//*************************************************************************** // // UTILS.CPP // // Module: NLB Manager (client-side exe) // // Purpose: Misc utilities // // Copyright (c)2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // // History: // // 07/25/01 JosephJ Created // //*************************************************************************** #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "wlbsutil.h" #include "private.h" #include "utils.tmh" #define szNLBMGRREG_BASE_KEY L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NLB" LPCWSTR clustermode_description( const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams ); LPCWSTR rct_description( const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams ); // default constructor // ClusterProperties::ClusterProperties() { cIP = L""; cSubnetMask = L""; #define szDEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME L"www.nlb-cluster.com" cFullInternetName = szDEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME; cNetworkAddress = L"00-00-00-00-00-00"; multicastSupportEnabled = false; remoteControlEnabled = false; password = L""; igmpSupportEnabled = false; clusterIPToMulticastIP = true; } // equality operator // bool ClusterProperties::operator==( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare ) { bool btemp1, btemp2; // Variables to pass to below function. Returned values not used return !HaveClusterPropertiesChanged(objToCompare, &btemp1, &btemp2); } // equality operator // bool ClusterProperties::HaveClusterPropertiesChanged( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare, bool *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged, bool *pbClusterIpChanged) { *pbClusterIpChanged = false; *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = false; if( cIP != objToCompare.cIP ) { *pbClusterIpChanged = true; return true; } else if ( ( cSubnetMask != objToCompare.cSubnetMask ) || ( cNetworkAddress != objToCompare.cNetworkAddress ) || ( multicastSupportEnabled != objToCompare.multicastSupportEnabled ) || ( igmpSupportEnabled != objToCompare.igmpSupportEnabled ) || ( clusterIPToMulticastIP != objToCompare.clusterIPToMulticastIP ) ) { return true; } else if ( ( cFullInternetName != objToCompare.cFullInternetName ) || ( remoteControlEnabled != objToCompare.remoteControlEnabled ) ) { *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = true; return true; } else if ( ( remoteControlEnabled == true ) && ( password != objToCompare.password ) ) { *pbOnlyClusterNameChanged = true; return true; } return false; } // inequality operator // bool ClusterProperties::operator!=( const ClusterProperties& objToCompare ) { bool btemp1, btemp2; // Variables to pass to below function. Returned values not used return HaveClusterPropertiesChanged(objToCompare, &btemp1, &btemp2); } // default constructor // HostProperties::HostProperties() { // TODO set all properties with default values. } // equality operator // bool HostProperties::operator==( const HostProperties& objToCompare ) { if( ( hIP == objToCompare.hIP ) && ( hSubnetMask == objToCompare.hSubnetMask ) && ( hID == objToCompare.hID ) && ( initialClusterStateActive == objToCompare.initialClusterStateActive ) && ( machineName == objToCompare.machineName ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // inequality operator // bool HostProperties::operator!=( const HostProperties& objToCompare ) { return !operator==(objToCompare ); } _bstr_t CommonUtils::getCIPAddressCtrlString( CIPAddressCtrl& ip ) { unsigned long addr; ip.GetAddress( addr ); PUCHAR bp = (PUCHAR) &addr; wchar_t buf[BUF_SIZE]; StringCbPrintf(buf, sizeof(buf), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", bp[3], bp[2], bp[1], bp[0] ); return _bstr_t( buf ); } void CommonUtils::fillCIPAddressCtrlString( CIPAddressCtrl& ip, const _bstr_t& ipAddress ) { // set the IPAddress control to blank if ipAddress is zero. unsigned long addr = inet_addr( ipAddress ); if( addr != 0 ) { PUCHAR bp = (PUCHAR) &addr; ip.SetAddress( bp[0], bp[1], bp[2], bp[3] ); } else { ip.ClearAddress(); } } void CommonUtils::getVectorFromSafeArray( SAFEARRAY*& stringArray, vector<_bstr_t>& strings ) { LONG count = stringArray->rgsabound[0].cElements; BSTR* pbstr; HRESULT hr; if( SUCCEEDED( SafeArrayAccessData( stringArray, ( void **) &pbstr))) { for( LONG x = 0; x < count; x++ ) { strings.push_back( pbstr[x] ); } hr = SafeArrayUnaccessData( stringArray ); } } // checkIfValid // bool MIPAddress::checkIfValid( const _bstr_t& ipAddrToCheck ) { // The validity rules are as follows // // The first byte (FB) has to be : 0 < FB < 224 && FB != 127 // Note that 127 is loopback address. // hostid portion of an address cannot be zero. // // class A range is 1 - 126. hostid portion is last 3 bytes. // class B range is 128 - 191 hostid portion is last 2 bytes // class C range is 192 - 223 hostid portion is last byte. // split up the ipAddrToCheck into its 4 bytes. // WTokens tokens; tokens.init( wstring( ipAddrToCheck ) , L"."); vector byteTokens = tokens.tokenize(); if( byteTokens.size() != 4 ) { return false; } int firstByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[0].c_str() ); int secondByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[1].c_str() ); int thirdByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() ); int fourthByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() ); // check firstByte if ( ( firstByte > 0 ) && ( firstByte < 224 ) && ( firstByte != 127 ) ) { // check that host id portion is not zero. IPClass ipClass; getIPClass( ipAddrToCheck, ipClass ); switch( ipClass ) { case classA : // last three bytes should not be zero. if( ( _wtoi( byteTokens[1].c_str() ) == 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() )== 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() )== 0 ) ) { return false; } break; case classB : // last two bytes should not be zero. if( ( _wtoi( byteTokens[2].c_str() )== 0 ) && ( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() )== 0 ) ) { return false; } break; case classC : // last byte should not be zero. if( _wtoi( byteTokens[3].c_str() ) == 0 ) { return false; } break; default : // this should not have happened. return false; break; } return true; } else { return false; } } // getDefaultSubnetMask // bool MIPAddress::getDefaultSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { // first ensure that the ip is valid. // bool isValid = checkIfValid( ipAddr ); if( isValid == false ) { return false; } // get the class to which this ip belongs. // as this determines the subnet. IPClass ipClass; getIPClass( ipAddr, ipClass ); switch( ipClass ) { case classA : subnetMask = L""; break; case classB : subnetMask = L""; break; case classC : subnetMask = L""; break; default : // this should not have happened. return false; break; } return true; } // getIPClass // bool MIPAddress::getIPClass( const _bstr_t& ipAddr, IPClass& ipClass ) { // get the first byte of the ipAddr WTokens tokens; tokens.init( wstring( ipAddr ) , L"."); vector byteTokens = tokens.tokenize(); if( byteTokens.size() == 0 ) { return false; } int firstByte = _wtoi( byteTokens[0].c_str() ); if( ( firstByte >= 1 ) && ( firstByte <= 126 ) ) { // classA ipClass = classA; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 128 ) && (firstByte <= 191 ) ) { // classB ipClass = classB; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 192 ) && (firstByte <= 223 ) ) { // classC ipClass = classC; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 224 ) && (firstByte <= 239 ) ) { // classD ipClass = classD; return true; } else if( (firstByte >= 240 ) && (firstByte <= 247 ) ) { // classE ipClass = classE; return true; } else { // invalid net portiion. return false; } } bool MIPAddress::isValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( const _bstr_t& ipAddress, const _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { if( IsValidIPAddressSubnetMaskPair( ipAddress, subnetMask ) == TRUE ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MIPAddress::isContiguousSubnetMask( const _bstr_t& subnetMask ) { if( IsContiguousSubnetMask( subnetMask ) == TRUE ) { return true; } else { return false; } } MUsingCom::MUsingCom( DWORD type ) : status( MUsingCom_SUCCESS ) { HRESULT hr; // Initialize com. hr = CoInitializeEx(0, type ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // cout << "Failed to initialize COM library" << hr << endl; status = COM_FAILURE; } } // destructor MUsingCom::~MUsingCom() { CoUninitialize(); } // getStatus MUsingCom::MUsingCom_Error MUsingCom::getStatus() { return status; } // static member definition. map< UINT, _bstr_t> ResourceString::resourceStrings; ResourceString* ResourceString::_instance = 0; // Instance // ResourceString* ResourceString::Instance() { if( _instance == 0 ) { _instance = new ResourceString; } return _instance; } // GetIDString // const _bstr_t& ResourceString::GetIDString( UINT id ) { // check if string has been loaded previously. if( resourceStrings.find( id ) == resourceStrings.end() ) { // first time load. CString str; if( str.LoadString( id ) == 0 ) { // no string mapping to this id. throw _com_error( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ); } resourceStrings[id] = str; } return resourceStrings[ id ]; } // GETRESOURCEIDSTRING // helper function. // const _bstr_t& GETRESOURCEIDSTRING( UINT id ) { return ResourceString::GetIDString( id ); } // // constructor WTokens::WTokens( wstring strToken, wstring strDelimit ) : _strToken( strToken ), _strDelimit( strDelimit ) {} // // default constructor WTokens::WTokens() {} // // destructor WTokens::~WTokens() {} // // tokenize vector WTokens::tokenize() { vector vecTokens; wchar_t* token; token = wcstok( (wchar_t *) _strToken.c_str() , _strDelimit.c_str() ); while( token != NULL ) { vecTokens.push_back( token ); token = wcstok( NULL, _strDelimit.c_str() ); } return vecTokens; } // void WTokens::init( wstring strToken, wstring strDelimit ) { _strToken = strToken; _strDelimit = strDelimit; } void GetErrorCodeText(WBEMSTATUS wStat , _bstr_t& errText ) { WCHAR rgch[128]; UINT uErr = (UINT) wStat; LPCWSTR szErr = NULL; CLocalLogger log; switch(uErr) { case WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED: szErr = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; case E_ACCESSDENIED: szErr = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); break; case 0x800706ba: // RPC service unavailable // TODO: find the constant definition for this. szErr = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_ERROR_NLB_NOT_FOUND); break; case WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: szErr = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_ERROR_INVALID_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS); break; default: log.Log(IDS_ERROR_CODE, (UINT) uErr); szErr = log.GetStringSafe(); break; } errText = szErr; } UINT NlbMgrRegReadUINT( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szName, UINT Default ) { LONG lRet; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData; DWORD dwRet; dwData = sizeof(dwRet); lRet = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle to key to query szName, NULL, // reserved &dwType, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE) &dwRet, // address of data buffer &dwData // address of data buffer size ); if ( lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || dwData != sizeof(dwData)) { dwRet = (DWORD) Default; } return (UINT) dwRet; } VOID NlbMgrRegWriteUINT( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR szName, UINT Value ) { LONG lRet; lRet = RegSetValueEx( hKey, // handle to key to set value for szName, 0, // reserved REG_DWORD, // flag for value type (BYTE*) &Value,// address of value data sizeof(Value) // size of value data ); if (lRet !=ERROR_SUCCESS) { // trace error } } HKEY NlbMgrRegCreateKey( LPCWSTR szSubKey ) { WCHAR szKey[256]; DWORD dwOptions = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; ARRAYSTRCPY(szKey, szNLBMGRREG_BASE_KEY); if (szSubKey != NULL) { if (wcslen(szSubKey)>128) { // too long. goto end; } ARRAYSTRCAT(szKey, L"\\"); ARRAYSTRCAT(szKey, szSubKey); } DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lRet; lRet = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, // handle to an open key szKey, // address of subkey name 0, // reserved L"class", // address of class string 0, // special options flag KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // desired