lpDeviceID, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetIDW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpDeviceID, lpszDeviceClass ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetLamp( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPDWORD lpdwLampMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetLamp", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpdwLampMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetMessage( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, LPPHONEMESSAGE lpMessage, DWORD dwTimeout ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetMessage", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, lpMessage, dwTimeout ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetRing( HPHONE hPhone, LPDWORD lpdwRingMode, LPDWORD lpdwVolume ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetRing", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpdwRingMode, lpdwVolume ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetStatus( HPHONE hPhone, LPPHONESTATUS lpPhoneStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetStatus", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpPhoneStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetStatusA( HPHONE hPhone, LPPHONESTATUS lpPhoneStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetStatusA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpPhoneStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetStatusW( HPHONE hPhone, LPPHONESTATUS lpPhoneStatus ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetStatusW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpPhoneStatus ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetStatusMessages( HPHONE hPhone, LPDWORD lpdwPhoneStates, LPDWORD lpdwButtonModes, LPDWORD lpdwButtonStates ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetStatusMessages", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, lpdwPhoneStates, lpdwButtonModes, lpdwButtonStates ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneGetVolume( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwHookSwitchDev, LPDWORD lpdwVolume ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneGetVolume", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwHookSwitchDev, lpdwVolume ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneInitialize( LPHPHONEAPP lphPhoneApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, PHONECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneInitialize", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphPhoneApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszAppName, lpdwNumDevs ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneInitializeExA( LPHPHONEAPP lphPhoneApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, PHONECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCSTR lpszFriendlyAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPPHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS lpPhoneInitializeExParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneInitializeExA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphPhoneApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszFriendlyAppName, lpdwNumDevs, lpdwAPIVersion, lpPhoneInitializeExParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneInitializeExW( LPHPHONEAPP lphPhoneApp, HINSTANCE hInstance, PHONECALLBACK lpfnCallback, LPCWSTR lpszFriendlyAppName, LPDWORD lpdwNumDevs, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPPHONEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS lpPhoneInitializeExParams ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneInitializeExW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( lphPhoneApp, hInstance, lpfnCallback, lpszFriendlyAppName, lpdwNumDevs, lpdwAPIVersion, lpPhoneInitializeExParams ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneNegotiateAPIVersion( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPILowVersion, DWORD dwAPIHighVersion, LPDWORD lpdwAPIVersion, LPPHONEEXTENSIONID lpExtensionID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneNegotiateAPIVersion", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPILowVersion, dwAPIHighVersion, lpdwAPIVersion, lpExtensionID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneNegotiateExtVersion( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtLowVersion, DWORD dwExtHighVersion, LPDWORD lpdwExtVersion ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneNegotiateExtVersion", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, dwAPIVersion, dwExtLowVersion, dwExtHighVersion, lpdwExtVersion ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneOpen( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp, DWORD dwDeviceID, LPHPHONE lphPhone, DWORD dwAPIVersion, DWORD dwExtVersion, DWORD_PTR dwCallbackInstance, DWORD dwPrivilege ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneOpen", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp, dwDeviceID, lphPhone, dwAPIVersion, dwExtVersion, dwCallbackInstance, dwPrivilege ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetButtonInfo( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO const lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetButtonInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetButtonInfoA( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO const lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetButtonInfoA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetButtonInfoW( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, LPPHONEBUTTONINFO const lpButtonInfo ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetButtonInfoW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, lpButtonInfo ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetData( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwDataID, LPVOID const lpData, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetData", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwDataID, lpData, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetDisplay( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwRow, DWORD dwColumn, LPCSTR lpsDisplay, DWORD dwSize ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetDisplay", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwRow, dwColumn, lpsDisplay, dwSize ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetGain( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwHookSwitchDev, DWORD dwGain ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetGain", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwHookSwitchDev, dwGain ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetHookSwitch( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwHookSwitchDevs, DWORD dwHookSwitchMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetHookSwitch", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwHookSwitchDevs, dwHookSwitchMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetLamp( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwButtonLampID, DWORD dwLampMode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetLamp", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwButtonLampID, dwLampMode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetRing( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwRingMode, DWORD dwVolume ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetRing", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwRingMode, dwVolume ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetStatusMessages( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwPhoneStates, DWORD dwButtonModes, DWORD dwButtonStates ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetStatusMessages", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwPhoneStates, dwButtonModes, dwButtonStates ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneSetVolume( HPHONE hPhone, DWORD dwHookSwitchDev, DWORD dwVolume ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneSetVolume", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhone, dwHookSwitchDev, dwVolume ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI phoneShutdown( HPHONEAPP hPhoneApp ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "phoneShutdown", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return PHONEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL; } return (*lpfn)( hPhoneApp ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiGetLocationInfo( LPSTR lpszCountryCode, LPSTR lpszCityCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiGetLocationInfo", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszCountryCode, lpszCityCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiGetLocationInfoA( LPSTR lpszCountryCode, LPSTR lpszCityCode ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiGetLocationInfoA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszCountryCode, lpszCityCode ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiGetLocationInfoW( LPWSTR lpszCountryCodeW, LPWSTR lpszCityCodeW ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiGetLocationInfoW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszCountryCodeW, lpszCityCodeW ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestDrop( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wRequestID ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestDrop", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( hwnd, wRequestID ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMakeCall( LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPCSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMakeCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMakeCallA( LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPCSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMakeCallA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMakeCallW( LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCWSTR lpszAppName, LPCWSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCWSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMakeCallW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMediaCall( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wRequestID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPCSTR lpDeviceID, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwSecure, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPCSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMediaCall", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( hwnd, wRequestID, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceID, dwSize, dwSecure, lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMediaCallA( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wRequestID, LPCSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPCSTR lpDeviceID, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwSecure, LPCSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCSTR lpszAppName, LPCSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMediaCallA", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( hwnd, wRequestID, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceID, dwSize, dwSecure, lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** LONG WINAPI tapiRequestMediaCallW( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wRequestID, LPCWSTR lpszDeviceClass, LPCWSTR lpDeviceID, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwSecure, LPCWSTR lpszDestAddress, LPCWSTR lpszAppName, LPCWSTR lpszCalledParty, LPCWSTR lpszComment ) { static TAPIPROC lpfn = NULL; LONG lResult; if ( lpfn == NULL ) { // // Did we have a problem? // if ( 0 != (lResult = GetTheFunctionPtr( "tapiRequestMediaCallW", &lpfn )) ) { lpfn = (TAPIPROC)-1; return lResult; } } // // Have we determined that this is a lost cause? // if ( (TAPIPROC)-1 == lpfn ) { return TAPIERR_REQUESTFAILED; } return (*lpfn)( hwnd, wRequestID, lpszDeviceClass, lpDeviceID, dwSize, dwSecure, lpszDestAddress, lpszAppName, lpszCalledParty, lpszComment ); } //************************************************************************** //************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************