/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: iphlpapi\namemap.c Abstract: Contains all the functions for mapping an interface name to a friendly name Revision History: AmritanR Created --*/ #include "inc.h" DWORD InitNameMappers( VOID ) { DWORD dwResult, i; // // For now all we need are the mappers for LAN, RRAS, and IP in IP // TempTable[0].hDll = NULL; TempTable[0].pfnInit = InitLanNameMapper; TempTable[0].pfnDeinit = DeinitLanNameMapper; TempTable[0].pfnMapGuid = NhiGetLanConnectionNameFromGuid; TempTable[0].pfnMapName = NhiGetGuidFromLanConnectionName; TempTable[0].pfnGetDescription = NhiGetLanConnectionDescriptionFromGuid; TempTable[1].hDll = NULL; TempTable[1].pfnInit = InitRasNameMapper; TempTable[1].pfnDeinit = DeinitRasNameMapper; TempTable[1].pfnMapGuid = NhiGetPhonebookNameFromGuid; TempTable[1].pfnMapName = NhiGetGuidFromPhonebookName; TempTable[1].pfnGetDescription = NhiGetPhonebookDescriptionFromGuid; #ifdef KSL_IPINIP TempTable[2].hDll = NULL; TempTable[2].pfnInit = InitIpIpNameMapper; TempTable[2].pfnDeinit = DeinitIpIpNameMapper; TempTable[2].pfnMapGuid = NhiGetIpIpNameFromGuid; TempTable[2].pfnMapName = NhiGetGuidFromIpIpName; TempTable[2].pfnGetDescription = NhiGetIpIpDescriptionFromGuid; #endif //KSL_IPINIP g_pNameMapperTable = TempTable; g_ulNumNameMappers = sizeof(TempTable)/sizeof(NH_NAME_MAPPER); for(i = 0; i < g_ulNumNameMappers; i++) { if(g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnInit) { dwResult = (g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnInit)(); ASSERT(dwResult == NO_ERROR); } } return NO_ERROR; } VOID DeinitNameMappers( VOID ) { ULONG i; for(i = 0; i < g_ulNumNameMappers; i++) { if(g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnDeinit) { (g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnDeinit)(); } } g_ulNumNameMappers = 0; g_pNameMapperTable = NULL; } DWORD NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid( IN GUID *pGuid, OUT PWCHAR pwszBuffer, IN OUT PULONG pulBufferSize, IN BOOL bCache, IN BOOL bRefresh ) { DWORD dwResult, i, dwCount; PIP_INTERFACE_NAME_INFO pTable; // // Obtain a table of interface information, // map the device GUID to an interface GUID, // and invoke the interface-name query routine. // dwResult = NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack(&pTable, &dwCount, TRUE, GetProcessHeap(), 0); if (dwResult != NO_ERROR) { return dwResult; } dwResult = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; for (i = 0; i < dwCount; i++) { if (IsEqualGUID(&pTable[i].DeviceGuid, pGuid)) { if (IsEqualGUID(&pTable[i].InterfaceGuid, &GUID_NULL)) { pGuid = &pTable[i].DeviceGuid; } else { pGuid = &pTable[i].InterfaceGuid; } dwResult = NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid(pGuid, pwszBuffer, pulBufferSize, bCache, bRefresh); break; } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pTable); return dwResult; } DWORD NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid( IN GUID *pGuid, OUT PWCHAR pwszBuffer, IN OUT PDWORD pdwBufferSize, IN BOOL bCache, IN BOOL bRefresh ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_NOT_FOUND, i; // // Make sure that there is a buffer and its size is enough // for (;;) { // // Call the helpers // for(i = 0; i < g_ulNumNameMappers; i++) { dwResult = g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnMapGuid(pGuid, pwszBuffer, pdwBufferSize, bRefresh, bCache); if((dwResult is NO_ERROR) || (dwResult is ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { break; } } if((dwResult is NO_ERROR) || (dwResult is ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { break; } // // So didnt match any - do the same thing again, but this time with // force a cache refresh // if(bRefresh) { break; } else { bRefresh = TRUE; } } return dwResult; } DWORD NhGetGuidFromInterfaceName( IN PWCHAR pwszBuffer, OUT GUID *pGuid, IN BOOL bCache, IN BOOL bRefresh ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_NOT_FOUND, i; // // Make sure that there is a buffer and its size is enough // for (;;) { // // Call the helpers // for(i = 0; i < g_ulNumNameMappers; i++) { dwResult = g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnMapName(pwszBuffer, pGuid, bRefresh, bCache); if(dwResult is NO_ERROR) { break; } } if(dwResult is NO_ERROR) { break; } // // So didnt match any - do the same thing again, but this time with // force a cache refresh // if(bRefresh) { break; } else { bRefresh = TRUE; } } return dwResult; } DWORD NhGetInterfaceDescriptionFromGuid( IN GUID *pGuid, OUT PWCHAR pwszBuffer, IN OUT PULONG pulBufferSize, IN BOOL bCache, IN BOOL bRefresh ) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_NOT_FOUND, i; // // Make sure that there is a buffer and its size is enough // for (;;) { // // Call the helpers // for(i = 0; i < g_ulNumNameMappers; i++) { dwResult = g_pNameMapperTable[i].pfnGetDescription(pGuid, pwszBuffer, pulBufferSize, bRefresh, bCache); if(dwResult is NO_ERROR) { break; } } if(dwResult is NO_ERROR) { break; } // // So didnt match any - do the same thing again, but this time with // force a cache refresh // if(bRefresh) { break; } else { bRefresh = TRUE; } } return dwResult; }