/* * File: packet.h * Description: This file contains function prototypes for the packet * population utility functions for the NLB KD extensions. * History: Created by shouse, 12.20.01 */ /* Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateRemoteControl(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartRC, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateICMP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartICMP, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateIGMP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartIGMP, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateTCP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartTCP, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateUDP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartUDP, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateGRE(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartGRE, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateIPSec(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartIPSec, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateIPSecControl(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStartIPSec, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateIP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStart, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateARP(PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStart, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateNLBHeartbeat(ULONG64 pPkt, PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStart, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Stores properties of a remote control packet for subsequent printing. */ VOID PopulateConvoyHeartbeat(ULONG64 pPkt, PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, ULONG ulStart, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* Description: Determines what type of data is in ethernet frame and calls function. */ VOID PopulateEthernet(ULONG64 pPkt, PUCHAR RawData, ULONG ulBufLen, PNETWORK_DATA pnd); /* This function walks the list of NDIS buffers in a packet and copies the packet data into a buffer supplied by the caller. */ ULONG ParseNDISPacket (ULONG64 pPkt, PUCHAR pRawData, ULONG pBytesRemaining, PULONG64 ppHBData);