security access NULL, // address of key security structure &hKey, // address of buffer for opened handle &dwDisposition // address of disposition value buffer ); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hKey = NULL; } end: return hKey; } void GetTimeAndDate(_bstr_t &bstrTime, _bstr_t &bstrDate) { WCHAR wszTime[128]; WCHAR wszDate[128]; ConvertTimeToTimeAndDateStrings(time(NULL), wszTime, ASIZECCH(wszTime), wszDate, ASIZECCH(wszDate)); bstrTime = _bstr_t(wszTime); bstrDate = _bstr_t(wszDate); } VOID CLocalLogger::Log( IN UINT ResourceID, // IN LPCWSTR FormatString, ... ) { DWORD dwRet; WCHAR wszFormat[2048]; WCHAR wszBuffer[2048]; HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); if (!LoadString(hInst, ResourceID, wszFormat, ASIZE(wszFormat)-1)) { TRACE_CRIT("LoadString returned 0, GetLastError() : 0x%x, Could not log message !!!", GetLastError()); goto end; } va_list arglist; va_start (arglist, ResourceID); dwRet = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, wszFormat, 0, // Message Identifier - Ignored for FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING 0, // Language Identifier wszBuffer, ASIZE(wszBuffer)-1, &arglist); va_end (arglist); if (dwRet==0) { TRACE_CRIT("FormatMessage returned error : %u, Could not log message !!!", dwRet); goto end; } UINT uLen = wcslen(wszBuffer)+1; // 1 for extra NULL if ((m_LogSize < (m_CurrentOffset+uLen))) { // // Not enough space -- we double the buffer + some extra // and copy over the old log. // UINT uNewSize = 2*m_LogSize+uLen+1024; WCHAR *pTmp = new WCHAR[uNewSize]; if (pTmp == NULL) { goto end; } if (m_CurrentOffset!=0) { CopyMemory(pTmp, m_pszLog, m_CurrentOffset*sizeof(WCHAR)); pTmp[m_CurrentOffset] = 0; } delete[] m_pszLog; m_pszLog = pTmp; m_LogSize = uNewSize; } // // Having made sure there is enough space, copy over the new stuff // CopyMemory(m_pszLog+m_CurrentOffset, wszBuffer, uLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); m_CurrentOffset += (uLen-1); // -1 for ending NULL. end: return; } VOID CLocalLogger::LogString( LPCWSTR wszBuffer ) { UINT uLen = wcslen(wszBuffer)+1; // 1 for extra NULL if ((m_LogSize < (m_CurrentOffset+uLen))) { // // Not enough space -- we double the buffer + some extra // and copy over the old log. // UINT uNewSize = 2*m_LogSize+uLen+1024; WCHAR *pTmp = new WCHAR[uNewSize]; if (pTmp == NULL) { goto end; } if (m_CurrentOffset!=0) { CopyMemory(pTmp, m_pszLog, m_CurrentOffset*sizeof(WCHAR)); pTmp[m_CurrentOffset] = 0; } delete[] m_pszLog; m_pszLog = pTmp; m_LogSize = uNewSize; } // // Having made sure there is enough space, copy over the new stuff // CopyMemory(m_pszLog+m_CurrentOffset, wszBuffer, uLen*sizeof(WCHAR)); m_CurrentOffset += (uLen-1); // -1 for ending NULL. end: return; } NLBERROR AnalyzeNlbConfiguration( IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &Cfg, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logErrors ) // // logErrors - a log of config errors // { NLBERROR nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; WBEMSTATUS wStatus; const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams = &Cfg.NlbParams; BOOL fRet = FALSE; NlbIpAddressList addrList; BOOL fError = FALSE; // // We expect NLB to be bound and have a valid configuration (i.e., // one wholse NlbParams contains initialized data). // if (!Cfg.IsValidNlbConfig()) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION); nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; goto end; } // // Make a copy of the the tcpip address list in addrList // fRet = addrList.Set(Cfg.NumIpAddresses, Cfg.pIpAddressInfo, 0); if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Unable to copy old IP address list"); nerr = NLBERR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE); fError = TRUE; goto end; } // // Check stuff related to the cluster ip and subnet. // do { UINT uClusterIp = 0; const NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pClusterIpInfo = NULL; // // Check that IP is valid // { wStatus = CfgUtilsValidateNetworkAddress( pParams->cl_ip_addr, &uClusterIp, NULL, NULL ); if (FAILED(wStatus)) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_INVALID_CIP, pParams->cl_ip_addr); nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; fError = TRUE; goto end; } } // // Check that cluster IP is present in tcpip address list // { pClusterIpInfo = addrList.Find(pParams->cl_ip_addr); if (pClusterIpInfo == NULL) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_CIP_MISSING_FROM_TCPIP, pParams->cl_ip_addr); fError = TRUE; // we keep going... } } // // Check that the cluster subnet matches what is in the tcpip address // list. // if (pClusterIpInfo != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(pParams->cl_net_mask, pClusterIpInfo->SubnetMask)) { logErrors.Log( IDS_LOG_CIP_SUBNET_MASK_MISMATCH, pParams->cl_net_mask, pClusterIpInfo->SubnetMask ); fError = TRUE; // we keep going... } } } while (FALSE); // // Check stuff related to the dedicated IP (if present) // do { const NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pDedicatedIpInfo = NULL; // // If empty dip, bail... // if (Cfg.IsBlankDedicatedIp()) { break; } // // Check that DIP doesn't match CIP // if (!_wcsicmp(pParams->cl_ip_addr, pParams->ded_ip_addr)) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_CIP_EQUAL_DIP, pParams->cl_ip_addr); fError = TRUE; } // // Check that the DIP is the 1st address in tcpip's address list. // { const NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pTmpIpInfo = NULL; pDedicatedIpInfo = addrList.Find(pParams->ded_ip_addr); if (pDedicatedIpInfo == NULL) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_DIP_MISSING_FROM_TCPIP, pParams->ded_ip_addr); fError = TRUE; // we keep going... } else { pTmpIpInfo = addrList.Find(NULL); // returns the 1st if (pTmpIpInfo != pDedicatedIpInfo) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_DIP_NOT_FIRST_IN_TCPIP, pParams->ded_ip_addr); } } } // // Check that the DIP subnet matches that in tcpip's address list. // if (pDedicatedIpInfo != NULL) { if (_wcsicmp(pParams->ded_net_mask, pDedicatedIpInfo->SubnetMask)) { logErrors.Log( IDS_LOG_DIP_SUBNET_MASK_MISMATCH, pParams->ded_net_mask, pDedicatedIpInfo->SubnetMask ); fError = TRUE; // we keep going... } } } while (FALSE); // // Check host priority // // NOTHING to do. // // // Check port rules // { WLBS_PORT_RULE *pRules = NULL; UINT NumRules=0; LPCWSTR szAllVip = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_REPORT_VIP_ALL); LPCWSTR szPrevVip = NULL; wStatus = CfgUtilGetPortRules(pParams, &pRules, &NumRules); if (FAILED(wStatus)) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_CANT_EXTRACT_PORTRULES); fError = TRUE; nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; goto end; } for (UINT u = 0; u< NumRules; u++) { LPCWSTR szVip = pRules[u].virtual_ip_addr; const NLB_IP_ADDRESS_INFO *pIpInfo = NULL; // // Skip the "all-vips" ( case... // if (!lstrcmpi(szVip, szAllVip)) { continue; } if (!lstrcmpi(szVip, L"")) { continue; } // // SKip if we've already checked this VIP (assumes the vips // are in sorted order) // if (szPrevVip != NULL && !lstrcmpi(szVip, szPrevVip)) { continue; } szPrevVip = szVip; // // Check that the VIP is present in tcpip's address list. // pIpInfo = addrList.Find(szVip); // returns the 1st if (pIpInfo == NULL) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_VIP_NOT_IN_TCPIP, szVip); fError = TRUE; // We continue... } // // Check that VIPs don't match DIPS. // { if (!lstrcmpi(szVip, pParams->ded_ip_addr)) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_PORTVIP_MATCHES_DIP, szVip); } } } } if (fError) { nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; } else { nerr = NLBERR_OK; } end: return nerr; } NLBERROR AnalyzeNlbConfigurationPair( IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &Cfg, IN const NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION &OtherCfg, IN BOOL fOtherIsCluster, IN BOOL fCheckOtherForConsistancy, OUT BOOL &fConnectivityChange, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logErrors, IN OUT CLocalLogger &logDifferences ) { NLBERROR nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; WBEMSTATUS wStatus; const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams = &Cfg.NlbParams; const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pOtherParams = &OtherCfg.NlbParams; BOOL fRet = FALSE; NlbIpAddressList addrList; NlbIpAddressList otherAddrList; BOOL fError = FALSE; BOOL fOtherChange = FALSE; fConnectivityChange = FALSE; // // We expect NLB to be bound and have a valid configuration (i.e., // one wholse NlbParams contains initialized data). // if (!Cfg.IsValidNlbConfig()) { logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION); nerr = NLBERR_INVALID_CLUSTER_SPECIFICATION; fError = TRUE; goto end; } if (!OtherCfg.IsValidNlbConfig()) { if (OtherCfg.IsNlbBound()) { // TODO: } else { // TODO: } nerr = NLBERR_OK; fConnectivityChange = TRUE; goto end; } // // Make a copy of the the tcpip address list in addrList // fRet = addrList.Set(Cfg.NumIpAddresses, Cfg.pIpAddressInfo, 0); if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Unable to copy IP address list"); nerr = NLBERR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE); fError = TRUE; goto end; } // // Make a copy of the other tcpip address list in otherAddrList // fRet = otherAddrList.Set(OtherCfg.NumIpAddresses, OtherCfg.pIpAddressInfo, 0); if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT(L"Unable to copy other IP address list"); nerr = NLBERR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; logErrors.Log(IDS_LOG_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILURE); fError = TRUE; goto end; } // // Check for changes in IP address lists // { UINT u; BOOL fWriteHeader=TRUE; // // Look for added // fWriteHeader=TRUE; for (u=0;uIpAddress); if (pOtherIpInfo == NULL) { // found a new one! fConnectivityChange = TRUE; if (fWriteHeader) { logDifferences.Log(IDS_LOG_ADDED_IPADDR_HEADER); fWriteHeader=FALSE; } logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_ADDED_IPADDR, pIpInfo->IpAddress, pIpInfo->SubnetMask ); } } // // Look for removed // fWriteHeader=TRUE; for (u=0;uIpAddress); if (pIpInfo == NULL) { // found a removed one! fConnectivityChange = TRUE; if (fWriteHeader) { logDifferences.Log(IDS_LOG_REMOVED_IPADDR_HEADER); fWriteHeader = FALSE; } logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_REMOVE_IPADDR, pOtherIpInfo->IpAddress, pOtherIpInfo->SubnetMask ); } } // // Look for modified // fWriteHeader=TRUE; for (u=0;uIpAddress); if ( pOtherIpInfo != NULL && lstrcmpi(pIpInfo->SubnetMask, pOtherIpInfo->SubnetMask)) { // found a modified one! fConnectivityChange = TRUE; if (fWriteHeader) { logDifferences.Log(IDS_LOG_MODIFIED_IPADDR_HEADER); fWriteHeader = FALSE; } logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_MODIFIED_IPADDR, pOtherIpInfo->IpAddress, pOtherIpInfo->SubnetMask, pIpInfo->SubnetMask ); } } } // // Cluster name // { if (lstrcmpi(pOtherParams->domain_name, pParams->domain_name)) { logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_MODIFIED_CLUSTER_NAME, pOtherParams->domain_name, pParams->domain_name ); fConnectivityChange = TRUE; } } // // Check for cluster traffic mode change // { BOOL fModeChange = FALSE; if (pParams->mcast_support != pOtherParams->mcast_support) { fModeChange = TRUE; } else if (pParams->mcast_support && pParams->fIGMPSupport != pOtherParams->fIGMPSupport) { fModeChange = TRUE; } if (fModeChange) { LPCWSTR szClusterMode = clustermode_description(pParams); LPCWSTR szOtherClusterMode = clustermode_description(pOtherParams); logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_MODIFIED_TRAFFIC_MODE, szOtherClusterMode, szClusterMode ); fConnectivityChange = TRUE; } } // // Check if there is change in rct or a new rct password specified... // { if (Cfg.GetRemoteControlEnabled() != OtherCfg.GetRemoteControlEnabled()) { LPCWSTR szRctDescription = rct_description(pParams); LPCWSTR szOtherRctDescription = rct_description(pOtherParams); logDifferences.Log( IDS_LOG_MODIFIED_RCT, szOtherRctDescription, szRctDescription ); fOtherChange = TRUE; } else { LPCWSTR szNewPwd = Cfg.GetNewRemoteControlPasswordRaw(); if (szNewPwd != NULL) { logDifferences.Log(IDS_LOG_NEW_RCT_PWD); fOtherChange = TRUE; } } } // // Port rules // { } nerr = NLBERR_OK; end: return nerr; } LPCWSTR