/*++ Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: net\sockets\tcpcmd\iphlpapi\internal.c Abstract: Contains the private APIs exported by IPHLPAP.DLL These are exposed because of the MIB-II subagent, and to allow more flexible use of the dll Revision History: Amritansh Raghav --*/ #include "inc.h" #pragma hdrstop HANDLE AddressChangeNotification = NULL; HANDLE RouteChangeNotification = NULL; HANDLE ChangeNotificationHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; extern HANDLE g_hIPDriverHandle; extern HANDLE g_hIPGetDriverHandle; HANDLE Change6NotificationHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; extern HANDLE g_hIP6DriverHandle; extern HANDLE g_hIP6GetDriverHandle; #define ROUTE_CHANGE 0 #define ADDRESS_CHANGE 1 #define TERMINATE_EVENT 2 int ThreadCreated=0; typedef VOID (*PFNChangeHandler)(PVOID pContext); typedef VOID (*PFNChangeHandler)(PVOID pContext); DWORD NotifyRouteChangeEx( PHANDLE pHandle, LPOVERLAPPED pOverLapped, BOOL bExQueue ); typedef struct { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PVOID context; PFNChangeHandler Proc; }NotifyContext; DWORD WINAPI GetNumberOfInterfaces( PDWORD pdwNumIf ); LIST_ENTRY AddrNotifyListHead; LIST_ENTRY RouteNotifyListHead; int TCPSendIoctl( HANDLE hHandle, ulong Ioctl, void *InBuf, ulong *InBufLen, void *OutBuf, ulong *OutBufLen ); BOOL IsRouterRunning(VOID); BOOL IsRouterSettingRoutes(VOID); extern DWORD IPv4ToMibOperStatus[]; #define NUM_IPV4_OPER_STATUSES (IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL+1) DWORD InternalGetIfTable( OUT MIB_IFTABLE **ppIfTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY mqQuery; PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfo; PMIB_IFTABLE pTable; DWORD dwResult, dwOutEntrySize, i; TraceEnter("InternalGetIfTable"); *ppIfTable = NULL; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { mqQuery.dwVarId = IF_TABLE; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryGet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)&mqQuery, sizeof(MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY), (PVOID)&pInfo, &dwOutEntrySize); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetIfTable: MprAdminMIBEntryGet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIfTable"); return dwResult; } *ppIfTable = HeapAlloc(hHeap, dwAllocFlags, dwOutEntrySize); if(*ppIfTable is NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetIfTable: Allocation failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIfTable"); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); return dwResult; } CAST_MIB_INFO(pInfo, PMIB_IFTABLE, pTable); Trace3(ERR, "**pTable %x pInfo %x rgdata %x\n", pTable, pInfo, pInfo->rgbyData); CopyMemory((PVOID)(*ppIfTable), (PVOID)pTable, SIZEOF_IFTABLE(pTable->dwNumEntries)); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); } else { #endif dwResult = AllocateAndGetIfTableFromStack(ppIfTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags, TRUE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "InternalGetIfTable: AllocateAndGetIfTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIfTable"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif // // Convert operational status to the numbering space used in the // MIB RFC's. // for (i = 0; i < (*ppIfTable)->dwNumEntries; i++) { (*ppIfTable)->table[i].dwOperStatus = ((*ppIfTable)->table[i].dwOperStatus < NUM_IPV4_OPER_STATUSES) ? IPv4ToMibOperStatus[(*ppIfTable)->table[i].dwOperStatus] : IF_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } TraceLeave("InternalGetIfTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalGetIpAddrTable( OUT MIB_IPADDRTABLE **ppIpAddrTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfo; MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY mqQuery; DWORD dwResult, dwOutEntrySize; PMIB_IPADDRTABLE pTable; TraceEnter("InternalGetIpAddrTable"); *ppIpAddrTable = NULL; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { mqQuery.dwVarId = IP_ADDRTABLE; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryGet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)&mqQuery, sizeof(MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY), (PVOID)&pInfo, &dwOutEntrySize); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryGet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpAddrTable"); return dwResult; } *ppIpAddrTable = HeapAlloc(hHeap, dwAllocFlags, dwOutEntrySize); if(*ppIpAddrTable is NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; Trace1(ERR,"Allocation failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpAddrTable"); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); return dwResult; } CAST_MIB_INFO(pInfo, PMIB_IPADDRTABLE, pTable); CopyMemory((PVOID)(*ppIpAddrTable), (PVOID)pTable, SIZEOF_IPADDRTABLE(pTable->dwNumEntries)); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); } else { #endif dwResult = AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack(ppIpAddrTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetIpAddrTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpAddrTable"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("InternalGetIpAddrTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalGetIpNetTable( OUT MIB_IPNETTABLE **ppIpNetTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfo; MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY mqQuery; DWORD dwResult, dwOutEntrySize; PMIB_IPNETTABLE pTable; TraceEnter("InternalGetIpNetTable"); *ppIpNetTable = NULL; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { mqQuery.dwVarId = IP_NETTABLE; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryGet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)&mqQuery, sizeof(MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY), (PVOID)&pInfo, &dwOutEntrySize); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryGet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpNetTable"); return dwResult; } *ppIpNetTable = HeapAlloc(hHeap, dwAllocFlags, dwOutEntrySize); if(*ppIpNetTable is NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; Trace1(ERR,"Allocation failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpNetTable"); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); return dwResult; } CAST_MIB_INFO(pInfo, PMIB_IPNETTABLE, pTable); CopyMemory((PVOID)(*ppIpNetTable), (PVOID)pTable, SIZEOF_IPNETTABLE(pTable->dwNumEntries)); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); } else { #endif dwResult = AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack(ppIpNetTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags, FALSE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpNetTable"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("InternalGetIpNetTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalGetIpForwardTable( OUT MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE **ppIpForwardTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfo; MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY mqQuery; DWORD dwResult, dwOutEntrySize; PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE pTable; TraceEnter("InternalGetIpForwardTable"); *ppIpForwardTable = NULL; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning() && IsRouterSettingRoutes()) { mqQuery.dwVarId = IP_FORWARDTABLE; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryGet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)&mqQuery, sizeof(MIB_OPAQUE_QUERY), (PVOID)&pInfo, &dwOutEntrySize); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryGet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpForwardTable"); return dwResult; } *ppIpForwardTable = HeapAlloc(hHeap, dwAllocFlags, dwOutEntrySize); if(*ppIpForwardTable is NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; Trace1(ERR,"Allocation failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpForwardTable"); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); return dwResult; } CAST_MIB_INFO(pInfo, PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE, pTable); CopyMemory((PVOID)(*ppIpForwardTable), (PVOID)pTable, SIZEOF_IPFORWARDTABLE(pTable->dwNumEntries)); MprAdminMIBBufferFree((PVOID)pInfo); } else { #endif dwResult = AllocateAndGetIpForwardTableFromStack(ppIpForwardTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetIpForwardTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetIpForwardTable"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("InternalGetIpForwardTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalGetTcpTable( OUT MIB_TCPTABLE **ppTcpTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("InternalGetTcpTable"); *ppTcpTable = NULL; dwResult = AllocateAndGetTcpTableFromStack(ppTcpTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetTcpTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetTcpTable"); return dwResult; } TraceLeave("InternalGetTcpTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalGetUdpTable( OUT MIB_UDPTABLE **ppUdpTable, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwAllocFlags ) { DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("InternalGetUdpTable"); *ppUdpTable = NULL; dwResult = AllocateAndGetUdpTableFromStack(ppUdpTable, TRUE, hHeap, dwAllocFlags); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"InternalGetUdpTableFromStack failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("InternalGetUdpTable"); return dwResult; } TraceLeave("InternalGetUdpTable"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalSetIfEntry( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IFROW pIfRow = (PMIB_IFROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("SetIfEntry"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IF_ROW; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntrySet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IFROW)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntrySet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIfEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIfEntryToStack(pIfRow, FALSE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIfEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIfEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("SetIfEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalCreateIpForwardEntry( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pIpForwardRow = (PMIB_IPFORWARDROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("CreateIpForwardEntry"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning() && IsRouterSettingRoutes()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IP_FORWARDROW; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryCreate(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IPFORWARDROW)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryCreate failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("CreateIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpForwardEntryToStack(pIpForwardRow); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpForwarEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("CreateIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("CreateIpForwardEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalSetIpForwardEntry( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pIpForwardRow = (PMIB_IPFORWARDROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("SetIpForwardEntry"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning() && IsRouterSettingRoutes()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IP_FORWARDROW; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntrySet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IPFORWARDROW)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntrySet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpForwardEntryToStack(pIpForwardRow); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpForwarEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("SetIpForwardEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalDeleteIpForwardEntry( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pIpForwardRow = (PMIB_IPFORWARDROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("DeleteIpForwardEntry"); pIpForwardRow->dwForwardType = MIB_IPROUTE_TYPE_INVALID; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning() && IsRouterSettingRoutes()) { DWORD rgdwInfo[5]; PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY pIndex = (PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY)rgdwInfo; pIndex->dwVarId = IP_FORWARDROW; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[0] = pIpForwardRow->dwForwardDest; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[1] = pIpForwardRow->dwForwardProto; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[2] = pIpForwardRow->dwForwardPolicy; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[3] = pIpForwardRow->dwForwardNextHop; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryDelete(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pIndex, sizeof(rgdwInfo)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryDelete failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("DeleteIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpForwardEntryToStack(pIpForwardRow); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpForwarEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("CreateIpForwardEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("CreateIpForwardEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalSetIpStats( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPSTATS pIpStats = (PMIB_IPSTATS)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("SetIpStats"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IP_STATS; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntrySet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IPSTATS)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntrySet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpStats"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpStatsToStack(pIpStats); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpStatsToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpStats"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("SetIpStats"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalCreateIpNetEntry( IN PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPNETROW pIpNetRow = (PMIB_IPNETROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("CreateIpNetEntry"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IP_NETROW; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryCreate(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IPNETROW)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryCreate failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("CreateIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpNetEntryToStack(pIpNetRow, FALSE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpNetEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("CreateIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("CreateIpNetEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalSetIpNetEntry( PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPNETROW pIpNetRow = (PMIB_IPNETROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("SetIpNetEntry"); #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { pInfoRow->dwId = IP_NETROW; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntrySet(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pInfoRow, MIB_INFO_SIZE(MIB_IPNETROW)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntrySet failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpNetEntryToStack(pIpNetRow, FALSE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpNetEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("SetIpNetEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalDeleteIpNetEntry( PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_IPNETROW pIpNetRow = (PMIB_IPNETROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("DeleteIpNetEntry"); pIpNetRow->dwType = MIB_IPNET_TYPE_INVALID; #ifndef CHICAGO if(IsRouterRunning()) { DWORD rgdwInfo[3]; PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY pIndex = (PMIB_OPAQUE_QUERY)rgdwInfo; pIndex->dwVarId = IP_NETROW; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[0] = pIpNetRow->dwIndex; pIndex->rgdwVarIndex[1] = pIpNetRow->dwAddr; dwResult = MprAdminMIBEntryDelete(g_hMIBServer, PID_IP, IPRTRMGR_PID, (PVOID)pIndex, sizeof(rgdwInfo)); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"MprAdminMIBEntryDelete failed with error %x", dwResult); TraceLeave("DeleteIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } } else { #endif dwResult = SetIpNetEntryToStack(pIpNetRow, FALSE); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetIpNetEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("DeleteIpNetEntry"); return dwResult; } #ifndef CHICAGO } #endif TraceLeave("DeleteIpNetEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } DWORD InternalSetTcpEntry( PMIB_OPAQUE_INFO pInfoRow ) { PMIB_TCPROW pTcpRow = (PMIB_TCPROW)(pInfoRow->rgbyData); DWORD dwResult; TraceEnter("SetTcpEntry"); dwResult = SetTcpEntryToStack(pTcpRow); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"SetTcpEntryToStack failed with error %d", dwResult); TraceLeave("SetTcpEntry"); return dwResult; } TraceLeave("SetTcpEntry"); return NO_ERROR; } //#define MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH 256 DWORD OpenAdapterKey( LPSTR Name, PHKEY Key ) { DWORD dwResult; CHAR keyName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + sizeof("\\Parameters\\Tcpip") + sizeof("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\")]; // // open the handle to this adapter's TCPIP parameter key // strcpy(keyName, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"); lstrcpyn(keyName + lstrlen(keyName), Name, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(keyName, "\\Parameters\\Tcpip"); Trace1(ERR,"OpenAdapterKey: %s", keyName); dwResult = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, Key); return dwResult; } DWORD ReadRegistryDword(HKEY Key, LPSTR ParameterName, PULONG Value) { DWORD dwResult, valueLength, valueType; valueLength = sizeof(*Value); dwResult = RegQueryValueEx(Key, ParameterName, NULL, // reserved &valueType, (LPBYTE)Value, &valueLength); return dwResult; } DWORD GetAdapterIPInterfaceContext(LPSTR AdapterName, PULONG Context) { HKEY key; DWORD dwResult; if ((dwResult = OpenAdapterKey(AdapterName, &key)) != NO_ERROR) { return(dwResult); } dwResult = ReadRegistryDword(key, "IPInterfaceContext", Context); RegCloseKey(key); return(dwResult); } DWORD GetInterfaceInfo(PIP_INTERFACE_INFO pIPIfInfo, PULONG dwOutBufLen) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(_WIN95_) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else DWORD status=0; DWORD dwNumIf; DWORD dwResult; MIB_IPSTATS IpSnmpInfo; if (IsBadWritePtr(dwOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pIPIfInfo, *dwOutBufLen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } dwResult = GetIpStatsFromStack(&IpSnmpInfo); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"GetInterfaceInfo: GetIpStatsFromStack returned error %d", dwResult); return dwResult; } dwNumIf = IpSnmpInfo.dwNumIf; if(dwNumIf is 0) { Trace0(ERR,"GetInterfaceInfo: No interfaces"); return ERROR_NO_DATA; } if (dwOutBufLen == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!pIPIfInfo || (*dwOutBufLen < (ULONG)sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP)*dwNumIf)) { *dwOutBufLen = (ULONG)sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP)*(dwNumIf + OVERFLOW_COUNT); return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } Trace1(ERR, "GetInterfaceInfo: outbuflen %d", *dwOutBufLen); return TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_INTERFACE_INFO, NULL, &status, pIPIfInfo, dwOutBufLen); #endif } DWORD GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo(PIP_UNIDIRECTIONAL_ADAPTER_ADDRESS pIPIfInfo, PULONG dwOutBufLen) { DWORD status=0; if (dwOutBufLen == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_UNIDIRECTIONAL_ADAPTER_ADDRESS, NULL, &status, pIPIfInfo, dwOutBufLen); } DWORD GetIgmpList(IPAddr NTEAddr, IPAddr *pIgmpList, PULONG pdwOutBufLen) /*++ Routine Description: When pIgmpList is NULL, get the amount of space necessary to hold the group addresses joined on a given interface address. When pIgmpList is non-NULL and *pdwOutBufLen is more than 4 bytes, get the actual group addresses. Arguments: NTEAddr - Supplies the address of an interface whose multicast group information is being requested. pIgmpList - Supplies a buffer in which to put group addresses, or NULL to just request amount of space desired. pdwOutBufLen - When pIgmpList is NULL, returns the amount of space the caller should allocate to get all groups. When pIgmpList is non-NULL, supplies the size of the buffer supplied, and returns the amount of space actually used. Return Value: NO_ERROR ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if the arguments don't meet the requirements. ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if more groups are available than fit. --*/ { DWORD inlen = sizeof(IPAddr); DWORD dwStatus; if (pdwOutBufLen == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pdwOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pIgmpList == NULL) { DWORD dwSize; // // When pIgmpList is NULL, the caller is just asking for the // amount of space needed, so use pdwOutBufLen as the buffer. // dwSize = sizeof(*pdwOutBufLen); dwStatus = TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_GET_IGMPLIST, &NTEAddr, &inlen, pdwOutBufLen, &dwSize); } else { // // Otherwise the caller wants the list of groups. // if (IsBadWritePtr(pIgmpList, *pdwOutBufLen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (*pdwOutBufLen <= sizeof(ULONG)) { // // Make sure the buffer is bigger than a ULONG or we'll get // the size back, not group data. The IOCTL insures that // when the caller requests the size needed, the amount // returned will be bigger than a ULONG. // return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } dwStatus = TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_GET_IGMPLIST, &NTEAddr, &inlen, pIgmpList, pdwOutBufLen); } if (dwStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // // Callers expect ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER when *pdwOutBufLen is // too small. However, the stack actually generates a warning // (ERROR_MORE_DATA), rather than an error (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) // so that the data gets passed back to the caller. // dwStatus = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } return dwStatus; } DWORD SetBlockRoutes(IPRouteBlock *RouteBlock, PULONG poutbuflen, PULONG statusblock) { DWORD inlen; if (IsRouterRunning()) { return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (poutbuflen == NULL) { // Null pointers ? return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadReadPtr(poutbuflen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadReadPtr(RouteBlock, sizeof(IPRouteBlock))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } inlen = (RouteBlock->numofroutes * sizeof(IPRouteEntry)) + sizeof(ulong); if (IsBadReadPtr(RouteBlock, inlen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_SET_BLOCKOFROUTES, RouteBlock, &inlen, statusblock, poutbuflen); } DWORD SetRouteWithRef(IN IPRouteEntry *RouteEntry ) { DWORD inlen = sizeof(IPRouteEntry); ULONG outbuflen; if (IsRouterRunning()) { return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (IsBadReadPtr(RouteEntry, inlen)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_SET_ROUTEWITHREF, RouteEntry, &inlen, NULL, &outbuflen); } DWORD GetAdapterIndex( IN LPWSTR AdapterName, OUT PULONG IfIndex ) /*++ Routine Description: Gets the target IP interface given the name of the adapter associated with it. Arguments: AdapterName - A unicode string identifying the adapter/interface to which to add the new NTE. ifIndex - Interface index associated with the adapter name. Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS or windows error --*/ { #ifdef CHICAGO return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else int i; DWORD dwResult; IP_INTERFACE_INFO *pIPIfInfo=NULL; DWORD dwNumIf, NumAdapters; ULONG dwOutBufLen; if (AdapterName == NULL || IfIndex == NULL) { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } dwResult = GetNumberOfInterfaces(&dwNumIf); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"GetAdapterIndex: GetNumberOfInterfaces returned error %d", dwResult); return dwResult; } if(dwNumIf is 0) { Trace0(ERR,"GetAdapterIndex: No interfaces"); return ERROR_NO_DATA; } dwOutBufLen = (ULONG)sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP)*(dwNumIf + OVERFLOW_COUNT); pIPIfInfo = HeapAlloc(g_hPrivateHeap, FALSE, dwOutBufLen); if(pIPIfInfo is NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; Trace1(ERR, "GetAdapterIndex: Couldnt allocate memory. Error %d", dwResult); return dwResult; } dwResult = GetInterfaceInfo(pIPIfInfo, &dwOutBufLen); if (dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, "GetAdapterIndex: Error %d calling GetInterfaceInfo", dwResult); HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIPIfInfo); return dwResult; } // search for the adaptername within this info and return the index. NumAdapters = pIPIfInfo->NumAdapters; for (i = 0; i < (int)pIPIfInfo->NumAdapters; i++) { if (lstrcmpiW(AdapterName, pIPIfInfo->Adapter[i].Name) == 0) { break; } } if (i < (int)pIPIfInfo->NumAdapters) { *IfIndex = pIPIfInfo->Adapter[i].Index; HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIPIfInfo); return(NO_ERROR); } HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIPIfInfo); return(ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST); #endif } DWORD AddIPAddress(IPAddr Address, IPMask IpMask, DWORD IfIndex, PULONG NTEContext, PULONG NTEInstance) { #ifdef CHICAGO return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else IP_ADD_NTE_REQUEST requestBuffer; PIP_ADD_NTE_RESPONSE responseBuffer = (PIP_ADD_NTE_RESPONSE) &requestBuffer; DWORD requestBufferSize = sizeof(requestBuffer); DWORD responseBufferSize = sizeof(requestBuffer); DWORD status; // // Validate the IP address to be added. Check for // * broadcast address, // * loopback address, // * zero address, // * Class D address, // * zero subnet-broadcast address // * all-ones subnet-broadcast address // * non-contiguous mask (which we test by negating the host-order mask // and verifying that all the bits change when we add 1, i.e. that // the negation is of the form 2^n-1). // if ((Address == INADDR_BROADCAST) || ((ntohl(Address) & IN_CLASSA_NET) == (INADDR_LOOPBACK & IN_CLASSA_NET)) || (Address == 0) || (IN_CLASSD(ntohl(Address))) || ((Address & ~IpMask) == 0) || ((Address & ~IpMask) == ~IpMask) || ((~ntohl(IpMask) + 1) & ~ntohl(IpMask))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( (NTEContext == NULL) || (NTEInstance == NULL) ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(NTEContext, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(NTEInstance, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } requestBuffer.InterfaceContext = (unsigned long) IfIndex; requestBuffer.Address = Address; requestBuffer.SubnetMask = IpMask; status = TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_ADD_NTE, &requestBuffer, &requestBufferSize, responseBuffer, &responseBufferSize); if (status == NO_ERROR) { *NTEContext = (ULONG) responseBuffer->Context; *NTEInstance = responseBuffer->Instance; } else if (status == STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID) { status = ERROR_DUP_DOMAINNAME; } return(status); #endif } DWORD DeleteIPAddress(ULONG NTEContext) { #ifdef CHICAGO return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else IP_DELETE_NTE_REQUEST requestBuffer; DWORD requestBufferSize = sizeof(requestBuffer); DWORD responseBufferSize = 0; DWORD status; requestBuffer.Context = (unsigned short) NTEContext; status = TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_DELETE_NTE, &requestBuffer, &requestBufferSize, NULL, &responseBufferSize); return(status); #endif } #define DEFAULT_TTL 32 #define DEFAULT_TOS 0 #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 5000L #include #ifndef CHICAGO #include #endif BOOL GetRTT(IPAddr DestIpAddress, PULONG Rtt) { uchar FAR *Opt = (uchar FAR *)0; // Pointer to send options uint OptLength = 0; uchar Flags = 0; ulong Timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; IP_OPTION_INFORMATION SendOpts; HANDLE IcmpHandle; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY reply; char SendBuffer[32], *RcvBuffer; uint RcvSize=4096; uint SendSize = 32; uint i; DWORD numberOfReplies; if (IsBadWritePtr(Rtt, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } IcmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); if (IcmpHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(FALSE); } // // Allocate space for the response. // RcvBuffer = HeapAlloc(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvSize); if (RcvBuffer == NULL) { IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return(FALSE); } // // Initialize the send buffer pattern. // for (i = 0; i < SendSize; i++) { SendBuffer[i] = (char) ('a' + (i % 23)); } // // Initialize the send options // SendOpts.OptionsData = Opt; SendOpts.OptionsSize = (UCHAR) OptLength; SendOpts.Ttl = DEFAULT_TTL; SendOpts.Tos = DEFAULT_TOS; SendOpts.Flags = Flags; numberOfReplies = IcmpSendEcho(IcmpHandle, DestIpAddress, SendBuffer, (unsigned short) SendSize, &SendOpts, RcvBuffer, RcvSize, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (numberOfReplies) { numberOfReplies = IcmpSendEcho(IcmpHandle, DestIpAddress, SendBuffer, (unsigned short) SendSize, &SendOpts, RcvBuffer, RcvSize, Timeout); if (numberOfReplies) { reply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY) RcvBuffer; *Rtt = reply->RoundTripTime; HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return(TRUE); } } HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return(FALSE); } BOOL GetRTTAndHopCount(IPAddr DestIpAddress, PULONG HopCount, ULONG MaxHops, PULONG RTT) { DWORD numberOfReplies; uchar FAR *Opt = (uchar FAR *)0; // Pointer to send options uint OptLength = 0; uchar Flags = 0; ulong Timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; IP_OPTION_INFORMATION SendOpts; HANDLE IcmpHandle; PICMP_ECHO_REPLY reply; char SendBuffer[32], *RcvBuffer; uint RcvSize=4096; uint SendSize = 32; uint i,status; ULONG RTT1; if (!HopCount || !RTT) { return (FALSE); } if (DestIpAddress == -1L) { return(FALSE); } if (IsBadWritePtr(RTT, sizeof(ULONG))) { return (FALSE); } if (IsBadWritePtr(HopCount, sizeof(ULONG))) { return (FALSE); } IcmpHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); if (IcmpHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(FALSE); } // // Allocate space for the response. // RcvBuffer = HeapAlloc(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvSize); if (RcvBuffer == NULL) { IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return(FALSE); } // // Initialize the send buffer pattern. // for (i = 0; i < SendSize; i++) { SendBuffer[i] = (char) ('a' + (i % 23)); } // // Initialize the send options // SendOpts.OptionsData = Opt; SendOpts.OptionsSize = (UCHAR) OptLength; SendOpts.Ttl = 1; SendOpts.Tos = DEFAULT_TOS; SendOpts.Flags = Flags; while (SendOpts.Ttl <= MaxHops) { numberOfReplies = IcmpSendEcho(IcmpHandle, DestIpAddress, SendBuffer, (unsigned short) SendSize, &SendOpts, RcvBuffer, RcvSize, Timeout); if (numberOfReplies == 0) { status = GetLastError(); reply = NULL; } else { reply = (PICMP_ECHO_REPLY)RcvBuffer; status = reply->Status; } if (status == IP_SUCCESS) { *HopCount = SendOpts.Ttl; HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); if (GetRTT(DestIpAddress, &RTT1)) { *RTT = RTT1; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else if (status == IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT || status == IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT) { SendOpts.Ttl++; } else { HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return FALSE; } } HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, RcvBuffer); IcmpCloseHandle(IcmpHandle); return FALSE; } #define LOOPBACK_ADDR 0x0100007f DWORD IsLocalAddress(IPAddr InAddress) { int i; DWORD dwResult; int NumEntries; PMIB_IPADDRTABLE pIpAddrTable; PMIB_IPADDRROW pIpAddrEntry; dwResult = AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack(&pIpAddrTable, FALSE, g_hPrivateHeap, 0); if(dwResult isnot NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR,"GetIpAddrTableFromStack failed with error %x",dwResult); TraceLeave("IsLocalAddress"); return dwResult; } if (InAddress == LOOPBACK_ADDR) { HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIpAddrTable); return(NO_ERROR); } NumEntries = (*pIpAddrTable).dwNumEntries; Trace2(ERR,"IsLocalAddress number of addresses %d chking %x", NumEntries,InAddress); for (i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++) { pIpAddrEntry = &(*pIpAddrTable).table[i]; Trace1(ERR,"IsLocalAddress cmparing %x",pIpAddrEntry->dwAddr); if (pIpAddrEntry->dwAddr == (DWORD)InAddress) { HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIpAddrTable); return(NO_ERROR); } } HeapFree(g_hPrivateHeap, 0, pIpAddrTable); return(ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS); } DWORD NotifyAddrChange(HANDLE *pHandle, OVERLAPPED *pOverLapped) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD dwResult; DWORD temp; if ((pHandle != NULL) && (pOverLapped != NULL)) { Trace0(ERR, "NotifyAddressChange: overlapped request"); if (IsBadWritePtr(pHandle, sizeof(HANDLE))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOverLapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pHandle = ChangeNotificationHandle; if (*pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ Trace1(ERR, "NotifyAddressChange: CreateFile=%d", GetLastError()); return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl(*pHandle, IOCTL_IP_ADDCHANGE_NOTIFY_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, pOverLapped); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "NotifyAddrChange: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } else { // Synchronous change notification // This call will block Trace0(ERR, "NotifyAddrChange: synchronous request"); b = DeviceIoControl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_ADDCHANGE_NOTIFY_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, NULL); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "NotifyAddressChange: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } return NO_ERROR; #endif } DWORD NotifyRouteChange(HANDLE *pHandle, OVERLAPPED *pOverLapped) { return NotifyRouteChangeEx(pHandle, pOverLapped, FALSE); } DWORD NotifyRouteChangeEx( PHANDLE pHandle, LPOVERLAPPED pOverLapped, BOOL bExQueue ) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD dwResult; DWORD temp; DWORD dwIoctl; if(bExQueue) { dwIoctl = IOCTL_IP_RTCHANGE_NOTIFY_REQUEST_EX; } else { dwIoctl = IOCTL_IP_RTCHANGE_NOTIFY_REQUEST; } if ((pHandle != NULL) && (pOverLapped != NULL)) { Trace0(ERR, "NotifyRouteChange: overlapped request"); if (IsBadWritePtr(pHandle, sizeof(HANDLE))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOverLapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pHandle = ChangeNotificationHandle; if(*pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ Trace1(ERR, "NotifyRouteChange: CreateFile=%d", GetLastError()); return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl(*pHandle, dwIoctl, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, pOverLapped); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "NotifyRouteChange: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } else { // Synchronous change notification // This call will block Trace0(ERR, "NotifyRouteChange: synchronous request"); b = DeviceIoControl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, dwIoctl, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, NULL); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR, "NotifyRouteChange: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } return NO_ERROR; #endif } BOOL WINAPI CancelIPChangeNotify(LPOVERLAPPED notifyOverlapped) { BOOL b; DWORD temp, dwResult = NO_ERROR; b = DeviceIoControl(ChangeNotificationHandle, IOCTL_IP_CANCEL_CHANGE_NOTIFY, ¬ifyOverlapped, sizeof(notifyOverlapped), NULL, 0, &temp, NULL); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); } return (BOOL)(dwResult == NO_ERROR); } DWORD WINAPI EnableRouter(HANDLE *pHandle, OVERLAPPED *pOverLapped) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD dwResult; DWORD temp; if ((pHandle != NULL) && (pOverLapped != NULL)) { Trace0(ERR,"EnableRouter: overlapped request"); if (IsBadWritePtr(pHandle, sizeof(HANDLE)) || IsBadWritePtr(pOverLapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pHandle = g_hIPDriverHandle; if (*pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl( *pHandle, IOCTL_IP_ENABLE_ROUTER_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, pOverLapped ); if (!b) { return GetLastError(); } } else { Trace0(ERR,"EnableRouter: synchronous request"); b = DeviceIoControl( g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_ENABLE_ROUTER_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, NULL ); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR,"EnableRouter: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } return NO_ERROR; #endif } DWORD WINAPI UnenableRouter(OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped, LPDWORD lpdwEnableCount OPTIONAL) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD EnableCount; DWORD temp; if (lpdwEnableCount && IsBadWritePtr(lpdwEnableCount, sizeof(DWORD))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (g_hIPDriverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl( g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_UNENABLE_ROUTER_REQUEST, (PVOID)&pOverlapped, sizeof(PVOID), &EnableCount, sizeof(DWORD), &temp, NULL ); if (!b) { return GetLastError(); } if (lpdwEnableCount) { *lpdwEnableCount = EnableCount; } return NO_ERROR; #endif } DWORD WINAPI DisableMediaSense(HANDLE *pHandle, OVERLAPPED *pOverLapped) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD dwResult; DWORD temp; if ((pHandle != NULL) && (pOverLapped != NULL)) { Trace0(ERR,"DisableMediaSense: overlapped request"); if (IsBadWritePtr(pHandle, sizeof(HANDLE)) || IsBadWritePtr(pOverLapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pHandle = g_hIPDriverHandle; if (*pHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl( *pHandle, IOCTL_IP_DISABLE_MEDIA_SENSE_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, pOverLapped ); if (!b) { return GetLastError(); } } else { Trace0(ERR,"DisableMediaSense: synchronous request"); b = DeviceIoControl( g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_DISABLE_MEDIA_SENSE_REQUEST, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &temp, NULL ); if (!b) { dwResult = GetLastError(); Trace1(ERR,"DisableMediaSense: DeviceIoControl=%d", dwResult); return dwResult; } } return NO_ERROR; #endif } DWORD WINAPI RestoreMediaSense(OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped, LPDWORD lpdwEnableCount OPTIONAL) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(CHICAGO) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else BOOL b; DWORD EnableCount; DWORD temp; if (lpdwEnableCount && IsBadWritePtr(lpdwEnableCount, sizeof(DWORD))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (g_hIPDriverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } b = DeviceIoControl( g_hIPDriverHandle, IOCTL_IP_ENABLE_MEDIA_SENSE_REQUEST, (PVOID)&pOverlapped, sizeof(PVOID), &EnableCount, sizeof(DWORD), &temp, NULL ); if (!b) { return GetLastError(); } if (lpdwEnableCount) { *lpdwEnableCount = EnableCount; } return