/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: faxsendw.h Abstract: Environment: Revision History: 10/05/99 -v-sashab- Created it. dd-mm-yy -author- description --*/ #ifndef __FAXSENDW_H_ #define __FAXSENDW_H_ #include typedef struct { DWORD dwSizeOfStruct; PFAX_COVERPAGE_INFO_EX lpCoverPageInfo; DWORD dwNumberOfRecipients; PFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpRecipientsInfo; PFAX_PERSONAL_PROFILE lpSenderInfo; BOOL bSaveSenderInfo; BOOL bUseDialingRules; BOOL bUseOutboundRouting; DWORD dwScheduleAction; SYSTEMTIME tmSchedule; DWORD dwReceiptDeliveryType; LPTSTR szReceiptDeliveryAddress; // Depending on the value of dwReceiptDeliveryType this holds: // DRT_MSGBOX: The computer name to which the message will be delivered // DRT_EMAIL: SMTP address to deliver the receipt to LPTSTR lptstrPreviewFile; // The full path to the TIFF to be used as the based for the preview (no cover page included) BOOL bShowPreview; // TRUE if the preview option should be enabled DWORD dwPageCount; // The number of pages in the preview TIFF (not including cover page). FAX_ENUM_PRIORITY_TYPE Priority; DWORD dwLastRecipientCountryId; } FAX_SEND_WIZARD_DATA,*LPFAX_SEND_WIZARD_DATA; enum { FSW_FORCE_COVERPAGE = 1, FSW_FORCE_SUBJECT_OR_NOTE = 2, FSW_USE_SCANNER = 4, FSW_USE_SCHEDULE_ACTION = 8, FSW_USE_RECEIPT = 16, FSW_USE_SEND_WIZARD = 32, FSW_RESEND_WIZARD = 64, FSW_PROPERTY_SHEET = 128, FSW_PRINT_PREVIEW_OPTION = 256 }; #endif //__FAXSENDW_H_