clustermode_description( const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams ) { LPCWSTR szClusterMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_DETAILS_HOST_CM_UNICAST); if (pParams->mcast_support) { if (pParams->fIGMPSupport) { szClusterMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_DETAILS_HOST_CM_IGMP); } else { szClusterMode = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_DETAILS_HOST_CM_MULTI); } } return szClusterMode; } LPCWSTR rct_description( const WLBS_REG_PARAMS *pParams ) { LPCWSTR szClusterRctEnabled; if (pParams->rct_enabled) { szClusterRctEnabled = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_DETAILS_HOST_RCT_ENABLED); } else { szClusterRctEnabled = GETRESOURCEIDSTRING(IDS_DETAILS_HOST_RCT_DISABLED); } return szClusterRctEnabled; } void ProcessMsgQueue() { theApplication.ProcessMsgQueue(); } BOOL PromptForEncryptedCreds( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR szCaptionText, IN LPCWSTR szMessageText, IN OUT LPWSTR szUserName, IN UINT cchUserName, IN OUT LPWSTR szPassword, // encrypted password IN UINT cchPassword // size of szPassword ) /* Decrypts szPassword, then brings UI prompting the user to change the password, then encrypts the resultant password. */ { TRACE_INFO("-> %!FUNC!"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwRet = 0; CREDUI_INFO UiInfo; PCTSTR pszTargetName= L"%computername%"; WCHAR rgUserName[CREDUI_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; WCHAR rgClearPassword[CREDUI_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; WCHAR rgEncPassword[MAX_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; BOOL fSave = FALSE; DWORD dwFlags = 0; HRESULT hr; rgUserName[0] = 0; rgClearPassword[0] = 0; rgEncPassword[0] = 0; hr = ARRAYSTRCPY(rgUserName, szUserName); if (hr != S_OK) { TRACE_CRIT(L"rgUserName buffer too small for szUserName"); goto end; } // // Decrypt the password... // WARNING: after decryption we need to be sure to zero-out // the clear-text pwd before returning from this function. // // Special case: If enc pwd is "", we "decrypt" it to "". // if (*szPassword == 0) { *rgClearPassword = 0; fRet = TRUE; } else { fRet = CfgUtilDecryptPassword( szPassword, ASIZE(rgClearPassword), rgClearPassword ); } if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT(L"CfgUtilDecryptPassword fails! -- bailing!"); goto end; } ZeroMemory(&UiInfo, sizeof(UiInfo)); UiInfo.cbSize = sizeof(CREDUI_INFO); UiInfo.hwndParent = hWnd; UiInfo.pszMessageText = szMessageText; UiInfo.pszCaptionText = szCaptionText; UiInfo.hbmBanner = NULL; // use default. // // Specifying DO_NOT_PERSIST and GENERIC_CREDENTIALS disables all syntax // checking, so a null username can be specified. // dwFlags = CREDUI_FLAGS_DO_NOT_PERSIST | CREDUI_FLAGS_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS // | CREDUI_FLAGS_VALIDATE_USERNAME // | CREDUI_FLAGS_COMPLETE_USERNAME // | CREDUI_FLAGS_USERNAME_TARGET_CREDENTIALS ; dwRet = CredUIPromptForCredentials ( &UiInfo, pszTargetName, NULL, // Reserved 0, // dwAuthError rgUserName, ASIZE(rgUserName), rgClearPassword, ASIZE(rgClearPassword), &fSave, dwFlags ); if (dwRet != 0) { TRACE_CRIT(L"CredUIPromptForCredentials fails. dwRet = 0x%x", dwRet); fRet = FALSE; } else { if (*rgUserName == 0) { *rgEncPassword=0; // we ignore the password field in this case. fRet = TRUE; } else { // // TODO: prepend %computername% if required. // fRet = CfgUtilEncryptPassword( rgClearPassword, ASIZE(rgEncPassword), rgEncPassword ); } if (!fRet) { TRACE_CRIT("CfgUtilEncryptPassword fails"); } else { // // We want to make sure we will succeed before we overwrite // the user's passed-in buffers for username and password... // UINT uLen = wcslen(rgEncPassword); if (uLen >= cchPassword) { TRACE_CRIT(L"cchPassword is too small"); fRet = FALSE; } uLen = wcslen(rgUserName); if(uLen >= cchUserName) { TRACE_CRIT(L"cchUserName is too small"); fRet = FALSE; } } if (fRet) { (void)StringCchCopy(szPassword, cchPassword, rgEncPassword); (void)StringCchCopy(szUserName, cchUserName, rgUserName); } } end: SecureZeroMemory(rgClearPassword, sizeof(rgClearPassword)); TRACE_INFO("<- %!FUNC! returns %d", (int) fRet); return fRet; }