NO_ERROR; #endif } #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(_WIN95_) extern DWORD GetFixedInfoEx(PFIXED_INFO pFixedInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen); extern DWORD GetAdapterInfoEx(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen); extern DWORD GetAdapterAddressesEx(ULONG Family, DWORD Flags, PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen); #endif #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(CHICAGO) extern DWORD GetPerAdapterInfoEx(ULONG IfIndex, PIP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO pPerAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen); #endif DWORD GetNetworkParams(PFIXED_INFO pFixedInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen) { #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(_WIN95_) CheckTcpipState(); if (IsBadReadPtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pFixedInfo != NULL && IsBadWritePtr(pFixedInfo, sizeof(FIXED_INFO))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return GetFixedInfoEx(pFixedInfo, pOutBufLen); #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } DWORD GetAdaptersAddresses(ULONG Family, DWORD Flags, PVOID Reserved, PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAdapterAddresses, PULONG pOutBufLen) { #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(_WIN95_) CheckTcpipState(); if (IsBadReadPtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (Reserved != NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pAdapterAddresses != NULL && IsBadWritePtr(pAdapterAddresses, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return GetAdapterAddressesEx(Family, Flags, pAdapterAddresses, pOutBufLen); #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } DWORD GetAdaptersInfo(PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen) { #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(_WIN95_) // call the init CheckTcpipState(); if (IsBadReadPtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pAdapterInfo != NULL && IsBadWritePtr(pAdapterInfo, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return GetAdapterInfoEx(pAdapterInfo, pOutBufLen); #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } DWORD GetPerAdapterInfo(ULONG IfIndex, PIP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO pPerAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen) { #if !defined(NT4) && !defined(CHICAGO) CheckTcpipState(); if (IsBadReadPtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(pOutBufLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (pPerAdapterInfo != NULL && IsBadWritePtr(pPerAdapterInfo, sizeof(IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return GetPerAdapterInfoEx(IfIndex, pPerAdapterInfo, pOutBufLen); #else return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } extern DWORD DhcpReleaseParameters( LPWSTR AdapterName ); extern DWORD DhcpAcquireParameters( LPWSTR AdapterName); #define TCP_EXPORT_STRING_PREFIX L"\\DEVICE\\TCPIP_" DWORD IpReleaseAddress(PIP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP AdapterInfo) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(_WIN95_) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else DWORD status; if (!AdapterInfo) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadReadPtr(AdapterInfo, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #ifdef CHICAGO { // Convert the string to a widechar name WCHAR Name[11]; uint i; uint Index = AdapterInfo->Index; i = sizeof(Name)/sizeof(Name[0]); Name[--i] = L'\0'; while (i > 0 ) { Name[--i] = L'0' + (Index%10); Index /= 10; } status = DhcpReleaseParameters(Name); } #else { LPWSTR tmpstr; if (wcslen(AdapterInfo->Name) <= wcslen(TCP_EXPORT_STRING_PREFIX)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } tmpstr = AdapterInfo->Name + wcslen(TCP_EXPORT_STRING_PREFIX); __try { status = DhcpReleaseParameters(tmpstr); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } } #endif return(status); #endif } DWORD IpRenewAddress(PIP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP AdapterInfo) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(_WIN95_) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else DWORD status; if (!AdapterInfo) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadReadPtr(AdapterInfo, sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } #ifdef CHICAGO { // Convert the string to a widechar name WCHAR Name[11]; uint i; uint Index = AdapterInfo->Index; i = sizeof(Name)/sizeof(Name[0]); Name[--i] = L'\0'; while (i > 0 ) { Name[--i] = L'0' + (Index%10); Index /= 10; } status = DhcpAcquireParameters(Name); } #else { LPWSTR tmpstr; if (wcslen(AdapterInfo->Name) <= wcslen(TCP_EXPORT_STRING_PREFIX)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } tmpstr = AdapterInfo->Name + wcslen(TCP_EXPORT_STRING_PREFIX); __try { status = DhcpAcquireParameters(tmpstr); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { status = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } } #endif return(status); #endif } DWORD SendARP(IPAddr DestIP, IPAddr SrcIP, PULONG pMacAddr, PULONG PhyAddrLen) { #if defined(NT4) || defined(_WIN95_) return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #else ARP_SEND_REPLY requestBuffer; DWORD requestBufferSize = sizeof(requestBuffer); DWORD status; requestBuffer.DestAddress = DestIP; requestBuffer.SrcAddress = SrcIP; if (IsBadWritePtr(pMacAddr, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (IsBadWritePtr(PhyAddrLen, sizeof(ULONG))) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } status = TCPSendIoctl(g_hIPGetDriverHandle, IOCTL_ARP_SEND_REQUEST, &requestBuffer, &requestBufferSize, pMacAddr, PhyAddrLen); return(status); #endif }